
Zero and his scouts Arrived outside in the Courtyard of the Ranger's Headquarters.

All three scouts stood at attention in front of their captain.

"You three did good...making it this far and honestly. I didn't think you guys would make it to this point...but here we are." Zero says towards his scouts looking at each of them with pride

Walking towards them and handing them each a folded uniform and an envelope on top of the clothes.

The scouts all looked at their captain with confusion.

"Before either of you say anything just store what I gave you into your inventory." Zero says as the scouts nodded doing what their captain asked.

[A Ranger's Attire Has been stored into your inventory!]

[A letter from "Ranger Captain, Zero" Has been. stored into your inventory!]

The scouts looked shocked as Zero Smiles under his mask.

"Congratulations scouts on reaching level 40!your no longer scouts anymore but full fledged Rangers now!" Zero says outloud with excitement in his voice as the scouts looked at him with joy filled eyes as he nods at them.

The three all cheered with excitement as Zero chuckles at them.

"that letter I gave you three with the Ranger's Attire. is my last request and reward to you." Zero says as the scouts looked confused

"What do you mean captain?" Lady Weirdo asked as the other two nodded along.

"In that letter I gave you all is a quest to obtain your battle mount and a few words of what I think each of you should work on to better yourself." Zero says as his former scouts Eyes widen.

"Cool!! A battle mount Like Kali??" Rook asked in a excited tone as Zero nods.

"Yup exactly like that...but each of you will have different battle mounts. I wanted to help you three out getting your battle mounts, but with this Raid. it looks like you all are on your own this time." Zero says with a sigh

"it's okay captain. even though I am disappointed that I can't join the raid." Lady Weirdo says with a sad look on her face.

"How difficult will this be and is there a timer for the quest?" Feugo asked

"I will say... it will be more difficult than most Rangers Tame Beast quest. all because these battle mounts aren't just some regular mob in the wild but World bosses." Zero says this with a smirk under his mask as the three looked shocked at that.

"World Boss!? even most Tamer class players have a difficult time taming them." Rook say looking flabbergasted just by thinking about doing this Quest.

"if I can do it you all can do it. just because it's difficult for one class doesn't mean it's impossible for the other...but I will say this and give you a little advice. Study the creature learn everything you can about it before attempting the bond." Zero says as his three former scouts looked confused.

"How do we bond with it, is there a skill for that?" Feugo ask as the other two nods.

"Ah yeah....almost forgot about that. each of you should have The level 40 Ranger skill in your Class Skills catalog view it and it will explain everything." Zero says as the three former scouts nodded in acknowledgement.

"I expect you all to have that battle mount by the time I finish this Raid. Go get dress that new gear should help out alot on your journey and good luck you will need it....dismissed." Zero says as the former scouts say their goodbyes and left the Courtyard.

Zero walks towards the commander office to go meet Leo & The seer.

Arriving inside the Commander's Office Zero was standing at attention in front of the commander and the seer as Zero notices The office looks alot better than usual.

The commander was sitting at his desk as the seer was to his Left by the Window that can see the whole fort and the woods outside of the fort.

"looks like your scouts finally went off on their journey huh?" Leo ask as Zero nods

"I remember when I sent you on that journey to obtain your battle mount. I honestly thought you would've took longer but yet again you surprised me and came back to the fort in less than 3 days.....I wonder if the same will be said about those three?" Leo ask with that cheeky smile

"Who can tell...those three are full of hidden talents and can surprise us both." Zero says with a prideful voice.

Leo nods than looks at the Seer who nods as if they just confirmed something with one another.

"Guess we can get down to business and the reason why you are here." Leo says as the seer walks closer to Zero and pulls out a bow that looks oddly Familiar. than it hit Zero with a shock as The Seer noticed and smiles.

"That right it's made out of the same material of the [Guardians] you took down we decided to call on some favors and got this made for you... and on time to, because it will be very useful to you in the upcoming Raid." The seer says as She hands over the bow Zero grabs it but as he did The bow and his body started glowing Golden with a burst of aura.

A pile of notifications pops up into Zero view as he looked shocked at what he saw.

[You Have Learn The Character Skill !]

[You have unlocked a new system UI {Ki Bar}.]

[You have obtained a new unique title !]

Zero used on the bow.

[Item Name]: Guardian's Bow

[Item Type]: Bow

[Item Tier]: Epic

[Attack Power]: 5,250

[Attributes]: {+290 Dexterity}, {+290 Wisdom}

[Level Requirement]: 50

[Durability]: 100/100

[Weapon Skills]: ,

"Whoa..." Zero says in straight awe at the Epic tier Bow he just obtained.

"Whoa indeed you didn't blow up kid....I guess travelers really are different." The commander says as The seer nods at that statement.

"This is indeed interesting...how do you feel Zero? I can see both the Mana & Ki channeling through your body But they are not touching each other but instead avoiding one another as if..."The Seer cut herself off as she starts thinking deeply.

"I mean i feel normal but ....Wait was I just some experiment for you two? or something cause it totally sounds that way." Zero says as he narrows his eyes at both the commander and Seer.

"I mean sort of....but not really we just wanted to see if you was going to blow up that's what usually happens when people try to combine both mana & Ki into one." Leo says this with a nervous laugh as his protégé Looks at him as if he was about to pounce on him.

"But that's the thing you would think it would combine but it's almost as if something is blocking that outcome as if an invisible wall is inside keeping the two from merging together." The seer says with excitement building up in her voice.

"I did get a title from that....it was called maybe that's the reason?" Zero asked as he pulled up the info on the title.

"Duality huh?.....that could be the reason." The seer says as Zero finish reading the information on the title and instantly Equipped it. Looking outside towards the Camps and saw something interesting happening at those Player made campsites outside the fort.

"A Ranger that uses Ki....never heard of one in till now and I don't really know anyone who can help you out on learning how to use it properly maybe the seer here could know someone." Leo says looking at the Seer who nods and was about to say something in till Zero cut her off.

"That's alright Commander....I think I just found something that can help me out." Zero says this with a smirk under his mask as both the commander and seer looks confused. while Zero looked out the Widow and straight at the player made campsites where a familiar figure Zero recognize wearing the Ranger's Attire was fighting a few players and now caught the Attention of A troublesome opponent.

A few minutes before Zero went into the commander office...Outside the Fort in the middle of the player made campsites.

Romeo Was always someone that avoided trouble but this time it looks like he had no choice as A few of the Recruits who he was responsible for. got into a heated argument with a couple of the players visiting the fort.

These players are a part of the Bloodbath and Beyond guild and words became more than just words as now Romeo is holding his weapon out and was surrounded by injured guild members of the Bloodbath & Beyond Guild.

Romeo was a Demi-Human Fox Variant Race. White skin tone, Short yellow color hairstyle that cover his eyes a little, With his fox ears and tail the same bright yellow color. he was wearing the full Ranger's Attire.

("if only I had nothing but NPCS for students this time... and not a few travelers that can't keep their egos in check and now we done kick the hornets nest.") Romeo thinks to himself as he sighs

"Please leave us be and let us go about our business...this have gone on long enough." Romeo says towards the remaining players in front of him as a crowd started to form around the area.

"I think we just getting started here. you really think you can just leave after beating my comrades like that!" A Voice full of irritation yells out.

A male yellowish skin tone Goblin appears out into the opening wearing a full set of leather armor. With a blunderbuss on his back and a cutlass sword in his hand ready for a fight.

Romeo Analyze the player in front of him.

[ Character Level: 50 ]

[ Name: "Captain", Dax]

[ Guild: ]

[Race: Goblin Male ]

[ Karma: This guy should have role for a thief.]

[ Class: Lvl. 50 Swashbuckler (Rare) ]

[ Health: 95,000/95,000 ]

[ Stamina: 160,100/160,100 ]

Romeo sighs after Analyzing the goblin player. Than notice a large crowd forming around them.

which made things worse for his situation. Romeo couldn't let the new Recruits duel the players and he couldn't ignore them because of the bad reputation the Ranger class has already making it harder to recruit players so he had no choice but to stand his ground.

As a familiar notification pops up in his vision.

[ The player Dax would like to Duel do you accept yes or no ?]

"come on trash let's see what you can really do!" Dax yells out as the area around the two was sealed off by a barrier that only the two of them. was in as Romeo gets into a stance as the goblin rushed him with a skill that made the goblin dash fast like a bullet as the two clash steel against steel.

inside the biggest tent for the guild God's of Dominance A Flash of multicolored lights could be seen through the tent. A beautiful Snow Elf woman walks out of the tent it was the famous Streamer known as [Silver Viper].

She wore White & blue colored mage robes that matches well with her Athletic body & pale white skin and Long Silver colored hairstyle. With glowing blue eyes that made her look like a snow Elf goddess.

Silver Viper walks through her guild camp. Seeing her guild members running towards the entrance of the camp as she hear a loud commotion of a battle taking place as she picked up her pace and Arrived outside of their guild camp and saw what was happening.

She saw a Yellow hair Demi-Human Ranger Dueling one of Bloodbath's Henchmen. she wondered how did this happen. Silver Viper look towards a familiar figure who was guarding the camp and walks over towards the person.

"Von what is going on? why is one of the Rangers fighting?" Silver Viper asked The guard.

if Zero was here he would be in shock to see how Von looks now as he is no longer playing a human race but the new race [Technoid].

Von look like a Robot version of the Centaur Race but bigger. with the odd exception of four arms and his head look like that of a Knights Helm glowing Yellow visor for eyes with his whole body chrome out.

"Hello, General!" Von says in a robotic like voice and explaining everything that happen with The Ranger & Bloodbath's men.

"I see...hopefully this player isn't the Ranger we was looking for." Silver Viper says as she looked at the duel showing The Ranger actually putting that annoying Dax in his place as the fight was dragging on showing the Ranger has some decent combat prowess.

"About that...." Von says as he told her about Zero finally showing up and entered the fort not too long ago before she logged on.

"So now the quest updated and we have to wait on that Ranger to come out...is Shane and the rest still inside the fort?" Silver asked as Von nods along with the fort gates opening up.

showing the group of travelers who was inside coming out as they walked towards the duel and some ran to see the show.

Wolf, Shane and The rest of Silver Viper Guildmates finally arrived back at their camp as they greeted her and explained what happened in the fort with zero.

"So this Zero was the same guy who took down the bandit kings....that is a surprise." Viper says as she looked shocked at the news Von as well but with his new technoid race you really couldn't tell.

"Well I'm glad this is a duel and not an all out brawl...or we all would have been porcupines by now from the NPCs at the fortress." Zander says as Everyone nods at his comment agreeing.

"Looks like it's coming to an end." Wolf says as Everyone looked at the duel.

A clash of steel echoed out for the last time as Dax sword flew out of his hands. Romeo saw the opening and went for Another attack to finish this duel.

Dax instantly rolled under the attack surprising the Demi-Human Ranger. Pulling out his blunderbuss, Dax fired the gun all in one smooth motion. Almost as if time slowed down for Romeo, he also managed to dodge out of the way of the fatal shot.

But didn't come out unscathed as his left arm was limped and bloody. Dax smiled at the situation.

"Trash will always be trash!" Dax yells out as he tries to finish the duel up aiming his weapon at the injured Ranger.

Tree roots burst from beneath the ground as they Entangled the Swashbuckler. Yelling in shock Dax was unable to move his body. Romeo casually walks towards the goblin and thrust his weapon right into Dax chest as the barrier shimmer out of existence with an area wide system message showing Romeo defeated Dax.

"You did it captain! who is the trash now fool!" One of the player Recruits yells as the others ran up to cheer and congratulate Romeo on the duel.

Dax groaned in pain right beside his fellow guildmates since the duel stops once one of the Duelist reach 1% of hp left. Dax has to now sit there in shame to recover.

("That guy almost got me there at the end...he was alot better than the first three I duel. better get these Recruits back inside the fortress and finish up today's training before more of their Guildmates shows up.") Romeo thought to himself and sighs as he begins to walk towards the fortress with his Recruits but before he could even take one step a deep Russian like voice spoke up from the crowd.

"Pathetic....Dax you and your little friends shame our Guild with this act to be beaten in a 1 on 1 duel by a trash class player." Markov scoffs as he walks out of the crowd along with Bloodbath and a few of the guild members that was inside the fort.

"Markov....Bloodbath!?....that bastard caught me by surprise that's all." Dax says in a embarrassing red hot face.

"I mean our little goblin pal here was out of his element, Everyone knows Swashbucklers major skills are on the sea with a ship...so I guess we can cut him some slack." Bloodbath says with obvious held back laugh.

"Still that's no excuse!... I seen plenty of Swashbucklers that could go toe to toe with any combat class in the arena." Markov says with a glare at the goblin who started to tremble in fear from the Battlemaster's stare.

"but it's okay...I'm still heated from that trash being all high and mighty from earlier maybe beating some of these....hmm should I call you noobs...future trash?? or wait..maybe punching bags would be appropriate." Markov says with excitement of taking his pent up frustration out on the Ranger Captain and his Recruits.

"Or maybe you can all just let That L sink in and not provoke us anymore!"One of Romeo Recruits says outloud to where the whole crowd chuckles and laugh at the Bloodbath and Beyond guild members.

Romeo sighs as he wish Warren was the one that was here instead of him or Zero but as he thought about it he is glad Zero isn't here as well or this would turn into A Bloodbath.

Romeo was about to apologize and just go about their business but seeing the faces of the Bloodbath & Beyond Guild members. especially that Markov guy he knew for a fact these guys was going to try something as if he just wished for it Markov Dashed Straight at them.

Romeo hurried to intercept the man as they both clashed against each other. no duel was Initiated as it was an actual fight.

Everyone eyes went wide and hurried to see if all the Rangers in the fort was going to attack them. as time passed by nothing happened as the guards on the wall just stood at the same spot.

Romeo face was full of shock as Markov stopped his blade with his bare fist.

"I might be a little pissed... but I hope you can satisfy my anger with a better show than what I saw you do to Dax over there." Markov says towards the injured goblin.

"Hey! this isn't a duel...why did you attack us? now you will have to deal with the NPCS and cause mayhem for everyone." Romeo says as he notice the smirk on Markov face as that didn't look like a man who was afraid of the consequences.

"It looks like they don't give two shits about what's going on right now kid." Markov says as Romeo looks over towards the fort and was shocked to see that Markov was telling the truth.

Markov pushed Romeo back with ease as they clash sword against fist in a rapid exchange of blows.

("What is this guy made up of steel!?...Damn it this guy is really good I can barely keep up.") Romeo thought to himself as he dodge Markov next attack doing a back flip to get some distance.

"Looks like that Ranger isn't too bad...but too bad he is up against Markov. He has no chance of winning if his skill is only up to that much." Spice says towards his guildmates that was around him also watching the fight.

"Is that Markov guy really that good?" one of paragon's core raiding members ask.

"That guy is a high Ranker...Fifth place on the Battlemaster's Leaderboards."Spice says with a serious tone as all the members around him mouth was hanging open.

"But the Ranger isn't too bad...if I'm not mistaken he should be a Ranker as well." A male gnome voice spoke up this player is known as Stitches a well known Paragon member like Spice. wearing his usual all black mage robes.

"Yeah but not a high ranker...and that makes all the difference on what the outcome of this fight will be." Tesla says pushing her glasses up.

Bloodbath watches the fight between the Ranger and Markov. He knew first hand how strong Markov is and if the Ranger can only amount to this much skill. this would no longer be a fight but a form of torment.

Romeo used The Skill he got Dax with that finished the duel as roots burst from the ground trying to bind the Battlemaster.

("I know this trick won't work on him but it will have to do for now as I have no choice but to rely on you Zephyr.") Romeo thought to himself watching Markov dodging the Roots with ease and even destroy A few with his bare fist that gotten a little to close.

"Think such a weak ass tactic can work on me like it did with Dax...think again kid!" Markov yells as he smash the last bit of roots coming after him.

"if only....come Zephyr!" Romeo yells out as a deafening Eagle cry echoed out a large shadow that covered the sun swooped down towards Markov with A mighty crash causing a large dust cloud to blow around the area.

The dust slowly drifted away as A Large Griffin appears right where Markov was just standing at their was now a large spider web Crack formed under the Griffin's feet.

" did you just drop A fucking Griffin on me like a care package!? now things are starting to get interesting!" Markov voice spoke up from behind Romeo and his battle mount both turn around to see the Battlemaster unharmed not even a spec of dirt on his Attire.

The Griffin let out a powerful Battle cry as it Rushed the Battlemaster and The Battle once again commenced With Markov meeting the Griffin head on with Battle maniac Look.

((Author's Note: Hello everyone and Happy Holidays!!! thanks for checking out today's chapter hope you Enjoyed it. can't wait to drop the next chapter. in till next time my friends!))