
On the sidewalk, Lucy walks alone towards the nearest bus stop. From a distance, a group of thugs looked at her.

Thug 1: "whistle* Mira ese that senorita."

Thug 2: "Wanna try her?"

Thug 3: "Aye."

Thug 4: "Espera! Where de hell you guys wanna go?"

Thug 1: "Mira ese mano, there's a beautiful senorita right there."

Thug 4: "So?"

Thug 2: "We're going to ask her if she wanna play with us."

Thug 4: "You cholos seriously going to ask her first?"

Thug 3: "¡Cómo no!, how are we supposed to pick up chicks without asking them first?"

Thug 4: "Are you kidding me mano? you never going to lick any pussy if you do that. I mean look at yourselves. You all ugly, and look at your pockets, you all got no money. Who de fuk do you think wanna play with you guys if you all like that huh?"

Thug 1: "How are we supposed to pick up girls without asking them first then?"

Thug 4: "It's simple. You don't. If you wanna successfully get your dick suck, you have to give them no choice."

Thug 3: "But isn't that breaking the law?"

Thug 4: "Who gives a shit about the law, there is no law around here. We can do everything we want as long as le tombo doesn't catch us."

Thug 2: "Si, that sounds about right."

Thug 1: "Mira! the girl is going." they see Lucy goes inside the bus.

Thug 4: "We should be going too then. We'll follow her until the right time comes." All of them quickly crossed the street and went onto the bus. They see Lucy is sitting in the front behind the bus driver. They go straight into the back and sit there. Before the bus takes off, a guy with a hoodie denim jacket goes inside. He glances at Lucy for a second before he walks towards the middle row seat of the bus. Before he sits down he glances at the thugs who are sitting on the back.

Thug 4: "What are you looking at gringo?" asks one of the thugs.

The guy ignores them and sits down in his seat. The bus starts to take off. After a long ride, Lucy finally gets off the bus followed by the group of thugs. As usual, it's already dark outside. And as expected she knows she's being followed.

Thug 3: "Ey mano, wasn't the group killing happened around here?"

Thug 4: "Group killing? What group killing?"

Thug 3: "You know, from de news. I hear a lot of people got brutally killed around here for de past few weeks."

Thug 4: "I never hear that."

Thug 2: "Yo también. Are you just making that up to get us scared e mano?"

Thug 3: "Soy serio, I think we should get out of here."

Thug 1: "No seas un marica, we already followed her this far. It would be a waste if we called this off."

Suddenly they see Lucy turn and walk across the street towards a dead-end empty street. The thug stops for a second to wait for her to cross the street, not long, they follow her again. After crossing the street, they see Lucy is already waiting for them. Hands in her back, she stares at them with her flat expression.

Thug 4: "You lost senorita?" ask one of the thugs.

Thug 2: "Hehe, don't worry, we'll help ya. Pero primero, why don't we have some fun?"

One of the thugs begins to get scared as he senses something is wrong.

Thug 3: "Ey chicos, I think we should get out of here, I feel something is not right with that girl."

Thug 1: "que? Are you seriously scared of that little girl? Get a grip mano."

Thug 2: "Si, don't make us call u a pussy."

(Scattle - Street Heat) "HEY!" suddenly someone shouted from their back. The thugs quickly turn around. It's the guy with the denim hoodie.

Zack: "Get away from her asshats, she's mine." said the guy in the denim jacket.

Thug 3: "Who the fuck are you vato? you wanna mess with us cholos?"

Thug 2: "Get de fuk out of here vato, you want us to cut you into pieces and throw you in the sea?"

Zack: "I would like to see you dumbass try." the guy in the denim jacket mocks them.

One of the thugs pulls out a big-ass knife from his pants.

Thug 4: "We warn you." he said, threatening the guy. The guy in the denim jacket kept his stand. He doesn't get scared, to the contrary, he gets excited. He shows a big smile on his face as he whips out his butterfly knife. The thugs laugh at him for showing such a small weapon.

Thug 4: "Bwahaha. Are you seriously going to fight with that small thing?"

Zack: "You called this small? You should see your own dick."

Thug 4: "Hoo, You really want to fight us eh? si. Get him manos!"

The other thugs quickly pull out their big-ass knife to take down the guy. One of the thugs went straight into him while swinging his knife. The guy quickly evades, and stabs the thug in the back of his neck, instantly killing him. The other 3 thugs get snapped back to reality after they see one of their friends just died in front of their eyes. The guy in the denim jacket is a real threat. Now, the action that they take is going to decide if they'll stay alive or wrapped around inside a body bag.

Thug 2: "D-did you just kill him?"

Zack: "Don't know. Why don't you come here and check it yourself?"

Thug 2: "E cono! YOU JUST KILLED MY BROTHER! Die PUTA!" the other thug screams as he charges towards the guy. And yet again, the guy in the denim jacket easily evaded the thug charge. He swooped underneath the thug and sliced the thug's throat. The thug quickly drops down and raves on the ground, trying to breathe as blood pouring down like a waterfall from his throat.

Thug 2: "Krhhh- mano krr- help ..."

Zack: "Oi your friend is asking for help here. You guys are buddies, right? You two should come here and help him."

Of course, the other 2 thugs refuse to get closer. If they get closer to the guy in the denim jacket they probably would be killed.

Thug 3: "Ey mano, what should we do?"

Thug 4: "We should take him out together." he said

Thug 3: "Do you think we can do it?"

Thug 4: "What choice do we have huh?"

Thug 3: "Why don't we just surrender?"

Thug 4: "You really think you can surrender to that Loco? Once we surrender we're just going to be dead."

Zack: "Hey shitheads, what the fuck are you talking there? Didn't you say you're going to chop me into pieces and throw me into the sea? C'mon, I really want to greet those fish."

The 2 thugs prepare their stance as they are about to strike. Both of them quickly charge the guy with their knife. The first one swings his knife, while the other guy tries to stab. The guy in the denim jacket evades and trips the thug who tries to stab him, he then parries the swing that is directed towards him with his butterfly knife, he quickly stabs the first guy on the face, piercing his butterfly knife into his skull through the eye.

"ARGHHH!" the guy screams after being stabbed in the face. The guy in the denim jacket quickly pulls out his butterfly knife. The scream quickly fades as the leader loses his balance and drops down to the ground. Blood is pouring all over the asphalt from the first guy's face. He's dead. Seeing all of his buddies are dead, the last guy who got tripped quickly tried to get up and run away. The guy in the denim jacket throws his butterfly knife towards the running thug. The butterfly knife punctured the thug's thigh making him fall.

"Arghhh!" the thug screamed. The guy in the denim jacket quickly gets close to him and kicks his face. He also quickly pulled out his butterfly knife from the thug's thigh.

Thug 3: "PLEASE senor! Let me live. Lo siento!, I'm sorry. All of my chicos are dumb, we shouldn't have not-" Slice* without warning, the guy in the denim jacket sliced the thug throat like he sliced a live chicken that was about to be cooked. The thug gobbles in his own blood, trying to breathe.

Zack: "sigh* that was fun." said the guy in the denim jacket. He then turns his attention towards Lucy who's just standing still, watching 4 people being slaughtered in front of her.

Zack: "Are you alright there?" the guy in the denim jacket asked her with a warm smile. He walked closer towards Lucy to go check on her.

Zack: "They didn't do anything bad to you right? Stay still, let me check you-" said the guy while he tried to grab Lucy's breast while also trying to kiss her in the mouth. But before he can do that, Lucy quickly slaps him hard in his face making him fall. Without saying anything, Lucy just walked away, continuing her walk to her apartment.

Zack: "HEY! Get back here you ungrateful bitch! I just saved your ass and you gave me a slap in the face? Who the fuck do you think you're huh?" Said the guy as he saw Lucy walking away, ignoring him. As he is about to chase her, his phone rings. He quickly picks it out.

Greg: "Yo Zack, where the fuck are you man? We are already on the spot."

Zack: "I'm still on my way."

Greg: "Where the hell are you coming from? Mexico? We have already waited for you for almost an hour here."

Zack: "Just shut up, I'll be there in a second."

Greg: "Don't make us wait any longer-"

klek* Zack closes his phone.

Zack: "Ck, fucking idiots." he said grumpily, as he walked out of the empty dead-end street, leaving the 4 lifeless bodies behind.