The Being

Just when I was about to close my eyes, I heard noises coming from downstairs. Noises of glass and plate crashing onto the ground. I quickly jump out of my bed and take my baseball bat beside the bed. I slowly walk out of my room and walk towards the staircase at the end of the hallway. I peek down, looking at the living room. There's no one there. I continue to walk down the stairs. I walk really slow because I don't want the intruder to know that I'm coming for his ass. After walking downstairs, I went to the kitchen to check. There's no one here and I don't see any plates or glass that broke. The hell? Did I just hallucinate? Suddenly I heard noises coming from upstairs. It's the sound of a door slam. Wth? I quickly got back upstairs only to hear a girl cry from inside my bedroom. Chills run through my spine as I try to figure out wtf is going on. I quickly grab one of the crosses that my mom hangs on the wall and prepare myself to go forth. I mean, I ain't a bitch. This is my house. I don't care whether you're a ghost or a burglar. If you trespass onto my property, I'm gonna try to whoop yo ass.

Mike: "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His name.-" I said as I walked closer to my bedroom while holding the cross on my left hand and my baseball bat on my right hand.

Mike: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

I open the door slowly and peek inside. In the middle of the room, I can see there's a girl crying on her knees. Is this a dream? I thought to myself after realizing the girl looks the same as the one I encountered in my last dream. She suddenly stops crying. Now, it's just silence. The only thing I can hear is my own breathing. I slowly walked inside my room and then tried to communicate with her.

Mike: "In the name of the lord, speak your intention!" I said to her while pulling up the cross. The cross suddenly got thrown off my hand to the corner of my bedroom. Oh, ok, I guess that doesn't work. Like last time, my body got frozen. I can't move a muscle. I dropped my baseball bat involuntarily. The girl gets up, turns around, and looks at me in the eye with her full black eyes. Yup, she's definitely the girl that I encountered in my last dream. Yet again, the being who looked like Lucy walked slowly towards me. Relax Mike, this must be a dream. Even if she does something to you, you're going to be fine. On the ground, I can see my baseball starts to levitate.

She: "Stay away from us." She said before the baseball bat hit my head, waking me up from my dream. What the fuck that's all about? 'Stay away from us?' What is she talking about? My dreams are getting weird. Well, dreams are always weird but this is just eerily unnatural. I look at my digital clock to see the time. It's 6.30 am. 2 and a half hours of sleep huh? Welp, let's just hope I didn't get any cardiac arrest or brain damage in the long term from doing this shit regularly. I got up and opened my drawer to take some of my clothes before I took a shower. I realized that my clothes are all the same black hoodie, grey shirt, black pants. Damn, I wouldn't think my practical decision to buy the same clothes would bite me back like this. I need to wear something other than the same clothes that I wear on that sketch that the police have. After thinking for a little while, I decided to go to the attic to grab my dad's clothes.

It's kinda dusty in the attic. The air is kinda damp too. I turn on the light, revealing the pile of boxes that is neatly stacked to each other. I open one of the boxes that has a 'clothes' text that is written on its side. Inside it, I pull out a red puffer vest with a 'lost boys' print on its back. This Jacket looks cool. I guess that boomer do have a sense of fashion. I see that the vest has 2 sides that can be switched by flipping it inside out. One side is red with the 'lost boy' logo and one is dark green without any logo. The 2 sides are equipped with a pair of pockets. The size of those pockets is suspiciously big enough to hold a handgun inside it. I also notice that the dark green side has a lot of pockets. This is pretty neat, I can put all kinds of stuff in these pockets. Underneath the vest, there are 2 Jackets. One is a dark cyan hoodie, and one is a two-tone bomber with a white wolf Japanese print on its back. Not just jackets, I also found a pair of leather driving gloves. Huh, I never knew my dad had one of these. I put it on to try it. Yeah, it fits. I guess I'll use this the next time I go out with the mark3. I decided to bring the box to my room. I also pick up a cool cap that is hanging from a hanger pole in the attic. There are still many 'clothes' boxes that I haven't checked. I didn't check them all cuz I got barely any time to do that. I'll probably check them when I get back. After getting a shower, I end up wearing a set of my dad's clothes. Blue jeans, dark cyan hoodie, red vest, cool cap. Yup, shits look fresh. It is a little bit too big but feels alright. After I finished getting prepared, I got out of my house and skated my way to school. I know I shouldn't be skating since my head feels dizzy as fuck. But I might as well get hit by a car and take the hospital leave at this point.

After passing a couple of houses, I see a crowd of people gather in front of my neighbor's house. It's Miss Jane's house. I see police coming out of her house while carrying a body bag into the ambulance that is already on the street. I keep skating forward passing the scene, ignoring what happened. Another homicide? It's only been a couple of months since the last one happened in this neighborhood. I shouldn't be surprised though, this shit happens regularly. I think I'm just the one who can't really get used to this kind of routine.