Legendary Class Quest, Final Part

"Zero bro You need some better Gear man!" Legend says with a smirk while Nieth was Screeching in pain from the attack Legend did.

Looking at her Severed Limb That was sizzling like bacon from the cut. Another Figure appeared behind Nieth going for a backstab attack.

Nieth used her other back limbs to block the attack. It was Katsumi who was slashing down with both her daggers cutting off one of the limbs that was blocking the attacking.

Nieth Screeched even louder jumping backwards a few yards away from the party. Katsumi kicked the Arachne's limbs than looked directly at me.

"Your such a scrub Zero...making us come save your sorry ass." Katsumi spoke with a smirked look.

"Yeah Yeah...give me some of your daggers fool." I say towards her with a commanding voice.

"Your lucky i didn't sell my old pairs back in town or you would've been screwed." Katsumi says with a sigh handing over her old pair of daggers to Zero.

[You Have Equipped 2x White Steel Daggers!]

I analyzed one of The Daggers.

[Item Name]: White Steel Dagger

[Item Rating]: uncommon

[Level Requirement]: 10

[Attack Power]: 300

{+50 Dexterity}

[Durability]: 100/100

I was actually surprised by how much damage it could do and the stats that came with it as I nodded with satisfaction at the weapons.

"You travelers are like Roaches...but it don't matter how many there are Your Fate will be mines To Weave!!!" Nieth Yells out as she rushed at the party once again.

Legend, Katsumi And Fist were taking Nieth on exchanging attacks with the powerful boss. She was pushing all three back with her fast attacks and movements.

While I noticed how her Limbs weren't growing back from the attacks just now from Legend and Katsumi's Weapons. They weapons are more glowing white than ordinary steel.

(Did they apply some type of Enhancement to their weapons??) I thought to myself than sent a message to the party chat asking them.

[Zero]: "Yo Legend and Katsumi. What is that on y'all weapons??"

[Legendary Swordsman]: "Its the Holy water Q gave to us Why what's up?"

[Zero]: "Yo Quentin do you still have some more?? I think we can possibly beat this boss by coating all our weapons with it."

[Grim Lee]: "Yeah I should have a few left."

[Zero]: "Okay cool Iniko, Katsumi, Legend and Fist. Keep the boss busy a little longer While Quentin supply the rest of us with holy water on our weapons."

Everyone in the party agreed to the plan as Quentin went around pouring the Holy water enchantment on our weapons.

Nieth started using her Fate controlling skill called to control Katsumi to attack Legend and Fist to attack Iniko. She went straight after Quentin yet again.

Dashing at full speed towards him I intercepted her using the Skill this time there was a big difference instead of me being pushed back I pushed her back surprising her.

putting her on the defensive with my fast attacks managed to leave a couple of lasting cuts this time. She screeched with agony and frustration from the burns the holy water enchantment was doing to her.

We exchanged attacks but mines was the only ones that was landing successfully. she couldn't keep up at all. she decided to retreat and go for long range attacks using a skill called . She started releasing waves of purple energy from her scythe limbs.

Dodging them with ease as they passed me Going for Quentin and A gamebreaker who wasn't all the way healed yet. Ryu stepped in protecting the two with the shield skill .

The attacks slam directly on him as he was fine but his shield was melted from the corrosive in the attack Ryu hurried and dropped his shield.

I started rushing her. she kept trying to use the soul harvest attack. I easily kept dodging them I look at gear Who was running towards Nieth at the back.

Gear used the dagger skill Nieth saw the attack coming a mile away dodging the attack by jumping over gear head and webbing him up in a net all in a matter of seconds while she was still trying to land from the jump.

She than threw him towards me like a sling shot I dodge it. Than saw her attach behind the Webb she pounced off it to attack me With the same claw attack that melted my old Dagger.

I met her Head on with the Dual wielding Skill This time it was my weapon that went through slicing off The claws and The whole hand as well. it dropped on the ground with a sizzling noise. Nieth Screeched in Pain.

She retreated backwards couple of yards away sweating and breathing hard. "You MORTALS and YOUR DIRTY TRICKSSS!!!" Nieth Yells out

"Dirty!!?? Your the one living underground Lady!"

Fist says walking up right beside me along with the rest of the party including Gamebreaker who arm was now back on.

"Damn Grim that must was some real miracle Whip right there!" I say with a light chuckle looking at Gamebreaker Attached arm.

"Yeah man These Regeneration potions ain't no joke bro...but him being a vampire made it easier tho." Quentin says.

"Yeah dude I owe ya big time for this." Gamebreaker says nodding towards Quentinwith a fanged smile.

"You all know what we gotta do. lets show this Pale Hag what we all about!" I yelled out and rush the Arachne with the rest of the Party Doing battle cries running along side me.

"FOOLISH MORTALS DIE HERE AND BECOME MY SLAVES FOR ETERNITY!!!" Nieth Yells out meeting the party head on with eight Dark energy balls the size of bowling balls floating around her.

The Fight was intense as The dark balls was flying every where. The party was dodging them along with Iniko and Gamebreaker doing long range attacks to destroy them. The rest of the party was attacking Nieth with close range attacks.

Nieth was dodging attacks and attacking back managing to hit Ryu first knocking him out of the fight. Gear and Katsumi was going for back attacks but the 4 remaining limbs was giving them trouble.

One of the limbs closed line Gear and making Katsumi trip over him. Nieth capitalize on the opening going for a lethal attack on Katsumi.

Fist Blocked the attack with his Hard body. The attack was still too strong sending him out of the fight he slammed hard into a pile of skulls.

Legend and Zero was attacking the front of Nieth Legend being the Heavy hitter while Zero Was going for quick attacks. Nieth used a Few of her Dark Balls to throw the duo off. Two of The balls collided in front of them making a huge explosion happen.

Black smoke clouded the area. A few seconds later Nieth saw Legend through the smoke who was on one knee breathing hard with his sword in the ground all in tatters and bruises struggling to get up.

Nieth smiled at that Than chuckle for A few seconds. Till she Saw Piercing Red Eyes through the Smoke. Making Her legs tremble a little.

This made it to where An Sharp object almost hit her dead in the forehead if she didn't move an inch away with it leaving a cut on her cheek.

Katsumi figure flew up behind Nieth Doing a flip kick Hitting the dagger right back at her. She dodge that one as well by an inch. Zero Appeared out of the Smoke and threw the dagger again she dodge by an inch cutting her on the neck this time.

Katsumi Grabbed the dagger again throwing it back at Nieth but this time Katsumi added two more daggers. Nieth kept dodging the throwing Attacks but it was getting faster and faster. It was like Katsumi and Zero was playing High Speed Tennis but with Daggers and Nieth was in the middle of it.

"ENOUGH!!!" Nieth Yells out as all the Dark Balls came back to her and merged around her body making her glow with Purple & Dark Energy bursting out of her with tremendous force.

Zero and Katsumi was Blown back a few feet. Unfortunately for Katsumi She hit a pillar of Stone And was knocked out of the Fight.

While Zero Landed on his back while flipping over to slide on his feet. Zero was in a kneeling position looking at a Nieth who was Breathing heavy With Hundreds of sizzling cuts all over her body.

Zero Pulled out his bow and shot an arrow Neith dodge the arrow with no effort.

"Heh! You think cause I'm like this I'm not fast enough to dodge your pathetic arrow mortal!" Nieth says with a smirk.

Zero looked at her with a smirk back saying in a cool voice "that wasn't for you."

Nieth Senses went off with danger to move but it was to late...The same medium size Potion Quentin threw earlier killing all her children was Planted in the ground a few feet behind Nieth getting hit by zero's arrow breaking it.

The explosion went off just like before. Shaking the whole nest...the smoke blew everywhere even some rubble coming from the ceiling of the nest.

The Smoke finally cleared few moments later showing a Nieth standing in the middle of a large crater coughing out black blood. She was missing all her back limbs but one. She was only standing on one leg Wobbling trying hard to stay standing.

The Skull mask was cracked a little. Her wounds was slowly healing back up. "YOU...Think That can kill me.... I survived WORSE!!!" Nieth yells with a wheezing sounding voice. A crack started to form under her feet. She looked around with panic.

"Noooooo!!!! I will not be defeated by you Damn MORTALS!!! I will bring one of you with me even if bring I The whole nest down with me!!!" Nieth Yells out with anger.

The Bottom was collapsing in She spit out Dark colored web towards Quentin. I Yell out to warn him throwing my old Dagger right at the web. With my Skill .

It Hit the web but got stuck right in the webs. Gamebreaker started shooting it with his Skill but the webs kept coming towards him. Quentin tried to run away from it but it wasn't enough room to go anywhere cause of the collapsing floor.

Iniko used multiple spells the Webs kept going ignoring the Flames trying to melt it. Iniko Decided to push Quentin out of the way at the last minute.

The flaming webs wrapped around Iniko's character pulling him down along with The Arachne who was Smirking as the Ceiling came crashing on top of Nieth.

I yelled out trying to jump for Iniko but Fist stop me. I saw Iniko's smiling face as everything went silent showing Him slowly falling into the abyss With Nieth. I read his lips as he was falling saying "Till we meet again, My Friend."

His body vanish into the abyss along with The Arachne. Showing His Symbol in the party Grey out and the system saying He left our Party.

"Damn it!" I yelled out smashing my fist into the ground crushing the ground with a crack.

"Who the fuck was that!?" Legend ask with confusion on his face walking up behind me with his character all in tatters and brunt marks on his kimono. The upper part was ripped showing bare skin on his right side.

I sigh and explain to both Katsumi and Legend how we meet Iniko.

After A few moments of explaining Our new/Fallen teammate Iniko. "Wow...so if he is a player he should've spawn outside the cave...so what are you getting so worked up about?" Katsumi ask.

"Well that's because I forgot to add him as a friend." I say shaking my head with disappointment.

"OHhh....Now that make sense now." Katsumi says.

We all stared at the hole and seeing a never ending Deep Hole. Than A Heavy current of Air pushed upward towards the ceiling from the hole.

"Where to now Tony?" I ask A Ryu who was looking up towards the ceiling pointing.

"The Is taking me up dog." Ryu says we all looked up seeing a small hole in the ceiling.

"How are we suppose to get up there??" Gear asked looking confused Along with the rest of the group.

"Only one way.... I can see." Quentin says with a sly grin.

"I don't like the sound of that." I say towards him.

"Watch and Learn." Quentin says while walking towards one of the Arachne Limbs Throwing it into The large hole in front of us as the limb Shot right up towards the ceiling like a Rocket.

"Physics my Brothers!" Quentin says looking prideful at what he just discovered.

"Well okay see you boys at the Top." I say nonchalantly Running Head first into the Hole as it shot me up towards the ceiling The Hole that was up here got bigger and bigger as I got closer and manage to make my way in it.

Landing safely in some sort of tunnel like the one at the beginning of the cave entrance. Seeing no threat I message The rest of the party to come up.

One by one they did. Ryu and Quentin was the last ones to come up Ryu was straight up armor less Wearing the default outfit from the tutorial.

His character looked some what Asian With black short spike hair Looking like a typical main anime character. I ask him what happen to his armor he looked towards Quentin than me.

"Physics Bro..." He says with a dead pan face. I chuckle a little under my breath. While he pass by me to lead the way with Pathfinder.

We all walked for A few minutes or so We finally Arrived at some Large Stairs leading upward Towards Two Giant Doors With a unique design of different Dragons carved into the doors.

"These Doors look like only Giants can open them." Gamebreaker pointed out.

"Ya think Captain obvious." Katsumi says rolling her eyes with a sigh.

Gamebreaker was about to reply back to her comment but I interrupted Him.

"So Tony Since this is Your Quest now What?" I ask Him as he stepped forward putting his Hand on the Door. It Glowed Golden as the area around us started to shake.

A Loud Dragon's Roar Could be heard. The Golden giant Doors Opened With Blinding Sunlight. We all walked forward into the Light.

Coming into View we Saw exactly what The Seer showed us.

A Large Gigantic Red Dragon Wrapped Around A large stone Boulder With A sword stuck in the middle of it.

"After What felt Like Eternity....You Finally Arrived My chosen." A Booming Voice came from the dragon as it open its Golden glowing Eyes Looking directly at us.

The Dragon begin to move from his spot. The whole area was trembling like an earthquake just from him moving He walked towards us.

We all except Ryu started to ready our weapons.

The Dragon got closer and closer till it stood right in front of us as it smiled towards us.

"Worry not there shall be no harm towards my Heir and thou friends." The Ancient Dragon says as we all relaxed a little.

"Your battles have all been won for today...know that your triumph over The old Guard, That Disgusting insect. and the mentally ill Magician. Have Not gone unnoticed." The Ancient Dragon says with pride in his voice.

"If you all would have did things differently this conversation would not have gone like this." The Ancient Dragon says closing his Eyes than re opening them looking directly at me.

"Out of all the creatures and powerful beings I came across you are the first to Have such a Powerful soul...its nothing I have ever Witnessed in my lifetime. Your soul is Like A Universe With endless Potential." The Ancient Dragon says towards me

I looked up at The Ancient Dragon and asked

"What do you mean by that? and How can you see my soul??" After asking. The Dragon looked at me than Laughs pretty loud while me and the party covers our ears.

"Us Dragons are one with life itself we can see many things about any living creatures in this world. I am sorry Young one but even I Ancient as I am do not know What to say about your Soul." The Ancient Dragon says with a disappointing look Than looked over the party once again with his golden glowing eyes

Than proceeded to lift one of its paw. The Ancient Dragon pointed towards the party as Red and black Colored Dragon weapons Appearing in each of The party members hands Except Ryu who was Oddly Quiet.

All Were Weapons of their preference. Mines was A Bow I analyzed it.

[Item Name]: Great Dragon Bow

[Item Tier]: Epic

[Item Type]: Bow

[Level Requirement]: 30

[Attack Power]: 5,900

{+160 Dexterity, +160 Agility, +160 Endurance}

[Durability]: 100/100

My eyes almost popped out of my head. Looking at the weapon stats. I saw the look on everyone Face that was looking the same as well.

"Now for you My Chosen come to me and fulfill your Destiny!" The Ancient Dragon says towards Ryu who was just standing there in a Daze.

After A few moments of waiting for Ryu to respond the ancient dragon repeats itself once again and than a third time in till I step in and told the dragon.

"Sorry but ummm Ryu isn't really here at the moment his brain just melted from seeing you sooo...you gonna have to give him a few minutes to cool down." I say towards the dragon trying hide laughter.

The Dragon understood and waited as we all looked at our new weapons and I noticed that all of us was higher than level 25 now.

"AAHHH!!!! Shit DOG!!! a fucking dragon I CANT BELIEVE THERE'S A FUC-" Ryu was about to finish in till Legend interrupted him with a smack back of the Head.

"Now Come to me My Chosen." The Anicent Dragon says towards Ryu who nodded his head and jog towards the dragon happily.

Right When Ryu Got into range A golden Bubble surrounded him and the Dragon. After A couple of moments that both of them was talking in the bubble.

The Dragon glowed Golden and a Beam of golden energy shot from the dragon chest into Ryu's chest. Ryu lifted off the ground Glowing fully Golden. The Dragon whole body became that Golden energy as the Light got so bright that we all had to shut our eyes.

A pillar of Golden light was coming out of the mountain Where The party was at. Showing a giant golden Dragon in the sky of the Continent Every player and NPC all saw the golden Dragon in the sky and pointing in awe at the sight of it.

A World Wide System message popped up in every player screen.

[World Wide System Announcement! Congratulations To Player [Ryu]! For Being The First Player in the World of [Euphoria] To complete A Legendary Class Quest and Unlocking The Legendary Class [Dragon Knight]!

The Unique Title Will be given to Him Along with 100k Gold For being The first legendary class player!]

Everything came back to Normal vision. Surprised to see we was out of The Forest of Dutch Veil. Right here at the Entrance of it I looked at everyone else who was just getting back adjusted to their vision.

Than I saw A Ryu Who Looked taller for some reason along with a missing Shirt but still had on the same pants but much tighter on his character. Long spiky black colored Hair that was blowing with the wind.

"Uh Tony is that you bruh?" I say cautiously He turned around looking at me His eyes was the same as the Anicent Dragon glowing Golden his face was more handsome and his body was more tone than a Greek statue as I got a good look at him he was standing at least over 7ft tall.

"I AM THE DRAGOOOOONNNN!!!!" Ryu Shouted out as the rest of the party that was dropped jaw about his amazing transformation was now dead pan faced.

"Put on a fucking Shirt damn moron." Legend yells at him as Ryu face dropped to a sad puppy look.

Fist came over towards Ryu with a slap on the back. "Hey look at the system messages at least your Rich now Ryu maybe I might let you win at smash for some Gold now" Fist says with a light chuckle.

We all Saw the message and got instantly excited for Ryu and congratulate him.

"So Where should we celebrate at guys??" Gear ask as everyone stood around and thought for a second Than it hit me.

"I know exactly the place." I smirked

After A couple of hours traveling back to Asuka and testing out Ryu's legendary class on the way. We finally Arrived at our Destination .

We Enter the Bar and Celebrate Ryu accomplishment in till the next in game morning.

With me Waking up From The bar and falling out of the chair With a thud!

"Ow!" I say getting back to my feet shaking my head than thought about the fact that I got so wasted in game my character passed out like you would normally in RL once you had a little to many.

I looked around the Bar seeing that only a few people was still here but I didn't see none of my party members as I looked at the party chat window showing that everyone left.

saying their goodbyes and left doing their own thing this morning. "if your Looking for your friends from last night they all ready left pal." Some random stranger says that was still sitting at the bar with his dark green hood over his head.

"Yeah I notice Thanks for telling me." I got up from my chair and started walking away heading for the exit.

"Aren't You forgetting something ....Zero?" The hooded stranger ask.

I instantly turned around looking at him with a serious look I analyzed the stranger.

[Name: Leo,The Drunken Woodsman ]

[ Level : 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 50]

[ Health : 162,000/162,000]

[Mana: 150,000/150,000 ]

[Stamina: 261,000/261,000 ]

[ Race: Half-Elf Male ]

Leo Stood up lowering his hood it shocked me to the core that I almost passed out. This stranger Looked exactly like The actor Keanu Reeves but with pointy elf ears. Wearing Light Brown full Leather Gear under the Dark Green cloak.

"What's The matter kid? Look like you just seen a Ghost...Did you forget our bet last Night? The first to pass out was going to be the other Slave for one day." Leo Smirked With a cocky look as I Facepalm myself and Scream mentally in my mind.