A Treacherous Noble Part 3

Zero scouts and the last two remaining mercs faces off in a heated battle below the mountain pathway.

"Ahhhhhhh!! take this ya golden bastard!" Rook yells out as he used the dual wielding weapon Skill .

The skill hits Mirage slashing his figure in half But it was just an illusion clone that multiply into two more versions of the mage.

"Fuck! Damn these clones! you are annoying bro!!!" Rook yells out in frustration towards Mirage.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! is the little baby lizard going to cry." Mirage says in unison with his clones teasing the scout.

"We will see who is the real baby here ya fool!" Rook yells out with frustration as he used another dual wielding Skill called making the user turn into a Tornado of raging blades attacking multiple targets all around the user.

Right as Rook hit one of the clones it Exploded with purple colored Arcane energy shaking the whole area with a loud boom.

Both Feugo and Weirdo turn their attention to their teammate Rook as they both yell out his name with worry.

The smoke from the explosion clouded the area. it slowly cleared showing Rook half burnt bloody smoking form as his wings was covering his body from the explosion.

Rook wings flexed out as it showed his bruised and bloody Scaled body. kneeling on the ground panting.

"Hope you guys like burnt lizard....hahaha!!" Mirage says with joyful laughter.

"Tsk! this ain't nothing....you Crack up twig." Rook says struggling as he got back on his feet showing a cocky look on his face.

"Fucking brat!...I guess after almost one shotting you..you still haven't learn anything. but that will change today." Mirage says with irritation as he gesture finger guns with both hands aiming towards Rook.

A small purple colored orb of mana formed in front of the finger guns Mirage was gesturing.

The orbs shot forward like bullets hitting Rook with a stinging pain as Rook yells out with a howl of pain as he was getting hit with a barrage of normal attacks from Mirage [mage gloves] weapon item.

Lady Weirdo yells out towards Rook as she dash towards the mage to help out her teammate.

Ethereal blue colored ghostly like ball & chains wrapped fully around lady Weirdo body as she fell to the ground making it a struggle for the Scout to break the chains.

"Your not going anywhere girl scout." Turk says with a cocky smirk looking at the frustrating and struggling scout as he used his class skill .

"I think it's Time to make our leave baron...these travelers have this under control." Lucas says towards the baron in a low deadly cold voice only the baron could hear as he looked down at the fatty who nods in a hurry from the fear of more Rangers coming.

"You mercenaries can handle these bunch me and Lucas will go on ahead towards the rendezvous and please hurry will you....don't want us to leave you guys behind without payment I'm sure." Baron Kudos Says towards the mercs than with just a snap of Lucas fingers both him and the baron instantly teleports on top of a cliff heading into the mountains as the group from below can see them looking down at them.

"Wait!!!" Turk yells out at the Baron who looks down from the cliff with a sly smile as Lucas walks off from view with the baron following behind.

"Damn it!!! Fucking Nobles!!! hate dealing with them...Mirage fuck the kid go after the piggy and his man servant!" Turk says showing fuming rage on his face.

Mirage stops the barrage of attacks on Rook who was protected by his wings as his body was smoking from all the magical attacks. Mirage face had a disappointing look.

"Come on at least let me finish off this brat first." Mirage says as he smirks at the figure of the Burnt & bloody Draconian scout that was still on his knees with his HP lower than 30%.

Turk looked at the party screen and noticed John's icon went grey.

"There is no time it might be more Rangers up in the mountains this contract is more important. I will finish off these pups myself." Turk says looking irritated as Mirage Sighs.

"Count yourself lucky brat!" Mirage says with disappointment in his voice as He used blink to teleport up to the cliff and runs off after the baron and Lucas.

once Mirage left Turk looked back at the remaining scout who isn't incapacitated at the moment.

("This kid is oddly calm he hasn't made a move yet...What is his play here?") Turk wonders as he thinks.

Right as Turk was about to speak roots burst out of the ground as Turk was caught off guard with a Surprised look.

Turk Slashes the roots coming for him as he rolls and dodge the class skill from Feugo.

Turk noticed Feugo takes out his crossbow shooting a bolt at the chains wrapped around lady Weirdo.

The bolt harmlessly pass through the ghostly like chains as they were incorporeal Turk smirked at the situation and chuckles as he destroyed the last of the roots that was chasing him.

"Ha! it's impossible to break those chains physically. it's soul magic kid...even certain magical attacks couldn't do anything." Turk says with a prideful look on his face than he notice something large approaches him from his flank.

Turk reacted quickly turning around to face the on coming threat to his surprise it was the Draconian scout as they both clash.

Turk was sliding backwards from the force of the rush attack. the shock was still on his face as he notice an empty potion bottle on the ground where the Draconian was kneeling at.

"Think cause you healed up a little is going to help out....think again pup!" Turk yells out as he pushed Rook back with surprising strength as turk reacted to another attack as he rolled out of the way seeing a bolt lands right where he was just at.

Right as Turk gets to his feet Feugo Instantly appeared in front of the Bounty hunter using the one handed sword skill its a unique weapon Skill for the katana.

Turk tries to block the attack it was to quick as he still got cut from the attack on his side showing a frustrating and painful look as feugo slides pass him from the attack as he rushed the merc with normal attacks with his katana.

("Damn it! this pup got fangs...he's really good with that sword. gotta take care of him now.") Turk thought to himself as he was being pushed back from the barrage of attacks from Feugo who was wielding the katana like an expert kendo fighter.

Both Turk and Feugo was clashing steel against steel. Than Rook enter the Fray as he was yelling with a battle cry. Turk smirked at this as Feugo saw the expression on Turks face as the merc reaches for his sawed shotgun.

Feugo yells out to warn Rook who was dashing straight at the merc like a bull with wings. Turk already fired the loud and powerful gun as Rook reacted quickly putting his weapons up to block the shot as it broke through the block and forced the scout back a few feet landing on his back.

Being distracted by Rook. Feugo let his guard down enough to where Turk used his class skill A blue ethereal ghostly like whip appears from thin air and wrapped around Feugo leg pulling making the. wood Elf scout fall.

Turk smiles and capitalize on the opening. Turk felt and arrow hit his shoulder as yells out with frustration at missing the attack looking at where the arrow came from seeing a panting lady Weirdo up from the ground with the ethereal chains Shatter into pieces on the ground around her as she launches a barrage of arrows from her bow. using the Bow skill.

Turk Sucks his teeth in with irritation. Blocking two of the arrows with his sword than rolling away from the rest as he see a shadow blocking the sun out above him looking up to see Rook opening up his mouth spewing out flames as it engulf Turks figure.

Rook was using his Racial Skill as it was covering the merc with its roaring flames. The same ethereal like Whip materialize behind Rook and wrapped around the Draconian scouts neck squeezing hard enough to make the attack stop.

Turk was still standing with an ethereal like shield in front of his arm that protected him from the flames. Hearing a war cry from his flank Lady Weirdo dashes towards him with her Raiper out using the one-handed weapon Skill as Turk dodge the attack by an inch.

Than lady Weirdo followed up with another one handed weapon Skill for the Raiper .

(" She's a weapon expert as well!? these kids aren't half bad.") Turk thought to himself as he tries to dodge and block the barrage of attacks but some was able to hit him as he grunts than kicks out and hit lady Weirdo in stomach sending her flying back a few feet away landing on her butt as Turk retreated backwards.

Turk back is now facing the mountain pathway where Mirage and the baron ran off towards.

"He's retreating guys this is our chance to take him down!" Rook says towards his teammates as they all was standing in front of Turk with their weapons out ready to make a move.

"Hahaha!!!" Turk laughs out loud making some of the critters and small animals run away from his laughter as the three scouts looks at the merc as if he went crazy.

"You think you have me back in the corner...oh how wrong you pups are. guess you guys never fought a Ranker before your captain failed to instruct you all....to never back an animal into a corner when it has nothing else to lose." Turk says with a low cold voice as His body starts to emit the same ethereal blue ghostly like aura from the skills he was using throughout the fight.

Turk used his Ultimate skill form for his Bounty hunter class as Four Ethereal blue colored ghostly arms with different weapons in each Hands.

The scouts looked at Turk as if he was a giant. Feugo study the man intensely and cursed under his breath.

"Looks like that Bounty hunter finally taking them seriously." Zero voice spoke low only for his battle mount Kali could hear as it growls low as they was watching the battle unfold from the cliff where Mirage and the baron was last located at.

"They should be able to handle Him for a little while....let's go find that piggy Kali." Zero says with a pat on Kali's neck as the wolf nods his head and dashes off into the Forest after the baron.

Zero and Kali came to a slow stop in the forest as they approached an open area where a cave is located under the mountain a prompt appears in front of zero face.

{You have discovered Mt. Evergreen cave entrance +1,000 EXP}.

Kali stops and growls low with caution as Zero hops off the large black wolf and pets the beast to calm him down a bit.

"I know boy....I see magical trap to but it's okay I will handle it from here you did great sleep now and when you awake again that extra steak will be waiting on you." Zero says with caring and warmth in his voice towards Kali who nods and jumps back into Zero's shadow.

Zero step out of the forest right as he did the scenery changes and he was surrounded by powerful thick fog all around him as a voice spoken up from the fog.

"Ahh....captain how wonderful it is for you to join us up here...you surely gotten here fast good thing I prepared a welcome present just for you." The voice came from the high Elf merc Mirage as Zero recalls the voice from earlier.

"you should give up mage...your teammates are dead your only wasting time we both know how this is going to end." Zero says in a cold voice as their was a slight pause than laughter rings out.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!....you almost had me there kid with all that tough talk you sure your class isn't secretly a [bandit]?" Mirage ask with a curious tone in his voice.

Zero Sighs as he pulls out a throwing knife from his belt showing a few of them hanging there in a few loops under his Rangers cloak.

The fog starts to form a large angry humanoid face as purple colored electricity flashes in its eyes.

"Think some small little kitchen knife is going to do you any good here?...This is my domain you are in now I shall show you weak Range-.." Before Mirage could even finish his sentence the heavy fog like world dissappears and now everything returns to normal out side the cave.

The throwing Knife that was just in Zero's hand is now directly in the forehead of the merc as his face shows that of shock as he falls over dead.

{ Has hit A for -80,500 Dmg! You have Defeated Player Mirage +50,000 EXP!}

"That's better hate it when these cocky bastard talk too much." Zero says nonchalantly as he pulls out the bloody soaked knife from Mirage forehead.

Zero felt a tremor like an earthquake as he saw a glowing Blue flash of light coming from the cave as the the light dims down along with The tremors stopping.

"Looks like it's coming from the cave whatever is going on I have a bad feeling about this I better hurry and catch the baron." Zero says with worry as he dashed into the cave.

Zero arrived inside the cave Where A large like stone ancient vaulted door was located with two 30 to 40 ft large armored stoned golems was wielding large Halberts standing beside the vaulted door like guards.

in front of this door was Lucas and the baron. Lucas was floating with blue Arcane like energy bursting out of him and into the vaulted door as it glowed and begins to open.

A Magical portal was shown as Lucas falls down onto his feet kneeling panting hard as The golems come alive with golden Runes glowing on there body as they start to move making the whole cave shake with each movement from the stoned titans.

The golems Looked at both Lucas and the baron with hostility as they begin to move towards the two as both start running towards the magical portal.

Zero runs after the two seeing that they might escape for good. as the two NPCs was Running Lucas trips the baron and keeps running towards the portal as he manages to make it into the portal. The baron was now The Sole target of the golems as he cursed and starts whimpering.

The golems reach the baron as they both swings at the intruder. Zero arrived and managed to rescue the baron as he grabs the fat noble and dash towards cover and hides from the golems.

Zero looks at the Baron who came to his sense and noticed he was saved by a Ranger. before he could make any noise to alert the golems Zero quickly covered the barons mouth with a gag and tied the piggy up with the item [Rope] from his inventory.

Zero than peaked out from the cover he was hiding at with the baron and Analyze the two titans standing guard in front of the portal.

[Name: Guardian]

[ Level :🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 50]

[ Health : 350,000/350,000]

[Stamina: 250,000/250,000 ]

[ Race: Golem ]

[ Bio: Guardian golems are protectors created by powerful sages.]

[Name: Guardian]

[ Level :🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 50]

[ Health : 350,000/350,000]

[Stamina: 250,000/250,000 ]

[ Race: Golem ]

[ Bio: Guardian golems are protectors created by powerful sages.]

Zero sighs after Analyzing the gigantic golems.

"Well shit..." Zero cursed under his breath as he thought of how to tackle this threat without getting the baron killed.