Legendary Class Quest, Part.3

"AHHHHHHHH!!!! SHITTT!!!! Fucking damn SPIDERS OH HELL NAH DOGGGGG!!!" Ryu Screams out Loud ringing our ears from his booming voice.

That Alerted A few more crawling towards us.

We all prepared ourselves for a fight except a Ryu who was hiding behind Iniko Who was looking confused.

The first spider pounced towards Gear. It was shot down by Gamebreaker killing it instantly.

The rest started to attack as we fought back.

After killing a few waves of spiders for the last

couple of minutes we was all breathing heavy.

At least 3 dozen of spider corpses lay through the tunnel we was traveling through. They finally stop popping up and attacking us as we arrive at a three way fork in the tunnel we was in.

We all stared at the three way. "Ryu which way do the wants us to go?" I ask at a jumpy Ryu who was looking everywhere around him terrified.

"Uh uh... it's taking me forward still." Ryu says with A slight studder.

"Forward?? You sure about that man. Cause usually when there's a fork in the road no one ever goes straight." Gamebreaker says with a confused look.

The party started to doubt it as well.

"I'm with Gamebreaker here....there is no way going forward is the right way." Quentin says

"I mean rather or not it's the right way or wrong way the is taking us straight so we go straight." I say look at each of them who was all worried and unsure about us taking the path forward.

Except Iniko Who was oddly calm about the situation. I look towards him as he notices it and looked away with shyness.

"Iniko, What do you think.... are you familiar with this place. Should we take the path forward?" I ask him with a serious look as everyone also looked at him waiting on his answer.

"Uh...um ...A-Actually I personally haven't been down here. But my master....I mean Slyvious told me that Going anywhere but forward is a death trap. and Going forward is waiting Execution." Iniko says the last part with a worried look.

Everybody in the party shook their head with disappointment.

"So going left or right is Death. Going Forward is waiting on Death....Thats just great we might as well just stay here and welcome death." Fist says while face palming and chuckling with sorrow.

"Either way we are fucked...so might as well take our chances with the Pathfinder." I say while everyone slowly nodded with an unsure agreement.

After resting and catching our breath for a few minutes we continued walking through the tunnel. Till the spider webs gotten so thick we had to burn and cut our way through it.

Once we made it through the thick webs.We arrived at A Nest bigger than the chasm. We was Welcomed by an Army of spiders With a giant Arachne in the middle.

Sitting On top of a mountain of white cracked skulls of different races and creatures. The Arachne upper body was that of an pale old woman with Bandages wrapped around her eyes. Grey long hair tied up in a bun.

The Arachne was holding a black skull with a purple gem on its forehead. White glowing solid pupils. She had two Giant spiders That was all black skin, black soild pupils, With A White skull on their back. Standing guard beside her mountain of Death. They looked as big as Mutt#4 or bigger They was the biggest spiders we seen so far.

"Ahhhh....So That Loon Slyvious Finally Meet his End." The Arachne says with a soft Erie voice that sounded like she was speaking directly in our ears.

"And pure comedy... it was by lowly Mortals that team up with his protege..hehehehe." The Arachne laughs holding her stomach.

I used my Skill on the Arachne and her guards.

[Name: Nieth, The Fate Weaver ]

[ Level : 💀]

[ Health : ???/???]

[Mana: ???/???]

[Stamina: ???/??? ]

[ Race: Arachne ]

[Name: Giant Arachnid ]

[ Level : 🌟🌟 🌟 25]

[ Health : 50,000/50,000]

[Stamina: 42,500/42,500 ]

[ Race: Arachnid ]

Name: Giant Arachnid ]

[ Level : 🌟🌟 🌟 25]

[ Health : 50,000/50,000]

[Stamina: 42,500/42,500 ]

[ Race: Arachnid ]

My eyes widen looking at the Arachne and her guards stats. I started chatting mentally in our party's chat.

[Zero]: "uh-oh guys we might have some trouble this time."

[Ryu]: "Bruh! These things making my skin crawl...i might just logout."

[Martial King]: "Ryu you really going to leave like that."

[Ryu]: "Damn right bro.... I dont play about no spiders dog!"

[Grim Lee]: "But her name tho.... It's the same as the Egyptian goddess."

[Gear]: "Yeah it is wow...must be why we can't see her level."

[Zero]: "she is A dungeon boss... we ain't got time to think about her back story. We gotta figure out how we can get out of here and get to the Dragon."

"Tsk! Tsk!...You mortals and your blabbering about that Over Grown lizard." Nieth says with a frown.

The party looked at each other. Than back at the Arachne with a surprised face.

"What? You all thought that humans are the only ones with seer abilities." Nieth says with a smirk.

[Mykenai Azelas]: "Not this shit again."

[Grim Lee]: "I Double That."

[ Ryu]: "Yup! That's a big No! for me guys...see ya."

[Zero]: "Tony! we came this far might as well keep going there's a Dragon waiting on you remember??"

Ryu look at Zero and stop shaking in fear now.

[Ryu]: "Lets kill this damn thing Dog!"

Everyone in the party mentally face palm themselves.

"Since you mortals dare show such disrespect

Towards me and my children. I will save that Lizard the time he will waste on filth like you all by killing you here." Nieth says with intense malice.

The Party Ready their weapons.

"So it looked like she wasn't going to let us go about our business." Fist says

"I'm thinking we never had a choice to begin with!" Zero yells out.

"Bring their heads to me!!!" Nieth Commands her army of spiders to attack us along with her personal guards.

The Fight started With Quentin throwing a Potion larger than the usual ones he been throwing. Landing right in the middle of the attacking spiders. Causing a large explosion shaking the whole cave even making the Arachne fall off her mountain of skulls.

We all saw A huge crater a couple of feet away from us. nothing but ash like a miniature nuke just went off.

Half of the spiders were gone in an instant. We all looked at Quentin with dropped jaws as Golden light glows on his character.

"Bruh!!! You had something like that the whole time???" I say towards him as he nodded nonchalantly.

"Yeah I did but I only got 2 more of these and I'm out for good. took me them whole 2 days we was waiting on you to make only 3." Quentin says looking at us with a satisfying look from the levels he just got.

"This changes things than." I say with a smirk.

Both The Giant Arachnids Was charging at us

Roaring with terrible loud screeching.

"Okay guys let's do this!" I Yelled out. The first Giant spider was about to use one of its legs to crush me I easily dodge it. Going for one of its legs to cut it off. Clang! My daggers bounced back off the giant spiders leg.

It caught me by surprise the spiders legs were stronger than steel. I didn't even leave a mark on the leg. Another Leg was coming at me I dodge that one as well with ease.

Jumping away from the spider landing a few feet away. I looked at the multiple It was showing around its body especially its mouth.

(Looks like I gotta try to hit the mouth. The leg is too sturdy.) I thought to myself Knocking an arrow to use my skill waiting for its mouth to open.

I mentally sent the party a message in the group chat telling them The Giant Arachnids weakness.

Now The Giant spider was charging at me once again.

"GB! Use burst shots on its leg joints!." I yelled out as Gamebreaker nodded and used the handgun skill blowing The Giant Arachnid's legs apart as it fell to one side like A tree.

its mouth opened with a loud screech. I used that opportunity to release the skill.

{ Hit a for 50,100 Critical Damage!}

The Giant Arachnid Head blew into pieces.

{ You Have Defeated 1x Giant Arachnid awarding 50,000 EXP!}

A golden light shines off me Making me feel refresh. Along with GB having the same thing happened to him.

The Arachne saw this and screamed with intense rage and sorrow in her voice.

"You Mortals shall pay for coming HERE!! AND KILLING MY CHILDREN YOUR SOULS WILL FOREVER BE DAMNED and twisted in my WEBSSS!!!"

"Now you done it." Gamebreaker says with a smirk.

"Yeah with your help partner." I say sarcastically in a cowboy like voice nodding.

A loud screech ring out. Looking to my left seeing fist punching and kicking the other giant Arachnid breaking its legs apart. it fell to one side like A tree as well.

Gear use that opportunity to throw a medium size bomb from his satchel. Into its mouth Blowing the head into pieces killing it.

They rest of the party glowed with golden light making them feel refresh and pumped.

Gear yells out "DING!" Along with the few of them doing cheers jumping with joy.

Till the cheers was cut short by another wave of Spiders charging at the party. Another Explosion rocked the cave. This time Quentin used multiple potions turning this explosive into a sort of napalm strike wave of flames kept spreading turning the Army of spiders into Ash instantly.

The Arachne Screeched at the site of her children being massacred. She finally took action multiple purple glowing orbs floated above her head.

My Activated. "Everyone Dodge!" I yelled out

The orbs were launched like bullets as we all were running and dodging her attack. While she was walking slowly down her mountain of Death.

She stopped right in between her guards. touching them both as tears rolls down her cheeks.

"My POOR! POOR! CHILDREN.... YOU TRAVELERS SHALL PAY!!!" she yells out This time Dark magical circles were formed under her body.

A Giant Magical ball of Darkness Hovering over her head. She Throws The Black Skull inside of the dark ball. it Thumps like a heartbeat me and the party felt it Ryu was the first to mentally speak in the party chat.

[Ryu]: "Umm.... Guys I'm getting a bad feeling that boss is about to become alot more dangerous."

[Martial King] : "Yeah a familiar scene like this always seem to make the villain gets a power boost lol."

[Grim Lee]: "Zero can you use that op Weak Spot Skill and one Shot her?"

[Zero]: "That's the thing it's only highlighted for the skull and now it's in that giant ball of Darkness. I doubt we could destroy it from the outside."

[Iniko]: "Maybe going inside it we could destroy it."

Everyone turned to look at Iniko with surprise.

[Grim Lee]: "bro! That might just work."

[Mykenai Azelas] : "The real question is...how are we going to get inside?"

[Martial King]: "Yeah...how are we gonna get inside what if it kill us."

[Ryu]: "I mean somebody could always be the test dummy."

Everyone looked at Quentin including Iniko.

[Grim Lee]: " Wait why me.... Yo! your the new guy here...you can't look at me like that."

Quentin says in a rebellion like voice.

Everyone in the party lol and xD in the chat window.

"God damn it!! just cause I like to do the experiments doesn't mean I wanted to be one."

Quentin says with frustration stomping and pouting like a teenage girl.

The party laughs at Quentin's tamper. Even Iniko started to giggle a little as I notice it and smiled under my cloth face mask.

(Seems like he can smile...hopefully this will be the beginning of something good finally happening to him.) I thought to myself.

I got everyone attention and formulated a few plans. While The Arachne was distracted by whatever spell she was trying to complete.

"Everyone ready?" I say looking at the party with a serious look.

They all nodded with confidence. We commence the battle with Gamebreaker pegging The Arachne with shots from his gun the bullets bounced right off her like they were rubber.

still she was continuing her spell. Iniko used the spell as he throws four of them from his hands hitting the Arachne right in the face.


This time the Arachne felt that and screech loudly at us. Still she stood there not moving.

Holding her hands up directly under the dark ball.

It started to get bigger and bigger every second.

Fist and Quentin Arrived on the other side of the dark ball. While the party was attacking the Arachne trying to keep her attention.

"You ready for this bro?" Fist asked a Quentin who was preparing a couple of potions

"Okay yeah I'm ready now...but don't you DARE! put those gorilla fingers on my potions." Quentin says with a sort of twitching eye warning.

"ah...Yeah Yeah DR.Experiment" Fist chuckles Than grabbed Quentin by his lab coat and swung him up towards the dark ball with all his might.

Quentin flew like he was a football. Going right towards the dark ball. The Arachne happened to look exactly towards a flying Quentin and screech at him

Quentin went straight through the dark ball.

He started to hold his breath and slowly moved towards the skull with a goofy swimming motion.

He pulled out his potions trying to throw them all at the skull they slowly flew up instead of going straight. He type in the party chat telling them what's happening.

"Iniko think you could throw one of your spells into the ball?" I ask him he instantly shake his head with a No.

"From what I can tell... it's Seems like a nullification barrier a powerful one at that. I dont think we could do much but watch whatever suppose to happen...well Happens." Iniko says in a calm voice.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seems like that old fool taught you well child....but its too late for you travelers to stop anything." Nieth says with an amused voice. The Darkness in the ball begin to form hands inside. slowly moving towards Quentin.

Quentin tried to swim away quickly but one of the arms manage to grab him. He yells out in a panic than was tossed out of the ball with tremendous force.

I reacted quickly jumping up to catch his fall out of the Air. Landing next to fist carrying Quentin princess style I looked down at him as he looked up at me winking with a blush.

"My hero...." Quentin says as I dropped him on his ass.

"Jesus careful that body part of mines is very fra-" Quentin was about to finish talking till he was cut off by the Dark Ball that was big enough to cover the Arachne's whole body.

Than it change shape and size shirking down into a dark web like cocoon. We all stared at the phenomenon in front of us.

"Well...looks like we gonna have to go with Plan F." Gamebreaker says with a sigh.

"Yup...Guys be ready for anything. There still might be more of her children left." I say with caution in my voice.

After a couple of seconds the cocoon begun to crack with white lights coming out of it. Bursting with White blinding light. The Area dimmed down and what we saw dropped everyone jaws.

The Arachne was now a lot smaller about 5"6 in height. With Her skin becoming young again no wrinkles. Her face Was now covered with the same Black skull she was holding as a mask. She had a White colored web like bra for her top. White colored web like cloth covering her private areas Along with a curvy body.

Eight long black Shadowly like Limbs with the sharp ends like A Scythe coming out of her back. She touches her soft looking purple colored lips while using her arms as rest spot for her breast. Her Hair Changed to pure white like Snow hanging down all the way to her butt.

She slowly descended from floating in the air landing softly a few feet away from the party.

She smiled with a seductive light chuckle looking straight at us.

"Oh How long has it been since I have taken this form...5....no Maybe 10 thousand years." Nieth says out loud.

"You travelers...Have been foretold to come here and meet that Lizard...but just like puppets with strings your Destiny and fate is nothing but strings to me....like my webs I will manipulate you all to benefit Me and my Goals!" Nieth says with confidence and amusement under that smirk she just gave to the party.

Ryu Spoke mentally in the party chat.

[Ryu]: "She Fine as Fuck Dog"

Everyone looks towards Ryu with a blank face.

[Martial King]: "Ryu...bruh weren't you just afraid of her not too long ago lol xD"

[Ryu]: "Yeah...till she became a Kumoko Bae! 😍"

[Zero]: "Hentai!"

Right before anyone else could type something. A Heavy pressure hit the party all were force to kneel.

"You Mortals Dare!!! to speak in my presence like I'm some statue. I shall kill and slowly absorbed. each and everyone of your mortal essences starting with YOU!" She yells out and use telekinesis on Quentin's character.

Bringing him directly into her Grab as She held him with one hand in the air crushing his windpipe slowly.

Than she opened her mouth absorbing greenish looking energy that was coming out of his mouth. Making him look pale and Skinner each second it was happening.

All of a sudden Nieth Dropped Quentin as she started to shake in fear as a Chilling cold Shiver hits her whole body she hurried up and jumped backwards distant herself from where she was at by couple of yards.

(What was that!? Did He come here to take my soul yet again...) Nieth Thought to herself as she looked around all nervous till she saw Zero Figure who was still standing for some reason looking at her with his Red piercing Eyes Releasing a powerful That her instincts told her to run away from the mortal.

(How can such a mortal have killing intent that could match Death itself!) Nieth Thought to herself looking directly at Zero.

"Who are you mortal?" Nieth ask Zero

"I'm Zero." He says in a cold voice.

Nieth than tried to look at his Fate but was instantly denied and was showed nothing as it shocked her invisible sweat rolled down her face.

"Are you a Seer?" Nieth asked Zero who reply back with a shake of his head as a "No"

That surprised her even more. "How can this be??? There is no being I ever meet that I couldn't see their fate even most Gods couldn't hide from my Weaving." She says towards a zero who was on Edge.

"You tell me Web Weaver." Zero says looking directly at her not taking his eyes off her.

She got irritated by His words than relaxed a little.

"Hmph! What ever mysterious power is at work with your Destiny it will not stop me from killing all of you here Die!!!" Nieth Yells out disappearing from the spot she was standing at.

Zero Instantly reacted to the attack jumping backwards as three of her dark scythe like Limbs slams down where he was just at.

Nieth followed up with a strike from her sharp black colored claws. Zero used his rusty daggers to parry the attack as she wasn't bounced back but instead Just stood there as her strength was a lot more stronger than Zero's. Zero went for a normal strike she blocked it with her claws as they both exchange rapid attacks against each other.

While dashing and jumping at each other clashing with Loud Clang noises that echoes out in the Arachne's nest.

The rest of the party was slowly getting back up as the Heavy pressure lifted up from their characters as they all watched in amazement looking at the fight that was going on.

"Bro is this an Anime fight I'm watching or am I still inside the game??" Fist says looking at Zero and Nieth going at it.

"I think it might be both" Gamebreaker says

[Zero]: "You guys gonna help me or do I gotta take all the credit on this boss fight??"

[Grim Lee]: "It looks like you got it from here to me"

[Martial King]: "I second that xD"

[Zero]: "...😐 You Guys suck. I need new party Members!"

[Ryu]: "If we could get Kumoko bae here as a companion I'm inclined to help."

[Mykenai Azelas]: "Tony Dude! You got some serious problems Man..."

Neith used a skill called

Making her turn into a miniature tornado of Darkness. Heading straight at Zero.

Zero used a similar Dual wielding Skill called Turning him into a miniature tornado of blades an AoE that hits everything in its path.

Their skills clash turning the scene into a blur of colors clashing everywhere around the nest like flashing lights at night.

The skills finally broke apart from each other. leaving both Nieth and Zero staring at each other a few feet away.

(How can this brat be so Nimble!!! I'm having a hard time keeping up with his movements but yet....He dodge all my attacks like it was in slow motion I better end him now or it will be a problem.) Nieth Thought to herself.

Zero looked at the Arachne in front of him she yet again rushed at him but this time he could tell she is getting serious.

Right when she appeared in front of Zero to attack. Fist Skill was about to hit Nieth she managed to dodge it. Iniko's skill was launched at Nieth as well she dodge that attack as well jumping backwards to avoid the ice's entrapment.

Following up Iniko used a fireball spell coming straight at Nieth. She sliced it apart with one of her scythe limbs with ease. Coming from behind The Fireball Gear appeared with a medium size bomb throwing it at Nieth's face.

Gamebreaker Shot The bomb it explodes Showing a Nieth coming out of the black smoke With her Shadowly limbs wrapped around her body. She unwrapped her limbs from her body landing softly a few feet away from the party.

"You annoying pest...should know your place and become my food!" Nieth Yells out Instantly appearing behind Gear who tried to react but was too slow.

Gamebreaker Pushed Gear out of the way he was about to shoot a few shots but was too late as One of Nieth's Scythe like Shadowly limbs cut off the arm that was holding his gun.

Gamebreaker Screams in Pain from his severed Arm. Nieth slash out with one of her claws to decapitate Gamebreaker character and finish him off.

Ryu used his Rush attack skill . To stop the attack Nieth attack smack the shield Putting a dent in his Shield Launching him from the ground into Gamebreaker They both Was knocked back a few yards away from the party.

Me and Fist instantly reacted pressing The Arachne with our combined attacks. While Quentin Threw a Red medium size potion at Gamebreaker and Ryu Red mist floated around them as it started Healing them.

Gear join the fight again along with Iniko Using range Spells to stop The Arachne from moving the way she want.

"Enough!!!" Nieth yells out as A Large Wave of Force blew everyone that was attacking her back a few feet. Another Heavy Pressure of gravity hit the party this even more heavy than the last.

This time everyone was on all fours except Zero yet again. "Why won't YOU BEND BOYYY!!!" Nieth Yells out.

"Because Im not your slave to control you Hag!" I say with a cocky attitude towards The Arachne.

She screeched out with pure Rage Dashing towards Zero with Heavy Killing Intent. Zero also Dash meeting her head on Right before they was about to clash Nieth claws Glowed purple.

One of Zero Daggers clashed against the Glowing claw as it slashed the dagger in half like Knife cutting through butter. Showing the rusted Dagger melting Zero Instantly dropped the dagger with a surprised look.

Nieth saw this opportunity and followed up with another attack smirking at Zero. "Die Mortal!!!" Nieth says as Zero Tries to dodge the attack Everything was in slow motion.

A Figure with a straw hat in a all White kimono with burnt marks and tatters appeared right beside the two fighting. Slashing out his Katana cutting off the Scythe like Shadowly Limb that was about to stab Zero The Arachne Screeched in pain from the severed Limb.

Zero knew Exactly who this person was He looked at him with a smirk.

"Took ya time huh fool?" I say towards A Legend who was now standing in front of me with a smile on his face look over his shoulders at me.