School Is Just A Daycare

Mrs. Debby: "Michael, wake up sweetie. It's time for you to wake up."

Mike: "eh wha? . . . ."

Mrs. Debby: "you know you can't sleep on the class sweetie."

Mike: "um, sorry ma'am."

Mrs.: "Did you stay up late again to study?"

Mike: "Oh yeah, absolutely ma'am."

Mrs. Debby: "That's good to hear. Well, if you're planning to keep sleeping in my class then I suggest you GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLASS YOU LAZY PIECE OF SHIT, YOU HEAR ME?"

Mike: "Clear as a bell ma'am."

Mrs. Debby: "GOOD. Now, why don't you go to the front of the class and show your friends how to solve the problem on the whiteboard with the knowledge you gain from staying up all night."

sigh* shit. I woke up and prepared myself to go to the front of the class by taking a piece of paper and a pen to help me calculate the psychs problem.

Mrs. Debby: "C'mon chop-chop, we don't have much time until lunch break."

I reluctantly go forward to solve the problem that is written on the whiteboard. I look at the whiteboard for a full minute only to realize that Miss Debby is one of the most uncreative teachers I ever met.

Mrs. Debby: "What's the matter, Mr.Spencer? Are you having a hard time solving the problem?"

I ignore her and quickly write the answer for the problem.

Mike: "Here, It's done. Can I go back to my seat?"

Mrs. Debby: "Wait! You must explain how you came up with your answer."

Mike: "oh, ok." I go back to the whiteboard and write how I came up with my answer.

Mrs. Debby: "What is that?" Miss Debby asked me after I finished writing my explanation.

Mike: "It's a link to a website where I get this same exact problem complete with the answer and explanation. I reckon it would be better If I share it and let you guys see it for yourself."

Mrs. Debby: "No you can't do that! You must explain it yourself!"

Mike: "Why should I? The answer and explanation are already on the internet, Miss Debby. Why should I explain something that has already been explained and can be accessed at any time?"

Mrs. Debby: "Well, why don't you just stop going to school and learn everything from the internet then?"

Mike: "I still come to school because there are still teachers here who teach their students knowledge that cannot be searched on the internet, ma'am."

Mrs. Debby: "If you think like that, then why don't you just leave my class?"

Mike: "To be honest, I just do it for the attendance."

Mrs. Debby: "Ohhh, alright. How about this then. From next week, I'll give you full attendance for this semester so you don't have to come to my class and only have to come here to take mid-semester and end-semester tests. How is that?"

Mike: "That sounds like a really good deal. I'm in."

Mrs. Debby: "hehe, alright smartypants. Just don't blame me if you fail my class this semester because your physics mid-test and end-semester test scores are low."

Mike: "Chill Ma'am. I won't blame you." I put back the marker on the teacher's desk and get back to my seat.

Kring* the bell rings notifying it's lunch break time.

Miss Deby leaves the class after reminding us to do our homework. Even though I don't have to go to her class again, It looks like I still need to do the homework. As people began to go out to the cafeteria, I heard them whispering about what I just did. I just ignore them and straight back continue my sleep session. I turn my head facing the seat where Jack would sit. The feeling of loneliness starts to creep into me as I stare at the empty seat. I really hate this feeling. It always reminds me of the boring life that I used to live. sigh* I just wish I wouldn't have to live that life again. Out of nowhere, my stomach growls. Shoot, alright you little breadbasket, let's fill you up with something in the cafeteria.

Paola: "Next!" said the old South American lady. I slowly move to the side to stare her in the eye and wait for her to give me my lunch.

Paola: "Pretty quiet aren't you today boy."

Mike: " ... Will you give me extra sausage if I'm being quite like a second ago?"

Paola: "No."

Welp, I guess I'll try another day. After ma'am, Lola gave me my lunch. I sit at one of the tables in the cafeteria. I didn't quite enjoy my food like usual. Even without extra tobacco chugged into my lunch, I feel like the food isn't that appetizing. The food somehow tastes like what I ate back in middle school. I find it weird. Perhaps it isn't the taste that is bothering me. Perhaps it's the feeling that I'm having right now. The feeling of sitting alone in the cafeteria. Yeah, this feels really like back when I'm in middle school. sigh* C'mon mike, let's just finish this quickly and get back to sleep in the next class.

While trying to finish my lunch I look around to see that the cafeteria is lively as usual. But there is something unusual today. I don't see the delinquent from the baseball team. I also don't see Lucy. I guess that's why it's a little bit calmer than usual.

Chm* chmp* my mouth feels kind of greasy. I think some apple juice could solve the problem. I got up, put all of the leftovers in the trash, and walked to the vending machine. I realize the apple juice is out of stock. Hmm, I should check the other vending machine outside of the building. I go out of the cafeteria and go to the back of the school where the other vending machine is. There are not many people around here at the back of the school. There's only some of the baseball team delinquent who's beating up a guy. There's also a couple who's getting heat up besides the vending machine- wait is that Lucy? I see she's pinned on the wall by one of the guys who tried to get a hit on her two days ago in the cafeteria.

Brian: " ... Sorry about my girlfriend. I promise I will tell that bitch a lesson for doing this to you. You don't have to worry about her anymore, I'll make sure to tell her to stay away from you-" Said the guy to Lucy. I just ignored both of them and bought myself an apple juice from the vending machine. Agh fuck, the shit is stuck.

Brian: "If she did this again to you, just tell me-" BAM*BAM*BAM* is the sound of me shaking and rocking the vending machine, trying to unstuck my apple juice. Goddamnit why the heck this little shit is so hard to fall.

Brian: "Hey buddy, could you leave us alone?" asked the guy.

Mike: "Oh yeah, sorry to disrupt you two, I was just trying to get my apple juice here." I didn't leave and kept trying to get my apple juice. Damn it, this apple juice is making me crazy right now.

Brian: "Hey pal, I'm serious here, if you don't get the fuck out of my face in 2 seconds, I'll beat the shit out of you." The guy intimidates me.

Mike: "Whoa, chill out man, I don't mean to disrupt both of you, but as you can see, my apple juice is stuck here. I assure you, I will quickly get the hell out of here after I get my apple juice. But I would really appreciate it though if you can help me-" In a split second, a fist flew towards my face. I evaded the punch by leaning to the side. The guy fist instead hits the vending machine, making the apple juice fall.

Brian: "AGH!! motherfucker!" The guy is in pain after he punches the vending machine. I can see his friends stop beating the guy and turn their attention towards me. Ah, shoot. I think I just screwed up.

"Wait, listen, dude, I don't want to mess with you and your buddy's alright? I just want to get my apple juice-"

"You're going to pay for this!" He said to me with an angry look.

Oh shit.

He throws another punch into me. Again, I also evaded. Holy shit, that was close. Because he misses, he loses his balance, making him almost topple. I quickly took this opportunity to take the apple juice and fled the scene by running away towards the cafeteria.

Brian: "HEY! GET BACK HERE PUSSY!" The guy shouted

Brian: "GET HIM!" He and his buddy chased me off. We ran across the cafeteria towards the hallway. While running in the cafeteria, a big fat guy suddenly walked into my path. I slid under him and kept running towards the hallway. While the people who are chasing me crashed into the big fat guy. I look around to see that they are held back. Nice. The hallway wasn't so crowded but there's still a lot of people walking around.

Mike: "GET OUT OF THE WAY PEOPLE!" I shout to people while trying to traverse the hallway.

I look around to see that there's not just one guy who's chasing me, there's now a total of 5 guys. Shit, shit, shit. I need to hide somewhere so I can get away. Unbeknown to me, there's a first-year kid who just got out of his class. He's wearing earphones. I look around again only to see that the kid is already in front of me. I crashed into him, making both of us fall. Ah shit. I gotta get up fast. As I was about to get up and run again, someone stepped on my head, making my face planted onto the hallway floor.

Brian: "Where are you going, pal?" Oh, fuck me. Just when I'm about to get beat up.

"HEY! STOP THAT!" shout a teacher from afar. It's Sensei. The delinquent slowly left me and walked away. Sensei didn't chase them and instead approached me.

Mike: "Fiuh, thank god you're here sensei. I would definitely turn into a punching bag if you didn't show up- OUCH-OUCH-OUCH!" She pinched me in the ear and dragged me into her office.

Everyone in the hallway just looked at me being dragged like a kid into the disciplinary room.

Mike: "Sensei, I know you're kind of rash, but can you please not treat me like the guys who turned you down?" She twisted my ear even more.

Mike: "Okay-okay, I'll shut up! I'll shut up!-" BAM* She closes the door hard.