A Treacherous Noble Part 2

Zero's scouts is hot on the baron's trail as Feugo sighs listening to his two teammates argue back and forth with one another.

"You couldn't just follow one simple plan huh?? knuckle headed fool!" Lady Weirdo says towards Rook with irritation.

"Shut up!! at least I am being useful unlike you!!" Rook yells back. As they kept jumping from branch to branch Feugo spotted the mercs and the baron using the Ranger class skill .

"Aye Dick heads! up ahead." Feugo says towards his two teammates as they both stop arguing and came to a stop with Feugo looking directly at their targets as they were standing in front of a mountain with a path way leading up and out of the forest they are at.

Both Mirage and Turk was standing completely still. While the baron was pacing back and forth like a mad man. while his advisor Lucas was staring at the mountain with his mouth agape.

"This is our chance to strike guys. looks like both the players are busy group chatting while the NPCs are doing their own thing." Feugo says while pulling out his crossbow aiming at the mercs.

"Let's use that strategy to take these fools down." Feugo says towards his teammates who both nodded as Lady Weirdo pulled her bow out and knocked an arrow waiting to release it.

Rook's Wings spreads out like he was stretching them as he ready his body for a jump.

"Go!" Feugo says outloud as Rook takes off into the sky like a Rocket While Lady Weirdo use her Bow skill aiming straight for Turk as Feugo Use the Skill firing his bolt towards the leader as well.

A few moments before the scouts attack With the mercs and The Baron.

"We just have to get up the pathway....and the location should be somewhere up in the mountains." Turk says as the baron was bending over out of breath from all the running panting like a dog.

"I can't go up that hill just yet I need to catch my breath.....Damn it!!!! why did they have to target my servants first damn useless fools in the end!" The baron yells out in frustration.

Turks sighs and shake his head as his eyes widen at Shabibi icon in his party window grayed out. than a few seconds past John's name Grayed out as well almost as if he was one shotted. than he looked towards their fifth party member that was there with the two.The gunslinger Top Shot his HP just fell down to 30% and blinking red Turk instantly started talking in their party chat.

[Turk]: "Top! what is going on? what happened to both John and Shabibi??"

[Top Shot]: "That fucking Ranger is insane....he just killed both John and Shabibi using only two skills one shotting them ....and just took me out of the battle all In a matter of seconds....I'm not sticking around for that monster to find me screw this Contract I'm logging out!"

[Turk]: "Wait a minute Top!"

Right before Turk could even finish he looked at his chat box.

[Top Shot Has Left Your Party.]

[Top Shot Has Logged off]

"Damn it!!!" Turk yells out with rage

"Wait....looks like John used that skill." Mirage says towards Turk as they both saw John's icon come back to life as Turk smiles seeing that.

"Enough resting Baron we need to-" Right as Turk was about finish that sentence he heard a whistle on the wind as he turn his head a little towards that sound and instantly rolled out of the way as arrows landed exactly where he was just at.

Mirage notice a shadow blocking the sun as he instantly reacted using his class movement skill teleporting away from an attack from above as Rook slams down with his two long swords at the spot where Mirage was at.

The baron instantly started running behind Lucas like A scared little child.

Turk tilted his head to the side as a bolt pass right by leaving a scratch on his cheek. Turk sucked his teeth in at that looking at the other two scouts who arrived in front of him.

"You pups..don't give up easily huh?" Turk says towards the two scouts in front of him with a smirk.

"Hand over the baron ugly!...and we might let you and your friend live." Werido says towards Turk with confidence.

A laugh came from the high Elf mage Mirage as he looked at all three of the scouts with no worries of losing to them.

"You kiddos should have never follow that foolish captain of yours orders....he just sent you all to your respawn...just take this defeated today as a lesson on humility...so you guys can go ahead and thank me for now since you all will be dead soon anyway." Mirage says as if they were just nothing to him and can easily squash them like insects.

"I'll show you some Humility with my Sword you merc scumbag!" Rook yells out as he dash straight at a smiling Mirage. Rook Slashes down at him with both his swords.

Back at the Area With Zero and John...

The Halbert came down cutting Zero's figure in half. John smiles with a battle maniac Look at Zero's split in half figure.

"Huh?...That's odd I know the system didn't make a mistake saying I killed you...if that's a skill you got.....that's cheap as fuck dude." Zero says with a shocked tone in his voice as He was standing behind a John who looked at the figure he thought he cut in half but was just only Zero's after image from using his Racial Skill

John turns around instantly as he jump back readying for an attack but Zero wasn't even there anymore as John felt his Racial skill triggers as he instantly blocked an attack from his right side from zero whose hood was now put down.

Showing his Dark Elf pitch black skin tone his white colored eyebrows & long ponytail hairstyle, showing no wrinkles on his forehead but a smooth surface as an all black colored mask was shown covering his nose and mouth only his piercing Red colored eyes was visible.

Even though Zero looks young John can see the danger this kid aura emits.

"Ha! You really are just a kid....here I thought there was a man under all that darkness." John says as both him and Zero Disengaged looking at one another.

"and cheap skill?? really? like that weak spot skill you use to one shot us... like come on, you gotta admit your little unique skill is way too broken." John says with a smile while relaxing his posture a bit.

"It's not that Overpowered if your able to self Revive on the spot." Zero says looking at John with a deadpan face.

"My unique skill that just Revive me was called even though your A Dark Elf. I know you guys are fast with that Racial skill you guys have but to be able to sense danger....that's not a Racial skill for your race...Another Unique skill is what you have...that means you are a High Ranker like me am I right?" John ask with an amused look on his face.

Zero looked at John with a Shocked expression as he thought the man was just a dumb brute but the guy was actually smarter than what zero realized.

("Guess you can't judge a book by its cover....gotta stop underestimating people or it will be my downfall".) Zero thought to himself.

"Your not saying anything so it must be true than.....I fought Against many Rangers that were Rankers & high rankers for the past couple of months. I was starting to believe in those rumors about what they say in the fourms. about how weak and useless the ranger class is but after encountering you today nothing comes even close to your level of combat skill. so tell me what Rank are you? I must know!!!" John yells out with excitement in his voice.

Zero closed his eyes while also Relaxing his posture a bit than sighs as he cracked his neck while looking back at John with his piercing Red Eyes that would make the Vanguard a little nervous as he sees the powerful killing intent aura emits from Zero's body.

"Yeah just thinking about that it use to piss me off....the game only been out for only 6 months now. 9 months if we are counting in-game time.

"The Single-Player Class"...."The Wolf Pack" that is what the community calls us Rangers already giving us titles simply because our class skills only benefit ourselves and don't sync well with other classes but our own. Don't get me wrong they are right..... but at the same time Calling us weak is something that I wont stand for." Zero says as nervous Sweat appears on John's face.

" Rank 6 Vanguard John Mane.....Yeah I know all about You and your merry band of merc friends taking up certain contracts and making it hard for us Rangers these past 2 months." Zero says with a serious tone in his voice while John stood there in shocked that this kid was well prepared for them. John wonders if that's how Zero was able to react to their Sniper Top Shot.

"And to Answer Your Question from earlier....if you was well informed You should know that I am Rank 1 for the Ranger Class." Zero says with no hesitation in his voice as John wasn't shocked about that since he had a feeling that Zero had to be at least top 5 of his class Leaderboard's if he was this good.

"Number 1 Ranger Zero huh?....with your skills you should be all the talk on the fourms kid...how come I never heard of such A powerful player like you?" John says with curiosity

"I'm not into becoming famous....plus Rangers Leaderboard's are all about completing successful missions. not showing one's battle prowess in BGs or certain pvp events like most classes." Zero says nonchalantly

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Even so with skills like yours...the fame will come to you eventually just like the legends in our world that was recognized for such talent like yours!!! hmmm maybe a king in the making!?....Or even better a God!!! such an honor to meet such a Powerful foe like you on the Battlefield today Zero!!!" John yells out with excitement as Zero rolls his eyes.

"Shall we finish this.....I have a piggy baron to capture." Zero says as John chuckles at what Zero said getting into a fighting stance with his Halbert.

"Than Let our Duel be Legendary Little Wolf!!!" John yells out Dashing towards Zero with a battle crazed look.

John used His weapon Skill Whirling his long weapon like an actually miniature tornado. Zero easily dodge the attack While he pulled out a small Bomb from his pouch throwing it towards the Vanguard as it Exploded on Contact Knocking John out of his Skill and sending him rolling a few yards away from the force of the blast.

{The Item [Small Bomb] Has hit Player John Mane for 3,125 DMG!}

Zero Dashed Straight for the wide open John as John managed to get back on his feet and meet Zero head on with sword against Halbert clashing against one another Zero dodging and attacking on the offense while John Is blocking and pushing back the Ranger being on the defensive side of things.

Zero notice John's weapon beginning to glow with powerful intense yellow aura as he jumped away from the Vanguard to dodge the familiar attack as John used his Weapon's skill Causing another giant crater the size of A football field to form from the powerful attack.

John smirks looking at the airborne Zero as he lift up his right hand towards The Ranger. Zero buzzed like crazy as he cursed inwardly at the warning.

John used his Epic Weapon's Ultimate CC Skill As John gesture his right hand with a Thumbs down. Zero felt Enormous weight like a mountain on his back pulling him back down to the ground as he slams down hard back into the crater but lucky for him he landed on his feet Triggered one of his perks for the Skill taking no fall damage from a certain height.

A flashing notification popped up on his screen.

[Warning your Movements are now limited! Do to A Crowd-Control Skill for 60 seconds. Use A skill or potion to Escape or wait out the timer.]

Zero Hears A Chuckle looking up seeing John standing over him.

"I bet your wondering how? I'm not a mage but yet can use Gravity magic right??" John says with A prideful look.

("Not really...but I need this moment to get my baring to see how much movement I really got. letting him gloat would benefit me right now.) Zero thought to himself while struggling to move under all the weight from the Gravity magic.

"Zero meet my Darling [ Chumana] before she was turn into this divine beauty she was an Earth Dragon that protected the kingdom I unlocked my Class from...She was known to be the strongest Earth dragon in the history of Euphoria wielding both Earth and Gravity magic in combination...she was a rare breed from Earth dragons since most are born to control only Earth magic." John says as he notice Zero trying to move John smirk at the situation.

"Try all you want little wolf...but this is the end for you...talent can only take you so far let this be some experience for you since Experience is that one weakness you have to conquer kid and to honor such a legendary battle!!! I will award your defeat by using my strongest attack." John says towards Zero who was still struggling to move.

John positioned himself like an executioner holding the Halbert over his head as he use his Vanguard class Ultimate skill This Skill uses 50% of the user's Strength and endurance stat into one powerful attack.

"That's where you are wrong John...its Your Experience that is a weakness." Zero says in a calm voice as He smirked John eyes widen seeing a yellow glowing crossbow pointing upwards under Zero's cloak.

John tried to swing down faster to slash Zero in half but it was too late as Zero used the Skill pulling the trigger on the crossbow faster than John could even react as the Vanguard Head Exploded into pieces.

Zero was shower in blood as John's Body fell over like a tree.

{ Has hit A for -171,875 Dmg! You have Defeated Player John Mane +50,000 EXP}

Zero sighs in Relief as the CC was lifted once John was Defeated as he stretched his body and looked around and waited a few seconds to see if John was going to Self Revive for the second time but as time went by nothing happened.

"Phew! That guy is going to be annoying in the future....gotta make sure I avoid him at all cost. Lucky for me the fool didn't capitalize on that CC when he had a chance...thank god I pulled my crossbow out when he pulled me out the air or I would have actually lost....One thing about us Rangers we always Prepare for any and everything in a battle." Zero says as he looks towards the distance of a mountain where the Scouts took off after the baron and the other two Last remaining Mercs.

("Rank 46 for the Bounty hunter class "Turk"....and The Fifth Rank illusionist "Mirage"... The scouts should be able to handle Turk if they team up...but that Mirage might be a problem for them especially if that Lucas guy starts attacking them as well".) Zero thought to himself.

"Kali to me!" Zero yells out as his shadow begins to Come alive turning into a giant shaped like a four legged creature as this creature come into being it was A large all black fur Dire wolf with yellow intense colored eyes it looked down at Zero with A low growl.

"I know I know....buddy I woke you from your sleep but it's urgent we have to get to the scouts they might be in trouble." Zero says towards the giant wolf petting it's fur as it snorts hot breath from his nose at Zero like it's saying "they will be okay let me sleep damn elf!"

"Okay how about this I will give you an extra steak for you dinner tonight!" Zero says in a uplifting tone in his voice.

There was a glare of determination in Kali's eyes when it heard that.

"I knew you would agree....you already have there scents let's go Boy!" Zero says hopping up on His battle mount back as Kali Howls and Dashed off at such speed that even the Wind wouldn't be able to keep up.