
Ding* I arrived on the ground floor, I walked out of the elevator and went to the lobby where Vlad is.

Vlad: "Ey, my friend, How did it go? Are you having fun?" Vlad greeted me at the receptionist.

Mike: "We just talked man. I ain't do anything other than that."

Vlad: "Don't lie to me, I know you didn't meet her just to talk."

Mike: "Yeah right. Btw, where's Jack?"

Vlad: "I think I saw him still eating at the bar just a couple of minutes ago. You want me to call someone there and tell him to meet you here?"

Mike: "Nah, I'll go fetch him by myself. Btw Vlad, can I ask you how the fuck you guys are ok with that deranged moral old lady employing a teenage girl as a sex worker here?"

Vlad: "Well, that's because she's our Kapitan."

Mike: "Are you kidding me?"

Vlad: "You have any problem with Alessa working as a prostitute?"

Mike: "Well of course I do man, I mean, she's a freaking teenage girl, Vlad. This shit is fucked. And I'm not just having problems with that. If people know about this, the feds will be on to you guys. We can still help you guys if you're having problems with the DEA and ATF, but the feds? Na ah man, we don't have anyone there. We can't help you if you're having problems with them.

Vlad: "You should tell that to the Kapitan herself, not me. I'm just following her orders."

Mike: "When is she free?"

Vlad: "You really want to talk to her?"

Mike: "Yeah, I'll talk to her."

Vlad: "Let me check her schedule first then."

While Vlad is busy opening a book from his pocket, I look around to see that there are not many people in the hotel. (Scattle - Visitors) At the front door, a buff tall man with cool aviator sunglasses walks inside the hotel through the front door. He takes off his sunglasses and looks at me dead in the eye. I noticed that the man looked a lot like those bikers yesterday. The man pulls out a piece of paper from his leather jacket, he looks at it and then looks at me. He let go of the paper, making it fly down on the floor. I saw a glimpse of the content of that paper. It's the police mugshot of me. The man grabbed a shotgun from his back. Everything quickly turns to slow motion for me as I realized I was about to get capped. I see the man aim his shotgun towards me in slow motion. This is it. I guess I'll die tonight. Right before he's about to pull the trigger, A hand grabbed me, pulling me behind the receptionist desk. DOR* The shotgun pellets almost hit me. In a split second, chaos engulfs the hotel lobby as multiple shots are fired from the Russians towards the man with the shotgun. The man quickly ran to take cover and take down the Russians one by one. Hotel employees appear from the hallway on the right with their guns and start to shoot Jason. Jason shoots them back by only sticking out his shotgun from the cover. After shooting them, he reloads his shotgun. Jason knows that he doesn't have much ammo left. He needs to preserve some. From the left, one of the Russians comes up to him with a knife. He quickly tackled the Russian and knocked him by hitting him with the shotgun.

Meanwhile, behind the receptionist.

Mike: "Holy shit, thanks for pulling me, man. That was fucking close." I thanked Vlad.

Vlad: "No problem my friend. I think you should get out of here, that man is probably coming for you."

Mike: "How do you know that?"

Vlad: "His name is Jason, he's the leader of the gang that you slaughtered last night"

Mike: "What? how can he still be alive?"

Vlad: "Isn't that what I'm supposed to be asking you?"

Vlad peeks out of the receptionist's desk to see that Jason is busy dealing with his comrades.

Mike: "You should go now, my friend. I'll cover your back."

Vlad: "I'll come back to help you once I get Jack."

Mike: "NO!, you should just go, my friend. That man is unstoppable!-" Suddenly, one of Vlad's comrades flew above our heads after he was thrown by Jason. Both of us peeks out of the receptionist's desk. We see Jason is coming towards us with his shotgun.


I quickly run towards the back of the hotel where the bar is. A couple of shots nearly hit me as Jason tries to shoot me with the shotgun. Vlad quickly pulls out his gun, gets up, and starts to shoot at Jason. Jason jumps to the side evading all of Vlad's shots. While he jumps, he shoots his shotgun towards Vlad, hitting him right in his left shoulder. "BLYAT" Vlad cursed. After knocking down Vlad, Jason hastily ran, chasing me into the back of the hotel while reloading his shotgun.

In the hallway, I'm running as fast as I can. Shit, shit, shit. DOR* buckshot nearly hit me as it landed on the wall beside me. I look around to see that Jason is running behind me. When he is about to shoot again, one of the Russian men jumps from a room beside him. He tried to ambush him using a knife. Jason was caught off guard and he got pinned down while trying not to get stabbed. I keep running towards the hotel bar. When I arrive at the near-empty bar, I see Jack is sleeping on the bar table while still holding a glass of liquor. This guy is unbelievable.

Mike: "JACK! WAKE UP, MAN! WE NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!." I said to him while trying to wake him.

Jack: "Uh what?" he asked half-consciously.

Mike: "There's someone trying to kill me and we need to get the hell out of here now!"


Mike: "JUST GET UP MAN, LET'S GO!" I shout to Jack. Just as we are about to leave, Suddenly, at the entrance, Jason comes in and quickly shoots his shotgun towards us. Jack pushed me away and took the shot for me. He got hit on his abdomen. He doesn't get knocked but he still falls to the ground.

Mike: "JACK! NO!" I shout. Jason aims his shotgun towards me and shoots it. I evade the shot by quickly jumping away towards the nearest cover, When Jason is about to shoot a round towards me, He sees that the bartender is about to pull his gun out, looking at this threat. He instead shoots the bartender. The bartender got knocked as he was shot in the chest. While on the ground, drunken and wounded Jack slowly pulls out his Baretta that he concealed, but before he can pull the trigger, out of reflex, Jason runs up to Jack and kicks his hand making his Baretta fly past me. Jason realized that he just made a mistake. The gun landed not far from me. I jumped out of my cover, grabbed Jack's Barretta, and aimed it towards Jason. Jason pumps his shotgun and also aims it towards me. Just when he's about to pull the trigger, Jack stabs his leg with the stiletto knife making Jason crippled and lose his balance. Jason misses the shot. DOR*DOR*DOR*DOR*DOR*DOR*DOR I shot 7 rounds. Out of all the shots, only 3 hits him. I thought Jason would instantly drop down from all of the shots that he takes. But he's still standing on his knees. While holding his pain, he pumped his shotgun once more and pointed it towards me. You gotta be shitting me. I once again, aim the Barretta and about to shoot him again.

The bar door suddenly opens. DOR* DOR* DOR* DOR* DOR* shots coming from the bar's door. It's Vlad, He shot Jason in the back multiple times. Jason finally drops onto the floor. Fuck, that was close. I looked at Vlad who was wounded in the left shoulder.

Vlad: "You okay there My friend?" he asked me.

Mike: "Yeah I'm alright, thx for saving me, man."

Vlad: "No problem." Vlad said. He approached Jason to check him.

Mike: "Is he dead yet?"

Vlad: "He's still breathing, but definitely unconscious."

Jack: "UUUUUUUUUUUghhh." Jack groans drunkenly.

I quickly came up to him and checked on him. Vlad also directed his attention towards Jack.

Vlad: "That some nasty hole you got there, Jack." said Vlad after he saw Jack's wound.

Jack: "Ughh, where am I? Am I in heaven?" he asked drunkenly.

Mike: "No you dumbfuck, we're still at the hotel bar." I reply.

I see that he's bleeding badly from the shotgun wound that he took for me. It's a nasty hole. I guess It wasn't so surprising since he was shot just a couple of meters away.

Jack: " ... that's close enough." he said while slowly closing his eyes.

Mike: "Ey-ey-ey, don't close your eyes man, stay with me okay?"

Jack: "I feel sleepy, can I sleep for a second?"

Mike: "No, you gotta stay awake, man. just keep your eyes open alright? I'll be back in a second."

I promptly take a towel and some cans of vodka from the bar table to suppress Jack's wound. I hastily try to stop the bleeding with the item that I have.

Jack: "Ouch, that's hurt." Jack casually said when I applied the vodka and the towel to his wound. Shit, the bleeding won't stop

Vlad; "I think you need to get this guy to the hospital." Vlad suggested.

Mike: "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Vlad: "Let me help you bring him to your car." Vlad said.

Mike: "Wait! What about your shoulder wound? And what about your bros? Shouldn't you help them first?"

Vlad: "It's alright my friend. You don't have to worry about me or my comrades. Let's just take your brother to your car quickly." Vlad said while we started to pick up Jack.

Jack: "HHHSSSS, arhhh ... " Jack groans as we start to pick him up.

Mike: "Sorry man, can you hold it a little longer? I promise I will get you to the hospital as fast as I could."

Jack: "I want a pizza." Jack drunkenly said.

Mike: "Vlad, can you call uncle Mario and tell him everything that just happens?" I ask him while we hastily take Jack to my car.

Vlad: "Of course my friend. I'll make sure to call him and tell him."

Mike: "Thx for the help man. I promise to bring you and your mates some pizza the next time I come to visit."

Vlad: "That would be very appreciated, my friend."