
Man, I never realize school could be felt this strange. Without Jack, everything that I do in school feels kind of ... off. Because of him not around, I don't really have any appetite when I go to the cafeteria, I can't sleep well in class, and going to the restaurant after school feels kind of stressful. sigh* I should probably start learning how to live without his presence. I think as I skateboard out of the school and into the street. While cruising my way on the sidewalk, a bunch of teenagers blocked my way. It's the baseball team's delinquents. I quickly stop and turn around, but alas, some of them are already behind me. I'm trapped.

Mike: "Um, look guys, I'm sorry alright. I didn't mean to get into trouble with all of you. All I want is just to get my apple juice. I get that you all are very upset-"

Suddenly, a girl appeared from the side. It was the girl who threatened me yesterday. Jennifer.

Mike: " .... Oh ho ho, I see. You guys really want your dicks to be sucked aren't ya?"

Brian: "Is this the clown you want us to beat?" asked one of the guys to the girl.

Jennifer: "Yeah, make sure to teach him a lesson." the girl said.

Brian: "Heh, you shouldn't have asked because we will definitely do it."

Ah fuck.

Brian: "Get him!" (Cut Dick - Mr. Oizo) all of the guys charge at me, I quickly kick my skateboard, catch it mid-air, and swing it like a baseball bat towards the closest person who's charging into me, which is the person behind me. The wheel hit his head. He quickly fell down. After hitting one guy, I quickly ran across the street, dodging every traffic to get to the other side and skate my ass out of there.

Ray: "He's running away!" one of the guys shouted. I look around to see the guys are chasing me, fuck. I keep pushing faster to 'outskate' them.

The streets and sidewalks are really crowded. I dodge, skid, and ollieing, trying not to hit people and stuff in my way. I turn hard right into another street by using the street light pole on the edge of the sidewalk like a pole dancer to help me turn 90 degrees on my skateboard without having to lose SPEED and MOMENTUM. I look back to see that the guys are still on my 6. Upfront, there's a Junction that I must cross.

Woman: "Watch out!" scream a woman after I almost crash into her.

Mike: "Sorry ma'am." I said while going fast towards a junction.

Mike: "GET OUTTA THE WAY!" I shouted to pedestrians as I was about to cross the junction. Without hesitation, I cross that bigass junction and hope I don't get hit by the incoming traffic. While crossing, I almost got hit by a couple of cars.

Honk* Honk*

Random Guy: "Watch where are you going asshole!"

People start honking their horns and curse at me for running the pedestrian light. After I got to the other side, I looked around to see that the delinquents didn't have the balls to run into a crowded junction. Hehe, what bunch of pussies- BAM* I fell out of my skateboard after hitting a pole. My head hit the pole hard. Ahh fuck, that's fucking hurt. I groan on the ground for a couple of seconds trying to get up. I slowly get up, only to be greeted by one of the delinquents that already caught up to me. Ah shit. He grabbed me, and punched me in the face, making me fall down onto the ground. The other delinquents arrived, they all grabbed me and dragged me into a nearby alley, and beat the shit out of me. I can't do anything. All I can do is pull up my hand covering my head and face and curl my body.

Ray: "Eat shit you fucking clown!" one of the guys shouted while he kicked me in the back.

Jake: "Get some of this!" another shout while he kicked my shoulder.

Ace: "Hey-hey, look guys, I found his wallet!" said someone who's searching my bag.

Ah fuck. They took my money.

Jake: "Hey shit head, you see this?" one of them holding my skateboard. He threw it down and stomped it. Crack* The sound of my skateboard split in half broke my heart.

Ace: "hey look, I got his phone."

Brian: "Bring me that, Ace." Ace gives my phone to Brian. Brian then breaks my phone by bending it, in front of me. He does it like it was nothing.

Ah shit.

Brian then threw my phone away.

Brian: "That's what you get for messing with me." Brian, he says to my face as he ducks down.

Brian: "heh. Alright, boys, I think he already got the message. We better not waste our time on this clown."

Ace: "Thanks for the money loser." one of them said while tossing back my empty wallet to me.

Ray: "See you again tomorrow." one of them said as they all left me behind.

Ahh, my body hurts everywhere. Especially on my left shoulder. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My hands are giving up and my legs hurt. Oh well, I think I'll rest a bit here. I lay down facing up, looking towards the beautiful blue sky. I can see white clouds slowly move to the side. Today is kind of beautiful. This really reminds me back when I'm still in middle school. I used to get in trouble pretty often. I remember I was always getting beat up in a fight against other kids. My mom was always upset whenever I got beat up. But my dad, he always gave me a pat on the back and told me I've done great. sigh* I really miss that old man.

Suddenly a girl's head popped into my view. It's Lucy

Lucy: "Are you alright?" she asked me with her flat voice while looking down on me.

Mike: "No, not at all."

We just stared at each other for a second. She turned her attention to my bag. She picks up and puts it beside me.

Lucy: "Wait here." She said. She walked away and just left me. I wonder what she will do. After a couple of minutes, she comes back.

Lucy: "Can you stand up?" she asked me while picking my stuff up.

Mike: "Nope."

She lent her hand to me. Without any hesitation, I grab her hand and she pulls me right up. She quickly put my hand around her shoulder so I could rest some of my body weight on her. Wow, I never thought a slender girl like her could be this strong.

Lucy: "What's wrong with your left arm?" My limp left arm catches her attention as it wiggles like a doll.

Mike: "Oh, I think it got dislocated by the shoulder."

After staring at my limp left arm, she put me down to the side of the alley and made me sit right up.

Mike: "Eh, why are you putting me down?" I asked her.

Lucy: "Hold still." She said as she crouched beside me and grabbed my hand and shoulder.

Mike: "What are you- FUCK!" I curse after she pushes my left arm and shoulder and puts it back into their place.

Lucy: "God fucking damn it, why do you have to do that? You could just let it be and I'll be fine with it."

Mike: "You want me to revert it back?"

Lucy: "No!"

Honk* Honk*

Taxi driver: "Hey girl, do you want to take the ride or not? Don't waste my time here, I got money to make." the cab driver yelled.

Lucy: "The taxi is already waiting." She said to me while lending me her hand once again. I grab her hand and she pulls me right up. And again, she quickly put my hand around her shoulder.

Lucy: "Can you walk?" she asked me.

Mike: "I guess so."

Lucy: "Hop on my back if you can't."

Does this girl want to crush my pride or something? Lucy slowly helps me get into the cab while also bringing my bag. I told her to leave the skateboard since it's already broken in half. I know I can still use the trucks and the wheels but I just think I'll just get another new one. After we got into the cab, she told the taxi driver to take us to the restaurant. Both of us sit on the back. After arriving, Lucy paid the cab driver and helped me get out of the cab and take me inside the restaurant. On the counter, Tina is busy looking at her phone. She then turns her attention to us after she sees me getting dragged by Lucy into the restaurant. 'What the hell' she blurted.

Lucy quickly put me and my stuff down at one of the chair tables.

Tina: "What happened to you?" Tina asked me.

Mike: "I got beat up. Could you bring me the med-pack that I store inside the cabinet next to you?"

Tina opens the cabinet next to the cash register and takes the med-pack. She then takes the med-pack to me.

Tina: "It hasn't been 24 hours without Jack and you already got your ass beat up? Seriously, how pathetic are you?" Tina said as she drops the med-pack onto the table.

Mike: "shut up kid." I said to her before she went back to the counter.

Jeez, that kid. Meanwhile, without saying anything, Lucy takes the med-pack and opens it. She pulled out some band-aid and some compression wrap from the med-pack and put them on the table.

Mike: "Uhhh, what are you doing?"

Lucy: "Stay still." she said as she covered a cut on my forehead with a band-aid. I froze up, shocked by the immense realization of what's going on. Holy shit. Is this really happening? Without asking me, Lucy rolls up my jeans and starts to wrap my legs in compression wrap.

Mike: "Hey, uh I can patch myself up you know."

She doesn't say anything and continues to wrap my legs. After wrapping my legs, she got up and grabbed my hand to roll up my sleeve. Before she could roll my sleeve, I stopped her.

Mike: "Hey, seriously, you don't have to-"

Lucy: "Could you just shut the fuck up?" she asked me with a flat face and a flat tone.

Mike: " ... Ok." Dang, she's scary. Wth is this girl's problem?

After she's done wrapping my arms, she puts all of the stuff that she uses back in the med-pack. I look at the wrapping that she's done. It's all neat and it feels comfortable. The pain is almost gone too.

Mike: "Wow ... I really have to thank you for wrapping these onto me, Lucy."

Without saying anything, she just leaves me and walks towards the door.

Mike: "Hey! where are you going?" I asked her.

Lucy: "I'm going home." she said.

Mike: "Are sure you don't want to-"

"No, I don't." She instantly declines even though I haven't said anything. I want to stop her and return the favor by treating her to a pizza. But, I can barely stand up. I can't do anything to stop her. So I just looked at her, leaving the restaurant. Damn, I haven't even properly thanked her.