Center of Attention

A Flash of multicolored lights appears in a room as Zero returns back to the world of Euphoria. Zero looks around and saw Everything still in the same place as he left it. Looking to his right seeing Kali there sleeping soundless in his corner like always.

A loud ding noise was heard as Zero saw A private message arrived in his Chat log from Lady Weirdo.

[Lady Weirdo]: "Captain, Finally your online!"

[Zero]: "Yeah What is it Scout?"

[Lady Weirdo]: "I am outside of your house. just come outside I will explain everything."

Zero eyebrows rises up from that than proceed to walk up the stairs and heading outside exiting the wooden house to where Lady Weirdo was waiting.

Wearing her usual Ranger's Scout attire Lady Weirdo was beaming with joy seeing her Captain.

"Captain!" Lady Weirdo says with a Ranger's salute posture as Zero told her to be at "ease"

"So what's going on?" Zero ask looking at the scout with curiosity.

"Ranger commander Leo sent me here to fetch you Captain!" Lady Weirdo says as Zero eyebrows furrowed at the reply.

"Did he tell you why?" Zero ask as the scout started to fidget nervously.

"Uhhh...only something about the Mission we completed yesterday." Lady Weirdo says with a cough looking nervously everywhere but at Zero's eyes as he notices it.

("I swear if these Scouts are planning to Ambush me again I'm not holding back this time...") Zero thought to himself as he sighs outloud.

"I have absolutely no idea what that Drunken old man want from me... I already reported everything that happen during the mission." Zero says as he walks pass Lady Weirdo heading towards the Asuka Kingdom Ranger's Headquarters.

A few moments later.....

(If the scouts was gonna push their luck today they would have already tried it by now. since the HQ was coming up just over this hill.) Zero thought to himself as he looked back at Lady Weirdo who was still putting up that Fasad of looking innocent and attentive.

Zero sighs closing his eyes turning back forward.

He stop over the hill opening his eyes as they grew wide with surprise. Not because of the giant stoned military fortress surrounded by trees.... but the number of player made campsites in front of the fortress.

He noticed the different Guild banners flying high around different sections of the tents.

He noticed all the major large popular guilds first like God's of Dominance, Paragon, and Bloodbath & Beyond banners flying high around their own area of tents.

"I should've guess this much would had happened but still to see so many players here at the Fort is just insane." Zero says out loud as Lady Weirdo chuckles a little under her breath.

They both continue walking towards the Ranger's Headquarters. Arriving at the gate both The NPCs guarding the gate Respectfully nodded and did the Rangers salute with both saying "Captain".

Zero greets both the guards with a friendly attitude as they told him the Lieutenant was waiting for him in the Courtyard as the gates opened allowing both him and lady Weirdo inside the fortress.

Walking through the gates and Arriving in the Courtyard where usually the scouts are practicing here but there was no one here but only one and it was the second-in command. Ranger Lieutenant, Alanah Maplewood.

Zero and Lady Weirdo greet The Ranger Lieutenant with recognition of a superior officer Salute as she puts them "at Ease." The Lieutenant is a Female wood Elf. With Smooth Oak color skin tone, With Short Dark green color hairstyle and eye color the same as her hair.

Wearing the same all black leather armor as the scouts. But With the Dark green hooded cloak like Zero. With a Silver Badge that represents her Rank as the Ranger Lieutenant. 5 foot and 3 inches was the Lieutenant Height a few inches shorter than Zero. Having some sort of clipboard and quill writing things down. she didn't even looked towards the two and told them to follow behind.

Instead of heading to the commander office Zero notices that the Lieutenant was taking them the opposite direction towards dining Hall.

"I know what your about to say Captain Zero. But trust me... all will be explained once we get to the commander." The Lieutenant says nonchalantly right before Zero even tried to say something as he rolled his eyes as Lady Weirdo chuckles under her breath as Zero narrows his eyes at the scout who instantly looked away still laughing quietly.

Arriving in front of the Dinning Hall Two of The Kingdom's Royal Guards Was posted by the doors. Looking at this Zero confusion was even more deeper as the two Guards acknowledge Them and open the doors letting the three enter.

Walking inside Zero saw a bunch of people even a few giants and other larger race characters as he can see now why they choose to come to the dining hall. Some were standing, sitting & Socializing in front of the fireplace as he recognized a few of them from across the hall.

"Captain! You finally made it!" Zero look to his left seeing Rook and Feugo posted by a few tables away from the group at the fireplace closer to the door. Zero greets both his scouts as the Lieutenant told Weirdo to stay by the door with the other scouts Lady Weirdo pouts at that as Rook laughed as she turns around and narrows her eyes at the Draconian scout. The ranger Lieutenant and Zero walks towards the group by the fireplace.

"Took ya long enough kid...thought you got lost in the woods for a second." Ranger commander Leo says with a cheeky smile at Zero Who the crowd parted for to let him through as both him and the Lieutenant did the Ranger salute towards the commander.

After saluting the commander Zero look at the two familiar figures standing beside the commander and understood why the royal guards are here.

it was the seer wearing her usual purple colored robes attire and her Apprentice Kon who looked way different than usual wearing Purple Sleeveless hooded robe showing muscular chest, White bandages around bouth his hands, purple cloth pants, and shoes. Kon attire was that of a combat mage.which surprised Zero and made him wonder why these two are here.

"if I had you as a guide old man we would still be out there." Zero says with the same cheeky tone as his mentor.

A few laughs came out from the crowd around them along with even the seer enjoying the amusement. with Leo looking at Zero with A "You damn brat!" face.

"Z-Zero is that you!?" A Familiar Voice spoke out Zero turned to look at the person and it was one of the figures he recognized when he first walked in the Dinning Hall he address all four of them that was standing there with a shocked face waiting on Zero reply.

"It's good to see you four again Misty, Shane, Amethyst, and Wolf under better circumstances this time it seems." Zero says with a nod of recognition at the four players to his left.

Misty was different than before she had the look of a druid with leaf & plant like attire, Wolf looked way different as well to Zero he almost barely recognized the wolf BeastKin player. wearing Magical Knight Attire. Amethyst still looked the same but with alot more attitude as she wore her Hunter class attire with pride. Before Zero can get a good look at Shane... Wolf yells out.

"Ha! I thought that was you...but wasn't so certain. Zander! this is him the one we been talking about with the three bandit kings." Wolf says excitedly towards a golden skin tone high elf with long blonde colored hair that was sitting down by one of the tables playing his White and gold Harp as he looked shocked along with the mood of the crowd in the hall.

"So this is The Mysterious Hero that defeated the three bandit kings at only level 7 in mere seconds? I can't believe it! This is Great nice to meet you my friend I am Zander Noteslayer! Bard

of-" Before Zander could finish Another voice cut in this one with disappointment & disbelief in their voice.

This person Was standing right beside Amethyst leaning on the wall by the fireplace. An orange skin tone color Male Orc Standing over 7 foot tall with a mountain of muscles, With Red Tribal tattoos and Scars all over his body. His Attire was what you would imagine any Berserker class players would love to be wearing right now. With a large White lion fur Hooded Cloak that showed the lions head as the hood you couldn't see his hair and its claws gripped tight over his bare chest. Wearing Similar color of leather fur Gauntlets, Leggings, and boots. With Dual One-Handed Axes on each side of his hips.

"Ha! I thought he would be you guys describe this guy thought he would be a demigod of war or something but instead he's just some Short-" Right before The guy could finish A wave of powerful killing intent aura pulse through the entire Hall as Some of the players instantly went for their weapons, Some went stiff, and others Started shaking Nervously. but all was looking exactly at Zero.

"Now That's interesting! Should we go at here Ranger!? You just prove to me that you could possibly put up a good and fun match against me...let's test your metal!!!" The Berserker says as he ready his Axes for a fight. instead of being afraid he was excited this guy reminds Zero of another annoying person but he knew for a fact that this guy was strong possibly as strong as Tsuyoshi.

Before either could make a move or say anything else The Lieutenant who was just shaking like crazy with fear put her hands on Zero's Arm even though he could see the fear in her eyes she looked determined to speak.

"Captain Zero!! We are in front of Guess this is no way to treat them especially in front of the royal family. and please Master Draco do not antagonize the captain." The Lieutenant says outloud with her hands still shaking.

Zero looked away from the berserker ignoring the man for now as he sighs and relaxed as the aura disburse from the room as those who was holding their breath let go and breathe in Relief.

"Sorry about what is it you want from me Commander?" Zero ask Leo who cough to clear the room for their attention as he waved towards a man standing not to far from him to come closer into the light.

Zero eyes widen looking at the guy who was walking into the light he thought it was him but didn't want to jump ahead of himself.

"I take it this guy is very known in your world so introduction shouldn't be too hard... this is Master Beyond The gold rank Adventurer who accepted the contract to take on the Dark Djinn." Leo says introducing the famous streamer.

The man who was walking up to greet Zero was over 6 foot tall Human with blonde short slick back hairstyle. Green bright colored eyes, a dad beard to match a face that anybody could recognized in a heartbeat, Wearing a red scarf around his neck, Dark brown and metal gray leather armor attire, one handed sword on his hip and a iron shield on his back.

"Even if you have or have not heard of me...the name is Beyond its nice to finally meet the guy we been waiting a few days on." Beyond says with a voice that could tell a good children's story holding his hand out for Zero to shake it.

"Zero." Zero says greeting the famous streamer back with the handshake.

"Cool name by the way Leo here tells us your the one that can lead us to the tomb is this true?" Beyond ask Zero who was almost caught off. guard with the compliment from the streamer as he held himself together and looked at his Commander.

"I know what your going say and yes I could have taken them myself but unfortunately I have my hands busy at the moment with kingdom affairs....and yes I could've use any other Ranger to take them but our seer here ask for you personally escort her Apprentice and the travelers to the tomb and join them on the raid." Leo says as Zero looked shock under his mask along with the players in the room who started talking amongst themselves.

"Why me?...why do these guys need me to Raid the Tomb. I can understand getting them there but to help on the raid that's a bit confusing to me." Zero ask towards the seer who smiled at Zero greeting him along with Kon who also greets Zero.

"Remember when you first came to me with the Dragon Knight? and what I told you on that day." The seer ask as Zero nods

"I think with you going with them inside the Tomb will increase the chance of victory in helping to defeat the Dark Djinn, Emperor Mufasa." The seer says as Everyone in the room couldn't believe what they was hearing.

"Sorry to Interrupt and not to be rude here.... but how can one single Ranger make a difference in a raid?" A Voice spoke out with a doubtful tone.

Zero looked towards the person that spoke it was a Black as night fur Male minotaur Solid black eyes. standing over 11 to 12 foot tall. wearing dark knight attire with dual Two-Handed great swords on his back. This person was known to all as the player Bloodbath.

"it's simple... he defeated two [Guardians]. known through out the world of Euphoria as the strongest type of [Golems] ever created. Even with the commander here and a battalion of the kingdom's royal guards would have trouble with just one of those things. Yet Ranger Captain Zero manage to defeat two of them by himself." The seer says.

The hall went silent as some was awe in shocked and a few was doubtful and doesn't believe it.

"Pft! and you expect us to believe this Ranger to be some Secret Legendary Hero or something? Ha! Maybe those so called... "strongest Golems" wasn't so strong." One of the guys standing beside Bloodbath says with a strong Russian like voice as he Scoffs at the seer's words. Bloodbath and a few of his buddies Chuckles with disbelief.

Zero looks over at the guy that spoke up.

White skin tone Human male. With Bright Green colored eyes, White like snow colored short spiked hairstyle, Scars all over his face like he's been using a dagger for a shaver, Standing over 6 foot tall with an athletic build like an MMA fighter. wearing All black heavy Sleeveless chest plate, all black metal plate leggings and boots. With a black hooded cloak, tied Around his waist is the famous tattered Battlemaster Sarong.

Just like Draco this man was dangerously strong. he is known as the player Markov.

"Trust me a [Guardian] is not weak not too long ago me and my party had to fight one unfortunately we had no choice but to retreat it was something we couldn't even dream of defeating." Beyond says nodding towards the seer who smiled at the man.

"So...what your saying is that if he could defeat a [Guardian] A powerful golem that is technically made to keep things from coming in and out of the tomb he should be able to help us with the raid?" Another voice spoke up this one coming from The famous raid team leader of the player known as Spice.

An Average height and weight Human male. Pale white skin tone Red colored short spiky hairstyle. rocking Gunmetal Plated set armor. A Large Two-Handed War Axe on his back.

Zero was an actual fan of spice the man was a great warrior class player and he is one of the top 5 on the Leaderboard's for warriors he doesn't stream that much but instead upload comp videos of him doing pvp & pve activities.

"It also means that he technically defeated two elites mobs that would have slowed us down and wipe half the raid possibly....before we even went into the Tomb." Another voice spoke up beside Spice this time A feminine one.

Zero looked at the female leopard like Demi-human known as the player Tesla as she pushes her glasses up wearing brown leather armor set with a bow and quiver on her back.

"I understand why Zero would be a good asset in helping the raid...but if you are here wouldn't the raid go smoothly with just you seer? you are one of the seven Champions of Euphoria After all." NK Shane spoke up next.

Zero looked at the tamer class fox eyes player without interruption. He looked the same as before when they first met a few months back but Zero can tell...the man was now way stronger than he was before especially that Ancient Spear on his back it gives Zero an Eerie feel like a predator waiting to pounce at any moment.

"Unfortunately I cannot go with you all....just like the commander. I too have an important task as the kingdom seer. I must stay here in case of any danger falls onto the kingdom. My Apprentice Kon will go in my stead he is more than capable of helping the raid and sealing the Dark Djinn. before he breaks out of his tomb." The seer says as Everyone looked towards Kon as he Greets the whole room.

"Well that's good enough for me welcome to raid Kon and Zero....I will invite you to the raid group Zero it's going to be a pleasure having you on board." Beyond says as A few people nods agreeing and some doesn't seem to happy about it. Zero looked at Beyond to see his reaction it shocked the Ranger the man looked excited and instantly sent Zero an invite to the raid team.

Zero thought on it for a few seconds than sighs

("Well didn't expect my weekend to go like this but I guess you really can't control fate even in video games.) Zero thought to himself as he accepted the invite.

After Accepting the invitation Zero eyes went wide at seeing all of the player icons on the top left of his vision. Zero was so use to seeing only three player icons but now he see fifty of them with seven teams in alphabetical order right beside his team icons but smaller to where it isn't blocking his whole vision.

("It's really a 350 player raid!? seven teams of fifty players each.") Zero thought to himself with awe as another notification popped into his view.

[A Legendary quest has been shared to you!

"Raiding The Tomb of The Dark Djinn!"

Do You Accept Yes or No ?]

Zero Accepted the Quest.

"Everything's settled with you two?" Leo ask both Zero and beyond as they both nodded.

Leo stands up and gesture his arm towards the seer who smiled at the Ranger commander taking the offer as they both walked towards the exit as Leo stopped before exiting and look over his Shoulders at the travelers.

"Ah before I forget.... Good luck on the Raid travelers and Zero before you leave come to my office and don't make Me come find you this time kid!" Leo yells out as he turns back around as the giant Doors open with the royal guards escorting them out.

Zero sighs as Kon approaches him and patted his shoulders with a friendly smile.

"I will be ready to depart whenever you are Ranger Captain Zero. You can find me out in the Courtyard." Kon says with such calm demeanor that Zero was surprised to see the NPC being so friendly towards him as Zero nods as kon left the dining hall.

Zero Legendary quest updated telling him to meet the commander in his office and to meet with Kon whenever he is ready to embark towards the Tomb.

Zero looked at all the players in the room as they eyes went distant as from experience Zero can tell their quest must have updated to.

"Well it looks like the quest updated. it says we are waiting on you to escort us to the tomb....well I know you probably have a few things to take care of since this all just came down on you like a ton of bricks sorry I feel like that is totally my fault dude." Beyond says with actual sorrow in his voice.

"it's all right. I will be ready in a hour will that be enough for you and the raid?" Zero ask as beyond brightens up at hearing that.

"Yeah man! that's more than enough time I will let the raid Know. When you are ready to go... meet me by our Guild Tents." Beyond says as Zero nods and walks towards his scouts who were waiting for him by the same spot they have been at since he first walked in the Dinning Hall.

"Captain! what was that pressure you let off? can you teach me that!?!?" Rook asked yelling as Weirdo pushed him out of her way

"Captain are we also going on the raid!? that would be awesome if we are!" Lady Weirdo says out loud as well now Zero can feel all the eyes in the room on him as he told them to follow him out into the Courtyard.

NK Shane watch the Ranger Captain and his scouts leave out the Dinning Hall. along with everyone else around him doing the same. his hands begins to shake uncontrollable as he tries to calm down as he thought about the powerful killing intent Zero was able to release in a room full of other powerful individuals that are apex predators in they own fields....but yet he made them all look like mere prey.

(" of attention as always but yet your nothing but a mere Ranger a disappointment....I will show you soon who is the predator here once your usefulness is over.") NK Shane thought to himself as he looks towards Bloodbath who looked back at him as they both nodded towards each other NK Shane Smiles wickedly as His Fox like eyes opens a little glowing golden.