
Chief Mel: "What the hell happened here?" Ask Chief Mel to himself after seeing the state of his HQ. He just came after dealing with the riot in the prison. He gets out of his cruiser to see body bags being carried from inside the building into the hearse van. He counts the body bags that are laid on the ground beside the van. There's a total of 5 bodies. He approaches and examines them by opening the bag one by one. He realizes that all of them are his men.

Chief Mel: "Shit ... "

Frank: "What happened to these guys?" asked Frank looking at the bodies of his fellow officer.

While asking the same question in his head, Mel sees an ambulance parked not far from the front door of the HQ. On the back of the ambulance, a couple of paramedics lift a wounded policeman into the ambulance. Mel approaches him.

Chief Mel: "What the hell happened here? Who did all of this?" ask Mel to the wounded policeman.

Police: "It's Jason ... " The policemen replied.

Mel and Frank are shocked after hearing what the police just tell them.

Police: "He was looking for you and he ordered me to show him your office ... "

Chief Mel: "What did he do in my office?"

Police: "I- ..."

Paramedic: "-Sorry sir, we need to get him to the hospital asap." The paramedic said to Mel while he continued to put the dying policeman into the ambulance.

Chief Mel: "NO, Wait a second, let him answer my question first." Mel insisted.

Paramedic: "but sir, he's going to-"

Chief Mel: "Shut the fuck up! You hear me?"

The paramedics back out, letting Mel continue to ask the dying policeman.

Police: "... I don't know ... " The dying policeman answered right before he got unconscious.

Chief Mel: "Wait, what do you mean you don't know? Answer me Goddamnit!" Chief Mel keeps asking even though the dying policeman is already unconscious.

Frank: "Chief, why don't we just go to your office and see if anything changed?." Ask Frank to his Chief.

With a pissed-off face, Mel leaves the wounded policemen to be taken care of by the paramedics. He went inside the building to see that there's already a CSI team who were just about to process the crime scene. He ignores all of them and walks to the elevator. On his way to the elevator, he sees a lot of blood splattered all around the building floor. Bullet holes and shells are everywhere. After arriving on his office floor, he also sees the same things that are on the ground floor. Blood, bullet holes, shell casings. In his office, blood and papers all scattered everywhere. It's a freaking mess. Mel sorts all of the documents that Jason takes out from his desk and cabinets. He carefully inspected all of the documents while searching for what's missing.

Frank: "What did he take?" Ask Frank who stood at the door of the office.

Chief Mel: "He took the sketch ... that son of a bitch!"

Frank: "Calm down chief, it's only a sketch. We can draw it again if you want to."

Chief Mel: "I'm not worried about that. Don't you realize what will happen if he's able to find his crony killer? He will definitely find the relic! And if he finds the relic before we do, that means we are fucked!"

Frank: "Can't we just take it away from him if he does find the relic?"

Chief Mel: "How Frank? Don't you remember he's an unstoppable motherfucker? We were only able to control him for the past few years just because he still got something to lose. We better find the killer before he does. If the boss knows about this then we really are fucked."

Brrrt. Mel's phone vibrates. He pulled out his phone and looked at it.

Frank: "Who is it?"

Chief Mel: "fuck ... It's him. hello?" Mel quickly answered the phone.

Phone: "Hello, Chief Mel. How's the progress on finding that thing?"

Chief Mel: "We are eh, still working on it-"

Phone: "You haven't found any lead didn't you?"

Chief Mel: "I can explain-"

Phone: "You don't have to, I'm not calling you to discuss that right now. I Just want to give you another task regarding our friend who just illegally got out of prison."

Chief Mel: "You already know?"

Phone: "I have eyes and ears all over this city, do you really think I would be that oblivious?"

Chief Mel: " .... What do you want me to do?"

Phone: "I want you to find our friend and get rid of him. It is crucial for you to do it before he's able to give anyone information about all of this."

Chief Mel: "Alright sir. I can assure you my men will find him right away."

Phone: "You have to be quick Chief Mel, if anyone finds out about what we are doing, then I'm afraid I have no choice but to disable you, you understand that?"

Chief Mel: "O-of course."

Phone: "In addition, I want to tell you that I already put a price on our friend's head for 100k. You can get the money if you're able to do what I told you. But do mind that you'll be meeting other people who're also trying to get rid of him. If you ever meet those people, please don't get in the way of them, you hear me?"

Chief Mel: "Yes, Loud and clear, sir."

Phone: "Good then."

Chief Mel: "Wait, but how about the relic?"

Phone: "You still have to search for it."

Chief Mel: "What? I can't-"

Phone: "Do I have to repeat my word, Chief Mel?."

Chief Mel: " ... no, you don't"

Phone: "I'll be waiting for your call." klek. The mysterious man closed his phone.

Chief Mel: "... god fucking DAMN IT! FRANK!"

Frank: "Yes chief?"

Chief Mel: "Tell all of our guys to find Jason. Spread his mugshot. Also, tell everyone we will give anyone money for whoever has any information on where he is."

Frank: "But chief, how about the relic?"

Chief Mel: "Tell our forensics guy to make that sketch of that punk again, don't forget to spread his information too. I will definitely catch those sons of bitches."


Light illuminates my face periodically as I look outside through the window of big sam's Buick regal. Not long after, the car stopped in front of a normal suburban house. We finally arrived at my house.

"Thanks, Sam, be careful on your way back." I said to Big Sam in sign language. He just nods and gives me thumbs up. I got out of his car and saw him drive away. Man, I feel so tired. I should've probably just driven straight into my house rather than having to put my car back in the warehouse. I look at my watch to see the time. It's almost morning. I only have a couple of hours to sleep before I get to school. I guess I'll just sleep in the class as usual. I unlock the door and get into my house. The dark front room greeted me reminding me that I forgot to turn on the lamp. I didn't bother to turn on the lamp because soon it will be morning anyway. I close the door behind me and lock it. I walk to my room on the second floor in pitch black. I didn't need any light since I've been living here almost my whole life. You could say that I already know this house like the back of my hand. All over the house, there's a lot of religious trinkets. It's not really surprising since my mom is one hell of a devoted catholic after all.

When I walk inside my bedroom, my eyes are blinded by the light that is coming from my PC beside the window. Ah dang, did I forget to turn it off this morning? I hope the electric bill won't be that expensive. Instead of turning it off, I sat down in front of my PC and opened the browser. I open every popular social media website and start to type the name of the seniors who Jack fought. After searching for a while, I got all 6 of them. I scroll through the web page of every one of their social media and just read and look at the stuff that's on there. From the looks of it, these guys really like going to the club, there's a lot of photos of them partying and having fun with chicks. Not just that, they also seem to like to go to the casinos. I stopped scrolling after I saw Alessa's brother in one of the photos that were uploaded. In the photo, he doesn't seem to look comfortable. Everyone around him looks happy and carefree while he's looking rather ... tired. I guess he just doesn't like to party.

After scrolling for a while, I noticed that there are a couple of people who have the same kind of tattoo on their face, hand, and on the back of their palm. Those tattoos seem to be rather different from each other. What I meant by different are the style and sizes. But all of it is the same. All of the tattoos depict a greyhound dog. I'm starting to think that's some kind of gang tattoo. I save the photo, crop it, and put it in an image browser. The image browser shows me a few result photos that are similar to the tattoo. I clicked one of the photos. It redirects me to a news website. "Journalist dead, one man arrested." The headline reads. "Evan Wright, a Journalist who's famous for exposing child trafficking crime scenes in 2012 was shot to death at a family restaurant. The two suspects who gunned him down are 21-year- old Darry Dale (right) and 20-year-old Fernandez (left). The two of them are sentenced to 25 years in prison." I can see both of them have similar greyhound tattoos with the people on those seniors' social media. I noticed the article was published in February 2015. That's almost 2 years ago. I went back to the image browser to choose another photo. I clicked some. All the photos that I choose redirect me to different news websites "5 dead, street violence are on the rise", "Club mayhem, 11 dead, 3 arrested", "Drive-by shooting, 4 dead 3 arrested." I read all of the articles, see the photos, and watch the videos. From all of that, I concluded that these people are indeed a part of a group. But the thing is, in all of these articles, none mention the name of the group. I should probably ask the boys if they know who these guys are.

After reading for a while, my eyes become heavier. I look at the time at the corner screen of the monitor. yawn* I guess it's time for me to sleep. I turned off my PC and went to my bed. The only light source that illuminates my room now is my lava lamp on the shelf beside my bed and from my aquarium at the corner of the room. My stuff still laying around everywhere. There are books, clothes, shit, and other stuff. I'll probably tidy them up when mom comes home. On the wall of my bedroom, there are different kinds of posters that I put. Most of them are car posters, game posters, and some of my favorite movie posters. Overall It's just a normal bedroom for any teenage boy. I guess the only thing that isn't normal is the large south Florida map complete with citation and notation that I put on one of the sidewalls of my bedroom. I used to stare at this map for hours just to remember the roads, hidden spots and to plan my getaway. I should probably buy a new map since I bought this version right when I was 14.