On Her Feet

Alessa: "... It all happened a couple of months before the school holiday. I just arrived from working my part-time job. As usual, my brother hasn't arrived home yet. It's usual for him to get home late at morning dawn after working for the cunts. But that night, he came home early. He burst into the apartment while holding a gun and shouted at me, telling me to quickly pack my clothes. I ask him what's wrong. He told me that his friends are going to kill him and we need to get out of there as quickly as possible. I asked him what he did. He ignores my question and yells at me. As we argued, suddenly, we heard someone trying to break into the apartment. My brother quickly drags me into the bathroom and locks me there. Shortly after, I heard people break into our apartment. I then heard gunshots. After the shooting stop, I can hear my brother's groaning. I also can hear those bastards shouting at him, asking him if he's planning to blow the whistle on them. They were telling him that he can't escape from them and if he doesn't tell them where he hid all of the evidence that he's going to use to expose them, they're going to hurt me and use me after they are done with him."

Mike: "Did your brother give in?"

Alessa: "He doesn't. They ended up beating him and finally killing him by shooting him."

That was brutal.

Mike: "Did they just leave you after killing your brother?"

Alessa: "No, they tried to break into the bathroom to get me. I guess they already know that I hid there."

Mike: "How did you escape them?"

Alessa: "I climbed out of the window in the bathroom and tried to go to the emergency staircase on the outside of the building."

Mike: "Wait, what floor is your apartment room on?"

Alessa: "6."

Mike: "Damn, that would be pretty scary I imagine."

Alessa: "It is."

Mike: "Did they follow you?"

Alessa: "One of them did. Before I got to the emergency stairs, one of them saw me from the bathroom window. He also climbs out of the window while shouting to his friends telling him to go down to catch me. After I finally get onto the emergency stairs, I start to run down as fast as I could. Shortly after, I heard footsteps coming from above me. I realized that the guy who had climbed out of the window was already on the stairs above me. He shouts at me, telling me to stop. He also told me that he won't hurt me. I keep running down. After I get close to the ground, I quickly jump out of the stairs right into the alley and run towards the street at the end of the alley. At the other end of the alley, I saw the rest of the group running towards me. One of them pulls out a gun and starts shooting at me. I heard 3 shots coming from behind me. His 3rd shot hit my shoulder. It made me fall to the ground. I look back to see they were starting to get close. I got up and kept running towards the street. When I got out of the alley, I turned right, heading towards the nearest police station. I remember I was shouting and asking for help from the people that are on the streets. They ignore me, none of them act. Some even told me to screw off. I looked behind to see that those people were still chasing me. They were catching up fast. That's when I decided to run through the crowded junction, hoping that I could cross it without getting hit by the traffic and letting me escape from those people."

Mike: "That doesn't sound really smart."

Alessa: "I know. But it's the only thing that I can think of to escape from those people."

Mike: "Did you manage to do it?"

Alessa: "I didn't. I ended up getting hit by a car and Instantly passed out. The next thing I know, I woke up in a hospital bed, greeted by the owner of this hotel."

Mike: "You mean ma'am Glavy?"

Alessa: "You know her?"

Mike: "Yeah, I know her. How the heck did you end up with her?"

Alessa: "The car that hit me was actually driven by one of her men, she was in the back seat when they hit me. They were the ones who took me to the hospital. They said I was in a coma for almost 2 weeks."

Mike: "How about the people who're after you? Where did they go?"

Alessa: "I don't know, they probably stopped chasing me after they saw me getting hit by a car. I'm guessing that they probably think I'm already dead."

Mike: "So you end up working here because ma'am Glavy and her men saved you?"

Alessa: "That's not quite right. I end up owing her money for my own hospital bills. That's why I end up working here."

Mike: "Oh, how much money do you owe her?"

Alessa: "It's slightly above 100k."


Mike: "Was she the one who asked you to become a prostitute here?"

Alessa: "No, I'm the one who asked her to take me in and do this job."

Mike: "Why?"

Alessa: "I just want to quickly pay my debt and get the hell out of this place. This job is the only thing that could make that happen."

Mike: "Where are you planning to go?"

Alessa: "I'll go anywhere as long as I can stay away from those bastards."

Mike: "You really think you can get away from them? What if they found out that you're still alive?"

Alessa: "At this point, I don't really care to be honest. If I were found out and they decided to kill me, then so be it."

I slowly sat back and absorbed all of the stuff that Alessa told me. Fuckin hell, why the fuck my problems always getting more complicated? Alessa puts her cigarettes down on the ashtray. She then looks at me while I hold my forehead, trying to figure out how the fuck my life choices could lead me into this mess.

Mike: "Can I ask you what that teacher did to get you involved in this?"

Alessa: "You wanna know?"

Alessa just stared at me while waiting for my answer.

Mike: "Well, you see, my brother got into a fight with some seniors at school. All of them coincidentally are the people who are responsible for killing your brother. My bro beat them so hard all of them ended up being taken to the hospital. As you might guess, the school didn't really like it. Now, I need to help Miss Shizuka to collect information and evidence so she can get your brother's case to court and help keep my bro in the school."

Alessa: " ... Did you just make that up?"

Mike: "You don't believe me?" I pull out my phone and show her videos of Jack beating up those seniors in the cafeteria. There's a lot of people who recorded the fight. And as usual, most of them were uploaded to the internet.

Mike: "You believe me now?"

Alessa: "So ... You want to be involved with all of this just to keep your brother from getting expelled? Are you dumb?"

Well, I do like to call myself a professional retard sometimes.

Alessa: "Why don't you just let your brother get expelled? It's not big of a deal right?"

Mike: "It is a big deal. You see, I view my brother's education as something that must be held on at all costs and I'm willing to risk my life for it."

Alessa: "... Does your brother really mean that much to you?"

Mike: "Of course. Don't you feel the same way towards your bro?"

Alessa: " ... If he wasn't being the selfish prick that he was ... I might be able to say the same thing." Alessa said with a slightly sad tone. I can see her mood drops down as her gloomy face turns even gloomier.

Alessa: "Are you sure you really want to be involved in all of this?" she suddenly asked me.

Mike: "Well, I haven't changed my mind."

Alessa: " ... I'll give you something that might help you and that teacher-"

Oh, now we're talking.

Alessa: "-But, before I can give it to you, I have a request that I want you to do."

Ah fuck.

Mike: "What do you want me to do?" I asked with an unenthusiastic tone.

Alessa: "I want you to help me pay my debt."

Mike: " ... did I hear that right?"

Alessa: "You hear that right."

Mike: "What makes you think I could help you pay that much money?"

Alessa: "The fact that you can pay 1000 dollars to meet me clearly tells me that you're capable of doing my request."

Mike: "I'm not a highballer like you think, Alessa. I'm just your ordinary high school student."

Alessa: "You really think I would buy that bullshit?"

Mike: "How about if you ask me something else?"

Alessa: "Take it or leave it. It's your only choice."

sigh* why the heck I am always being cornered.

Mike: "Can you at least tell me first what you're going to give me?"

Alessa: "I can't tell you what it is until you've done my request."

Mike: "How am I supposed to know if it will help me then?"

Alessa: "Rather than keep asking me questions, why don't you just do my request and find out about it yourself?"

This bitch.

Mike: "ugh ... Alright. I'll help you. But if it turns out that you were giving me dogshit, I'll take my money back, deal?"

Alessa: "Deal."

RING* the phone on the desk beside the bed rings. Alessa turns around and gets up to pick it up.

Vlad: "Alessa, you have another visitor here." Vlad said to Alessa. Alessa looks at the time on the clock.

Alessa: "Tell him to wait until I'm done with my current guest."

Vlad: "copy that."

Klek* Alessa closes the phone. She then looked at me. I think it's time for me to leave. As I am about to get up, Alessa suddenly strips and takes off her bathrobe. My eyes widen as I look at the beautiful naked girl in front of me.

Alessa: "Let's just get this over with." She told me while she walked to the bed.

Mike: "What are you doing?" I asked her.

Alessa: "I'm giving you what you paid for. Is there something wrong?" she turned around and asked me.

Mike: "We already talked for almost an hour, you know. I only paid you for an hour." I said to her after looking at my watch.

Alessa: "Are you seriously just going to spend 1000 dollars just to hear me talk?"

Mike: "I guess so." I said to her while I got up from the couch.

Mike: "My bro is waiting for me on the ground floor. I don't want to waste his time." I told her while I picked up her bathrobe and gave it to her. She just stared at me confusingly.

Alessa: "If you say so." She takes the bathrobe and wears it again.

Mike: "Btw, do you have any number that I can call to contact you?" I asked her.

Alessa: "If you want to contact me, you should just call the hotel." She said to me while she walked to the vanity desk to prepare herself for her next customer.

Mike: "Hmm, alright." I said before I walked to the door and opened it.

Alessa: "See you again, Mike." She said while busy getting ready for her next customer.

Mike: "... yeah, see you again too." I got out, closing the room door leaving Alessa with her work.