The Raid begins! Enter Tomb of The Dark Djinn!!!

"Oh no, it's nothing like that. I'm glad you put Markov in his place...he was way out of line. I'm here to introduce my fellow party members and friends to Zero." Beyond says as Zero looked at each of the five players standing beside Beyond.

The first one Zero looked at Was a Male Centaur with tan upper torso skin tone, chestnut color horse body along with a chrome turtle like shell and Lance Equipped on his back, with black long tail and hair, Dark color makeup around his eyes, with sharp light brown eyes.

"This is Divine he is our Party Tank. his class is The [Lancer] There is no one better at what he do....I mean I am a little biased since he is my best friend." Beyond says with a light chuckle.

Divine walks up and greets Zero with a handshake. Zero accepted the greeting.

"Even if he is my best friend, Don't mind the Attention whore Zero. It's nice to meet you!" Divine says with a smile as Beyond chuckles with Embarrassment.

"A Lancer class? isn't that a class for spear users never knew [Your Fantasy] had a class like that." Zero says looking curious at Divine.

"that's because it's a Epic class exclusively for the Centaur Race. not too many players picks this race for a tank class." Divine says as both Zero and Romeo nods with acknowledgement.

"I'm up next! it's nice to meet you Zero! I'm the party Healer Cupid, my class is the [Battle Maiden]." A smooth female Voice spoke up with joy in her tone.

Zero looked at the tall half giant female standing over 10 ft tall wearing all white healer robes that fitted well with her lustful curves and huge breast that jiggle every time she moved. A long wooden bo staff on her back with blonde colored pigtail hairstyle and Fox eyes as she smiles at Zero.

Zero was lucky his face is slightly covered to where no one can see his face as it would be embarrassing as he nods at Cupid with a friendly wave.

"Next up is our Party DPS the twins Noah & Naomi, Noah is A Wizard and Naomi is A Witch! pretty wicked right?" Beyond says in excitement.

"That is awesome!" Romeo yells out as the witch Naomi winks at him. Romeo almost fainted with a red blushing face.

Zero looked at the first twin Beyond introduce Noah, He is a white skin toned High Elf with a black colored bowl cut hair style. wearing blue and silver hooded wizard robes.

Next, Zero looked at the other twin Naomi. she had the same skin tone and hairstyle & color as her brother, but instead, she was of the Oni race. Blood colored Horns pokes through her red and black Witch hat. a red dress that showed her bare skin more than it should as it fits perfectly with her curves and small breast.

Naomi waves at Zero with a smile. while Noah nods at Zero. Zero nods at both the twins.

"Next is my good ole friend -" Before Beyond could finish introducing the last player that was with him, he was interrupted by four more groups of players who joined them. Zero looked at the guy who Beyond was going to introduce.

He is a human male with black short hair and a face you could always recognize, wearing a brown hooded cloak and dark brown leather armor with a few knives and other items hidden about his person. Zero Knew, right away, this guy was a thief class player. As the man looked disappointed for getting interrupted during his introduction.

"Huh? what are you guys doing here?" Beyond question as he looked at the group of players that stroll casually up to them.

"Come on now beyond...I hope you didn't expect to keep our mysterious guide all to yourself!" A familiar voice spoke up as it came from the bard Zander Noteslayer.

Zero scanned the players as he noticed two of the group of players he had never heard or seen before in till now. than his attention went towards a figure that took his breath away in a instant it was the player Silver Viper, the ice queen, his crush from school. Even now, as she walks up to the front of her group, she is just as beautiful or even more beautiful in the game as well, just with pale skin and Elf ears.

"Please, you must tell me how you were able to obtain that skill with the bow!?" A female voice spoke up as Zero saw who it was. The Archer from Paragon, known as Tesla, is standing a few feet away from him as her eyes sparkle with curiosity.

"Yeah, it is interesting to see A Ranger wielding Ki. I am also curious." Another voice spoke up this time, coming from one of the players Zero was not familiar with yet.

it was the magician class player Ambrose his goat eyes study Zero as if he was some experiment or an exotic creature as Zero wanted nothing more than to dash away from the weird goat man.

"Umm...well, to answer your question, I got the skill from my new bow I acquired today." Zero says as he flexes the bow out. Tesla looks like she just wants to eat the Epic weapon how much she was drooling.

"Amazing! what weapon tier is it!?" Tesla asked, staring at the bow as it Hums with power and glows. From time to time, Ambrose also looked closer at the weapon as Zero also noticed a few of his buddies from his guild were standing with him, also studying the weapon.

"Epic." Zero says nonchalantly as they all was shocked at that repeating the word Epic slowly with their jaws dropped.

"No wonder it's so powerful...almost as if it's alive." Ambrose says as his guildmates agree with him nodding.

"Umm, sorry but who are you guys?" Romeo asked, looking at the goat man and the Demi-Human Tesla.

Ambrose looked at Romeo with his intense goat eyes. As Romeo starts to shrink back behind Zero. than the goat man coughs.

" Sorry, I am [Ambrose] from the guild one of its founding members. it is nice to meet you both Rangers." Ambrose says with a bow along with the mages standing beside him.

"and I am [Tesla] From the Guild . your skill with the bow is amazing, and if I'm not mistaken, you're familiar with Ryu right like you two are friends. You should also join our Guild. We could use another bow user, especially one as talented as you." Tesla says with her guildmates nodding with a thumbs up.

Zero looked at her guildmates and noticed even the player [Spice] was agreeing wholeheartedly with her as Zero almost went into a coma that one of his favorite content creator just recognized him.

"So is the type of guild that likes to recruit players that can beat up other guilds players huh??" A female voice with a whole lot of attitude spoke up.

Zero saw Amethyst walking towards along with a technoid race player that looked like a Centaur as this is the first time Zero ever met the new race in "Your Fantasy".

"Great fight by the way Zero. glad you showed that jack ass who was boss! and oh yeah, and I know it's been a while, but this metal hunk right here is Von." Amethyst says with a smile as Zero eyes widen with Shock.

"Cool, nice to see you again. Von, first time seeing a [Technoid] in person, I'm guessing you both want to see the bow as well?" Zero asked as they both nodded. Zero moved the bow to the center of the circle as more people started to crowd around him.

Zero turned on the option to where the players could inspect the bow.

"A-Amazing!! them Ki arrows are basically auto attacks for the bow...I-I never seen such a Powerful Bow, and its Really A level 50 Epic tier at that!?"Tesla says out loud with surprise excitement in her tone.

All the players inspecting the bow was jaw dropped, and some gulped with sweat running down their face.

"What the actual fuck Zero." Amethyst says with awe.

"That explains how he is able to use Ki... The bow has the skill." Von says in his robot like voice.

"Even so, it does not explain everything. like how can his body tolerate both the Mana & Ki without them going crazy and blowing him up." Ambrose says, rubbing his goat man face.

"I have a title called , that's probably the reason." Zero says nonchalantly as everyone looks at him dumbstruck.

"Zero! please tell me you have more bows like this to sell or at least know how to get them??" Amethyst asks with excitement. Tesla also beams with excitement as well.

"I will pay whatever price for the bow." Tesla says, looking at Zero with determination.

"Unfortunately, this is the only one I have, and to get it, you will need to defeat a [Guardian] and extract its material and find a capable crafter to make it." Zero says with no hesitation.

"That's no easy feat to accomplish....but yet you was able to by yourself." A calculated cold female Voice spoke up from behind Amethyst as The Ice Queen Silver Viper popped up looking directly at Zero.

Both Zero and Viper looked at one another as seconds passed by no one saying anything.

"I think she is waiting on your response, Zero." Romeo whispers into Zero's ear.

Zero came back to his senses a little bit. From the nudge Romeo gave him.

"Luck, I guess." Zero says as everyone around them didn't believe it one bit looking at the Ranger with a blank face.

"Luck, he says, Ha! I doubt that, after seeing what you did to Markov, which kind of makes me want to test that luck, how about we finish where we left off back at the dining hall." Draco says with a smirk.

Zero rolls his eyes at the berserker as he puts his bow up back into his inventory, making both Tesla and Amethyst sad and all puppy eyed.

"Is this a raid or some gawking social pvp event? When will this Raid start? some of us are eager and ready to go." A deep Male voice full of strength says out loud for all to hear around the groups of players.

Zero noticed that it was the other group of players that he didn't recognize the guild tag of.

Zero looked at the person who spoke. He wore Full Plated knight armor that had the mix appearance of dark green moss and dark wood oak scheme as his Knight Helmet has large, majestic antlers with a sword and shield equipped on his person. The man was at least over 9 feet tall and a powerful aura that felt oddly calm and peaceful.

"Bane! I'm glad you are here, pal. We are all waiting on this guy here. Zero meet Bane, he will be our main tank for the raid." Beyond says introducing the Green knight guy. as they both nodded towards each other.

"Well, Zero is everything ready on your side? I believe we all are ready to start." Beyond says.

Before Zero could say anything, a cough was heard to get someone attention and every body turn their head towards that person.

"Aren't you forgetting something Beyond?" The voice of a male spoke up. Zero noticed it was that Thief guy from earlier that was interrupted.

("Totally forgot that guy was there...his stealth is top notch. possibly better than Katsumi got to keep an eye on him.") Zero thought to himself as he looked at Beyond who was looking embarrassed and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry man I totally forgot... but Zero! this guy here is-" Before Beyond could finish he was interrupted by an angry female voice.

"Silent Monkey!!! You damn double-crossing bastard!" The woman was one of the guildmates that was with Bane marching towards Silent Monkey with an angry finger thrust out towards the thief.

The woman was a human gunslinger class player blonde hair that stops at her shoulder brown colored eyes. White skin tone with a curved body shape like a bottle. She wore an all-black trench coat, brown colored Leather vest underneath, Strap with holsters and A bandolier, all Black pants and cowboy boots & Hat.

"Oh shit!? haha.... uhm Hey Veronica. you still mad over that little thing." Silent Monkey says with nervous laughter as he thought about running away right now.

"Still!? the fuck! you got me kicked out of a kingdom and banned from several towns! you fucking piece of shi-." Before she could finish two of her guildmates came behind her and dragged her off along with Bane shaking his head walking off behind them telling Beyond him and his guild is ready to depart whenever.

"Well now that was unexpected! I'm glad I wasn't streaming yet, or half of those words she said would've gotten me a 48-hour ban... never thought Vice guild leader had such vulgar language in her." The bard Zander says with a surprised look as even Amethyst looked amazed at the woman's performance.

"Monkey, bro... what did you do to that woman.... you know what knowing you I don't even want to know. Anyway, zero, this guy here is our group leader for the scouting party that I assigned you to since Rangers are basically scout oriented classes. I know what you've seen just now. You probably have doubts, but I assure you, Silent Monkey, here is one of the best or the best subterfuge type class players around since he is the number 1 Thief in [Your Fantasy]." Beyond says as Romeo looked surprised at that, unlike Zero, who already figured it out by now.

"Welcome to the team my new friend! I believe me and you will get along just fine." Silent Monkey says with a mischievous grin that made Zero sigh.

After saying his goodbyes to Romeo and telling Beyond to meet him on top of the hill heading out of the Ranger's Headquarters territory. Zero spotted Kon waiting on him up on the hill, sitting down in a meditation pose opening up one eye to look at zero.

"Is everything handled now, Zero?" Kon asks as he gets up off the ground in one smooth motion as Zero nods.

"We are leaving now. do you have a mount to ride on?" Zero asks as kon nods, and suddenly a purple, blue, & red colored flying carpet appears out of nowhere flying around. Both zero & kon like it was alive, it stopped by kons' feet, hovering a few inches off the ground. Zero looked impressed at the mount.

"Cool awesome mount kon." Zero says as kon thanks him.

Marching footsteps could be heard coming up the hill as Zero spotted the guilds heading his way. with the leaders of each guild at the front of their respective camps walking side by side with the other camps leaders.

"We are ready, Zero! so how long will this journey take?" Beyond ask, looking curious along with a few others.

"If we walk, it will take us a day to get there. but if we all mount up, it should take us a few hours at most." Zero says it loud enough for all the guild leaders in front could hear him as they all nod.

"So, mounting up it is!" Beyond says with excitement as he summons his mount, which was a chestnut-colored horse. along with each of the guild leaders doing the same as shouts were heard among the players saying, "Mount up!"

From horses to bears, insects & all sorts of creatures were called forth. Zero noticed that a fancy wagon pulled by all black horses with long tentacles reins all the leaders of the Enter the cabin of the wagon as a spectral like butler Ghost was at the front controlling the weird tentacle horses as the driver.

"Come, Kali!" Zero yells out as the large All black Dire Wolf appears out of Zero's shadow.

Nk Shane fox Eyes widen at the sight of Kali along with gritting his teeth, and his hands balled into a fist shaking with anger & jealousy.

("So that what happened to [The Desolation Forest] World boss Zero had him this whole time! But how did he even tame the Shadowfire Wolf!?") Nk Shane thinks to himself as he looks towards Zero. Who was talking to the beast as if it was truly his friend Nk Shane spat at that.

once Zero mounted up on Kali, he took off like the wind as the raid group followed behind him.

A couple hours passed as they were getting closer to [Mt.Evergreen]. Zero looked behind and almost immediately turned his head back forward. Over 300 players were following him, and the anxiety almost overwhelmed him.

He noticed one of the players broke the line. as if he activated a turbo mode for his mount. Zero sighs, seeing who it is. The bard Zander, who was riding some sort of golden ostrich with a crown made up of Feathers on its head, as Zero looked at them both with a blank face. The Mount was looking at him like he was some dirty bastard. as the bard was smiling like a con man.

"Zero! our mysterious guide! and the hero of our new adventure! I have a few questions for you pal...well the viewers actually do, Do you mind answering a few?" Zander asked with a curious face as Zero thought the guy grew some whiskers for a moment as he saw the red highlighted dot by his name tag, meaning he was streaming or recording at least.

"Sure, but make it quick. we are almost to the destination." Zero says with a shrug as Zander face goes from surprise to excitement in an instant as he coughs.

"You heard him folks ask away!" Zander yells out into his stream. Zero sighs at that, thinking to himself that he should've said no.

"You have been the center of attention with this raid zero and not just from the different guilds that are participating but also outside of the raid as well Your fight with the Void Knight aka Markov is the #1 pvp highlight trending right now on all gaming & social networks. people are wondering how you were able to do so much damage to him. Is it a boosting skill or was your weapon just that strong?" Zander asked, looking curious as Zero notices a few of the faster players that's following behind him. they also perk up at the question listening hard.

"I was just a better player." Zero says nonchalantly. the players around them almost falling off their mounts at the answer.

"Just a better player!?" Zander yells out with a shocked face. He coughs to get himself back in order as he straightens his back up.

"Next question! We all been dying to know are you a [Hidden Class] Zero??" Zander asked as literally everyone around them paused what they were talking about and looked towards him as he felt the penetrating eyes of all the players on his back.

"Don't even know what that is never heard of a [Hidden Class] before. Are they some sort of special, unique class or something?" Zero asked as the bard face turned from a serious one to a surprise one.

"hahaha! You're joking right? you really don't know what a hidden class is?? wow, are you living under a rock Zero? it's been confirmed by project Yggdrasil themselves that there are unique classes called [hidden class] that's tailored made for a person character in [Your Fantasy]." Zander explains as Zero eyes grew wide with shock.

"That's cool. but to answer your question, no, I'm not a hidden class player." Zero says as the raid finally arrives at the [Mt. Evergreen Glades] as Zero notices the distant look in the bard eyes from looking at a notification.

Coming out of the woods and into the vast & majestic field of grassland. Zero and the raid were passing the Battlefield where Zero fought against the mercs.

"Holy shit! was there a war here? Look at the size of these craters!" A random player says.

"Yeah, it must have been an intense battle between two large forces to cause this much damage to the landscape." Another random player says out loud.

(" Yeah, if that large force was a single battle maniac Vanguard who could possibly destroy a decent size village with just a swing of his Halbert.") Zero thinks to himself as the raid passed by the Battlefield.

The raid passed by the last guardian Zero defeated as Soldiers and scholars of the Asuka kingdom. was posted all around the creature extracting materials from it. The Raid gasp in awe seeing the titanic golem. different remarks were going on like...

"That's a Guardian!?"

"That thing is huge! it must have been the one to cause all that damage back there."

The raid kept moving pass the site. Zero notices a few more players catching up and riding beside him. it was spice who rode a red and black theme warhorse, beyond was on a chestnut-colored horse, and wolf was on an all-white unicorn that looked way to majestic.

"And you had to fight two of those things Zero!?" wolf says out loud with a face of shock. Zero nods at that.

"That is incredible. how did you defeat it?"Spice asked as zero was almost taken aback by the compliment from the warrior.

"It's weakness is the core inside its chest I manage to break it open and destroy the core." Zero says as if it was the simplest thing ever.

They all looked at him as if he just told the biggest lie ever.

"Wonder what you use to manage that. like I said before we took one on in the past and it took all our attacks as if they were mosquito bites." Beyond says as Zero just shrugs nonchalantly.

They kept moving as the bard was about ask another question.

"We arrived." Zero says as they come out of the woods and see a large cave entrance zero smiles under his mask seeing that the bard was about to protest in till his eyes went distant from the notification.

Coming into the open the guards from Asuka kingdom was on alert noticing it was a ranger they eased up a bit. Zero dismounted from Kali and digging out a large steak from his [inventory].

"Thanks for the ride, bud." Zero says as he threw the steak to kali as he viciously ate the large steak. Everyone else also dismounted seeing Zero doing so as they walked into the cave.

All of the raid was inside the large cave under [Mt.Evergreen], as they all stare at the Large red portal and some was looking at the other [guardian] well what was left of it. as the left side of it was gone and still the Asuka kingdom forces was taken parts away as they kept digging through all the rock and dirt it was imbedded in.

Kon walks up towards the portal to inspect it. as a few scholars were already there analyzing it. Zero also notice Guild was also up there by the portal looking at it in awe.

Beyond looks towards Zero with a nod as they both head towards the portal.

"Hey, Kon! is it safe for us to enter?" beyond ask towards Kon who rubbed his chin and glance at the portal once more.

"We could, but to be safe, I suggest to me, and a small team goes in to check how stable the rift is." Kon says as beyond nods, then looks behind at the rest of the raid and spotted silent monkey gesturing for him to come over.

Silent Monkey arrived along with three others. Two of them he recognized as Misty and Divine. The last one he didn't recognize.

"You got everyone you need for this monkey?" Beyond asked the thief class player who smirks.

"Of course, I do. Zero, Divine, and Misty, you three have already been introduced to one another. but this guy right here is possibly the best person for the job cause Literally, his class is called [Scout]. Everyone meet my good friend [Phantom]." Silent Monkey says with an over dramatic bow of introduction.

Zero looked at the player. playing as one of the technoid race standing around five nine in height. The technoid player's appearance was white steel humanoid body that looked very athletic, with its head a white steel hood that shows an all-black face like a mask with a giant camera lens in the middle of the face that glowed ghostly green.

"Hi." Phantom says in his cold robotic voice as the rest of scouting party greeted back with nods and friendly waves.

"Since everyone is here, I guess you guys can go ahead through the portal. we will wait on a message from you guys to move head ourselves." Beyond says as the scouting party acknowledges the plan and started heading into the giant red portal.

one by one Zero and his party walked through the portal. They arrived in dark place Zero activates his skill to see in the dark he noticed that they are in a tunnel.

Silent Monkey lights a torch. Zero see the whole party here with him along with Kon as they all looked around alert.

"Let's move folks I think I saw light up ahead." Silent monkey says as everyone followed a few seconds of walking the light at the end of the tunnel got brighter as Zero deactivated his skill.

Coming out of the tunnel. the party was now in a large cavern that showed large stone staircase leading down to an ancient majestic temple. The party moved forward and as they arrived in front of the temple large doors, they all received a bunch of notifications as their eyes went distant.

[ You Have Discovered The Tomb of The Dark Djinn! {+1,000 EXP}.]

((Author's Note: Hey guys thanks for checking out today's chapter!!! hope you all enjoyed it.... we finally arrived at the Dark Djinn tomb and the raid is about to commence!!! I can't wait for you all too see what I have in store for the next few chapters it's going to be Epic!!! in till next time my friends!))