Legendary Class Quest, Part 1

"Yo! sup guys, Sorry it took me longer than expected to get here." Zero says as he walked up to his group of friends that were chatting about.

The first to notice his presence was Legend.

I instantly notice his outfit and level I used on him.

[Character Level : 18 ]

[ Name: Legendary Swordsman ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[ Karma: Neutral with a blank face ]

[Class: Lvl.13 Samurai (Rare) ]

[ Health : 9,225/9,225 ]

[ Stamina: 9,300/4,300 ]

[Ki: 12,000/12,000 ]

His character was a Light skin tone human.

over 6ft tall, With an all white kimono, Straw hat under the hat was hazel colored eyes, White and gold sheathed katana, and Geta Sandals.

"Well look who decided to finally join us." Legend says with a smile as the group started to turn around and greet Zero.

"We thought you had got lost in that tutorial bro."

I analyzed the person who spoke.

[Character Level : 15 ]

[ Name: Grim Lee ]

[ Race: Human male ]

[ Karma: Neutral but keep an eye out on this one. ]

[Class: Lvl.10 Alchmesit (Rare) ]

[ Health : 7,370/7,370]

[ Stamina: 7,000/7,000 ]

[ Mana: 10,000/10,000 ]

I knew exactly who this was. it was Quentin His character was a Dark skin Human almost the same height as me just an inch taller standing at 5'6, Long black dreads that goes to his back, golden Goggles on top of his head, Bright orange colored eyes, all White lab coat, Blue cloth pants that look like jeans, with black rubber gloves and boots, With potions wrapped around his belt like grenades.

"I kind of almost did. didn't want to leave to be honest." I say nonchalantly

"Here I thought, I would be the one to take The longest in the tutorial, but it seems like your the ass eater today pal." the group chuckles as I analyzed the next guy that spoke.

[Character Level : 15 ]

[ Name: Mykenai Azelas]

[ Race: Vampire Male ]

[ Karma: Your A Neutral Myke! ]

[Class: Lvl.14 Adventure (Common)]

[ Health : 9,550/9,550 ]

[ Stamina: 10,080/10,080 ]

[Mana: 8,500/8,500 ]

This was Gamebreaker. His character is a Pale skin tone Vampire. Over 7ft tall, Blue colored short spiky hairstyle and a chin strapped beard, Red vampiric like eyes, Chiseled chin with a handsome face like an actor, Wearing a mixture of heavy and leather armor, with a one handed sword on his left hip, and a gun on his right hip, looking like a Merc for hire.

"Damn man..you got me with that one Gamebreaker." I say rubbing the back of my head feeling a little embarrassed being slower than him.

"Hahaha! Bro!! Zero you really gonna let Gamebreaker get on you like that??" I analyzed the guy who just spoke.

[Character Level : 15 ]

[ Name: Martial King ]

[ Race: Human male]

[ Karma: Neutral ]

[Class: Lvl.13 Monk (Rare) ]

[ Health : 10,100/10,100 ]

[ Stamina: 13,000/13,000 ]

[ Ki: 15,000/15,000 ]

This was Fist! no doubt about that as his character still looks similar to his Hub Avatar.

He had light brown skin tone, Large black colored Afro, With Green colored eyes, no shirt on showing bare chest that was ripped with muscles, monk beads around his neck and one on his right wrist, Yellow cloth pants, Black Kung fu like shoes, no weapons could be seen on him.

"Yeah..yeah. whatever..I know what I am and don't need to prove it to anyone." I say shaking my head. than looking at the last three I analyzed them as well.

[Character Level : 18 ]

[ Name: Katsumi]

[ Race: Human Female ]

[ Karma: Neutral I think ]

[Class: Lvl.15 Assassin (Rare)]

[ Health : 9,350/9,350 ]

[ Stamina: 18,550/18,550 ]

Katsumi still looked like their Hub Avatar as well. White skin tone, Brown colored hair that's in a ponytail, Wearing all black colored leather armor and boots that fits her body well, with a black cloth covering her mouth. with two dual daggers on each side of her hips.

[Character Level : 15]

[ Name:Gear ]

[ Race: BeastKin male ]

[ Karma: A sneaky Neutral kitty ]

[Class: Lvl.12 Theif (Common)]

[ Health : 7,675/7,675 ]

[ Stamina: 13,600/13,600]

Gear looked just like his Hub Avatar in every way except his outfit. Wearing a red cloth shirt with white cloth pants, A long Brown cloak on his back that has a hood attached to it, brown boots,

One handed sword on his hip with a brown pouch on the same side as the sword.

[Character Level : 16 ]

[ Name: Ryu ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[ Karma: Neutral ]

[Class: Lvl.10 Adventure (Common)]

[ Health : 17,850/17,850]

[ Stamina: 12,300/12,300 ]

Ryu Had a full heavy iron armor set on, shield on his back, One handed sword on his Hip. he looked like a retired Knight on his last journey.

I look at everyone again this time with confusion.

"Huh...I thought Yoshi was here as well?" I say towards the group.

"Maybe he had better things to do like progressing his character, Than to wait on an Ass Eater." Katsumi says with a smirk.

I looked at her with a blank face than rolled my eye shaking my head.

"Hahaha...Nah just playing with ya fool. he still stuck in his Class quest." Katsumi says

"I see, So it's true about most class quest can be very difficult. but anyway on that topic." I say looking towards A Ryu who was humming some random anime OST.

"So Tony what about that Legendary quest bro??" I say looking towards him with a wide grin along with the rest of the group.

"Since everyone who suppose to be here is here.

The quest is telling me to find the , and I been doing some digging with some of the NPCs around the Kingdom the seer is on the Westside of the Kingdom." Ryu says

"Than what are we waiting around here for? lets go!" Katsumi says as everyone nod their head in agreement.

"Okay, Damn dog! well follow me Y'all!" Ryu says with excitement in his voice.

20 minutes later we arrived at The Seer's Tent.

It was a giant one at that with a purple color theme, long rug that stretch outside of the entrance. With two over 7ft tall bodyguards that made fist look like a scrawny teenage girl. Both Wearing a full set of Golden Heavy Armor and wielding golden like trident spears.

"Watch what you do guys...these two NPCs are part of the Royal Guard for the kingdom." Gamebreaker says with caution. I Analyzed both of them as we step towards the entrance.

[Name: Asuka's Royal Guard ]

[ Level : ??]

[ Health : ???/???]

[Mana: ???/??? ]

[Stamina: ???/??? ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[Name: Asuka's Royal Guard ]

[ Level : ??]

[ Health : ???/???]

[Mana: ???/??? ]

[Stamina: ???/??? ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

(Whoa! Even with my Skill at Level 5.

I still can't see too much these guys information.)

I thought to myself Right when Ryu step on the Rug heading into the seer's tent. The Royal guards instantly reacted blocking the way forward.

"Halt! To see the You must present us the right document to pass." One of the guards says towards Ryu.

Making him tense up a little.

"Shit!! I almost forgot about that." Ryu say with a panic Voice Scrambling around to find what the guards need as a small golden like ticket fell out of his armor onto the ground.

"Ah DAMN it! fucking armor and no damn pockets!" Ryu grunts as he picked it up while Gamebreaker and Fist chuckles from his grunts he was making to pick up the ticket.

Ryu showed the guards the golden Ticket.

They both got back to their original positions.

"You May pass Travelers." One of The guard says

We all walked in the tent. it was a lot bigger than we thought.

Once we got in A man was standing there waiting for us. With a Bald Head,and Brown skin tone, Purple color Arabic style Long sleeves V-Neck and silk purple pants and all black shoes,

Light blue colored eyes that stared straight at us with a humble smile.

"Hello, Travelers We have been expecting you. I am Kon The Seer's Assistant. please follow me."

Kon says with a smooth voice. He turns around Leading the way towards the seer.

We all looked at each other. Quentin was the first to speak mentally in our group chat.

[Grim Lee]: "I don't know about you guys but I don't trust this guy."

[ Legendary Swordsman]: "Bruh! your reading my mind Quentin, this guy might be leading us to a trap!"

[Mykenai Azelas] : "Idk guys...he doesn't seem that hostile."

[ Katsumi] : "I mean if this is a trap we just can kill him."

[Ryu]: "Kill!? No hell!!!....yall are not about to mess up my quest!"

[Zero]: "Well...for now let's try to see where he takes us, if it seem fishy. I say we think of a plan for now to escape."

The group talk for a few moments in the party chat till Kon looked over shoulders and spoke while we was still walking.

"Please do not worry, No harm shall come to any of you. By me or my master I assure you of this."

Kon says nonchalantly looking back forward.

Everyone stop to look at each other. except Kon who keep walking forward.

[Legendary Swordsman]: "Did that bot just read our chat...or am I tripping??"

[ Mykenai Azelas] : "Dood! I'm really starting to doubt he is a bot."

They all agreed with Game breaker's comment as they kept talking in the group chat about Kon's identity. This peaked Zero curiosity he used on Kon while they started back walking again.

[Name: Kon,The Seer's Assistant ]

[ Level : 30]

[ Health : 15,000/15,000]

[Mana: 35,000/35,000 ]

[Stamina: 15,000/15,000 ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[Zero]: "Yeah he is most definitely an NPC, A strong one from the stats."

"We have arrive, You may Enter." Kon says with a respectable tone in his voice as he opened a curtain like door. That Showed a room full of old

Antiques, Magical items, caged magical Creatures, the ceiling looked like a galaxy full of stars.

In the middle of the room was a table that sat a large luminous crystal ball in the middle. Behind the table was a woman with Dark brown colored skin tone, A Purple and black hooded robe, on the hood was A black colored eye of Horus symbol. The hood shrouded her face.

"Master, Our guests have arrived." Kon says with a bow towards the seer. Standing beside her.

"Hmmm.... I see, Thank you Kon." The seer says while walking slowly around the table coming towards us she stop in front of the table looked directly at us. Her eyes glowed with a rainbow color.

"Welcome Travelers I have been expecting you for a while now." The seer says towards us as her eyes pinned on Ryu.

Who was about to introduce himself but was cutoff before he could.

"You are Ryu, Correct?" The seer ask

Ryu looked surprised. "The hell!.... I-I mean yes ma'am." Ryu says as he studder a little bit.

The seer look at everyone else. Than her Eyes gotten wide looking at me.

She coughs than started to look around at each of us again. "All of you are here today for a mighty adventure that Ryu must embark on. But this isn't just any Adventure it's one that will begin many great adventures and make way for others destinies to begin."

The seer says as she walked back around the crystal ball with her hands behind her back. Than she touches it showing an image of a cave in a deep forest. than it showed an image of a Red ancient dragon sleeping around a sword in a stone.

The Seer looked back at us.

"Your destiny lies in that cave with the ancient dragon Ryu." The seer says looking at him

"Where can I find the cave?" Ryu ask looking at the image of the dragon with sparkling eyes.

"You must travel towards the North East of this kingdom towards the ".

The seer says looking at everyone once again.

"T-Thank you for the information Ma'am! we will be going now." Tony says towards the seer with a humble nod excited to rush off.

We was about to walk out till she yelled out

"Wait!" She walked back toward us and stood only a few feet away.

Some of the party put their hands on their weapons looking back at the seer and their surroundings.

"Don't Worry children. there is no trouble....just that before you all go i wanted to say each of you are destined for great things in the future of [Euphoria]." The seer says but than point at me looking directly at me.

"You on the other hand....im not sure. Every time I try to look at your Destiny it comes up blank...never in my lifetime have I encountered such a phenomenon with a none Seer Can you please tell me your name young man?" The seer says towards me as I and the rest of the group looked surprised.

"My name is Zero." I say with no hesitation looking back at her.

"Zero....Huh I would remember such a name if you were a Seer. Only way a destiny cannot be seen if mysterious powers are at work or you are a Seer like me and my assistant." The seer says while turning back around looking at Kon.

"Kon can you see his destiny?" The seer ask her assistant Kon who had his eyes closed and standing at same spot since the group enter the room shaking his head no.

"No master, I tried it earlier but just like you my vision didn't show me anything either." Kon says with his eyes closed still not moving an inch like a statue.

"Interesting indeed. Young Zero please visit us again in the future maybe than. I will have more answer about this...as for the rest of you I will see you again.... eventually hehehe..." The seer waved them off and walked back behind the crystal ball and sat in her chair.

"What do you think about all this my sweet and humble Nephew." The seer asked, as Kon open his eyes a little staring at Zero's back with a sly smirk while the group of travelers left the room.

"I think this is The beginning of a change for the world of [Euphoria] Dear Aunt." Kon says in a low voice only him and her can hear.

A few moments later the group arrived outside of the The Seer's tent a few miles down the road as they stop.

"Dude what the mystical fuck was that." Legend says with wide eyes.

"Bro im not gonna lie that shit had me on edge when she stop us from leaving." Quentin says looking back down towards the seer's tent.

"Yeah that back there was kind of SUS." Gamebreaker says

"Yeah I don't wanna go back there again if I don't have to." Gear says with invisible sweat rolling down his forehead.

"The fact that the conversation back there was so immersive, and that whole "cant see your destiny" crap with zero here was crazy..what do you think that was all about zero?" Katsumi asked Zero looking at him with confusion along with the rest of the group as Zero rubbed the back of his head he was about to talk till cut off by Ryu.

"My Quest updated guys!! it's just like the seer said we must head to the lucky for me I just unlocked the adventurer skill it's pulling me towards the forest." Ryu says excitedly not knowing he cutoff zero that was going to say something.

He just let it go as they left the street from the seer's tent. We chatted for a few while walking and stopped at some of the local stores around the Kingdom getting bandages, different armors and, weapons heading towards the forest.

Walking towards the path we fought against different mobs of monsters and magical beast.

killing them just as fast as encountering them.

After what felt like 3 to 4 hours of walking and murderhoboing we finally arrived at The .

Once we stepped in the forest it instantly turned dark along with a few notifications.

[You have a Discovered a New location Awarding {+2,000 EXP} ]

[ You Have Entered A Domain of a powerful Entity, All creatures influence by this Domain will have all stats increased by 5 and 10% Resistant to Dark and light elements.]

"Wonder why they call this the forest of Dutch Veil??" Ryu asked as we kept walking through the forest till we heard ghostly whale that scared a little bit of the group.

"I think that right there just answer your question Tony." Gamebreaker says laughing a little.

My skill triggers "Wait...hide! we need to hide now!" I say out loud warning the group as we all hide behind or in something in the forest.

A few seconds later A giant glowing ghost like figure comes flying down slowly at the spot we was just at that looked like a Zombiefied warrior mage king.

He has a crown on top of his head with wild hair, Skeleton like head, torso was a plate chest armor, with tattered Lower robes showing nothing but decaying feet, and a giant Bad ass two handed sword on its back.

He looked around the area searching. He grumbled and growl under his breath.

I Analyzed the ghostly figure from the bushes I was hiding in.

[Name: Dutch Veil, The Jailer ]

[ Level : ☠ ]

[ Health : ???/???]

[Mana: ???/??? ]

[Stamina: ???/??? ]

[ Race: undead male ]

5 more ghostly like figures arrive above the Dutch head.

"Lord Veil....we have locate a few trespassers." one of the ghostly figures say. they looked exactly like Dutch but no lower body just a ghostly lower half.

"You trespassers will rule the day you step into my domain!" He yells out with a ghostly whale.

Flying away along with his minions. The group came back to their original positions.

"Good call out Zero. A second later we would've rule this day for coming here." Legend says towards me as the group nodded in agreement.

"So should we continue towards the cave or head back?" Fist says looking worried

"I think we should turn back...i got a bad feeling if we continue forward there will be even more trouble." Quentin says looking paranoid around his surroundings.

"I'm with Quen, with this one...i don't think we should try our luck with the cave." Gear says wrapping his cat tail around one of his leg.

"I mean it's my quest you guys don't have to go forward from this point on." Ryu says with out hesitation.

"Nah we won't let you do this alone tony, plus you guys heard the seer. This Quest will be the beginning of great adventures for us in the future that means a lot great Loot!" I say towards the group as they pondered for a few seconds.

" I agree with Zero, We should continue even if death might await us in the end what we have to lose?" Legend says

Everyone slowly started to come around and agreeing as well.

"Okay it's settled lets keep going guys." I say with an excited voice.

30 minutes later...After traveling through the forest talking about different plans to tackle this quest, and Hiding from the Dutch's guard Patrol.

We finally found the cave from the seer's vision. it was on A mountain that was shaped like a volcano.

Once we arrived we saw a platoon of zombies that look like an ancient Army of an old kingdom guarding the entrance of the cave with barricades, watch towers, and even a stable of undead horses.

There was an outpost right here at the cave surprising us. The first to speak in our group chat once we arrived was legend

[Legendary Swordsman]: "That's just great. This wasn't in the vision the seer showed us."

[Martial King]: "I know right! I'm starting to think that seer is a troll Lol xD."

[Zero]: "Either way we still gotta get in that cave, Lets wait for a few more minutes than we execute Plan C."

The group all agreed as They waited. That's when they heard a few yells and screams coming from the direction to the west of their position.

"Let us go you dirty apes!" A group of mining gnomes emerged from forest being dragged in chains by a few of the undead guards.

Than a Giant undead bigger than the other guards Wearing barbarian like attire with a giant white goat skull as a helmet with a huge axe on its back came out of the cave along with another undead but this one was wearing an all black hooded robes that are tattered.

"Oh we have a feisty one this time....bring them to my Lab lets see how long it will take for them to break like the others hahahahahahaha!" The hooded undead says with a creepy voice as he walked back in the cave.

The giant undead guard grunts at the guard's with the gnomes to bring them into the Cave he walked behind them as the gnomes kept yelling and screaming to be released.

[Mykenai Azelas]: "Okay that wasn't a crazy event of things..so what do we do about that?"

[Katsumi]: "I say we forget about them and continue with the quest."

[Legendary Swordsman]: "That's Cold bro."

[Ryu] : "Yeah that really is messed up."

[Zero]: "How about this if they are still alive...if ....

we can try to save them once we get through

the cave and see them."

[Grim Lee]: "I'm down for that idea."

Everyone agreed as well.

[Zero]: "Okay Guys let's show these undead fucks what we all about!"

Once after Zero said that in the group chat he knocked four arrows. Releasing them in a quick motion shooting all four arrows at the undead guards on the watch towers killing them instantly.

{ Hit a for -2,600 Critical Damage!}

{ Hit a for -2,600 Critical Damage!}

{ Hit a for -2,600 Critical Damage!}

{ Hit a for -2,600 Critical Damage!}

Right after the death of the guards in the watch towers. Katsumi and gear manage to sneak behind the other six guards that was watching the cave entrance coming from above they silently killed each of them from behind.

Once the cave entrance was taking care of. Ryu along with Legend, GB, and Fist rushed the front of the cave.

Where the barricades and stables was at charged at the undead guards taking them out with ease without the help of reinforcement from the entrance of the cave or range attacks from the watchtowers.

"Good job guys." I say walking out of the woods along with Quentin.

"Yeah that was a piece of cake. went way too easy than I thought in my head." Legend says with a smile that was soon interrupted by a ghostly Whale from the entrance of the cave.

We all looked towards the Entrance where Katsumi and Gear both was pushed backed by the Giant undead Guard's ghostly whale making them slide towards us.

"Damn looks like the big guy came back too fast." I say looking at the Giant undead as I Analyzed him.

[Name: Captain, Yox ]

[ Level : 🌟 23]

[ Health : 23,500/23,500]

[Mana: 10,000/10,000 ]

[Stamina: 23,000/23,000 ]

[ Race: Undead Giant male ]

I looking at the information I was seeing on the undead Giant and told the group that he is a tier 1 boss.

"Shit! I just had to run my mouth huh?...you guys go on ahead I will keep him busy long enough for you guys to get deeper in the Cave." Legend says with a light chuckle as he walks in front of us readying his weapon.

"Bro legend! this guy is an elite you shouldn't fight him by yourself." I say looking at him with a serious expression.

"He wont...i will help him." Katsumi says as She stepped up beside him. The giant undead rage reach its limit and ran straight at us as both Legend and Katsumi both looked at each other and nodded meeting the Giant head on and leading it away from the entrance.

"Well this didn't go as planned." Quentin says

"It will be fine let's head in and not make their sacrifice go in vein" I say as we ran into the Cave.

A few minutes later running in the Cave we all get a notification.

[You Have Discovered a Dungeon All Creatures in this dungeon will become more difficult the more players there are.]