Player Killers

At the Atlanta, Georgia branch of Project Yggdrasil. The Development team was viewing Zero taking the Live Combat course on [Hell Mode] difficulty for the 22nd time.

"This player is just insane. Doesn't he get tired of doing the same thing over and over again?" one of the team members say out loud.

the rest of the Dev team watch Amazed How one player could do all this in a matter of hours.

Fighting against an A.I. that is made to calculate your every move and skills to counter you. "Would you get tired from drinking an energy drink?, I wouldn't think so. it's like the longer he fought the better he got." The supervisor of the Dev team say as they watch in silence for a few moments.

That's when a red alert flashed in the room as everyone stop watching Zero and scrambled to their workstation to see what the problem was."somebody tell me something!" The supervisor yells out.

"S-sir! y-you got to see this!" one of the members say out loud nervously than proceed to pull up another screen placing over Zero's.

Everyone in the room looked shocked and some was rubbing their eyes just to see if it was real. "T-this is...i can't believe it....that player actually gotten...." Right before one of the Dev team members could finish the supervisor walked up towards the screen shaking with excitement.

"A FUCKING LEGENDARY CLASS QUEST!!!! and our branch is the first to witness it!!!" He yells out with a fist pump in the air. The rest of dev team started celebrating as well.

The screen zoomed in on A Player who Named highlighted [Ryu] as he was wearing full Heavy iron Armor set with a sword and shield like a Knight. Showing a highlighted golden notification screen in front of him saying [World Wide System announcement! Congratulations to the Player Ryu! For being the first player in the world of [Euphoria] to unlock a Legendary Class quest.]

30 minutes Before the announcement....

Shows Ryu in an all white room [ Welcome Player Ryu. to the Last Course, The Survey Course.][Unlike the previous-] just when the A.I. was about to say something else he was cut off.

"Who the FUCK just said that Shit!" Ryu yell out sounded spooked. As he was turning his whole body to literally look for the voice.

"Hello?" "anybody there?" Ryu yells out as the voice went silent for a few moments than proceeded back to speaking again like Ryu wasn't there.

[Unlike The previous courses. this course isn't a physical one but more of verbal one.] The A.I. Says while Ryu was still trying to locate where the voice was coming from.

[Player Ryu. are you ready to begin the course?]

[Yes] or [No]

Ryu looked at the prompt.

" if this is a verbal type of situation I should have put some points into charisma."

he sigh "Damn it! Oh well" regretted that he didn't put a few points into Charisma.

clicking [Yes] on the prompt.

[Beginning the course. 1st question, If you could pick either saving a village full of innocent lives from an attack and become a renowned Hero or Would you be the one to attack the village and sacrifice innocent lives to become a Villain. which would you pick?] The A.I. says. Ryu quickly answered the question.

"Saving lives on a bad ass dragon becoming a hero easily." Ryu says with a happy smile doing a weird gesture with his hands.

[2nd question, If You had to choose between saving your friend/companion or yourself from certain death with a creature many times stronger than both of you what would you do?] The A.I. Says not acknowledging Ryu's first answer.

Ryu quickly answered this one as well "Easy, I would Give my life for my dragon companion! saving him or her would always be the right thing to do!"

[3rd question, if you could do anything in the world of [Euphoria] What would you do?] Ryu answered this even faster than the last two question.

"Ride A dragon AS THE WIND PUSHES ME!" Ryu says with pride.

[4th question, If you had one skill or any ability to choose for yourself what would it be?] Ryu actually thought for a minute or two than said.


After a few minutes more of The A.I. asking ryu question and him mentioning dragons with everything he said. The A.I. finally stop with the questions.

[congratulations Player Ryu! on completing the survey course.]

[Would you like to end your tutorial and get your Evaluation? ]

[Yes] or [No]

the notification popped up in front of ryu as he clicked [Yes] in a rush excitedly to see what his results is.

[Confirming....Evaluation results....]

[Congratulations Player Ryu You Have Earned A Legendary Class Quest! You are the first player in the World of [Euphoria] to accomplish this.]

Ryu couldn't believe what he saw as he tried to rub his eyes while his helmet was still on as he jumped with joy laughing.

"YOOOOO! What..I-I can't believe this shit man!!!! like wooooow!!! I can't wait to see the faces on Zero and the rest."

[To Exit the Tutorial Please choose your Starting zone] The A.I. Says showing the Map of Euphoria. Ryu choose The Western Continent like they said they would.

[Confirming...teleporting Player to the Western Continent.]

A bright pillar of white light came down from the heavens. hundred of miles away from the [Kingdom of Asuka] in a deep Forest full of magical creatures and spirits. Zero walked out of the Pillar of light as it faded away once his whole body was out of the Pillar.

Covered in tatters of his leather armor and bent up iron gauntlets. His Cloth hood still covered his face with only his piercing red eyes could be seen under the hood as he scan his surroundings. seeing that there is no threat around him he calmed a little and let out a sigh.

A Notification pop up in his view. [Congratulations Player Zero! On completing the tutorial zone You have unlocked A Rare Class Quest! open Your Journey menu by saying "Main Menu" and click "My Journey"to see all your quests and their descriptions! ]

"Main Menu!" I yelled out The game Menu popped up in my view. I looked at it seeing the log out button as well along with the settings as I clicked the settings first.

I made it to where I could get messages from discord putting its chat box above the one that's already in game on the bottom left corner of my vision. I Looked to see all the messages I missed the past two days in game while stuck in the tutorial zone.

"Look like Legend wasn't kidding about the PK'ers." I said out loud to myself.

Seeing screenshots and a few videos from the group chat showing players in the forest getting ganked and robbed by a bigger group of players showing no mercy or compassion towards any of their victims. I shake my head than put that matter to the back of my mind for now as I clicked the [My Journey] in the menu.

I clicked on the rare class quest the tutorial gave me.

[ The Drunken Woodsman]

[Quest Type: Rare]

[ Description: Travel to the kingdom of Asuka and visit and speak to the Drunk woodsman.]

[ Rewards: New rare class could be unlocked for you./?????]

[Failure: Death of the woodsman or dislike from the woodsman could stop you from your rare class change.]

Seeing this I sighed....(i gotta deal with drunks now!!!) I Yell in my mind as I looked over the quest and closed it out. I type a message to the group chat on discord telling them im out of the tutorial zone and heading towards The [Kingdom of Asuka].

I looked towards a grassy pathway and followed it as it lead me through a thick growth of bushes and small trees. After a few minutes of walking I come out of the pathway onto a cliff that was so high up that i could I see the forest and a few mountains for miles. I pulled my hood down along with the cloth covering my mouth as the wind blew my pure white hair feeling the warm breeze as I closed my eyes than reopening them.

I took a screenshot of the scenery in front of me. I looked towards the northeast and saw a Large Kingdom in the distance. (That must be Asuka!) I thought to myself. I Looked over the sea of trees I notice the players right away. most still had the tutorial zone gear on killing few of the low level mobs with their friends. some were soloing it and I spotted a few players getting killed and robbed by other players. some even left a few players without anything to fend with after robbing them. only just their bare back and hands.

I shake my head at the unnecessary Griefing. than turn my head and notice a clear path towards Asuka without any hindrance in the way. I pulled my cloth hood over my head and covered my mouth as well. I stood straight on the cliff and dived off it head first aiming for a tree branch a few feet down from me as I grabbed hold of it with one hand swing myself up on top of it.

Than proceeded towards the path I was looking at earlier by sticking to the trees jumping from branch to branch. Speeding through The forest like a cheetah. only a few players were able to glance up and saw a black blur passing above their head.

"What the hell was that thing? "

"was that a bat or a panther???"

The players that saw the blur shouted in the forest.

a few moments later Zero arrive at the pathway towards Asuka. he landed on the ground looking around seeing or hearing no danger he started walking towards his destination. 20 minutes later of walking Zero heard a few shouts up ahead of him He instantly took cover in the bushes.

He saw dust kicking up behind a few figures running he made out two females and three males coming towards where he was just at. Before they made a stop right directly in front of him He each of them.

[Character Level : 10 ]

[ Name: Amethyst ]

[ Race: Human Female ]

[ Karma: Neutral but don't get on her bad side ]

[Class: Lvl.5 Hunter (Common) ]

[ Health : 4,200/5,275 ]

[ Stamina: 4,380/7,450 ]

The first player I saw. she was brown skin toned with curly pink hair and pink colored eyes. wearing fur armor that looked like a coyote. She also had sword on her hip and a good looking crafted bow on her back with only a few arrows in her quiver.

[ Character Level: 10 ]

[ Name: NK Shane ]

[Race: Human Male ]

[ Karma: Neutral for now ]

[ Class: Lvl. 5 Tamer (Common) ]

[ Health: 6,270/8,275 ]

[ Stamina: 6,280/6,345 ]

[ Mana : 7,322/ 7,540 ]

The second player I saw. He was brown skin tone with black colored pony tail hair style and shifty fox like eyes. he was wearing a mixture of leather and light armor. He had a short bow and spear on his back with one dagger on his hip. two huge wolf's beside him one white the other black.

[ Character Level: 5 ]

[ Name: Azure Wolf ]

[ Race: BeastKin Male ]

[ Karma: Neutral ]

[ Class: Lvl. 3 Adventurer (Common) ]

[ Health: 595/2,740 ]

[ Stamina: 925/3,300 ]

[ Mana: 1,345/4,400 ]

The third player I saw. he was a blue colored fur wolf like BeastKin with sharp yellow color eyes. He was wearing the default outfit the white button shirt with brown pants and bare blue furry feet. he also was carrying a short sword on his left hip and a wand on the right. he was badly injured as he kneel to the ground panting.

[ Character Level: 5 ]

[ Name: Misty Shura ]

[ Race: Wood Elf ]

[ Karma: Neutral ]

[ Class: Lvl. 3 Adventurer (Common) ]

[ Health: 2,180/2,200]

[ Stamina: 2,169/2,200 ]

[ Mana: 3,300/4,400 ]

The fourth player she was a Tanned skin tone wood elf with purple long hair and green and blue mix colored eyes. she wore the tutorial light armor gear that was a brown and black colored robe and brown shoes. she has a large magical wooden staff in her hand kneeling next to the blue wolf guy checking on him.

[ Character Level: 10 ]

[ Name: Von Baggs ]

[ Race: Human Male]

[ Karma: Neutral like a car rolling down a hill ]

[ Class: Lvl. 5 Guardian (Common) ]

[ Health: 10,343/11,600]

[ Stamina: 10,250/10,430 ]

The last player to join them was a tall, muscular built like a body builder tan skin tone guy. With a black colored smooth back and shaved on both sides hair style. With his brown colored eyes and chiseled chin like an actor.

All of them look like they just came from a war zone. bruises, cuts, and dirt stains all over their characters. The wolf guy looks the worst as he was bleeding all over barely can stand or move.

"Shane!!! We can't keep running like this... Wolf is hurt badly and his HP Re-gen is barely able to keep up with his bleeding debuff." Misty says looking at NK Shane with worry and fear. Shane looks annoyed and than changed his face into a one with hopeful smile as he turned and looks back at her.

"Don't Worry Misty everything will be okay.... we just gotta get to the cave." Shane says to her with a smile. Zero notices that quick mood change Shane just did.

( Now that wasn't creepy at all...) Zero thought to himself. "Can he keep going? we can't stop here or they will defiantly catch up to us." Amethyst says with a serious look.

"Wolf buddy...can you stand?" Shane ask kneeling right beside wolf putting his hand on his shoulder as wolf tried to stand up slowly but his legs gave out. he fell on his butt with pain and despair on his face as he shook his head with a no. Amethyst yells with frustration than walked towards Von.

" Damn it why the fuck! did those guys even attack us out of nowhere we was just minding our on business.... Von! you was covering the back for our retreat did they follow us??" Amethyst says with an angry face. Von turned to her and rubbed the back of his head.

"I-I'm not too sure was too much going on with all the dust and spells being flung around I couldn't tell what was going on...but I'm pretty sure we lost them." Von says with a nervous look Amethyst shakes her head with an "ughhh".

"Fucking greifers!! they just had to go full murder-hobo on launch day." Amethyst says pacing around with anger.

" Sorry guys...if I didn't get injured by them we could had possibly made it to your grinding spot." Azure wolf says with a disappointed look.

"Don't Worry wolf..its not your fault that some stupid pimple face nerds couldn't pogger in nobody's chat today." Amethyst says out loud. the group shake their head at her comment.

"But honestly she's right wolf you can't blame yourself for something you had no control over." Misty says with a smile towards him trying to cheer him up a little.

"Right...if my stamina and health wasn't draining at a fast pace when I move we could continue." Wolf said balling up his fist with frustration.

"Guys!!! we got company I think I see something." Von yells out as they look towards the way they came from seeing dust and whole lot of figures in it moving towards them.

"Fuck! that's gotta be them. we gotta go like now." Amethyst says in a panic voice.

"Von! try to carry wolf we need to keep moving." Shane says Von nods than proceeded to pick up wolf in princess style. They was about to move an arrow pierced Von's Leg making him tumble forward dropping Wolf as they both fell to the ground.

Amethyst was looking for the archer as she saw the person on the cliff above them preparing to knock another but she knocked hers quicker and shot it towards the archer on the cliff. hitting him as he fall to his death. The other two Misty and Shane tried to get Von and Wolf off the ground and continue but it was too late as they was already surrounded.

Zero still in hiding. no one spotted him as he look towards his combat log seeing the system notifying his stealth increased by 1. He grin a little seeing that staying in one place is paying off. Zero saw the moment when the PK'ers surrounded the group in front of him. they was unaware of the situation the whole time the people that was chasing them already had a few of their allies station here for this moment.

"They already had a few of them waiting up ahead just in case we ran fucking clever bastards!" Amethyst yelled out as one of the PK'ers dash straight at her wielding a two handed battle axe doing a battle cry.

swinging wildly at amethyst as she ducked and dodge the blows as she already had her sword out and stab right through the battle axe guy stomach. Blood gushed everywhere on her hand and outfit as she pulled the sword out killing the player as he fell to the side on the ground with a Thud! with lifeless eyes and blood spilling from his mouth.

She yelled out with a battle cry "Fucking come at us Bitches!!!" this started the skirmish as both sides begin to battle.

It was 8 against four of them they manage to take down three in the last few minutes since the battle started. Zero was actually surprised that the four was able to fight well with such a handicap.

(I'm guessing having a combat class suited for your style is a big difference.) Zero thought to himself as he notices that the bodies doesn't pixel away while combat is going on unlike in the tutorial Zone. he started to remember from the reviews about that mechanic in the game to make the combat look Realistic.

My skill buzzed like crazy as I felt the ground trembled around me and the battle that's going on in front of me. My eyes widen with surprise seeing a tall figure a few feet away approaching the battle The huge figure as I saw it for what it was. Standing at least 12 to 14 feet high was an actual giant A player at that.

I used on The giant to peak my curiosity.

[ Character Level: 15 ]

[ Name: Ragna Khan ]

[ Race: Giant Male ]

[ Karma: Bad to the bone ]

[ Guild: Ragnarok ]

[ Class: Lvl.10 Bandit (Common) ]

[ Health: 13,550/13,550]

[ Stamina: 11,500/11,500]

The giant was pale white like snow had a red colored very bushy and long braided beard, Bald head with A face of a bear tatted on it. Having no torso equipment showing just his bare chest. with red highlighted color bad ass tribal and animal tattoos covering his upper body. with giant bear fur wrapped around his Neck and shoulders hanging down His back like a cloak. His pants were some iron armor leggings with fur mixed in it as his boots were made of animal fur and leather. He dual wielded Two handed battle axes in both hands. Deadly black colored eyes as he scanned the battle that was going on he Roared with a powerful voice.

The battle stopped as the attention was drawn towards the giant and the 20 or so players behind him. Zero also spotted two other players standing beside the Giant with equal footing he used on the two players standing on each side of the Giant.

[ Character Level: 15 ]

[ Name: Vicious Vicki ]

[ Race: Orc female ]

[ Karma: she is more than a man eater ]

[ Guild: Ragnarok ]

[ Class: Lvl.10 Bandit (Common) ]

[ Health: 8,440/8,440]

[ Stamina: 12,990/12,990]

The one on his right side was a female orc With Green skin Black colored One side completely shaved off hair style. with piercing purple colored eyes. She wore all black leather armor outfit that fitted well with her curvy body. she has one axe on her left hip and one dagger on her right hip.

[ Character Level: 15 ]

[ Name: Fierce Claw ]

[ Race: BeastKin Male ]

[ Karma: One Bad kitty ]

[ Guild: Ragnarok ]

[ Class: Lvl.10 Bandit (Common) ]

[ Health: 10,500/10,500]

[ Stamina: 13,600/13,600]

The player on the Giant left side was giving off a more dangerous aura than the other two. He was a Siberian tiger like Beast Kin. With intense Green colored eyes. he wore leather armor as well but more gladiator style. He had no weapons around his waist or in his hands.

Zero couldn't help to be in awe at the information he was seeing on the three PK'ERS that just arrived leading an army.

(Them three must be the leaders of this guild of Player killers... I still can't believe Bandit is a class you can play as...this game is just too awesome....anyway those guys are screwed even one of the leaders could possibly kill them on their own. with all three plus their small battalion....the smartest thing for them is to beg for a quick death.) Zero thought to himself about this situation.

"tsk! tsk! You mice are sure slippery. making us work hard for your demise." The orc female player Vicki says towards the group as her and the two leaders walks up casually a few feet away from The group with a sinister smile on her face.

"its funny that your all back at the same predicament as before....hahaha such comedy." Vicki laughed like psycho.

"Why are you doing this!? we was just minding our own business there is no need for it to be like this." Misty says with a panic voice as she stayed closed to Wolf who is still injured badly.

"Yeah you fucking dickheads!!! we are trying to enjoy the game unlike you guys who purpose is to ruin other players experiences Fucking assholes!" Amethyst yells out towards the PK'ERS.

"hehehe...Wow what a potty mouth do you kiss your mother with that?" The tiger BeastKin Claw says towards Amethyst.

"How about you kiss these balls nerd!!!" Amethyst said with a rude gesture as a clap back.

"Amethyst!" NK Shane yelled out at her with a warning glance.

"Please! forgive my friend...she is a bit....unfiltered and if we could solve this little misunderstanding with a bargain we are obligated to comply how about it friends?"

NK Shane says with invisible sweat and a smile to cover his nervousness.

"I'm NOT COMPLYING TO shi-" Just before Amethyst was about to finish she was cut off with another warning from Shane

"Amethyst!...Not another word" he said seriously this time opening his fox eyes opens a little. The Bandit leaders looked at each other than burst out Laughing along with their goons. The Giant bandit leader Ragna step up towards Shane looking down at him like he was just an ant that could be squashed at any moment.

"You ...Kneel." Ragna say in a deep booming voice The PK'ERS started snickering among each other watching the scene play out as Shane look up at the Giant.

"Y-you want me to kneel?" he said in a nervous voice.

"I thought you wanted a deal better do what dear "ole" Ragna say or this might be your last time speaking." Vicki says with a smirk.

"KNEEL!!!" Ragna yells out louder than before Shane flinched a little than look back at his group. He looked at misty who nodded for him to do it with mouthing saying "Please".

Than looking at Wolf who was looking back at him with a concern face. Than he looked at von who was nodding as well towards him. than he looked at Amethyst who was shaking her head while biting her lips making them bleed her face had frustration on it.

Shane decided than...and knelt "okay I did what you ask now what?" Shane looked up at Ragna but as soon he saw that evil smirk it was too late all he felt was pain.

his body was launched off the ground like a rocket as he flew spiraling a few yards away from his original position. Landing with a bone cracking crash into a pile of rocks as dust spread around the area of the crash.

"SHANE!!!" Misty yelled out seeing the dust cleared a little showing a bloody face Shane dazed in the pile of rocks.

(Half his health was gone with one blow sheesh!) zero thought to himself looking towards the bloody Shane.

" Damn only half!? I thought I would have at least kicked his head off." Ragna says with a disappointed look Shane's two wolf's lunged at the giant as he blocked both the wolves bite with one arm.

"Damn Mutts!!!" Ragna slammed down with his arm into the ground crushing the wolves as they howled out with dying yelp as blood splattered every where in the crater that was left by the crushing attack.

"You fucking monster!!!" Amethyst yells out as she begins to attack Ragna shooting a few arrows at him as he blocked them with ease with his large arms as the arrows only sunk in the skin a little but not deep enough to hurt the Giant.

Vicki draws her weapons as she dash at Amethyst. Amethyst seeing the female Orc heading towards her she was trying to put up her bow going for her sword.

"Battle Rush!!!" Vicki yells out the skill to make her move and attack faster. it activated leaving behind after images.

Amethyst was surprised by the burst of speed pulling out her sword but it wouldn't be enough time to block the attack.

"Shield charge!!!" Von yells out activating the skill to instantly appear in front of Amethyst to block Vicki attack.

Vicki face shows with annoyance at the interference from Von.

"You taking me on with that injured leg? cute I admire your tenacity handsome." Vicki says with a wink and a devilish smile.

"I will do what I can to protect my friends." Von says with determination. A Figure darted pass him with insane speed.

it was Fierce claw he was running on all fours. heading straight for Amethyst she was ready having her sword out.

she slashed out with basic sword attacks at him he dodge the attacks with ease. seeing this she used one of the one handed sword skills it's an instant strike with a one handed sword that moves faster than the speed of sound.

"dodge this you furry shit!!!Piercing Flash!!!" Amethyst yells out.

The attack was countered by Fierce Claw's skill that blocks all physical attacks at the right moment.

Claw timing was incredible it surprised amethyst leaving her in a daze. than he used one of his skills A claw Cone attack that cuts everything in front of the user.

To other people the exchange happen in a instant. For zero it was all in slow motion he saw every strike and movement that was made by the two and from his prospective Amethyst stood no chance.

Blood sprayed everywhere amethyst health dropped at an alarming rate from that one attack stopping at 30% from 0. She fell to her knees with wounds all over her body breathing heavy as the look on her face was in despair.

Fierce claw licked the blood from his claws while walking around amethyst with a chuckle. "AMY!!! Nooooo!!!" Misty yell out with a cry only a few feet away from them she used one of the magical staff skills shoots a wave of fire towards the area in front of the user.

"Get away from her you sicko!!!!Flame Wave!!!" Amethyst yells out. The fire attack shot straight for Fierce as he did a retreat back from the attack.

looking at the annoying misty for ruining his moment. That's when she ran up and grabbed Amethyst to slide her back where wolf was at as she put them back to back and stood up protecting them for what's to come next.

A loud grunt yelled out from Misty Right she saw a wounded and kneeling Von. A couple of feet away near Vicki who was giggling and teasing the wounded man.

Von was trying to stand but that's when he was launched in the air by a kick from the Giant Ragna landing with a loud thud right beside Misty.

"Von!!!" she yells checking on him as she heard a few chuckles behind her seeing the three bandit leaders goons bringing Shane and dropping him few feet beside wolf as they slowly backed away with devilish smiles.

"Shane!!!" misty yells out in a panic running towards him and sliding him to where the rest of her party was at.

Misty stood in front of her friends with a few tears running down her cheeks.

"Awe look at the little chick trying to protect her friends isn't that sweet." Vicki says with a smirk as their group of PK'ers laughed.

Ragna walks up looking down at the group they just toyed with.

"This is why we do this little girl...for content like this. it's what makes us feel alive in every way. Not no bull shit questing. not no mob grinding. leveling in dungeons no. Nothing but Player killing!!! That's what real gaming is!" Ragna says with a wide creepy grin.

"B-but that's not how the game is to be played! your ruining it for others can't see that!!???" Misty cry's out.

"Haha haha!!!! This is "Your Fantasy" Remember! you can play how ever you want...and if ruining the game for others is how we play shit why not??? right boys!!!" Ragna says with a proud face.

Cheers shake the area around them from the player killers saying "Hell yeah!!! or Damn Right!!!"

Misty was in total fear now as she didn't know what to say or do at this moment.

" can still get out of here." Wolf says looking at her with a determination. Misty was surprised by that

"No! im not leaving you guys if we die we die together." She felt a hand on her shoulder she look and saw the bloody face Shane standing beside her along with Von and Amethyst.

"Get The Hell out of here Misty this isn't up for discussion!" Amethyst said with a serious tone in her voice.

"Yeah shura you gotta be the one to survive." Von says with a smile.

"We will hold them off while you retreat and find a good hiding spot. we will message you once we re-spawn... so go Misty!!"

Misty looked at the determination of her friends tears was rolling even faster down her cheeks.

"Guys..." Misty says than nodded with a sigh.

"Don't Worry Princess...your not going anywhere." Fierce claw says with malice in his tone. The group was seeing all the PK'ers surrounding them.

"Don't let none of them escape!!! Let's see how many I can decapitate with one attack." Ragna says with a smirk Holding both his Axes up high for a large wide swing with both weapons.

Suddenly one of the PK'ers come flying out the bushes to the right of both groups showing the player foaming from the mouth with lifeless eyes. Fierce Claw keen senses instantly picked up on the murderous aura.

He prepared his self for an attack.(Such danger! did that fool trigger a world boss in this area.) Red eyes Pierced the veil of bushes and trees looking directly at Claw.

His passive skill activated allows him to sense deadly danger towards him. He step back a little showing fear on his face. The two bandit leaders notice Fierce behavior with surprised looks.

"Fierce! what is it." Vicki ask looking at him worried.

"I-i think that idiot triggered a world senses are going crazy with danger." Both the leaders gulped and also backed a few steps along with their goons.

When Shane heard that he sighs under his breath. (Damn it!! right when I'm too low level and hurt if its the world boss im thinking of...this would've been a great opportunity to capture it fuck!!!!) Shane thought to himself.

Both groups we're terrified to see what was going to come out of those bushes.

"Damn it...and here I tried to get away from this scuffle and now im the center of attention." A brown and black hooded Figure says with a mixture of the tutorial zone armors on that looked tattered and bent up.

They all analyzed him seeing his name [Zero] and his character level 7.

"hahaha. Are you serious Claw... you had us worried over a level 7 noob!?" Vicki said with a laugh following another roar of laughing from the PK'ers.

While Shane group hope of escape turn into a distant dream seeing the so called world boss was just a passing player. The PK'ERS were still laughing all except Fierce claw who still saw the danger in front of him.

(Was that just a bug in the system. there is no way a player could have such dangerous aura around him that resembles a world boss.) Fierce claw thought to himself.

"hahaha Seem like you pick the wrong time to reveal yourself bud!" Ragna says with a cold laugh.

"Well what are you guys waiting for.... Kill him and avenge your falling comrade!!!" Ragna yells out as 10 PK'ers rush for zero screaming out battle cries. He wasnt paying it no mind as his curiosity was peak at the notification in his view.

[You have unlocked the following Character Skill ].