Side Stories: The Hero Part 1

"Three Days Have passed Since The release of the most popular VRMMORPG in the world right now "Your Fantasy" in-game most Players Have Already experience A full month worth of game time." Says A Woman With red short hair on the hologram screen wearing casuals and a beanie on her head.

"My Name is Sam and today guys we have a big guess joining us here at CyberWatch!" Sam says Excitedly

"You all know him as the biggest streamer on Twitch. Give a warm welcome to the one the only Platinum Apollo!!!" Sam yells out as The chat started to Go crazy with emotes.

A Tall White skinned tone guy, With Blonde Hair and A Goatee, Wearing Grayish Pajamas, His face kind of reminds you of a young Nicholas cage.

"Hello Apollo! Welcome to Cyberwatch." Sam says with a friendly greet.

"Thanks, Sam It's good to be here." Apollo says with a smile.

"So let's get down to the major points of this interview today....Your trying out This year's highly anticipated VRMMORPG "Your Fantasy" For the first time today and streaming it..What is your goal On the first day??" Sam says With excitement.

"Well Sam.....isn't it obvious?" Apollo says towards Sam with his eyebrows moving Animated like.

"I'm going to Create the most Bad ass character ever existed and Get the most powerful Class in the game! Along With A bad ass mount of course!...oh and it doesn't stop there I'm going to be A King Sam!!! With my Own Kingdom that will never be defeated!" Apollo says looking at Sam with a cocky look.

"Those Right There are My Goals Sammie." Apollo says with a Smirk.

"Uh right right.....and just Sam would be fine please. Also We just heard that your Guild just Recruited The First Legendary Class Player known as Ryu...What are your thoughts about this player? and Are you excited to have such a Powerful player joining Your Guild?"Sam ask at an Apollo Who looked uninterested at the questions that was asked.

"Huh? Oh really Now that's interesting....I actually had no clue about this. But either way having A Legendary Class Player in my guild is just Another W for Paragon. So of course ima feel excited to play with this player." Apollo says with seriousness in his voice.

After that question Sam started asking Apollo Even more From the chat and Apollo answer them all with no hesitation for the past 20 minutes as the interview was coming to a close.

"Last Question Apollo. So How do you Feel about the PvP side of the game and are you going to participate in alot of it?" Sam ask looking at Apollo With anticipation.

"Well Sam I Feel as tho The PvP is more of a Reality type of situation and most players don't realize this but dood! in reality its the strong that survives...make the rules and the weak that follows and is exploited by the strong." Apollo says with a light chuckle than looked back at Sam with a serious look.

"As for Me Sam I'm not built to be made into the categories of the weak...I inspire millions of players to be the strong and take control. So yes I am going participate in everything that is PvP and Show the weak what it's like to be the strong!"Apollo Says with pride in his Voice.

"Wow....well that just made me wanna put on some battle armor and go to war hopefully everyone that's tuning in on today's show feels the same way. " Sam says Excitedly

"Well that's all the time we have for today's interview guys. if you wanna catch The stream With Platinum Apollo trying out "Your Fantasy" For first the time on his twitch channel check the link in the chat. Thank You for your time today Apollo for coming on today's show!" Sam says with a smile

"Anytime Sammie You Have a great Day DOOD Peace!" Apollo yells out as he was disconnected from the Hologram With a Sam who was twitching a little and saying her goodbyes to the Live stream.

In his own Virtual Hub Apollo Sigh and cracked his Virtual avatar neck. "Okay....okay lets do this get pump for this HYPE Baby!!! YEAH WOOOO LETS DO THIS!!! Okay system start up the Live stream!" Apollo yells out after prepping himself for his Live stream.

The system started up a countdown as it launches the Live stream showing Apollo in his Virtual Home looking directly forward towards a floating hologram like screen.

"Boys....Today is the day." He says looking seriously towards the screen.

"Finally after 12 years in development....The day has Finally come....its a beginning of A New Era and that new Era is "Your Fantasy" Ladies and gentlemen!" He says with a nod of approval as the chat Roars with Emotes and big words.

Apollo pulls up the title screen for "Your Fantasy" He slowly hovered his finger over the launch button and looked towards the stream and started wiggling his eyebrows.

"it's time....Here I Go. time To be A warrior King!" Apollo yells out as he launched the game.

[ Welcome to The World of Euphoria Traveler!]

[Please Choose Your Starting Race.]

Apollo Saw all the different Races this game had to offer. He instantly choose the Human Race Making his Character look exactly like himself in RL but with muscles like a body builder.

"Now this Guy looks like a King Dood!" Apollo say towards the chat who was going crazy.

After naming his character and The system congratulate him. He was teleported to the tutorial Zone.

Apollo appears in the tunnel like many others as The Guide floats around him and introduced itself.

"Oh wow look at this glowing little shit!" Apollo says with amazement as the chat goes crazy with laughter.

"OH! this the guide?? Well where do I go from here little guy?" Apollo asked the guide as it tells him to keep walking forward.

Apollo moved forward following the tunnel out he arrived at the arena.

"Whoa guys looks like I'm in some sort of Arena am I going to fight something guide?" Apollo ask the guide as it floated towards the other side where there was tables and racks of different type of armors and weapons.

[Choose your Weapons and Armor]

Apollo walked over towards the weapon & armor racks and tables looking at them with a nod of acknowledgment.

"These Don't look too bad....but I'm going with that heavy iron armor and two handed sword here boys!" He says Excitedly equipping the items.

After that a whole list of notifications pop up on his screen. He looked through them quickly than closed out all the notifications.

"Adventurer class.... weak!!! But these skills for the two handed weapon mastery is bad ass bruh!" Apollo says with a wide grin and jumpy eyebrows with His chat going crazy.

"Okay Guide what now?" Apollo says the guide floats in front of him.

[Now We shall begin Your Reaction and agility test!]

The Reaction and agility course spawn in front of him The guide told him to start when ever he want.

Apollo started stretching and cracked his neck doing some light jumps. "Lets do this boys!!!" He yells out running towards the Course.

Right before he got to the first platform. He couldn't stop himself to slow down to jump. He trip over his own feet and fell right in the Gap between the platforms respawning instantly right back where he started as he look around confused.

His chat started laughing and going crazy. Apollo ran the course 5 more times Showing different funny situations of him failing the course and gave up telling the guide he's ready to move on.

"Who needs some pussy ass quickness when you can have all the Big Dick Damage!!! am I right boys!?" The chat started agreeing with him like a bunch of fanboys.

The combat course went a lot better with him easily beating all the training dummies while yelling out "Big Dick Damage!!! This is way to easy dood!" Apollo yells out every time he killed a dummy.

Than Apollo tried hardest difficulty but ended up Getting defeated more than 10 times by the first Training Dummy and he gave up and move on to the next course The Survey Course.

Apollo Arrived in an All white Room Where a God like voice was heard.

[Welcome, Player Platinum Apollo Unlike the Previous Course you have taken before This will be a non physical one but A Verbal one.]

"You Hear That Boys??? The Literal God Apollo will be taking A Verbal course!" He yells out while wiggling his eyebrows while the chat goes crazy with emotes.

[Are You ready to begin?]

The Voice boomed out as Apollo yells out A "Hell yeah lets gooooo Dood!"

[1st Question: If You had A choice to Help an innocent life Will you do it?or Would you leave them to Their own Fate?]

Without hesitation Apollo Answered The Voice.

"Save the person life I'm Not that much of an Asshole!"

[2nd Question: A Kingdom Has been taken over by a tyrant. This Tyrant has Enslaved all the Women and Children While forcing The men To become Soldiers. A Rebellion Has happened in the Kingdom You have to choose between helping The Tyrant or The rebellion?]

"Now That guy sounds like Real Dick! I will never help such a person Instead I will Help The Rebellion and Rule the Kingdom myself. With the choice of This Kingdom's people of course....and Bring them better days." Apollo says with a confident look on his face while his eyebrows wiggling.

[3rd Question: If You had A Choice to pick between Power, Glory, Or, Riches What will be your choice?]

"Fucking Glory!! Without no Doubt Dood!" Apollo Says With a excited look as his chat goes crazy yet again.

After few minutes of more Questions the Voice stop asking them.

[Congratulations Player Platinum Apollo! on completing the survey course.]

[Would you like to end your tutorial and get your Evaluation? ]

[Yes] or [No]

The notification popped up in front of Apollo as he clicked [Yes] in a rush excitedly to see what his results is.

[Confirming....Evaluation results....]

[Congratulations Player Platinum Apollo You Have Earned A Legendary Class Quest!]

When Apollo Saw That his Eyes Widen with surprise He couldn't believe as He jump for joy and hold his face while walking Around in a circle. His Chat was Going insane Everyone who was watching was Sending links to every channel on twitch.

The News spread like Wildfire on every social media platforms. Apollo finally calmed down and breath in Than look directly into the Screen with a serious look.

"You see that dood.....There it is Boys! A FUCKING LEGENDARY CLASS QUEST!!!" Apollo yells out with pride and excitement in his voice.

He Looked towards his chat screen and reads it.

"Right Your Right...just imagine if I got on launch day but Nevertheless. Some of you guys who is already A month ahead in game I'm coming for You at full speed!" He says with a smirk

"No it's what if I'm the second Legendary Class Player I will be that any day than not having one."

After A few Minutes of talking with his chat Apollo Finally Ended his tutorial and Picked the Western Continent to spawn on.

Once He Arrived Western Continent He was in some forest with a bunch of magical creatures. Seeing no roads or hint of where he was. He traveled till he finds a node.

After Two or Three days in game hiking in a dense forest of Magical Creatures. He killed a bunch but avoiding A few that was too high leveled. Getting His Adventurer Class to Level 15.

He was Finally able to Use the class skill To follow it towards his Legendary Class Quest.

After Couple of hours of walking and talking with his chat. He Finally Arrived at The Kingdom of Ferris. Where his Legendary Class was taking him to meet The Seer there.

Once Arrived He saw The Kingdom from a cliff and he looked at the buildings Noticed they was all stone, brick, and wood. The Stone walls were pretty high there was at least three layers of these walls with each layer being more spacious than the last. and Their was A large Stone Castle in the middle of the Kingdom.

Noticing The large Crowd of people going in and out of the Kingdom. He went towards it, Right when he got closer to the gate Apollo saw almost like A King's welcome towards the Gate and in front of the Gate Two people stood there waiting with large smiles on their face.

They dressed like royalties. Cheers burst out once he gotten close enough to the line of people being blocked of by the guards. All shouting out his name and going crazy. Apollo instantly knew those people was his chat. He Finally Arrived in front of the two people dressed like royalty.

"Hello Traveler Apollo, I am King Jigglesprout! and this is Queen Yola." The king introduced himself and his queen.

The king was a very short man possibly standing 4ft, He had the face of a bulldog like BeastKin. The Queen Like a white she-wolf beast kin with piercing grey eyes.

Apollo looked at the queen with a blush as she greeted him as well.

"So uh..I can guess why the other travelers are out here...but I don't understand why the king and queen of this kingdom would grace such a traveler like me to meet at their gates instead of me coming to your humble castle?" Apollo says with politeness in his voice while wiggling his eyebrows that made the queen giggle with a blush.

"OH ho! not just handsome but wise as well." The king says with a wink and amused look.

The king cough. "But to the real concerns of the matter why such royalties as us are here? because of thy quest that was given by the gods! Your Seer is none other than the Queen." The king says as Apollo looked at her with a dropped jaw.

Before Apollo could speak he was cut off by the king. "We can finish this talk at the Castle...Don't worry all your questions will be answered there." The king says with a smile Apollo nodding with agreement.

They Past by the different layers of the kingdom Apollo notices that its just like any old classic Medieval kingdom in the history books and movies.

The carriage finally arrived at The castle. Apollo looked impressed by The castle which was singled out by itself in the middle of a Lake The only way in or out was by boat or the one and only giant bridge they was traveling on towards it.

After Departing The carriage Knights were everywhere around the castle. Using the Royal Guards to escort them into the throne Room where Familiar Figures was standing in front of The throne waiting with Wide grins.

"Look what we have here Chat." Apollo says wiggling his eyebrows with a joyful look.

Even Though it's a different game Apollo will always recognize his core Guildmates of Paragon. The Chat goes Crazy Spamming the different names of the members like they was celebrities.

"Took ya damn time huh? Tough Guy!" A man With Red Short Hair, Heavy Plated armor with Sliver and blue mixed colors. A Large Great Axe that match his Armor, Average human male height, Average looking face, With a medium size red color beard like his hair, Says with a smirk.

"Spicy bruh...what are you and the guild doing here??" Apollo says as The chat was already saying his name and going crazy with emotes.

"Dude We are just as lost as You...The Queen and king Sent a messenger to us a few days ago in game Right when you got out of your tutorial telling us come here to the castle." Spicy says with confusion on his face.

"Its because of you and your Guild fate to meet here today Master Apollo and his comrades." The Queen says walking by Along with the king who helped her up the steps towards the two chairs sitting down in their seats The king and Queen look at the travelers.

"Your Here because of this man and now both destines are entwine forever.... Bring Him in!" The Queen yells out as the guards open The large doors to The Throne Room.

A very Tall man With Black long spiky Hair, Built like an Ancient Greek statue, Wearing Red and black Scaled Armor that fits perfectly on him. With A two handed great sword on his back that was Bone colored metal with A Golden Hilt and grip.

The closer he Got Apollo chat was going crazy As they all was repeating His name.

"Master Apollo I would like to introduce you to The one who made it possible for your destiny to be revealed The Legendary Dragon Knight Ryu!"The Queen say in a excited Voice.

Apollo Looked up at The mountain of a man and was jaw dropped by Ryu's Character. Ryu looking down at Apollo With piercing Golden Dragon like eyes. Apollo Felt like he was in front of an actual dragon as invisible sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Uh...Yo bruh! It's awesome to finally meet you Ryu." Apollo says towards a Ryu who just looked at him like he was a piece of meat to chew.

"Uh...Ryu You okay there dood??" Apollo says while swallowing spit with a nervous look.

"BROOOOOOO!!!!! HOLY SHITTTT I CANT BELIEVE ITS ACTUALLY Y-Y-YOU." Ryu yells out with A deafening loud voice as the whole throne Room covered their ears.

"Uh Jesus Dood! that was loud and scary." Apollo says as he recovered from the out burst along with everyone else.

"OH shit sorry Dawg! Sometimes I forget where im at and spaz out." Ryu says while chuckling awkwardly.

The king coughs to get the travelers attention. "Now that you two are now aquintent with one another. The real reason You both have been summoned here is because of an Ancient tale told to the children of this world." The king says with a serious expression as he looked towards the queen who nodded with approval.

"Long Ago....A time Where All the races of [Euphoria] Was Peaceful and all the Continents Were once Just One Super Continent. No Good or No Evil just Life....In Till one Unfaithful day it all Changed. A portal Appeared in the capital city With Demons Stepping out of the portal and Destruction followed.... Killing, Raping, Pillaging, And Torturing the ones they captured. That day changed us Euphorians life's forever. The demons were hellbent on Taking anything and devouring anything as well.

Till one day we decided to fight back...and take back what was ours..... but no matter how much we tried to rebel the demons invasion us Euphorians never could really fight back such power of demons. All we ever could do was pray and finally our prayers were answered.... Angels came down from the heavens clad in white Silver and Golden armor Pure white wings, Along with Dragons that were Fighting along side the Angels.

Fighting back the Demon invasion The war with the Angels and demons continue for years on [Euphoria]. The Angels and dragons Teaching us Euphorians Magic and combat to help fight back The demons. Than Finally the day came for the war to end. The Leader of The Angels and The King Of Dragons had cornered The Demon King With all His Generals Imprisoned or dead. Together They Sealed The Demon King back in his realm.

Before our Saviors left this world and went back to their own...The Leader of the Angels Left us A powerful Sword. That if Evil has returned To Euphoria This Sword Will Choose A Hero and give that hero the power to Vanquish All evil that comes from the darkness. The King of Dragons Stayed along with his Kin Becoming The official Protectors of Life on Euphoria.

Euphoria Was never the same after The Demon invasion. Slowly But surely The Evil That plaque Euphoria wasn't gone... not by a long shot.

The Sins left by The demons had corrupted most of the Races Causing them to become Savages or Worse than the demons that invaded. Wars were started, and the Magic that was taught to us by our Saviors became corrupted Bringing in an Era of different Calamities. With Chaos and Corruption Brought Something That Devours all of Life...Death.

When there is Light...There is also Darkness. To balance The Universal Law. The Time has Finally come For the Sword to be unleashed and Vanquish this Evil on our beloved World. This Sword Has called out to you Master Apollo." The king says towards Apollo Who was looking dumbfounded.

"W-Wait One damn minute how do you even know this sword choose me and where is it??" Apollo says looking confused.

"Its because of my Vision that I had of you pulling the Legendary Sword out of the stone Three nights ago....and Where is the Sword well that's why he is here." The Queen points at a Ryu Who was spaced out humming something as he finally notice everyone looking at him.

"Um... yes? I-I mean Ma'am...S-Sir Majesty???" He asked in a studdering confusion since he wasn't paying attention to none of the dialogue the king and queen was saying. Apollo chat went crazy with laughter and Apollo sighs at the Giant dragon knight along with the paragon Guild face palming.

"Is he seriously apart of our guild?" Apollo asked Spice as he shake his head with a sigh.

"Even though the man acts like this He's actually More than good enough to be on the core raiding team....but we haven't promoted him up yet." Spice Says with a nervous glance at Ryu who was getting scolded by the king and queen like a child.

Before Apollo Could say something else to spice he was cut off by the king's cough.

"Like I was saying before... Ryu Here knows exactly Where the Location of the Legendary Sword Master Apollo." The Queen says with a smile.

"Yeah its located in When I obtained my legendary class The sword was there protected by the dragon that bestowed me its power to become The Dragon Knight." Ryu Says towards Apollo.

"Okay so I'm guessing now that the dragon is gone....I must hurry and secure this powerful weapon before any one else does?" Apollo ask the Queen and king.

"I doubt Any one could pull the thing out other than's called out to you Master Apollo Only you can Wield The Legendary Sword Of power! [Excalibur]." The king Says as Everyone in the throne Room jaws dropped except the king and queen who looked amused at the Travelers.

"Excalibur!!! Holy Shiit Dood!!!" Apollo Yells out while his chat was going crazy with emotes.

"Hahaha! That's right my boy! So it seems even in your world the Sword is known and oh the irony! fact that the Sword Has chosen an outsider of this world to be our Savior!." The king says with A joyful smile and chuckle.

After Few more minutes of talking to the king and queen Apollo and his guild finally left the castle and Now outside of the kingdom making preparation to travel towards .

The guild and Apollo was camped outside the kingdom inside a Tent Apollo Sigh Looking towards Live stream screen.

"Chat Even though...I was awarded A Legendary Class Quest...Im still a stupid ass adventurer class noob....But its okay it's only for a little while boys!!! Soon we about to be slaying with a godly weapon." Apollo says talking to his chat and answering questions.

Than all of sudden Spice came through his tent and ask him to come outside its urgent. Apollo ran out behind Spice looking worried but than his facial expression change with a look of surprise.

All his Guildmates at least over A thousand players were waiting on him to come out. Than he saw Spice and his core member standing around A suit of platinum like Armor mixed With White dye. pure White fur around its neck, White long Cape on the back. With A Letter P Engraved in the chest piece.

After looking at the Armor in shock The chat and Guildmates told him to put it on.

[You Have Equipped 1x Platinum armor Chest piece.]

[You Have Equipped 1x Platinum armor Leggings.]

[You Have Equipped 1x Platinum armor Gauntlets]

There was no helmet but the armor fit me well.The Rating on the armor was Rare With Each pieces of armor giving Constitution, Endurance, and Strength stats boost by 125. Than Another Guildmate arrived with a Red and golden case holding it as if it was a priceless treasure.

Spice took the case from the Guildmate and handed it to Apollo. Apollo opens the case What he saw in it was nothing short of a master piece.

Apollo Analyze the object in the case.

[Item Name]: Dawnbreaker

[Item Rating]: Epic

[Item Type]: Two-Handed

[Level Requirement]: 25

[Attack Power]: 12,000-28,250 Dmg per second

{+130 Strength, +130 Constitution, +130 Endurance}

[Durability]: 100/100

It was a Giant White silver two handed sword With A platinum Hilt and grip. The sword matches perfect with his Armor making him look bad ass.

"they waiting on you to raise your sword Bro." Spice whisper to Apollo ear as he nodded and raise his sword with a funny battle cry as the Guildmates and viewers in his live stream went crazy.

A few days went by in game as the guild travel towards The forest of Dutch Veil and finally arrived. The guild was more than a thousand strong as players were randomly joining the March.

Once after stopping The ground started to Shake and a world wide system messages went out.

[The Guild Has commenced A Raid on This will be a world Event All players that participate in this Event that dies will stay dead until the raid is completed. All Monster in the Area will have increased difficulty and bonus EXP when killed.]

After The system Announcement Another deep Ghostly voice boomed in the background.


After hearing this Apollo look towards his core Guildmates. That were all standing on a hill looking over The large encampment of players in front of the forest.

"Well Boys....It is Time!" Apollo says with A wide grin and wiggling eyebrows.