Live Combat Course

[The course will start once the player attack the target.]

Zero look directly at the Dummy a notification pops up.

[Congratulations! You have Unlocked the character skill Analyze]

"Nice! that's going to be very useful." Zero says with excitement looking at the dummy again.

this time He could see its level, health, name and also its race.

[Name: Training Dummy]

[ Level: 1]

[ Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 0/0]

[Stamina: 0/0]

[ Race: Golem]

Zero looked deep in thought at the Dummy.

("hmmm....I'm guessing it's stamina and mana pool is zero because it has no weapon?") Zero shrug Thinking to himself and began to dash towards it.

Slashing with his Daggers in a cross. Decapitating the Dummy with one move as it shows his attack doing a critical from attacking a weak spot.

showing his normal attack doing over

{-150 Critical damage from a weak spot attack}

The dummy health instantly zero out staring at the falling dummy. Zero looked confused as it hit the ground with its headless body turning into pixel dust.

[You have defeated A Lvl.1 training dummy.]

{+100 Exp}

"What the hell was that!?" Zero says in a surprise voice looking confused at how he kills it with one attack.

Thinking to Himself Zero wonder

("is it because of my Wisdom and agility????.... but only the Dex stat gives off such huge crits, right?")

Zero couldn't understand it. so, he just left it alone as multiple notifications pop up in his vision. as a golden light washed over him, he felt refresh from the energy coursing through him like he just drunk water for first the time in hours.

"hell, yeah level up!" Zero yells out loud.

[ Congratulations! Your Character Level is now 1!]

[ Congratulations! Your class level is now 1!]

[Congratulations! You have Learn a new Unique character skill ]

[Congratulations! You have Earned a new title .]

Right when zero was about to look at his new notifications the skill activated.

immediately turning towards a newly spawn Dummy it was heading straight for Zero with no weapon in its hand.

("damn totally forgot that I'm in a course right now.") Thinking to his self, zero quickly switch to the bow and knocked three arrows and shot two arrows into the dummy legs as it falls over.

Zero shot the last arrow directly into the head of the dummy.

{-15 crippling damage, -15 Crippling Damage, -200 Critical Damage! from a attack!}.

[ You have defeated A Lvl.2 Training Dummy]

{+350 EXP}

[ Congratulations Your Character Level is now 3!]

[ Congratulations Your Class level is Now 2!]

another golden glowing light wash over Zero with that refreshing feeling.

This time two dummies Enter the fray, and they are a lot faster than the one he just fought as they dash towards zero one using a spear and the other a sword.

Zero shot a few arrows at them this time they dodge the arrows showing.

{miss!, miss!, miss!}

around their bodies which caught him by surprise as they closed the distance.

The dummy with the spear thrust his weapon aiming straight for zero's heart.

Zero instantly dodge the attack by whirling to his right.

pulling out his Daggers the Dummy with the sword tries to go for his stomach with a slash from its weapon.

Zero did a slide on his knees going under the training dummy attack and manage to cut both its heels making the sword dummy legs give out.

{-25 crippling damage, -25 Crippling damage}

the sword dummy falling to its knees, zero tried to exploit a weak spot on its back with his next attack.

sensing another attack from the spear dummy as it swung wide in a arc. Zero bend backwards on time dodging the attack by an inch as it pass by his face he felt the wind brush pass his nose.

Zero body kept moving backwards doing back flips to distance himself from the Dummy as it kept attacking but with him doing all those flips. it couldn't hit him at all and was about to strike again but stop its movements than looked at Zero.

Zero stared back at it than smiled under his mask.

("This is getting a little too heated I can tell that the difficulty of the dummies gotten harder even though we are the same level it's trying to calculate my movements and counter them...seems like our developers is up to something with this little warm-up.")

The guide that was watching the fight playout was paused in the air again as it flickered a little.

Meanwhile at the Atlanta, Georgia branch of Project Yggdrasil the creators of "Your Fantasy". The dev team that's responsible for this region data stream. watches the feed from the guide looking at the evaluation of the player zero.

"What kind of human being have such insane reaction and movement speed like that!" one of the team members say while in awe at the skills zero was showing.

"He's the first player to actually beat the record that the AI set for the players." a female team member says as she pushes her glasses studying the data that the guide was sending them.

" Very impressive do anybody know this player?" one of the members say as he studies the image zoning in on Zero.

" We believe he's a pro gamer that was with the clan "No Limit". One of the members said as everyone went silent for a few moments.

"Who the hell are they!?" one of the members yells out everybody shrug.

"Any looks like we got an irregular here folks. make the guide raise the difficulty to the max and let's see if this irregular can put on a better show for us." The supervisor of this branch says with a smirk as he watches the two dummies attack zero.

the two dummies were being played with as Zero was doing inhuman like dodges and accurate strikes to cripple them. To their eyes it was hard to keep up with the fast-paced movements of the fight as though the dev Team was watching an epic fight scene from an anime.

"This...this is insane not even the Alpha and beta players could move like this." one of the members say in awe looking at the scene in front of him.

"Stop the A.I.!!" The supervisor of the team yells out. as the spear dummy Stop instantly. Zero stared directly at the spear Dummy and smirk at the screen.

"Why does it feel like he kno-." one of the female dev team members with the glasses was about to say something in till she was cut off by the supervisor.

"He knows. And is aware that we are doing this. Such insight!" the supervisor says with a devilish smile.

"Keep the A.I. doing what it's doing...don't let it stop testing this player...let us see what kind of results we will end up with maybe world first Legendary Class quest at the end of his evaluation. HQ is going to give us a bonus for that!" The supervisor says with an excited tone in his voice.

Rest of team members nodded in unison saying, "Yes Sir!"

back with the situation for zero and the training dummies....

"I hope that's not all you can do Dummy...or this will be pretty boring." Zero says with a smirk taunting the dummy.

The dummy twitch a little as it got into a fighting stance. than the Dummy with the sword was able to get up on its feet healing from the attacks just a few moments ago.

"oh, so this again...guess you guys didn't learn your lesson last time ganging up on me. but looking at both of you now. I say this party is just getting started!!" Zero yells out staring at them with a serious gaze.

Both dummies standing right beside each other getting into their proper fighting stance for their weapon style. zero sense that this is about to get real.

"I won't be as soft on you guys like before." Zero says in a cold like voice as he prepared his Daggers and dash straight for the dummies. Like before they both attack with timed attacks. He dodges their attacks. this time it wasn't by an inch. but even faster reaction of knowing the attack will come at that right moment.

Zero counters back with the same precise accuracy with his daggers if anyone was watching the fight right now. from an outsider view it was like a scene where rapid exchange of attacks like a blur of movement. both him and the dummies disengaged gaining distance from the clash of attacks.

Zero activated to increase his movement speed and attack speed instantly appearing in front of both dummies as they try to react to the instant movement, He quickly activated his dual wield skill attacking every he saw using that unique passive skill. slicing both dummies with numerous of slashes as his other passive skill activated making his movements seem instant. Looking like it was all one smooth motion.

{ Hit A For -145 Critical Damage!, Hit A For -145 Critical Damage!, Hit A For -145 Critical Damage!, Hit A For -145 Critical Damage!}

both the dummies were diced into pieces leaving digital pixel dust blowing behind his cloak.

[You have defeated A Lvl.3 training dummy {+750 Exp}]

[You Have defeated A Lvl.3 Training dummy {+750}]

[Congratulations Your Character Level is now 4!]

[Congratulations Your Class Level is now 3!]

Glowing golden light washes over his body making him feel refresh. Notifications filled his Vision, zero put them to side for now. Five training dummies surrounded him on all sides four of them was Lvl.4 as one of the five dummies Walked up a few feet away from him it was bigger than all the ones he seen so far. it was a Lvl.5 Elite with over 200 health. more than the usual 100 HP like the rest of the training dummies he fought. wielding A Sword and shield. It was trying to taunt him by banging against its shield.

Zero looked at each of the dummies. Noticing two of the dummies were ranged. One wielding a staff that looked magical. the other a bow but no arrows.

"Okay that's not SUS at all." zero says with confused look staring at the bow dummy. Zero notices that his dual wielding passive is still activated.

He smiled under his mask than activated . appearing instantly behind the bow dummy using The passive skill stabbing with both weapons at the Red highlighted spot. making his daggers pierce through its back as the points of the weapons appear out of its chest.

Pulling the weapon out while carving through its body with the daggers slicing it apart.

{-200 critical damage! using to hit A weak spot.}

The other dummies started to move and attack. as the magical staff dummy was charging it's staff. Zero threw one of his daggers towards its head hitting it dead on.

{ -135 Critical damage! from a weak spot attack.}

the Dummy fell back as the other three dummies was already on him. With the boss dummy leading the charge.

Going for A shield attack Zero jumped in front of the attack planting both my feet on the shield. Using the force of the attack to push off the shield launching himself in the air heading towards the Dummy with the dagger in its head. Landing beside it pulling his dagger out of its head. The dummy body turn into digital pixel dust.

The next dummy to attack was wielding an axe. Coming down with a chop towards his head. Zero dodge the attack with ease. Using his daggers to capitalize on the opening using his dual wield skill. his daggers glowed with yellow energy as the attack hit the Red highlighted spot on its neck. easily decapitated the dummy as it body fell over and turn to digital pixel dust.

{ Hit A For -250 Critical Damage!}

Zero unique skill went off as the next dummy the one wielding a Mace tried to hit him from behind. zero quickly turned around with his daggers in a cross-guard position. Parrying the attack stunning the Dummy. seeing an opening just like before zero used again decapitating this one as well.

{ Hit A For -250 Critical Damage}

The mace Dummy body falls headless on the ground. turning into Digital pixel dust. he turns to look at the Boss dummy who was running straight for him.

"You're the last one left buddy...time to join your comrades." Zero says with a cold voice towards the boss dummy. he pulled out his bow knocking an arrow. looking towards the running Dummy as it held the shield in front it to block range attacks zero's vision picked up the Red highlighted spot.

he waited and waited...The boss dummy gotten closer and closer till it was a few feet away from him. Going for an attack towards zero the shield that was blocking the dropped for it could strike with its sword.

("Now!") zero says in his thoughts releasing his bow skill The yellow glowing arrow blasted the Boss dummy head into pieces.

{ Hit A For -300 Critical Damage!}

The boss dummy body turn into digital pixel dust. A bright glowing golden light exploded from his body as it felt way more refreshing than any of the previous level ups zero had gained in this course.

Notifications exploded in his view.

[Congratulations!!! Player Zero You are the first player To Beat The Live Combat course on the hardest difficulty!]

[Congratulations! You have gained the unique title .]

[Congratulations Your character level is now 7.]

[ Congratulations Your class level is now 5.]

[You have Learn a new class skill ]

[You Have Learn a new character skill ]

[You Have Learn a new character skill ]

After seeing the notifications zero jaw dropped from what he just earn from the course. The guide floated a few feet away from him.

[ Congratulations Player Zero on completing The Live Combat Course. Do you Wish to proceed to your last course right now?]

[Yes] or [No]

zero instantly clicked [no] looking towards the Guide.

"I got to check my stats and see what have change before I pass up this opportunity." Zero says out loud while rubbing his chin and pulling up his Stats.

[Name: Zero ]

[Health: 3,500/3,500]

[Stamina: 3,500/3,500]

[Character Level: 7 EXP: 2,200/8,235]

[Karma: Neutral]

[Fame: 0]

[Race: Dark Elf ]

[Class: Lvl 5. Adventurer EXP: 3,682/10,000 ]

[Attributes: (Strength: 35) (Constitution: 35)

(Intelligence: 35) (Wisdom: 735)

(Dexterity: 135) (Agility: 385)

(Endurance: 35) (Luck: 5)

(Charisma: 5)

[Elemental Affinity: (Fire: 5%) (Water: 5%)

(Earth: 5%) ( Nature: 5%) (Lighting 5%) (Air: 5%)

(Light: 5%) (Dark: 15%)

[Titles: ,

:(A title gained from instantly killing an enemy from full health. when equipped you will do 30% More damage towards enemies with full health.),

: (A Unique title gained from being the first player to beat the Hardest difficulty of the Live Combat course in the tutorial zone. When Equipped Gain +100 to all stats when in combat. )

[Class Skills: ,

: (A passive skill exclusive to the adventurer class. 100% increase to EXP when finding new locations.) ]

[Character Skills:













: (A unique skill that only those with powerful perception could obtain. This allows the player to see highlighted spots on the target they are looking at. increases your dexterity by 100 each level the skill increases and 30% of the targets health is critical damage when hitting the highlighted spots on its limbs and 100% of target health is critical damage if you hit a vital weak spot.),

:(A skill that allows you to throw the weapon you are using can also be retrieved back. Does 50% of the weapon damage also cost -20%durability of the weapon),

:(A skill that counters Physical attacks with perfect timing.),










After looking at his stats zero couldn't help but be amazed by how many points he has into Wisdom, Dexterity, and especially Agility. he also saw that he had 21 free attribute points to spend on any off his stats except [Luck] and [Charisma]that was locked.

"But there is no rush for that I will place my points towards what my future class needs anyway best to save on them as much as I can for now. Plus, no player my level should have that many points into three stats like that. I'm thinking it's all because of my Skills like , , and my newly attain passive skill . these three are the reason my character is off the charts in combat." Zero says Looking towards the weapon racks and tables and smiled.

"Time to Grind baby!" he says excitedly walking towards the weapons and picking up a one-handed sword, and spear looking at the weapons nodding his head than equipped them on his character.

[You have Learn a character skill ]

[You have Learn a character skill .]

More notifications flash in his vision. as he saw that it was the three basic skills for both weapons, he put it to the side for now. walking towards the Guide as it floated in the middle of the Arena frozen.

"Hey Guide! I would like to restart the course again." Zero says towards the Guide that started back moving again after he spoke to it.

[Please choose the difficulty you would like to Start the course on.]




[if you have already beaten the course previously. You will gain no EXP towards your character and class levels when fighting and beating the course again on a different difficulty setting.]

"I knew it!" Zero yelled out as he was right about this course having a difficulty setting.

 "It sucks I couldn't exploit The EXP till I got bored." zero says with a shrug. 

"Oh well" zero sighs. Picking The [Hell mode] difficulty as This time there wasn't five Training dummies standing in front of him. But Ten with Two Boss dummies one with a large war Axe and the other had a Shield and chain mace.

"Now this is a party!" Zero says in an excited tone in his voice with A battle maniac stare equipping his title looking at one of the boss dummies. he used the Skill throwing the spear he was holding at The Axe wielding boss dummy Impaling it through the stomach.

{ Hit A For -150 Critical Damage!}

Zero Activated as he blurs out of existence how fast he was moving appearing right in front of the army of dummies with the sword in his hand in swinging motion with his red eyes glowing.

two days pass in game... Zero ran the course thousands of times and manage to max out Alot of his skills and even learned some new ones.

he got a discord call from Legend as it kind of scared him a little forgetting that he was in a game.

Zero answered the call. "Yo!" he say over the call.

"Bro Zero...what the hell are you doing?" Legend says with sounding annoyed and irritated.

"Huh? what ya mean Bruh! I'm just getting done with the Live Combat course." Zero says sounding confused

"Zero...its been two days in game and I'm already at character Level twelve." Legend says with a sigh.

"Two whole days!? .... well, thank God time works differently here. that means it's only been possibly 2 hours in RL." zero says feeling a bit of relief he didn't spend all day doing tutorial. 

"So, I'm guessing you guys already met up by now since I forgot to set up to where I get messages from other apps in the game settings." zero says with a sigh.

"Well only me, Yoshi, and Katsumi got the chance to meet up everybody else was split up, but since we couldn't get in contact with you. we decided to meet up to the closes node that can bring us all together according to our coordinates it's a Kingdom called Asuka." Legend says.

"Ah okay, so I am the last one to finish...damn oh well. I'm taking full advantage of this tutorial." zero says.

"Yeah well....oh yeah Bruh!? about the evaluation all of us but three got A rare class quest." Legend says with excitement.

"If I remember correctly from the reviews online. the alpha and beta testers said after tutorial you would get a quest for the class you are most fitted for from the Evaluation that The A.I. calculated. it can range from [Common], [Rare], [Epic], And [Legendary]. but wait you said all you guys got a [rare] class quest except three? who are they?" Zero ask with curiosity.

"Well gear got a common.... but it's not that bad and kind of typical of him to get that class. and Yoshi Got an Epic which is Awesome!!!! & Dude Fucking Ryu got a Fucking LEGENDARY CLASS QUEST!" Legend yells with excitement. Zero jaws dropped in awe after hearing that.

"What !? Are you serious bruh??? How???" zero ask with excitement as well.

"He said he will fill us in once we meet up in game...but that's not all he's the first player in the world to get one...that's the insane part." Legend says.

"First one.... like legit the very first player to receive a Legendary quest... Wow you go tony!" Zero says with pride.

"Bro it announced to world when he left the tutorial many guilds and clans are looking for him to recruit it's ridiculous man." Legend says with a sigh

"I bet bro. but I'm almost done with the tutorial. I won't hold you guys up any longer give me a few hours in game and hopefully I will spawn close to Asuka once I'm out of here." zero say with determination.

"Okay brother! and oh Yeah, I almost forgot be careful after tutorial. there has been PK'ers all around the spawning location of different tutorial exit spots some of us already ran into a few barely manage to get away." Legend says with a serious tone in his voice.

"Figured this would happen...but I will be fine. thanks for the heads up meet you guys in a few hours, peace." Zero says disconnecting the call with legend.

"since my friends are waiting for me I better hurry and get this tutorial done and over with and plus I did all I could with this course. seeing my stats again My Dexterity, AGILITY, Wisdom, Strength, and Endurance were way over 50 points. after all the battles for the past two days in game with the training dummies my strength and endurance was going up by 1 point after every other battle till it stopped giving me the points from fighting the dummies I notice that a little while before I maxed most of my core skills I used during the battle." zero says looking at his stats.

"I still have 21 attribute points to spend." zero smiled with excitement seeing that. he couldn't wait to see what he was really capable of once he got his class.

("from the reviews online most players who did extremely well on the first two courses makes it a lot easier to gain a [Rare] class quest. Trying to gain An [Epic] class quest was nothing but luck. that only a few alpha/Beta testers were able to receive it at the end of their tutorial. [Legendary] Class quest is basically a basically a myth and no one has gotten one, well except Ryu now.") Zero thought to himself as he decided to walked towards The Guide.

"I would like to continue to the Next course." zero says towards the guide as it floated there Frozen again, coming back to life after I spoke.

[Confirmed, Transferring Player to the Last Course]

A bright white light blinded Zero. a few moments later he opened his eyes and notice he was in an all white room.

Zero Looked towards the Guide who was changing into a slim tall humanoid with all white skin that blended well into the room if its head wasn't brighter than the room itself zero would had trouble spotting the creature.

The Guide walks towards zero with elegance in each stride of its walk. stopping right in front of him. zero didn't sense any danger from the guide but more of an omnipotent presence that was weird to explain what he felt. as it stood in front of him.

[Player Zero, congratulations on passing every course with over 100% of perfect score. passing each of them without much effort. with such skills that even I couldn't match is beyond The Average or professional player skill set.]

it says towards zero with the game system notification voice. 

("This must be the actual A.I. and not the Guide itself??") zero question in his mind.

[The last course is supposed to be with me asking you questions. What I call The Survey Course. but I find that wasteful for someone of your caliber.] The A.I. says towards zero as he Looked surprised at what it just said.

"So what are trying to tell me here?" zero says looking confused.

[Sorry for the confusion Player Zero. What I am trying to explain here is that no matter how many questions I ask towards you like other players before you. It could never help me calculate the perfect class for simply put It. There is no class right now, that could match your full potential.] The A.I. Says as zero looked pale. it felt like someone just poured ice cold water all over his soul as he Yells out.
