Tomb of The Dark Djinn Part 1

[ You Have Discovered The Tomb of The Dark Djinn! {+1,000 EXP}.]

[System area Alert! The doors are closed and will not open until all raid members are present. Please Re-group with your fellow raid members to start the raid!]

Zero looked over the notifications in front of his vision. He noticed Kon walking up to the door touching it as his eyes also went distant but for only a few seconds as he turned around looking at the rest of the scouting party.

"It seems the Heavens has denied us access to the tomb until the rest of the raid arrives. I think now is the appropriate time to contact master Beyond." Kon says, looking towards Silent Monkey as the thief class player nods and walks away from the door contacting Beyond.

("Its still crazy to think the NPCs can see notifications, levels, and game like settings as if they were players as well. Project Yggdrasil really went all in with the lore, making the system an omnipotent force from the heavens.") Zero thought to himself as he noticed Kon was talking with Misty and Divine while Phantom was standing off alone.

Zero uses this chance to get to know a little bit more about the new race as he walks over towards Phantom as the Technoid race player notices him and nods.

"Hey, what's up! Phantom right. I'm curious about your race mind if I ask a few questions about it?" Zero asks as Phantom looks at him for a few seconds.

"I guess since it would help pass the time. ask away Ranger." Phantom says in a cold robotic voice with a shrug.

Zero asked about the benefits of becoming a Technoid race and how the experience was changing your old race to the new one. Phantom answer them all no hesitation.

Zero was shocked about the Racial benefits [Technoid] players are offered. Phantom told him that no matter your previous race was. It's your previous class that will affect what your [Technoid] Race will look like. Phantom is a scout Variant of [Technoid] race because he was an [Assassin] class player previously. Which gave him the epic class [Scout] Along with Race skills that helps out. Unlike picking your favorite Fantasy race and getting shitty Racial skills for your class.

"That's awesome. think I might consider a race change wonder what the [Ranger] class will offer me as a technoid race." Zero says with a thoughtful look.

"Hmm...that could be interesting to see. maybe similar to my class [Scout] but who knows there are plenty of new and interesting class that the [Technoid] brought into the game." Phantom says towards Zero who agreed with a nod as they kept talking in till they heard footsteps coming from the entrance showing the rest of the raid has arrived.

"SOOO... I just walk up to the door and the raid should commence?" Beyond says looking at Silent Monkey as the Thief nods with a yes.

[Beyond]: " I'm issuing out a ready check for the raid to commenced so everyone click yes if you are prepared for this."

Beyond types up in the raid chat as Zero gets a ready check notification. Zero click Yes along with the whole raid.

Beyond seeing that all 350 players checked Yes, he put his hand on the large door as it glowed blue and opens with loud deafening sounds as a white blinding light burst out of it.

Zero view came back to normal, and he noticed immediately they were no longer in that cavern in front of the temple's door. Instead, he felt sand underneath his foot and finally got a good look where they were now.

("A coliseum or some sort of Arena the temple transported us to.") Zero thought to himself as he saw other players around him getting their self together.

A bunch of notifications popped into Zero screen.

[ Area Wide System Announcement! The Raid on The Dark Djinn Tomb has commenced! There is now a contribution Leaderboard that players can see throughout the raid. You can earn contribution points by slaying enemies. assisting or healing will give you a certain percentage of contribution points for the kill. 5-25 for points for Tier 1 & 2, 25-50 points for Tier 3 & 4 enemies, 50 - 90 points for Tier 5, Bosses will give you 90- 150 points.]

[ At the end of the raid and the raid was successful all of your contribution points will tally up and get you rewards for completing this Raid. The [Legendary] reward will be given to the one who has the most contribution points. Runner ups like top 100 will receive [Epic] or [Rare] Rewards while the ones below the top 100 will receive [Rare] or [ Uncommon] Rewards.]

[Good Luck Travelers! You Will need it...]

Zero sighs at the system message and looking around at the mix emotions in the other players faces. He can tell this Raid is going to be something he never experienced before in [Your Fantasy].

"Well seems like the Heavens Have brought me challengers to stop my return, how Demanding of the Accursed system never an easy way to do anything." A powerful deep voice spoke out across the arena making everyone look up towards the Cavern spike like ceiling.

Zero eyes widen looking at the person who spoke. Floating in the air was Baron Kudo assistant Lucas but different even though he has the same appearance Zero don't know how but he could tell the man was way stronger than the last time he saw the Elf.

Zero [Analyze] Lucas.

[Name]: Lucas ~error~ "Emperor Mufasa "The Dark Djinn""

[Level]: 💥☠️💥

[ Race]: Snow elf (Corrupted)

[Bio]: Lucas is a Mysterious snow Elf Mage that's employed by the baron Philp kudo as his assistant. Now hunted by the kingdom of Asuka for ~ERROR~ Emperor Mufasa Last ruler of the Djinn Race has now reawakened after being sealed for 10,000 years to exact revenge on the royal family of Asuka Kingdom that sealed him away.

Zero rubbed his eyes after seeing a glitch with the bio on Lucas as he noticed the man looking right at him with a devious smile.

"What the..." Zero says in a low voice.

" you group of adventures must be what the outside world calls [Travelers]. Immortal beings from another world. How peculiar...I wonder how true that is after all I been locked in this Accursed tomb for thousands of years." Lucas says with a sigh.

" I'm guessing your Emperor Mufasa, where are we? And did you transport us here? And how do you know that we are Travelers?" Beyond question while looking up at Lucas.

"To answer your questions, you are still in my tomb. The moment I felt the presence of you [Travelers] I immediately transported you to my arena and how do I know you are Travelers? This body has memories of you beings from another world. And I'm guessing you are the leader of this small army. How about we chat face to face like the generals we are." Lucas says with a devilish smile.

Beyond was pulled forward into the air floating only a few feet away from the dark Djinn.

Beyond's Party members yells out his name as the whole raid pulls out their weapons. But as soon as they did a powerful pressure was forced down on the whole raid as everyone kneeled and dropped their weapon. Everyone except Zero who stood tall along with Kon, Draco, and Bane.

"Oh!? Now That's interesting. Seem like you have a few promising soldiers in your army...I will let you all live for now. But only to test your Fate! Let's see how far you and your little army can go Traveler!" Lucas yells out as the pressure ease off and beyond was sent back flying down into the sandy arena skidding across it stopping a few meters from the raid team.

Beyond party members all came to his side preparing for battle.

"Seth! Do not disappoint me.... Show these lesser the might of Djinn Dynasty!!!" Lucas says as he Vanished from the sky.

"As you wish My Lord!" Another powerful deep voice bellows out across the arena as powerful killing Intent soaks the arena.

Zero looks towards a balcony where the voice was coming from showing a Large golden throne. A man was sitting in it or zero thought it was a man as the guy was huge even sitting down the guy had to be towering over 16 or 18 feet in height. His muscular skin was like that of gold with his face that of a scorpion with a crown on his head, white long braided hair and black solid eyes. He wasn't wearing any shirt. showing nothing but a perfect humanoid male body. With a brown tattered Sarong around his waste and black leather pants. Sharp bare feet no shoes.

Zero [Analyze] the guy.

[Name: King, Seth "Lord of The Desert"]

[ Level : 💀 ]

[ Health : 730K/730K]

[Stamina: 350K/350K ]

[Mana: 240K/240K]

[ Race: Giant Arachnid (Evolved)]

[ Bio: From Apex predator of the desert to Lord. this powerful ancient King Leads the Army of The Djinn Dynasty.]

"TO EVEN DARE SHOW HOSTILITY TOWARDS MY LORD!!!!" King Seth yells out across the arena with pure rage in his voice

Some of the players gets tense up at the reaction of the giant man.

"Show them the might of The Djinn Dynasty my children!!!" King Seth yells out as The Large gate in front of the raid opens and A Large Behemoth Size Half Man/Scorpion walks out his lower body was that of a golden and black scorpion. While his top half body was humanoid with tan skin, brute like face that looks like he can eat nails for cereal and black Solid eyes and long braided hair.

Walking next to him was two female humanoid beings or zero thought they were as they wore middle eastern belly dancers like outfits one on the left is wearing purple and gold colors while the one on the right was wearing Red and gold. Both had bodies like a Magazine fashion model. Tan skin tone but their face was hidden behind a white hijabi showing black solid eyes.

Zero [Analyze] all three NPCs.

[Name: "Prince, Zuberi"]

[ Level :🌟🌟🌟50🌟🌟 ]

[ Health : 325K/325K]

[Stamina: 230K/230K ]

[ Race: Akkadian Male]

[ Bio: Youngest of the three triplets Prince Zuberi Heir To his Father King Seth throne. Following the path of the warrior like his father. He is the Arrogant and prideful of the three.]

[Name: "Princess, Amunet"]

[ Level :🌟🌟🌟50🌟🌟 ]

[ Health : 220K/220K]

[Stamina: 300K/300K ]

[Mana: 140k/140K]

[ Race: Demi-Human(Corrupted) Female]

[ Bio: Oldest of the three Triplets Amunet took The Assassin path. Known as "Emperor's personal Assassin" She puts fear into all that get on the bad side of the emperor.]

[Name: "Princess, Zahra"]

[ Level :🌟🌟🌟50🌟🌟 ]

[ Health : 125K/125K]

[Stamina: 115K/115K ]

[Mana: 420K/420K

[ Race: Demi-Human(Corrupted) Female]

[ Bio: Middle child of the three triplets Princess Zahra Known as the "strongest" of the triplets with her Powerful Arcane might Her mage prowess is second to none other than "The Dark Djinn" Emperor Mufasa her teacher.]

All three Exuded strong powerful auras. Zero could feel the tension in the air.

"ATTACK!!!" Prince Zuberi powerful booming voice yells out over the entire Arena as hundreds no thousands of Small, Medium, Large and even larger scorpions rush out of the gates behind the Royal triplets.

"IM COMING FOR YOU BIG GUY! !!" Draco yells out as he rushed Prince Zuberi with no hesitation and no tank to push forward as a few shouts from players telling him to stop and others calling him an idiot.

Blitzing through a few small and medium size scorpions Draco arrive in front of the prince less than a few seconds as he clash against the prince giant claws with his Axes. Getting pushed back a little the prince Scoffs at Draco.

As the battle begins Zero pulls out his bow and jumps towards a balcony for a higher advantage against the wave of scorpions as he let off Ki arrows after ki arrows killing dozens of them in seconds.

Silver Viper didn't know how to describe the overwhelming power from the emperor guy earlier. She thought they was all going to die in that instant, but she saw those three players or can you even call those monsters players. stood tall through the powerful soul crushing pressure of raw mana. even wolf was succumbed to it. kneeling like the rest of us and he was the most defensive magical Knight she knew.

Looking at the chaos around her unfolds as she sees countless of small scorpion bodies lying around the arena along with a few medium size ones. Which should have been a cake walk to most players as those variants of scorpions were Tier 1-2. But on the other hand, those Tier 3-4 larger size scorpions which was as big as a car was more difficult, she can't imagine 1 player to take out one by themselves except maybe a few could like Draco, Those twins from beyond's Party and maybe The Research club council members. Who have high burst damage.

She looks towards Draco who was still fighting the Behemoth size Scorpion guy. The fool rushed in headfirst like always, but she wasn't all too worried because Draco isn't a normal player like the ones who called the man an idiot in the raid chat. But now he has help from that Bane guy who is actually keeping up all the Argo from other large scorpions and the Behemoth one. While hardly taking much damage.

Silver mist sighs as she calls them both monsters under her breath. But then she heard a scream coming not to far from her as she turned around and saw a healer being killed by one of the Scorpion princess.

A dagger stabbed in the back of the healer as she falls over dead. getting one shot by Princess Amunet who looks directly at silver Viper with a blood soaked dagger in one hand.

The princess disappeared from Silver's sight. Silver instantly prepared for a fight as she scanned her surroundings. She noticed Another healer far from everyone else and knew immediately that's where the scorpion princess was heading next.

Silver cast the spell [Ice Spike]. Amunet hiss as her figure moved out from the healer's shadow as a large spike of ice burst out of the ground where Amunet was just at. the healer freaks out seeing the spell and looked confused at Silver in till she noticed the scorpion princess a few feet away from the ice spike.

The healer pales at the sight of the princess and yelps as she turns her back on the Assassin running for it.

"Dont turn your back on her idiot! Stand your ground." Silver Viper yells out with a sigh.

Amunet Dashed after the healer. Silver Viper used the [ice Wall] spell to block the Assassin's way. It didn't help at all. the princess jumps directly over the 13 ft tall wall in a single leap.

Silver Viper cast [Frostbolt] after [Frostbolt]. Amunet was dodging them in the air with ease as she was diving down towards the healer like a Hawk as her dagger was the talons.

Silver Viper thought it might be the end of this healer as well. Right as the dagger was about to land on the back of the healer a force field like bubble shield blocks the attack as the dagger cracks the bubble like shield forming spiderweb cracks from the dagger entry point, but the shield held in place making the scorpion princess hiss loudly jumping off the shield landing not to far from it.

"We got your back General." A robotic voice says coming from behind Silver she turns to see it was Von, Shane, Amethyst, and a few others not from her guild like that phantom guy and bloodbath.

"Annoying pest! don't matter how many you have the outcome will be same." Amunet says with a low hiss as the ground starts to shake more scorpions emerge from under the ground as there was at least 50 tier 4 & 3 giant scorpions surrounding the princess.

Silver viper mind rush to put a plan together as she was about to issue out a plan of attack but a war cry from behind her interrupted anything she was about to say as Bloodbath rush towards the enemy.

"Let's crush the bugs!! ON ME!!!" Bloodbath yells out Using the [Dark Knight] dash attack [Dark Blitz] at the nearest Scorpion instantly appearing in the air above it he slams his both his giant two-handed swords on the head of the tier 4 monster causing an explosive tidal wave of dark energy to blow back and do splash damage against targets in that area. the attack did 30% damage and stun the scorpion while the few around only lost 3% HP.

"Idiot!" Silver viper yells out as the battle begun. attacks were launched everywhere causing a chaotic scene as she sees one of Shane's pet A flaming eagle that started burning everything around the princess Viper tried to spot her, but she couldn't tell where the woman went.

"Looking for me." Amunet says in a low voice dagger already coming towards viper's back as she slowly turned around with a surprise pale look knowing there was no way she could block something that even Von couldn't.