A Treacherous Noble Final

Inside Mt. Evergreen Zero was preparing himself for the battle to come. he look towards the piggy Baron Kudo the man starts to wiggle around and muffled a few unintelligible words

"Ah...don't worry Baron. if push comes to shove I will offer you up on a stick to distract those things." Zero says with a cocky tone in his voice.

The baron muffled screams gotten louder after Zero said that and even turned pale passing out from thinking about such a thing.

Zero chuckles a little at the Baron performance. Looking back at the Guardians Zero saw the bright Red highlighted spot in the chest area.

("Looks like these walking statues have a weakness after all...but how will I be able to Penetrate through the chest? I can tell these golems aren't made from just any ordinary stone and dirt.") Zero thinks to himself as a light bulb went off in his head.

"A Ranger always come prepared." Zero says only low enough for the baron to hear who is still unconscious as Zero looks into his [inventory] and pulls 4 Crossbow bolts but they aren't the normal ones instead these ones are alot bigger and colored black with a flame like color gem place in the middle of the bolt.

Zero Analyze the item.

[ Explosive Bolt]

item Description: {"A customized crossbow bolt made to explode by a loony Alchemist who never tested the thing out... so good luck!"}

Zero sighs after reading the description.

"Of course the damn fool would give me something he never tested out...and why the hell does the A.I. even agreed to this invention??" Zero rolled his eyes and than just looked at the bolt one more time and shrugged his shoulders as he loaded the crossbow.

looking back at the Baron one more time to see the man still unconscious Zero nodded and jump out from the hiding spot towards the opening.

The Guardians instantly reacts to the movement as they both turned towards Zero heading straight for the Ranger.

in a matter of seconds Zero was able to shoot the Explosive Crossbow bolt. Hitting The first Guardian right in the center of its chest where the was located.

Almost as if Zero threw a C4 at the golems the explosion rocked the whole cave shaking the area and blowing zero back a few feet away as the Guardian who was hit first crashed hard into the wall as Zero Instantly destroyed that one and the other Guardian was sent flying out of the cave crashing through the forest like an avalanche.

Zero looked at the massive destruction around him A larger crater was formed in the middle of the cave Zero looked at his crossbow with a shocked and fearful look as A few notifications pops up in his view.

{ [Explosive Bolt] hit a For 425,000 Critical Damage! you have Defeated [Guardian] +100,000 EXP!}

{Explosive Bolt Hit for 75,000 DMG! towards [Guardian].}

"Holy shit!" Zero yells out seeing how destructive and powerful that one bolt was as he looked towards The destroyed Guardian who is now buried deep in the wall with tons of rocks covering its lowered half.

Zero looks towards the exit of the cave seeing a path of destruction the other Guardian caused from being launched like a Rocket.

Zero pursued after it to finish it off. coming to a Halt standing at the cave entrance. Seeing that the force of that blast was so strong that the Guardian left a trail of destruction with many of the forest trees split in half or burst into pieces.

Seeing large dust clouds in the air by the aera where the Scouts are at. Zero hurried and looked at his party window seeing his Scouts still alive as he sighs in Relief.

Than another cloud of dust explodes from that direction as Zero Dashed Straight towards the Scouts.

Zero Arrived back at what use to be a cliff up the mountain pathway now just a hill of pebbles and tree branches. Seeing the Scouts backing up and away from the titanic Size Golem who was slowly getting up from the ground. He looked around trying to find the Bounty hunter than notice a broken arm looking exactly like turk's arm poking out of the rubble of wood and stone.

Zero Hurried and reach for the [Small Bomb] Item in his inventory.

"Get back Scouts!" Zero yells out as he Threw the bomb at the Guardian as it hit the back of its head.

{ Small Bomb hits [Guardian] For -500 DMG! }

(" Only 500!? Glad I was right about its toughness.") Zero thought to himself as the Guardian turns towards him. Zero saw that the Chest of the Guardian was cracked open showing its core enough for Zero to be able to hit it without using the Explosive Bolt from earlier.

Zero Instantly started charging his Skill as the Guardian started to attack but Zero was able to release the shot right after dodging the Guardian's attack with ease.

The skill Shatter the Golem's Core like Glass as The Golden Highlighted runes dimmed down as the Golem fell over like a tree.

Zero looked at his Notifications.

{ Hit A For -288,150 DMG! You have Defeated A [Guardian] +100,000 EXP! }.

The scouts walked casually over to their captain as Zero looks at them who was all looking amazed at the golem.

"Wow captain! you took out a tier 5 creature with just a single skill cool!" Rook yells out as the other two scouts nodded slowly with amazement still stuck on their face.

Zero Coughs as he looks at them with a deadpan face as Lady Weirdo was the first to react.

"All threats are neutralize in the area sir! We failed to locate the Baron and now currently Continuing our pursue towards the target...and one possible mercenary got away from us during the action sir!" Lady Weirdo says in hurried like tone in her voice as I smirked at the Scout with a prideful glare.

"No need to worry about the high elf Mage merc. I took care of him....and the baron is now captured as well... but your right about one mercenary got away but it's not the one you guys was facing." Zero says while he paused himself to take a good look at his scouts facial expression who was all looking confused.

Zero chuckles a little under his breath.

"We can finish talking at the destination where the baron is located." Zero says towards the Scouts as they nodded and followed him towards Mt.Evergreen cave Entrance.

Baron Philip Kudo was trying to squirm his way out of the cave like a worm. Right as he reached the cave Entrance he Saw Multiple boots arrived in front of him.

Looking up he saw Zero and his Scouts.

"Going Somewhere Baron?" Zero Says towards the man as he starts screaming in a muffled sound.

A few Minutes later Zero was Sitting on a Boulder outside of Mt.Evergreen Cave Entrance.

A Group of Dark Green hooded cloak Figures Walks out of The Forest arriving in front of Zero.

"You sure Took your Sweet ole Time Commander." Zero says with an amused tone in his voice as One of The Cloaked Figures walks up towards Zero Putting down their Hood Showing Leo with a prideful smile on his face.

"Sorry kid, The baron left a few.... gifts behind that took up all our attention and time was that your Handy work with that Guardian back there?" Leo ask with a curious look at Zero.

Zero nods at the Ranger commander.

"Well now good job Captain....and what about your Scouts was they able to survive?" Leo ask Zero with a look of concern.

"Yup....they are inside the cave watching the baron let's head in." Zero says getting off the Boulder and heading into the cave with Leo and the other Rangers.

Arriving in the Cave Leo was Shocked to see another Guardian.

"Two Guardians....even I would had trouble with two of those things but you guys managed to take both down... impressive captain!" Leo says with a prideful smile at Zero and his Scouts both Rook and Werido was being with joy at the compliment.

Leo Looks towards the Red Colored Portal that the Guardian's was placed to protect as his face turned to a questioning look.

Leo face turns dark looking at the Baron who was Looking pale at the mere sight of Leo.

"Hello Philip....care to Explain this situation?" Leo says in a cold voice that made the baron shiver as if it was freezing in the cave.

"I-Im not sure...what's going on here! it was Lucas idea to come here! telling me it was only to hide for a little while in till the mercenaries we hired took care of your Rangers." Baron Philip says with fear in his voice.

"Well that obviously didn't work out. Tell me why did Lucas go into that damn portal? and what was your plan?" Leo asked the Baron as he jacks him up by his collar pulling him close to his face the baron gulps at the situation and started to turn even more pink.

"That fucking Elf screwed me over in the end your little protégé saw it I don't know why that fucker went into the portal. my plan was simple getting out of the damn kingdom! I swear!" The baron yells out as Leo gets frustrated.

"Enough bullshit! Your village is located towards the southeast...you could've easily escape heading through The Kingdom of Ruè towards the south ....but instead you took the path heading towards the kingdom of Lothbrook...tell me now! which kingdom are you working with?"Leo asked the baron shaking him roughly the baron didn't answer and sneers at Leo

"G-go fuck yourself mutt!" Baron Philip yells out as Leo slams the man hard into the ground hard enough to knock him out as he sighs than throws the man to the Rangers standing behind him.

"Take him away...we will finish dealing with him back at the capital." Leo says as the Rangers took the unconscious baron out of the cave.

"Well...you guys all did Great on this mission I say a successful Job done...but our troubles have only begun...time for you Travelers to meet the King." Leo says as the scouts and Zero looked surprised at that.

Few hours later at the Royal castle of Asuka Kingdom inside the Throne room.....

The Ranger Commander Leo along with Zero and his scouts was standing in the middle of the throne room with Baron Philip kudo kneeling on the floor with his head down.

Zero along with his scouts looked around the majestic and glamorous throne Room. The room was big enough to possibly fit a few elephants and still have enough room to move around and socialize.

Zero stare at the throne it had three chairs made up of pure gold metal and leather cushions each different color the one in the middle was black, To its right was purple, and to its left was Red.

Zero than looked towards his scouts who was gawking at how many people were here and they all was dressed like they was at a gala.

A few moments later trumpets sounds off as the giant Doors to throne room opens up Showing Asuka Royal Guards marching forward making space for all to see the new arrivals.

two figures walks through the throne room as the speaker announced their titles and names.

"Presenting! Luke Asuka,The Duke of Asuka Kingdom and The General of the Kingdom forces Kaiden." Zero Analyze the two men that was walking towards the throne where they was in front of.

[Name: Luke Asuka,The Duke of Asuka Kingdom]

[ Level :🌟🌟🌟 40]

[ Health : 73,200/73,200]

[Stamina: 80,000/80,000 ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Bio: being duke of Asuka making him The younger brother of the king and the seer of Asuka Kingdom. Known for being a talented warrior throughout his life for following his father the late king foot steps.]

This Guy exuded battle experience and royalty as he walks. Dark brown skin tone with Black colored ponytail dreads with dark brown colored eyes. Standing over 6 foot tall wearing White and brown colored noble attire. With a One-handed sword on his hip.

[Name: General, Kaiden]

[ Level : 💀 ]

[ Health : 580K/580K]

[Stamina: 300K/300K ]

[ Mana: 730K/ 730K ]

[ Race: Half-Elf ]

[ Bio: The General of Asuka Kingdom. Known to be the one of the strongest Magical Knights in the world of Euphoria. Join the Asuka Kingdom Army at the same time as the Duke both fought in numerous battles together. Working his way up the Ranks becoming General and recognized by the late King for his great deeds on the Battlefield even gained the title "Hero of Tecca" A town on the west borderline of Asuka.]

Before Zero even Analyze the man he knew the guy was someone powerful and Also the man looked exactly like the famous Celebrity back in the early 1990s-2020ish "Dwayne The Rock Johnson" Just like Leo who looked exactly like Keanu Reeves they put them both perfectly in the game with pointy Elf ears.

The General was wearing an all gold chest plate vest, with Golden plate leggings, boots, and bracers showing his blue glowing magic knight Runes traveling up his Arms. The man walked with such strife and strength with hands folded behind his back.

Both the Duke and General arrived in front of the throne as they both Greet Leo and Zero notices The General staring directly at him with a glare of measure than turned away as if he saw nothing.

Zero heard a muffled scream as he turn his head to the sound seeing his Scouts holding back Lady Weirdo and holding their hands over her mouth as Zero Sighs remembering how she was when she first saw the Ranger commander.

Before Zero could go and calm his Fan girl scout down another sound of Trumpets echoed out.

"Presenting! The Seer of Asuka Kingdom and her Apprentice!" The Speaker announced.

Zero Smiles at hearing this as he knew who these people were but nevertheless he Analyzed them as well since its been a while since he last spoke to the pair.

[Name: Nakoma,The Seer of Asuka Kingdom]

[ Level : ⚡️⚡️🌟⚡️⚡️]

[ Health :300K /300K]

[Stamina: 300K/300K ]

[ Mana: 1.3M/ 1.3M ]

[ Race: Human (Altered)]

[ Bio: Before Becoming The Official Role as The Seer of Asuka Kingdom Nakoma A princess of Asuka Kingdom Eldest child of The late king. Sought-after Adventurers Joining the Adventurer guild and Becoming a hero of Legend. A Champion of Euphoria making her one of The 7 powerful Champions throughout the world.]

Zero eyes widen with shock looking at the Seer.

("Champion?? is that the Golden Plated icon around her stat frame didn't even know there was a Champion tier on the game....only thought Boss tiers was the only tier of power for NPCs.") Zero thinks and wonders what's stronger Boss tier or Champion tier.

Zero Put it to the back of his mind and will worry about it later as he looked at the Seer seeing the older woman still look the same as when he first saw her. Dark brown skin tone about 5"6 ft in height She wore Purple silk robes that fitted well around her body. which Zero was surprised that she was fit very well for an older woman even tho she has Grey colored dreaded hair. Her face was shockingly beautiful with bright purple pupils.

After looking at the Seer Zero wasn't sure to call the lady old as she looked better than most old ladies he seen throughout his life.

Zero looked at Her Apprentice kon next.

[Name: Kon,The Seer's Assistant ]

[ Level : 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟50]

[ Health : 110,000/110,000]

[Mana: 250,000/250,000 ]

[Stamina: 100,000/100,000 ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[ Bio: The Seer Assistant Kon was an Orphan on the Streets of Asuka slums. in till The seer found him and raised him as her own and trained him in the ways of a Seer as she saw great potential in the boy not much is known about Kon's background other than him being a "slum rat" as the Nobles of the kingdom calls the poor people of Asuka but all come to the seer knows Kon as A Humble guy.

Zero was Even more shocked now after looking at Kon info.

("Wasn't he Level 30 last time I saw him....that was only about 9 months ago in game...but to be a tier 5 level 50 boss now...sheesh what ever training the seer was putting him through paid off significantly.") Zero thought to himself as both The pair nod and greeted Leo and Zero as The Seer winks at Zero which made Zero heart picks up a little as he saw the beatiful older woman walks away with a walk that would shame most models.

"She still got it...look at that right there kid. that's what you call a woman." Leo says towards Zero while he was looking at The Seer's Peach.

Zero shakes his head at the gawking commander and even the two scouts Rook and Feugo was looking at the Seer like dogs in heat. Lady Weirdo Scoffs at them all and says "Men" while rolling her eyes.

A few seconds later Trumpets blew even louder this time with more vigor.

"Presenting!!!! The Royal Family!!! The King Roy ,The Queen Uriela, and The crown Prince Asher Asuka!!" The Speaker as all bow and kneels while the royal family pass by.

Zero used on the trio.

[Name: King Roy Asuka ]

[ Level : 🌟 30]

[ Health : 25,000/25,000]

[Mana: 30,000/30,000 ]

[Stamina: 25,000/25,000 ]

[ Race: Human Male ]

[ Bio: Roy Asuka the Eldest son of the late king. unlike his siblings Roy was more of a lover than a fighter. Like all from the Royal Family he also was taught how to fight being talented at using magic. most call The king a selfish one only looking out for himself and his on goals.]

The King was wearing an all black robe just like his siblings he wore something that looked like noble pajamas. He was standing around 5 or 6 ft tall. brown skin tone with a skinny body that had a little muscle definition. Black wavy long hair that stop at his shoulders.

If Zero could describe the king he would think the man was a pimp as he walked with such swagger.

[Name: Queen Uriela Asuka]

[ Level : 30]

[ Health : 15,000/15,000]

[Mana: 20,000/20,000 ]

[Stamina: 15,000/15,000 ]

[ Race: Vampire female]

[ Bio: Princess of the Lothbrook Kingdom and now Queen to the kingdom of Asuka. Known for her flawless beauty throughout the western Continent. The queen is known to be a Ruthless woman and sometimes merciful if she likes you.]

The Queen was an Amazonian of a woman standing over 6ft tall. Pale like snow skin With her red like blood short curly hair that matches well with her eyes and lips that are the same color. She wore Black & Purple Colored dress. That fitted her curves perfect but almost suffocating her large Breast that was jiggling every time she steps with her elegant walk.

To Zero the woman look so unrealistic with her doll like face.

[Name: Prince, Asher Asuka]

[ Level : 🌟🌟🌟 40]

[ Health : 75,000/75,000]

[Mana: 95,000/95,000 ]

[Stamina: 75,000/75,000 ]

[ Race: Half-Vampire Male ]

[ Bio: Asher Asuka The crown prince of Asuka Kingdom. The only child of the king and queen. Being born as a half vampire is rare since most are killed off or dies before even born into the world. The Nobles of Asuka call Asher a "Genius" and A "Prodigy" Gifted in both physical and magical combat. With both royal bloods of two kingdoms running through his veins. He developed a cocky, prideful and arrogant attitude.]

The prince was wearing a black & Red colored theme suit that fitted his athletic body. Standing over 7 ft tall With white skin tone and red blood like hair color that was slick back like a duck tail even wear dark shades. Making the prince look like a Rebellious punk.

Without even looking at the prince Bio. Zero could tell the guy was a straight ass.

The royal family took their seats on the three thrones.

"Royal Court is now in session! For Baron Philip Kudo of Kudo Village!" The Speaker yells out.

The throne room gotten quite after the announcement as everyone looked at Baron Kudo.

Who started to fidget at the situation and tried to speak but was instantly cut off by the king.

"Silence Pig!!....You disgust me and the people of this Kingdom knows of your crimes Philip." The kings says with anger in his tone as He paused to let the words sink in.

"We all have been here before with you Philip and you should be thanking God I am A merciful king...or your head would be rolling on my beautiful floor." The king says the last part with a coldness that made the baron shiver.

"But I doubt you would call me such after this trial.....Commander Leo I have already read the report before coming here but would you care to Explain what kind of mess Mister Philip here has caused this kingdom." The king says looking towards Leo.

"A lot your majesty....from smuggling,to slavery, and now treason causing the kingdom more trouble than its worth." Leo says with a sigh.

"Treason! the biggest crime of all for any kingdom...sending our enemies information and secrets about this kingdom!!" The king yells out with anger fuming from the rage as the crowd gasp and yells out for justice.

The king raised his hands as he stood up from his throne and calmed the crowd of Nobles walking around in front of the baron as he stood lurking over the fidgeting and frightened man.

"Y-your M-Majesty....I would never betray the kingdom I am and always will be your loyal servant!" The baron nervously says outloud as the king looks even more angry.

"Lies! Now tell me why did you run towards Mt.Evergreen...was it to hide under the protection of our allies? you think they wouldn't give you up to us?" The king Scoffs at the last question he ask.

The baron looks towards the queen as Zero notice the look on the baron's face as he gotten pale as she looks at him with a disgusted look.

"it wasnt my idea.... it was my advisor Lucas my king." the baron says as Zero notices The man face shows despair.

The king rubs his chin and thought as he walks back towards his seat and sits down as he looks towards Leo.

"If I remember correctly from the report. That Elf got away inside some portal protected by [Guardians] and left you... not much of an advisor if you ask me....now what reason made the Elf go inside of Mt.Evergreen and Activated some Ancient golems?" The king ask looking at Baron Philip like he could shoot laser beam out of his eyes.

"I-I don't know..... I really don't know like I said your majesty it was all that Elf idea!" The baron yells out.

"So your just a puppet and everything that's been happening with you is because of your Advisor....come on Philip we can't keep playing this blame game because you got betrayed...your not that stupid to not know anything that is going on around." The king says with a smirk.

"Father! this pig is playing us as fools and wasting our time we should kill him and make an example out of him and mount a force towards Mt.Evergreen and drag that Elf from within that portal." Prince Asher says as some of the Nobles agree at the prince comment as the baron started to become even more pale.

Right before The King was about to speak he was cut off by the Seer.

"That would be unwise nephew...That portal is the entrance into the heart of Mt.Evergreen and Sealed inside that mountain is ...

[Emperor Mufasa, The Dark Djinn]!" The seer said the name with such suspense that it almost made Zero shiver as all the nobles gasp and even the king was shocked at hearing that as his mouth was wide open.

The king quickly got himself together as he started to look 10 years older after hearing that.

"This is bad...really bad is there anyway we can seal it back?" The Duke ask the seer.

"Depends on how the portal looks...we can seal it back with a few mages...but if it's red the only person that can seal it is a sage and they are long gone from this world." The seer says as the king looks towards Leo.

"Leo what color was the portal?" The king ask as Leo sighs

"It was... red your majesty." Leo says this with a slight hesitant tone as the throne room gotten quite after hearing that.

"So much going on at once...with a Rebellion towards the south of the kingdom and war looming towards the east.." The king says.

"We will need Adventurers...to go and defeat that man if he breaks out....the kingdom will be lost." The Duke says as the king nods agreeing.

"Spymaster! Send out a Request to all Adventurer guilds about this!" The king yells out towards a woman in all white hooded robes by the corner with the largest window that was the only one open letting in the cool breeze of the night.

Zero saw her earlier and thought she was a priest or some sort of nun.

She nods and bow towards the king as multiple white pigeons was created out of her robe flying out of the window.

"It is done my King." The Spymaster says as a notification pops up in Zero Screen.

[ World Wide System Announcement! The Kingdom of Asuka has issued out a Request to the Adventurer Guilds to Raid {The Tomb of The Dark Djinn} This Will be The Very First instance Raid and Gold Rank Adventurer Contract in "Your Fantasy" once the raid is completed it will forever Vanish and the Rewards will Guarantee A Legendary item! Visit Your Local Adventurer Guild for more information.]

Zero and his scouts Eyes went wide at the notification.

("A Legendary item!? that's awesome but it's a gold rank contract meaning only gold rank Adventurers can accept the request and I'm only bronze myself getting to Silver is a grind fest with boring Run here and there quest and if anyone is at gold....never mind I doubt there is even one at gold.") Zero sighs

"Well with that said and done I think it's Time to judge you Philip." The king says with a serious look on his face as the baron look horrified.

"You will be put to death....and hang out in the market for all to see...I have forgiven you and your crimes for too long let today be the end of the Kudo's family criminal heritage!!! take him away!" The king says with a powerful tone in his voice that fitted a king.

"Nooooooooo!!!! please I beg of you my king I will do right I promise!!! please forgive me!!!!" The baron cries out as the Nobles look with disgust on there face and sneers can be heard among the crowd as he was being dragged put of the throne room

Zero almost felt bad for the fat bastard but what Leo had told him the man deserves this and much more.

"Now Leo you did great for bring in that monster." The king says with a smile as Leo bows at the compliment

"Sorry your majesty...but it wasn't me who completed the mission it was my Apprentice Zero and his Scouts." Leo says with a smirk at Zero who looked back at him with a deadpan face as the king chuckles.

"Humble as always....so this is your apprentice huh? I'm surprised you finally took one in it is nice to meet you Zero in the report Leo wrote down saying you was the one to take down the Guardian's at the cave...tell me how did a mere Ranger do such a thing?" The king ask Zero who look at the traveler skeptically.

"Luck I guess..." Zero says nonchalantly with shrugged shoulders as the prince Scoffs.

"Luck? pft! don't make me laugh I been told Guardians are one of the toughest golems to beat...luck is a lousy answer." The prince says looking at Zero like he was some beggar. Zero didn't even bother to look at the Arrogant prince and just completely ignored the guy.

"You..." Before the prince could say anything The king interrupted his son with a look and he stood up out of his chair and claps his hands and servants comes out from the crowd with four big pouch of gold coins.

"I'm sure Leo here will reward you all once you guys head back to the Rangers Headquarters but this is my reward for your hard work today....we the kingdom of Asuka thank you Travelers for your service in the field today." The king says with a proud voice as He handed each pouch to Zero and his Scouts as everyone in the throne room claps.

"With This we Will conclude today's Trial!" The king yells out as the Royal Knights made a Clear path towards the throne room exit as the king walks away leaving along with the queen following behind.

The prince next walking with an attitude on his face following after was the seer and kon than The General and The Duke after that the Royal Knights closed in behind the two men now all the nobles started to leave out as well.

Zero Arrived outside of A Large Wooden cabin that looked at least almost three stories high.

Zero steps inside of his home. a Lavishly style Wooden home that was even bigger than his own home in real life. With A fire place Two large couches and a table in front of it, A medium size kitchen with an island in the middle a table with chairs in front of the large balcony door.

To Zero this place always looked like a Condo for rich people who wanted to get away from the world of society. Zero look towards the staircase one leading up to the individual rooms where he sleeps at along with Quentin who also stays here with him as he wondered if the Looney Alchemist is back yet.

looking towards the stairs going down as he walks down he arrived in a area that was like a dojo and mixture of a trophy room showing displays cases of weapons and monster heads on the walls and Racks of Armor and in the corner was a sleeping Kali he stirred awake seeing Zero.

"Don't Worry Boy...I got your favorite today." Zero says as he pulled out two large cooked juicy T-bone steaks As Zero throws them both at Kali who jumped for them both and started tearing into them instantly.

Zero looks towards a certain spot on the floor he walks to it and lifted up the hidden door with another staircase going further down.

Zero Arrived in Grim Lee's laboratory seeing that Quentin wasn't here he pop up his system menu and checked his friends list and still showed the man was online.

"He's still on that Expedition with Gear...must be a pretty good run this time..guess I will talk to him at school tomorrow." Zero says with a yawn as he look at the in-game clock than saw the IRL time under it ((AN: In real life)) Showing it to be just over 9 o'clock pm

"guess I will Head up and Log out." Zero walked back up to Where Kali was and sat in the middle of the Dojo in a meditation pose pulling up his System menu but he forgot to check the notification he got completing today's mission.

[ Congratulations! You Have Completed The Quest "A Treacherous Noble".]

{Rewarding...95,000 EXP!....Rewarding....3,000 Gold!....Bonus Reward...60,000 Gold!}

Zero was Happy seeing that bonus reward.

"ha! Maybe I should start capturing nobles more often..." Zero Says Chuckling to himself as he looked at his Character Sheet one last time than hit the log button.

((Author's Note: Hey guys hope you all enjoyed today's chapter this concluded the intro into the The Dark Djinn Arc...I cant wait to work on it and put it out for you all to see but the next chapter I put out will be Zero Character Sheet showing everything he has and more....till we meet again My friends!))