Legendary Class Quest, part 2

Boom!! A large explosion set off in middle of the Dutch's forest. Katsumi's figure slides through the grass Stopping right beside Legend who was looking at her with a blank face.

"So....did ya have fun?" Legend says towards Katsumi who was panting. looking back at him with dirt stains and burnt marks all over her character.

"Yeah we gonna have to go with your idea." Katsumi says with a sigh dusting herself off.

A Raging ghostly whale boomed through the area showing A Raging Captain Yox coming through the smoke of the previous explosion.

With black bleeding cuts all over his body

healing himself. He charged at the duo with his axe swinging in wide arcs.

"Lets do this than." Legend says as They both dodge the raging undead behemoth. Captain Yox ran after Katsumi as legend pulls out a potion with clear shiny liquid in it pouring it on his weapon.

Legend attack the back of the captain leaving three deep long slashes on its back. The wounds sizzle like bacon. The captain howls in pain turning around going after Legend now.

Katsumi took the opportunity to take out her clear liquid potion as well. Pouring it all over her daggers. She instantly appeared behind the captain. attacking his back with both daggers digging deep in his skin.

{ Hit for -2,350 Critical Damage!}

The giant screams in pain. it tries to shake Katsumi off as she do A flip off him smiling with a taunt. Legend use that opportunity to Strike at the Giant with the one handed sword skill.

{ Hit for -2,350 Critical Damage!, -2,000 Crippling damage!}

Legend was going for the undead Giant's head but it manage to react on time. Cutting off its arm instead as Katsumi was about to go for another attack.

Captain Yox body exploded with Green unholy flames.

His arm that was cut off was now nothing but a green flaming arm. It was his skill This skill makes the user 50% More Resistance to fire, increased armor by 500, and All attacks will do 500 more fire damage.

Being pushed away by the sudden burst of power both Legend and Katsumi looked at each other. Than back at the Raging flaming undead behemoth Captain Yox. Who was charging straight at legend with incredible speed.

Legend clashed against the undead Giant. With steel against steel. Legend was parrying the giants attacks but he was still getting pushed back.

Katsumi used the , And skills along with the Assassin skill Is a unique skill only for the Assassin class that do six multiple slashes that crits stronger and stronger every successful hit.

The captain felt the pain causing Katsumi to catch aggro making the captain turn towards her. Legend used The Samurai skill

Is A unique skill for the samurai class That uses 50-100% of The user strength stat into one attack.

{ Hit for -5,000 Critical Damage!}

The attack left a long slash sizzling on its back. The captain aggro now change to Legend as it looked furious.

It used the skill Making green unholy flames come from its mouth. Legend dodge the attack. hiding behind a tree the attack stop.

The captain Flaming axe carves down the tree heading straight for legend's head.

Legend rolled away from the attack but what was waiting for him at the roll spot was the captain as he swung the axe again. Legend reacted at a spilt second with a Parry making the attack miss by a few inches.

Katsumi used The skill Hitting the captain in different places on its body making it Roar with frustration at the duo. Legend took the moment to roll back on his feet jumping back a few feet away from the Giant.

The three was in a stand off in the forest.

"Lets do this Katsumi!!" Legend yells out running at the captain.

"Right there with ya bro!" Katsumi yells back as the captain stood there with his axe held high glowing with Green intense unholy flames. The Duo Dashed at the Undead giant with amazing speed. Their weapons glowed white from the potion's effects.

Only A few feet away from the captain. The captain use his skill This AoE skill allows the user to pour all its unholy flame into one attack causing the user to lose all its mana and stamina points.

The undead Giant slammed its Axe. Causing the ground to shatter like glass and a giant explosion of green flames destroys everything in site.

The captain grunts with a smirk seeing everything being destroyed around him than laughed with victory over his enemies.

That laugh came to a stop when it saw two figures burst through the black smoke of the aftermath one charging in front and behind him.

The same ones that's been giving him trouble he roared with a ghostly whale knowing his mana and stamina is empty from that last attack.

Legend and Katsumi both survived the blast coming through the smoke with black stains and a few cuts on their characters. Yelling with a battle cry. Legend used The unique Samurai Skill .

Is a Barrage of attacks in one move that hits everything in front of it like a cone. Katsumi used the dual Wielding skill along with < Deadly Strikes> They Attack both sides of the captain With Rapid attacks yelling at him with battle crys.

After a couple of moments the attacks started to slow down Captain Yox body was covered in sizzling cuts his HP was at 20%. Both the Duo than stop their attacks going for their Execute skill.

The Captain looked tired and scared with invisible sweat rolling down its face. The duo looked at him with battle maniac eyes smiling at him. They both Dash at him with incredible speed using their Class Execute skill.

Katsumi used her assassin skill . While Legend used his Samurai Skill . Both attacks instantly kills the target below 20% of HP. Decapitating The captain. black blood exploded from the neck going everywhere.

Both the Duo's look at each other with panting breaths as they thumbs up each other smiling wide at defeating the captain. Their hp were at half till a golden light shine on them both filling their HP and leveling them up a few levels.

"Thank god for the potions Q gave us or this fight would've turn out differently." Legends says as he wipe the sweat from his forehead along with a Katsumi who agreed with him as they both looked back at the Captain's corpse that was looking like a balloon all of sudden.

"Uh...i don't think it supposed to do that when it dies." Katsumi says while backing up slowly.

Legend noticed it as well They both dashed for cover.

A second later a green spark lit up and a big explosion burst from the Captain's body like a nuke showing a skull shaped smoke in the sky above the Forest causing a miniature earthquake to shake the whole forest.

In the distance The ghostly figure of Dutch Veil saw this and his Guards They felt the force of the explosion from where they were at. Dutch Veil Rage with a ghostly Whale and shot off like a rocket towards the area the explosion came from. Arriving at the battle where his Captain fought. Seeing everything being destroyed. Nothing was left not even a leaf.

Than Dutch spotted Something white. He went straight towards it and picked it up he dusted it off showing the same helmet. The skull of a goat his Captain was wearing.

"You Intruders Will not Leave this Place Alive Your Souls Shall be Mines!!!!" Dutch Veil yells out with intense Rage.

Inside the cave [The Grotto]. Zero and the rest of the party was deep in the Cave when they felt the earthquake from the Captain's explosion. Some of the rocks on ceilings above them fell to the ground smashing into pieces.

"That one was way bigger than the last few. whatever the hell is going on up there. Hope those two are okay." Gamebreaker says looking at Zero with worry.

"Don't Worry those two together is basically twins so whatever that undead behemoth throws at them. he's getting twice the damage back." I say with an assured look.

Everyone else in the party also agreed with my comment.

After walking for what felt like 15-20 minutes of walking in this deep cave. We finally found where the guards we kept taking out was coming from.

It was a huge chasm. With layers of levels that had prisoners in each cage along with weird looking magical Creatures. All the way at the bottom was the all black hooded undead that was with the Captain earlier.

Standing in the middle of some sort of lab with one of the Gnomes from earlier strapped to the metal table in the middle. where he had all kinds of tubes and magical circles on the gnome.

After seeing all of this the group huddle around each other and cooked up a plan.

"Okay remember guys do not kill any of the guards let me handle that even if you might get caught leave it to me... so any questions??" I asked the group looking at each of them as they all shook their heads with a no

"Okay let's do this yo!" I say running off to my position that was on top of a cliff that let me view everything in the chasm.

The others split into pairs Gear and Gamebreaker was going left of the chasm. While Fist, Ryu, and Quentin was to the right of the chasm.

Gear snuck up on one of the guards in his Class stealth mode. Stealing a set of keys giving one to Gamebreaker. They slowly started to freeing some of the prisoners in the cages one by one after the guards walks away from the cages.

on the other side the same thing was happening with Ryu group as well. The prisoners were silently thanking the group for their rescue as they run off in the direction of where we came from to leave the cave.

One of the Guards on The left turned around to check On the prisoners again when he noticed. what was going on he was about to yell out to warn his comrades. An Arrow pierced right through his windpipe. His body dropped with a thud alerting the other guard with him. Than an arrow pierced the back of his head before he could even turn it.

Gear and Gamebreaker hurrying to hide the bodies. The other side was the same situation as I snipe the guards there as well. The next few layers were the same situation in till the group bumped into a cage full of players.

Freeing them They told the group about what's been going on and how they was captured.

Even ask the group could they join the party for revenge. I sent the group a message telling them.

[Zero]: "These idiots will only slow us down.... especially something like revenge. they will only get in our way."

Gamebreaker told the players that we can't babysit them while trying to complete a quest here. So the players left and warn us about the strange experiments The hooded Undead was doing and they told us that he was A three star Elite boss and his name was and where we was at was his Laboratory.

The group continued on going from layer to layer doing same thing over and over again till they made it to the bottom where the boss was at. Waiting for the group with a wicked smile along with three of his assistance's that each looked like a Frankenstein monster.

"Hehehehehe!!! I've been waiting on you pesky lot to try out my new experiments on." Slyvious says clapping his hands together.

One of the walls started to open showing the same Gnomes from earlier but more ghoulish and mutated with extra limbs walking out of the entrance stumbling over as they all blew up with purple blood all over the area they fell at.

"Huh? Well that didn't go as plan hahahahaha!!!!" The mad magician laughs like a maniac.

" Ew the fuck!?" Gamebreaker says out loud looking disgusted at the site of the mutated gnomes that blew up .

"You damn Loon! your not getting away with that." Ryu yells out at the mad magician.

Charging straight at him Ryu used the skill at the magician but two of the Assistance's stood in The way as they glowed green both turning into giant abominations.

Stopping the attack from reaching their master.

one of the Assistant Smashed down towards Ryu with an Arm that had a large spiked ball as its fist.

Ryu put up his shield to block the attack. He knew this was going to hurt him either way.

Right before it landed Fist used his Monk skill.

A kick That is a dash attack.

That landed right into the joint of the Abomination Arm causing it to swing wide and falling forward. Quentin threw Two potions in its mouth blowing the Abomination head into pieces killing it. While running away. The other transform assistant bellowed in rage running after Quentin.

Gamebreaker Shot both the legs of the abomination crippling it as it fell forward.

Fist used The monk skill This is a charged skill, A powerful attack packed with chi.

Smashing the Head of the last Abomination killing it.

The mad magician who saw this snickered than clapped his hands again this time another wall opened up and what came out was a giant Chimera that made the ground trembled every time it moved Slyvious floated towards the beast standing on top of it.

"You will pay for killing my most loyal servants!!!

Do not think you Wil-" Before Slyvious could finish talking. An Arrow struck A magical force field where his head was at. He looked directly at Zero who was still at the same spot earlier.

"How rude You little Shit!!!" Slyvious yells out as he Conjures up a large fireball launching at Zero blowing up the whole cliff Zero was at.

"Now Where was I.....Oh Yeah! You will not esca-"

Yet again the Mad Magician was cut off by a Loud Clang coming off his magical Shield.

seeing that it was the same Guy he thought he blew to smithereens. Trying to attack his shield with his rusty little daggers.

"You Rude Slippery Cockroach!!! kill him You overgrown mutt." Slyvious yells out as the Chimera Uses it corba face like tail to Strike at Zero but Zero saw that coming a mile away. pushing off from the magical shield around slyvous dodging The attack from the Chimera.

With a graceful back flip landing a few feet away from the mad magician and his pet. Zero look at the two enemies before Him as his group arrived right beside him. He use Analyze on both the Chimera and slyvous.

[Name: Mutt#4 ]

[ Level : 🌟🌟 23]

[ Health : 31,500/31,500]

[Mana: 31,500/31,500 ]

[Stamina: 38,000/38,000 ]

[ Race: Chimera ]

[Name: Slyvious, The Mad Magician ]

[ Level : 🌟🌟 🌟 25]

[ Health : 42,500/42,500]

[Mana: 54,000/54,000 ]

[Stamina: 42,500/42,500 ]

[ Race: Undead Human male ]

"Yeah those guys weren't playing about him being a Tier 3 boss." I say towards the group as we all stare up at the mad magician.

"You Pesky scums have lived long enough it's feeding time my children." Slyvious says while clapping his Hands together but this time it was only one clap but it echoed out the loudest than the last four he did with the Chimera and mutated gnomes.

Three more hidden doors open from the walls of the chasm. Three Large hybrid looking creatures just as big or bigger than the Chimera comes out each of the doors.

One of the Creatures Zoomed out of its Door like a bullet. Flying around the Chasm It had the body of a Spider with each of the eight legs sharp and pointy like a sword. The wings were like that of a dragonfly, The Head and eyes was that of a Fly. With its mouth having large mandibles like a Beetle.

The second Creature Had the lower body of a Snake. It's top half was that of an Giant with scale like skin and four arms, The head was that of a cyclops with one horn.

The third creature had the head of a squid with the body of a horse, its four legs were that of an eagle, With a lizard tail.

I shouted out to each of my friends "Gear and Ryu take care of Mutt four, Gamebreaker try to get that fucker in the sky down i will support you. Fist! think you can take on the One eye behemoth till i deal with airborne one?" I asked looking at him with a serious face.

He cracked his neck and did a few stretches. "Hmph! you talking to me like that Zero?? you must forgot my Name let me easily demonstrate it." Fist says with a smirk as he dashed off going straight for the cyclops chimera.

"Uhh...And me?" Quentin says towards me.

I looked at him and smile pointing at the Mad Magician. "You will figure out how to break that stupid shield of his." I say towards him as he looked at the magician than shows a wide grin and chuckles with a evil laugh and started rubbing his hands.

"Time for some magic, woo!" Quentin says with excitement.

After giving out the orders the brawl started. Me and Gamebreaker started attacking the flying chimera. Gamebreaker used one of the Handgun skills it changes the gun's bullets into Explosive rounds.

Each shot hit the chimera making it stop in midair. Enough time for me to released the I was holding Hitting it in the I saw killing it instantly. It fell from the sky crashing on the Chimera Fist was fighting.

Fist use that opportunity to charge up Hitting The cyclops chimera dead in the eye killing it.

The squid Head Chimera Charged at us next attacking us. We all dodge the stampede the squid chimera was doing. Gamebreaker Started shooting at it pegging its HP down. Me and fist used that opportunity to attack it.

Fist used the monk skill An uppercut attack hitting the squid dead on knocking its head straight up towards me. I dove down from the sky with the dual wielding skill Decapitating its head killing it.

Walking away from the squid chimera wiping its inky blood off myself. I looked at a tattered Fist who was bruised up and covered with both the chimeras blood he helped kill. "Look like i did forgot who you was." I say chuckling at him and patting him on the back for a good job.

"Yeah lucky for us they wasn't that strong unlike Those two.." Gamebreaker says looking at the fight with the two elites that was going on. Gear and Ryu didn't even manage to lower Mutt #4 health down that much only a little slither.

The mad magician and Quentin was going at it as he was throwing potions at the magician while running from cover to cover dodging the attack Slyvious was throwing at him. trying to break the shield or figure out how.

I looked at GB and Fist and nodded as the three of us join the fight. Fist and Gamebreaker went to help Ryu and Gear. I manage to arrive by Quentin he looked at me with crazy eyes and a smirk.

"I think i figured out how to break that shield." Quentin says while we both dodge another attack from Slyvious and ran to another cover.

"How?" I asked

"Give me some arrows." Quentin says as I gave him some of the arrows I had in my quiver.

He poured two different potions on my arrows. "Try these out it should work." Quentin says with confidence.

I nodded with a serious look and knock an arrow while I waited for the barrage of spells Slyvious was throwing to stop.

After a few moments the attacks stop. I instantly reacted and jump out of the cover we was in and shot the arrow in mid air.

Slyvious saw Arrow and chuckled "How many times do you have to shoot those pathetic arrows to know its usele-Ack!" Right before the mad magician could finish his last word.

The arrow went straight through the shield like a knife cutting butter. Piercing through Slyvious throat out of the back of his neck he fell from sky landing in the middle of the chasm on his metal table with a loud thud!

{ Your Attack Has hit a for 46,300 Critical Damage!}

"Damn bro! did you just literally one shot that boss!?" Quentin yells out with a shocked look.

I shrugged at his comment than looked at the Dying boss Slyvious his hood was no longer covering his ghoulish looking face that was showing his jawbone, and half his brain with white pieces of hair on his head white solid pupils.

He was chocking on his own black blood. With his hand open and trembling trying to reach the ceiling. I looked up trying to see what he was doing but didn't see anything Yet my Skill triggers.

I yelled out to warn the group but it was too late. The Mad Magician Balls up his reached out hand and the Whole Chasm shook violently and the ceiling above us exploded.

With it coming down on our heads Me and Quentin Dove for cover as i saw a large spiked rock smashed the metal table where Slyvious was at Than everything blacked out.

Couple of Minutes later in Slyvious Laboratory. There was nothing but debris everywhere. it doesn't look like a nightmare laboratory anymore but an actual chasm with rubble everywhere.

An Arm burst out of the rubble along with another one as one of the hands grab a hold of the rubble the person pull their self out Showing a dusted and battered up Quentin with his tattered attire. walking like he's drunk.

Shaking his head while holding it. "Ughhh damn man...if this game doesn't get game of the year ima sue the world." Quentin says looking around all confused than he saw an arm sticking out of the rubble.

He pulled it, Pulling up the person. it was Zero who was still unconscious he slap him multiple times.

I woke up from the aggressive moving and shaking I felt. opening my eyes i felt a WHAM! right across my face as i tried to speak another WHAM! again.

Than right when the next one tried to hit me I stop his slap " Bro! im up damn!" I say looking at Quentin while rubbing my face.

"Oh! shit...my bad dog you wasn't breathing." Quentin says as i let go of his arm.

"I bet, Dick...anyway we the only ones that survived?" I ask Quentin who was about to say something but was cut off by a rock slide that showed Gear and Ryu who slowly walked towards us with their characters looking chew up by a dog.

"Awe man thank god you guys are okay!" Ryu says as we all greeted each other happy to see we survived.

"Where's Fist and Gamebreaker?? wasn't they helping you guys fight the elite Chimera." I asked both Gear and Ryu. Who looked at me with worry.

"Yeah they was but GB saved me from an attack and got hit instead and than the ceiling fell on us i don't know if he made it or not." Gear says with a sad face.

I sucked my teeth in than shook my head. Right when i was about to say something. One of the boulders were blown apart dust everywhere. Showing two figures walking out of the hole the boulder was covering.

A wounded Gamebreaker who attire was ripped and blooded. Leaning on A fist who was covered in cuts and bruises his shirt and beads were gone only his pants and shoes was still on his character.

They waved at us and we all meet up and greeted each other. After A couple of minutes resting and healing with bandages and Potions.

I Sighed and stood up the others looked at me with confusion.

"Are you going to keep hiding there or are you gonna show yourself?" I say while looking at a spot where towards our left. The rest of the group stood up on edge as well.

"What is it zero? is there somebo-" Before Gear could finish talking

A slim figure stood up beside the rubble zero was looking at. With stitches all over its body. Long white hair, Different color eyes, different shades of skin, wearing brown cloth rags like the Magician Assistant's were wearing before they changed into those abominations.

Everybody in the group except Zero ready their weapons.

"I-Im not going to attack you guys I was just hiding for my own safety." The Assistant says looking scared and holding his hands up.

"Hmmm....so your The player that's been working with that loony magician?" I say looking at him with piercing eyes as he back up slowly tripping over some of the rocks and falling over.

Before The Assistant could even look up Zero was already in front of him. Invisible sweat rolls down the Assistant face. He nods at Zero's question.

Zero's red eyes glowed at the Assistant as he use on him.

[Character Level : 17 ]

[ Name: Iniko]

[ Race: Hybird ]

[ Karma: Neutral With a lot of trauma ]

[Class: Lvl.12 Magician (Rare) ]

[ Health : 8,500/8,500 ]

[ Stamina: 8,500/8,500 ]

[Mana: 16,250/16,250 ]

Seeing this Zero's eyes widen with surprise and than turn back normal instantly. (He is A hybrid like a mixture of different races??? didn't know you could choose such a race...wait... those stitching on his body and different shades of color on his skin. Jesus.... this guy must went through Hell for the system to recognize him as a hybrid.)

I thought to myself Than turn around to looked at my friends.

"It's all good. He's no trouble you guys can calm down he is that player the others was telling us about." I say with a reassuring look on my face.

Everybody nodded at my comment and calmed down than walked towards us. Iniko Who was still on his ass sitting there with a surprising look.

"Y-you guys aren't going to attack me?" Iniko says with a dumbfounded look.

I held my hand out to help him up. He looked at my hand for a couple of seconds than grabbed it.

I pulled him up to his feet. The group arrived and greeted him.

After a few moments of introducing ourselves and asking a few questions about this place.

"So Where to now Ryu?" I asked A Ryu who was pointing towards A Large steel door with a lock on it.

Right beside The Dead Mutt#4 that was smashed by a Giant pile of rocks with only its upper body showing with its tongue hanging out its mouth Pool of blood leaking towards the door.

"The is telling me to go that way." Ryu says as we all walked towards the giant steel door.

I looked towards Iniko. "Is their a way for us to get through this door?" I ask him he nodded his head with a yes.

Than Walked towards the locked metal Door and put his hands on it than mumble something in a whisper as the door shakes and unlocks to where the lock disappears.

"Good job Iniko, thanks for opening the door. Lead the way Ryu." I say patting Iniko on the back who smiled a little with a nodding shy.

Everyone also patted him as well with a thank you.

Once walking through the Door after a few minutes of walking Ryu came to a stop shaking like it was a earthquake happening.

He turned around pointing and screaming loudly at a giant spider that was the size of a dog or bigger.

"§-Spiderssssss DOGGGGG!!!!" Ryu yells out with fear.