I'm Zero, Not a Hero!

: (A passive Skill that makes the user look dangerous to those who could sense it or to see it. intense pressure of fear or intimidation will overcome them. increase Charisma and physical attributes by 10 if activated. this will increase with each level gain for the skill.)

Zero was amazed by the skill he just obtained as he closed the notification screen. He just noticed the group of players heading straight for him with their weapons out. Before they could even reach a few feet away from Zero. They felt it...the pressure of the passive skill .The PK'ers came to a halt all 10 showed a pale face sweating. Some even dropped to their knees looking up at Zero who suddenly looked like a titan compared to earlier.

The three bandit leaders and Shane's group was all in shock. They all saw Zero just casually started walking towards the frozen players.

"What are you morons doing fucking kill him!!!" Vicki yell out with frustration. it was too late Zero vanish with a blur as he appeared behind the group of frozen PK'ers as they all fell to the ground at the same time with foam from their mouths and lifeless eyes.

Zero's notification exploded as golden light filled him with refreshness showing that he had level up a few times from just killing those players. (No wonder these guys are Player Killers) Zero thought to himself.

"What the fuck was that, and did he just level up three times from that??" Vicki cursed out

"Now he's level A 10 after that one encounter is he a hacker?? I couldn't see anything they just all died instantly." Ragna says as he looks down towards Fierce who was looking like a wet puppy.

"Fierce....whats going on? did you see any of that?" Ragna question Fierce who slowly started walking backwards trying to run away.

"H-H-He's a monster! I only saw a few of the attacks...but the rest even I couldn't keep up. He was only using his hands no weapons his bow and daggers both didn't leave their positions."

When the rest of the PK'ers heard that they all started to get cold feet.

"Tsk! you pussies all wetting yourselves. Ragna! let us show this so called hacker that we are the real danger here." Vicki smirked with a confident look.

"Hmph. if Fierce is afraid we shouldn't underestimate this guy Vicki." Ragna says with a cold voice as he started walking along with Vicki to meet zero as he looked over his shoulder at Fierce.

"You can either fight with us or stand there like a deer in headlights." Ragna says towards him with a serious voice.

Fierce claw who was hesitant to go forward now smacking himself hard. blood drip from his mouth as he spit some out. He started looking serious as he also walked up right beside the other two leaders. Zero who managed to meet the three leaders half way after looking at his notifications that pop up from killing those PK'ers and closing them out for now to look at them later.

"Who are you? some sort of hero for these fools." Ragna says with a low growl.

Zero who looked up at the Giant with confusion.

"Hero??...Nah I'm Zero Big guy." Zero says nonchalantly. Ragna look at him with silence.

(That guy just dropped 10 players by himself with no help...and there were some that was a higher level than him.) NK Shane thought to himself as he looks towards zero with interest. He clicked on Zero's name that was highlighted in his view he saw the option of whisper. He whispered to zero. Zero eyes looked to the corner of his vision seeing a Whisper from that Shane guy.

[NK Shane]: ~ Hey sorry for asking you of this but

Please help us! We can offer you anything in return, I promise what do you say?~

[Zero]: ~Its Fine, I don't want anything I was going to take care of these guys any way since they attack me first.~

[NK Shane] : ~Thanks! we will definitely pay you back for this.~

Zero sighed a little as he looked back at the three bandit leaders who was still staring at him silently. He was guessing they was privately chatting with each other.

"So...are we doing this or what?" Zero said with a bored tone in his voice.

"You really think you can take all three of us at once?? you must really know how to hack this game...which should be impossible." Vicki says sharply at him.

"We all know there's no way you can hack a game that's run by an A.I." Zero says looking at them with annoyance.

"Hmph! whatever the case may be it doesn't matter now. you fucked up by killing our brothers and sisters! hacks or not I will claim your HEAD!" Ragna yells out as he charged with his Axes held out along with both the leaders as the fight begins.

Zero prepare himself for the battle that's about to happen he pulled out both his daggers. Seeing the first to arrive in front of him was Vicki who appeared in front of him using She roared with a battle cry coming down with the dual wield skill . Zero used his Skill instantly countering the attack. Zero used the dagger skill on a weak spot on her stomach. She instantly felt the pain dropping to her knees. He than looked down at her with red cold eyes. She looked at him with a pale face as he pulled the dagger out. Blood burst out everywhere causing a major bleeding debuff in Vicki status.

{ Has hit A for -8,440! Bleeding damage!}

[Warning you are now bleeding! use bandages or a re-gen potion to heal yourself! if not you will die.]

Vicki saw the status debuff and her health was already gone She knew her fate. she held her stomach and fell on her back with lifeless eyes.

Zero didn't waste anytime as he saw Ragna only a few feet away from him coming down with one of his Axes. he easily dodge it as he used skill on Ragna's knee crippling the Giant as he fell to that one knee screaming in agony. He swung his other axe this time it glowed red.

"Shatter!!!" Ragna yells out as the Two handed skill was about to land right on zero's head. He dodge it with ease showing the weapon slamming on the ground with cracks like an earthquake just happened.

Fierce claw manage to close the distance on Zero when he was dodging Ragna's attack. going for an opportunity. Zero saw The beastkin tiger coming for him. They both clashed claws against steel. Than both exchange rapid blows of normal attacks that was too fast for the normal eye can see. Fierce claw activated his skill his hands moved like a blur. Zero used his dual wielding skill both exchange rapid attacks. Zero attack ended up winning as his skill instantly overpowered fierce claw's attack. Zero hit every on fierce claw's body making the tiger BeastKin cough up blood as he tumbled over with lifeless eyes, and a shredded body of cuts to the ground with a thud!.

Zero looked back over his shoulder seeing a lifeless Fierce Claw on the ground. His Activated as he ducked a large two handed axe that was thrown aiming for his head. A Raging Ragna was getting up off the ground as if his crippling damage seem to disappear. A buff was activated for Ragna called : This Racial skill makes the player immune to stuns and crippling damages. also increase their strength and constitution by 10.

Zero looks towards the giant who was emitting a powerful raging aura around himself. (Look like he gotten serious better go ahead and end this.) Zero thought to himself looking at the raging giant in front of him. Ragna look at his falling comrades his rage started to boil staring at Zero with burning rage.

"I Will kill you! and kill you over! and over! over again! till you stop playing and sell your account you meddling FUCK!!!!" Ragna roared out with intense rage.

Running straight at Zero with the bandit skill making him Sprint like a stampede of elephants shaking the earth. Ragna Lunged at Zero using the two handed skill coming down with his weapon leaving a small crater. Seeing that zero was no longer at the spot he aimed at. he retrieved his other axe as he turned spotted Zero a few feet away he snickered.

"Stop running you Fucking mice!!! fight me like a man!" Ragna yell out as he no longer saw zero in his sight as he just disappeared.

Zero used appearing in one of the tree branches behind Ragna a few yards away. aiming his bow with a glowing yellow arrow. Ragna was still looking for Zero but couldn't even spot anything resembling him. He Roared with anger than an Arrow pierced right through the back of his head and out of his mouth as his eyes got wide he instantly drop his Axes. than to both his knees as his eyes rolled to back of his head as he tumbled over like a tree.

{ Hit a for -13,550 Critical Damage!}

Zero instantly appeared right behind the falling giant Started walking around him slowly as he looked down at Ragna with cold eyes. he instantly turned his head around looking directly at the rest of the PK'ers. They all looked like death has arrive to take their souls. they all turned tail running and screaming. Zero Glowed Golden again feeling refresh. His notifications lit up in his view.

[Congratulations! You have reach the character level 15!]

[Congratulations! Your Class Has reach Level 10!]

[Congratulations! You have obtain the title !]

[You Have Obtained the Class skill ]

Shane's group couldn't believe what they just saw.This random Solo player just defeated three level 15 players and their goons who weren't causal players either by himself with no help. Shane group looked at the dead leaders. Amazed that he took them down in a matter of minutes. After looking at his notifications Zero look back at Shane's group. Zero stared at them as they stared back at him like he was some sort of celebrity.

"Wooooow...." Amethyst said in a low voice eyes sparked looking at Zero who was like a star in her eyes.

"H-He....actually manage to beat them." Von says with awe.

"T-Thank you for saving us!" Misty says wiping the tears away from her eyes smiling with joy standing there with an injured wolf leaning on her.

"No problem....these assholes wanted the trouble and it came to them." Zero said coldly staring at the dead leaders who bodies were slowly turning into pixels along with the other dead PK'ers. Hearing movement coming right beside him.

Zero turned looking at NK Shane who was on the side of him with a smile and his hand out for a shake.

"Either way you save us thank you, if there's anything you nee-"

Shane was about to finish talking until he was interrupted by Zero Who looked at Shane's hand than back at him.

"I told you...they attack me as well. so don't worry about repaying me back for this and just remember everybody gets one!" Zero than turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!!!" It was Amethyst who was barely standing.

"Add Me BRUH!" She said yelling out.

Zero couldn't help but to be amazed he added her just cause of that as he chuckles a little along with the group. They all added Zero as a friend a few moments later after they pointed out how cool it was that he took out the three bandit leaders and kept asking was he a hacker and how he was able to overpower and one shot most of the PLAYER Killers.

"Easy I maxed out my Skills." Zero said nonchalantly Their jaws dropped hearing this.

"Even so what skills that are maxed out to make you one shot things." Misty says with curiosity she just couldn't believe the A.I. would let certain skills stay overpowered like that. Zero smirked at her comment.

"That's me and the A.I. little secret." Zero says as he turned around and starting to leave. He wave back at the group with a good bye and good luck he than vanished from their view. The group saw the strange player left vanishing before their very eyes.

"Damn he's too fucking cool." Amethyst says with amazement. "And Hot!" Misty says blushing along with Amethyst agreeing as they giggle. the guys all shake their heads and rolled their eyes.

30 minutes later.....

Zero Finally arrived at Asuka with the help of his new class skill . Looking over the kingdom from a cliff.

{ You have discovered a new location [Kingdom of Asuka] 2,000 EXP is awarded}.

The buildings looked Asian Oriented and a mixture of Arabic. Zero notices the different race of people going in and out of the kingdom it was a sight to see. the tallest building was a White and gold colored castle that almost reached the clouds. Zero snapped a screenshot. Than he jumped from the cliff landing lightly on the road towards Asuka.

"Thank god for the skill that allows me to be light as a feather." Zero says.

A few moments later after walking around the Kingdom. I found the destination I was looking for. The building was a mansion with a gate around it on top of the gates a sign hangs saying "Adventure Guild." I entered the building seeing different players and NPCs interacting with each other. Than I saw a group of figures waiting for me waving as I smiled and walked towards them.