Romeo vs Markov!

Romeo used The Skill for the crossbow as Markov dodged the bolt by an inch. A scratch was shown on his left cheek.

Markov sucks his teeth in with irritation as another Soundwave blast from Zephyr's mouth almost manages to hit him as he dodges the blast that destroyed a tree.

("Damn it, this guy isn't just strong but fast as well...I guess I have to use that skill, but will it be enough?") Romeo thinks to himself as Zephyr blocks another punch from the Battlemaster and pushes Markov back with enough force from one of his wings to make space between the three.

Zephyr lands beside Romeo as The Ranger mounts his companion as they fly high up into the sky.

"What's this? I hope you're not running away...the fun was just getting started!" Markov yells out as he sees a powerful bright blue & white aura burst from the two in the sky.

NK Shane's eyes widened in shock as he saw the skill Romeo used.

"To think A Ranger could learn that skill and with a royal Griffin at that." Nk Shane says as the group from God's of Dominance looked at him with confusion.

"It's all shiny and cool, but what skill is it to even make you perk up Shane?" Amethyst asks, looking curious.

"It's called an ultimate skill between a pet and its master that makes them combine their stats as one," Shane says as the others look at him with shock.

"So the battle is starting to pick up...looks like we might see a fight after all," Draco says with an all-of-sudden interest in the battle.

Markov smiled, but then it faded as both forms of Romeo and Zephyr disappeared from his sight.

Markov's eyes widen in alarm as Romeo appeared on his flank going for an attack that was too fast for even him to completely counter he decided to dodge but then was met with a blast of wind from Zephyr.

Markov crashed into the forest, causing dust and branches of debris to cover the area of the landing.

For a few seconds, nothing happened as both Romeo and Zephyr looked toward the crash with a tense atmosphere. A laugh echoed out from the crash as a powerful dark aura burst out as a bloody and a few scratches from Markov Was shown.

"Now things are heating up!.... I guess I will entertain your seriousness with my own." Markov says as his body was engulfed by the dark aura as a few seconds pass by. The aura slowly dies down, and Markov's form changes.

Covered in all black colored full Plated armor that fitted his body well like a second skin. With a Knight Helm that has a long black sword-like tail reaching the ground.

Dual wielding Two Ebon steel blades. Markov looks like he was ready for war as the dense aura of darkness slowly fades away.

Almost as if he just teleported Markov, who appears behind Romeo swinging his dual-wield blades so fast that Romeo panicked, trying to dodge.

After barely dodging the attack. Romeo tries to counter back with his attack but is met with a from Markov bouncing the Ranger back, leaving him wide open.

"This fight is as good as over Markov is in his Form. that Ranger won't be able to react to anything that man throws out," Bloodbath says out loud to his guildmates.

Just as Markov was going for a deadly blow a huge shadow was cast over the man as Zephyr slams down on Markov from the air with blinding speed as a loud crash echoed out as dust formed around the area.

The spectators of the battle were now looking at a huge crater where the Griffin landed as the dust cleared. The Griffin looked around, confused as the Battlemaster was nowhere to be found.

Romeo looks around the crater as well but no sign of Markov in till he got a sinking feeling of dread as Zephyr Shadow starts to take on a weird shape.

Romeo's eyes widened when he saw two familiar ebon steel swords rise from that shadow his mind screamed out to warn his companion, but it was too late.

Almost as if it happened in slow motion Markov appears under Zephyr's body using the dual-wielding Skill attacking so fast cuts and large Slashes appear on Zephyr's body instantly as the Royal Griffin screeched out in pain with a loud thud falling to the ground of its pool of blood.

"Nooooo!!! Zephyr!" Yelling in anger, Romeo rushes toward his companion and shoots a bolt at Markov who casually just dodges out of the way of the attack.

Dashing for Romeo with incredible speed, Markov didn't hold back as he closed the distance between the two and launched into a frenzy of attacks toward the Ranger.

"Pathetic," Markov says as he dodges another attack from Romeo and then attacks back, scoring a few cuts on the Ranger's body.

"Weak!" Markov yells out as he Parry a weapon Skill from Romeo and kicks the Ranger in his chest, sending him flying backward a few feet.

struggling to get up off the ground. Romeo was breathing. Hard covered in cuts and bruises. if he didn't realize it before, he most definitely does now. The Battlemaster was just toying with him the whole time enjoying it and torturing the Ranger Captain.

The crowd of players started to whisper loudly among each other, pointing, laughing, and even showing sympathy toward Romeo.

He knew some of them were probably recording this battle. Romeo looks towards his companion Zephyr, who had one eye open looking towards him with a sad look. then Romeo looks towards his recruits, who look at him with hesitant, worrying, and disappointed looks.

Romeo didn't give up and held his battle stance ready for the next attack with a determined look.

"Haha! are you serious!? do you still think you have a chance at defeating me?.. I give you props on tenacity kid but I think it's time you learn a cold, hard lesson of the truth!" Markov yells out and walks toward the injured Griffin holding his swords up in an execution style over the Ranger's battle mount.

Romeo's eyes widen in horror and despair.

"Wait! what are you doing!?" Romeo yells out

"Isn't it obvious? Showing you the laws of the jungle trash! The strong do what they want and the weak trash like you can't stop nothing." Markov says as he swings down to finish off Zephyr as Romeo cries out for him to stop.

But before Markov could even fully swing the sword down he instantly stopped and dodges a crossbow bolt that was aimed straight at his head and a few throwing knives that were also aimed at other vital spots of his body.

Landing a few feet away from the Griffin Markov scans the area to see who would dare interrupt his battle. Then his eyes widened when he saw the familiar figure of Zero standing in front of Romeo.

"Looks like you need a hand, Romeo," Zero says. Looking at his fellow Ranger, Romeo looks up in surprise as tears well up

"Z-Zero!? you're here! oh my God, thank god. thank you so much for saving Zephyr from that lunatic!"Romeo says, hugging Zero tightly with tears as Zero nervously chuckles lightly and tries to peel off Romeo like an old band-aid.

"HAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe it's you. This is even better -" Before Markov could finish, he was interrupted by Zero

"Low life...only losers kick those that are already down. Do you take pride in picking on those who are weaker and can't fight back?" Zero says toward Markov as his red piercing eyes meet his own and make the Battlemaster shutter as if the air drops into the negatives.

"Y-You Bastard!!! I'm tired of that attitude of yours, thinking you all that. but you're nothing but a Ranger Trash!" Markov says as he dashed straight at Zero with incredible speed.

"Zero, be careful! that guy is pretty strong," Romeo warns Zero, who closed his eyes, waiting on the attack to come.

Right before Markov arrived, he disappeared.

A blade was seen coming out of Zero's shadow, showing Markov Figure going for an attack on Zero's flank. Zero Dodges the attack with ease. surprising the Battlemaster as he continued with Rapid Flashes of attacks that were so fast it looked like a blur of movement to Romeo, but Zero was easily dodging all the attacks.

Zero eyes opened as his hand whipped out with terrifying speed grabbing Markov's wrist and then tossing him over his shoulder slamming him into the ground all the air left out of the Battle master's mouth as he gasped for it back.

Zero's foot was coming down to finish Markov but he instantly disappeared and reappears out of Romeo's Shadow but was instantly met with a throwing knife into his left eye as Markov yells out in pain screaming and rolling on the ground like he was on fire.

"GAaaaAhhhhhh!!!! MY fucking eye!" Markov screams out loud as he was panting on all fours as blood was dripping from pulling the knife out of the visor of his helmet Dropping the bloody weapon onto the dirt.

Zero Instantly Jumps backward as a long Black metal string shaped like a sword burst out of the ground. Zero landed back on the ground and jumped away again as Markov's knight Helmet tail kept attacking Zero as he kept jumping backward.

on the last jump, Zero jumps even higher than before and pulled out The [Guardian's Bow] it hums with energy as a golden-colored bow string materializes along with a ki-powered arrow as he pulled back Releasing the Arrow.

Markov stands up holding both his Blades in a crossguard to block the attack by slapping the attack away with both weapons.

Right as the Arrow was about to arrive Markov Slashes out with both weapons. A Concussive blast echoed out as the force of the arrow launched Markov into the woods crashing through the trees and bushes like a bulldozer.

Romeo's jaw dropped along with All the players watching the battle as everything went silent at the display of power.

"That was Ki!? in the hell did a Ranger learn how to use Ki!?" A random player yells out as murmurs and whispers started to cover the area in noise.

"What kind of skill was that!? with the bow?? I never heard or saw any Archer or long-range class player use ki to Conjure Arrows." Tesla says out loud with excitement showing on her face.

"Now we see why, that arrow made up of ki was like an Explosive arrow from other RPG-like games or at least like a grenade...I hope that skill is a cooldown one." Spice says

"But how can he have both Ki and mana?? that's impossible!" Azure Wolf says out loud with a shocked expression.

"There's only one way to make that happen without him exploding that we theorized." A deep powerful voice spoke up as the GOD'S guild members looked towards the person that spoke up.

A tall white fur goat BeastKin. dressed in black and purple colored mage robes. exuding a powerful magical aura along with 6 other powerful robed mages standing around him.

"And that is?" Draco says towards the newcomers with narrow eyes.

before the goat, BeastKin could answer Von spoke up.

"He is separating them both and is making the two energies rotate in his body somehow," Von says as the goat man nods in acknowledgment.

"correct, that is what we came up with as well."The goat mage says with a smile.

"surprised to see you here Ambrose, so the decided to join this raid as well?"Silver Viper asked The magician who looked at Viper.

"Ah, Viper such a pleasure to see you again, to answer your question it is only right for us at the to join because of the Djinn Race the pioneers of Ancient powerful magic we must learn all of their secrets that is what our Guild stands for to dive into all magical wonders of [Your Fantasy] has to offer," Ambrose says with a determined look.

Before anyone else could speak a powerful pulse of Dark Ki echoed out like a heartbeat. coming from the direction Markov was sent crashing towards.

A figure walks out of the forest back into the opening. It was Markov but exuding powerful Dark Ki and his Attire changed instead of the Slim like skin fitted Ebony armor. He now wore heavy plate Ebony armor with the helmet still like a knight but the visor is covering his eyes this time. A Dark mist Shape like a cape was covering his whole body And a Giant all black Two-Handed Sword was on his shoulder as he looks towards Zero with powerful killing intent that soke the whole area.

"Markov used his Both Those Rangers are fucked!" One of the Bloodbath and Beyond guild members yells out in excitement.

"Be Honored Trash! that I'm showing you both my most pow-" Before Markov could finish his monolog another crashed straight into him with another powerful blast that echoed out

Romeo looked at Zero with a shocked expression as Zero shrugged.

"what? He was taking all day...we have a raid to do." Zero says to Romeo who sighs at the fact Zero isn't taking this whole thing seriously.

The dust clears away showing Markov's form being protected by the cape of Dark Ki.

"Fool that won't work on me twice." He dashed with incredible speed arriving in a matter of seconds in front of Zero going for a swing with his Large Sword.

Zero easily dodges the attack along with the wave of Dark Ki from the weapon trying to hit him as well.

Markov followed up with more attacks as Zero notice the debuff that the Battlemaster was trying to take advantage of.

:( A passive skill For the Battlemaster Power stance all enemies that are 50 feet or less from the user area of influence will be hit with a Debuff that will decrease the target's physical stats by 15% and increases the user stats by 50 each target that is affected by the domain.)

Even with the Debuff Zero was somehow able to move like the wind. Markov came down with A powerful swing missing as Zero used this chance to release another aimed towards the Battlemaster's knee.

Markov reacted by using his Cape to block the attack like last time. Markov's eyes widen when the arrow easily pierces through the Cape and into his knee as he screams out in pain going for another attack this time with the cape turning into spikes of Dark Ki Zero easily dodges the attacks shooting another piercing Arrow into the Shoulder of the sword arm the cape tried to block the arrow again but failed this time as well.

Dropping the sword Markov drops to one knee and breathes Hard as His Hp was lower than 30%. because of two attacks from the Ranger. he couldn't believe it as he looked up seeing another glowing in his face. Markov looks into The Ranger's piercing Red eyes. if the Battlemaster never knew fear he did today as those eyes were that of pure terror forever printed into his mind.

Before Markov could even say this was his loss. Darkness claimed him as a familiar screen notification showed up [You Have Died.]


Markov's body slumps over dead showing the golden arrow piercing through his skull. The whole area was quiet as Zero looked at the notification from the kill.

"Yeah!!! Rangers Rock! Whose trash now bastard woot!!" One of the Recruits yells out as the quiet area roared with cheers from the Recruits as they rushed toward Romeo. they explode with questions about the fight and point at zero.

"Not bad...this Weapon might just be a game changer after all," Zero says looking at his bow with a spark in his eyes.

Romeo walks up to Zero as Zero greets his friend with a nod.

"I have never seen anything like that before Zero....was it all from that bow?" Romeo asks with an excited Smile at Zero.

"pretty much. it was crafted from the Guardians I took down a few days ago, The seer and Ranger commander just gifted it to me today."Zero says in a nonchalant voice.

"Wow!, I'm jealous I might just go find those Guardians myself and ask the commander to craft me one as well but as a crossbow, of course, hahaha.." Romeo says with a joyful laugh.

"you could do that...but I wouldn't recommend because, for two reasons, the first reason is That Guardians are tier 5 elites with over 300k HP, and the second reason is if you do manage to take one down and get the materials once equipping the bow foreign energies of ki will try to fight against the Mana inside your body and you would possibly explode," Zero says all this with a cheeky tone in his voice Romeo could even see the smirk under that mask of his.

"Haha...oh yeah! that's not scary at all." Romeo says with a nervous laugh.

"That was a great fight Zero!" A familiar voice spoke up as Beyond and four other figures walked up to the Rangers.

"It's Their leader Beyond! is he here for revenge!?" Romeo yells out in fear as he hides behind Zero Zero rolled his eyes at his fellow Ranger looking at Beyond as others also join the famous streamer and content creator.

((Author's Note: Hey guys, Author here! Thanks for checking out today's chapter. sorry I haven't been active lately there's been a lot going on in my personal life. but don't worry I'm still hanging in there to continue my work! so expect more chapters to be coming soon. and thanks again for checking out today's chapter in till next time my friends!)).