Tomb of The Dark Djinn Part 2

Clang! A loud sound of metal against metal echoed out. Silver Viper looks at the figure of the player [Phantom]. With a crossguard up Showing two blades coming out of his metallic wrist. Some how the Technoid player was fast enough to get behind Silver Viper and Parry the scorpion princess.

Amunet was caught off guard as the Parry made an opening for Silent Monkey to come at her from a flank and attack. But unfortunately for the Thief class player. Amunet's scorpion tail hairstyle whipped out with terrifying speed aiming at Silent's Head.

Silent Monkey dodges the attack but barely as it left a nasty cut on his cheek. He continued with his attack but it was slightly delayed by the unexpected attack and the scorpion princess managed to block the attack. Than launched a round house kick towards the theif who ducks the attack.

Phantom appears in front of Amunet unleashing A barrage of attacks with his Blades as they start to glow with electricity. Amunet pushed back phantom by a few feet.

Phantom blasted off the ground as if his feet contain jet fuel.

Amunet eyes widen seeing the speed boost as she tries to dodge Phantom's [Lightning Blade] Attack. All in one smooth motion Silver Viper saw the attack slashing The scorpion princess on her side as blood was shown and almost as if the God of thunder smite the princess with a lightning bolt. she was getting Shocked all through out her body as she screams in pain.

Phantom retreats as Silent Monkey appeared and threw a [Black Bomb]. Right as it hit Amunet it Exploded with a deafening loud boom as if a C4 was planted. Clouds of black smoke was blowing Everywhere as Silver Viper covered her face.

"Did we get the bitch?" Amethyst ask after a few seconds past and the black smoke was slowly going away.

"No...but we did pissed her off." Phantom says as he and Silent Monkey appeared out of nowhere in front of the group.

Green glowing eyes could be seen through the smoke as a powerful green wave of aura burst the black cloud of smoke away showing Amunet's form her outfit was charred as the mask over her face was blown away showing her scorpion mouth features. The deep slash wound from phantom was dripping blood as it melted the ground like acid.

"Think that could stop me...I will show you the true power of The Emperor's Assassin!" Amunet yells in a loud angry hiss Her Powerful green aura Flares out and Conjured up Green and black magical Daggers. Silver Viper stop counting them after a hundred. Silver prepared her self and messaged the Raid group on battle strategy against the Deadly Assassin.

A trio of Tier 3 Scorpions was ganging up on a player that got separated from the rest of the raid. Multiple golden explosions lit up around the player. When the player open their eyes and the dust was gone small craters was surrounded around him and the scorpions were all gone.

{ ~Ki Arrow~ Hits A ~Weak Spot~ for 95K!!

You Have Defeated Giant Scorpion +150,000 EXP!!!}

{ ~Ki Arrow~ Hits A ~Weak Spot~ for 95K!!

You Have Defeated Giant Scorpion +150,000 EXP!!!}

{ ~Ki Arrow~ Hits A ~Weak Spot~ for 95K!!

You Have Defeated Giant Scorpion +150,000 EXP!!!}

[ +50 Contribution points! ]

[ +50 Contribution points! ]

[+50 Contribution points!]

Zero looked at The player he just saved. Looking around like a frightening Deer.

Zero Sighs.

("I'm starting to think some of these players are just here for Canon fodder at this point.") Zero thought to himself Than he looks towards Kon who was helping the fight against The scorpion princess Zahra.

Zahra was wielding Powerful Purple colored lighting and flame spells. Azure Wolf was there Tanking the powerful magic attacks. Zero was smiling seeing how far wolf has come since the first time he met the guy. But he can tell The magic Knight wasn't faring too well as those spells were doing more damage than it should especially against a magic knight.

("That's odd Wolf is a magical Knight that focuses on defending. Must be that weird purple color mana she is using wonder what it is?") Zero thought to himself curiously.

Kon started shooting pure white fire balls at the Scorpion princess. She managed to block the magical attacks with that weird purple mana that became a shield. The Shield didn't hold up for long as it started to Crack.

Zero than noticed Beyond yelling to the other range players to keep attacking the cracked shield. Zero saw the amazing display of hundreds of spells, Arrows, and bullets. Rain down on the scorpion princess the light show was so bright Zero almost wanted to close his eyes.

Than a Raid message was sent out and Zero attention was on The player Divine who was kite around a group of Tier 4 Scorpions got them all in one area a huge metor came crashing down. Killing most of them as another came down and finish the rest off as Zero look and saw the research club guild together casting the spell along with the player Noah.

The explosion was so large it shook the whole arena and the ceiling above as a few rocks came crashing down. From The aftermath of dust A blur of movement came out heading straight for the Scorpion princess.

Moving faster than anything Zero ever seen but he managed to make out what it was. Rather who it was. Divine his body glowing like a candle in the night with his Lance pointed forward he was like A living locomotive. Zero thought he was deaf for a second when Divine collided With the shield but a sound of glass being broken Divine Penetrate through the magical shield hitting The scorpion princess dead on.

Zahra was launched like a Rocket hitting the other side of the arena crashing into the walls and collapsing that whole side of seats and structures.

Zero was actually amazed at the coordination of how Beyond managed that.

"Guess he wasn't gold rank Adventurer for show after all." Zero says as he saw the excitement on few of the players fa faces even some cheering with victory poses

All except for Kon as Zero notice he wasn't happy at all but instead looked more serious. As A ripple of powerful killing intent aura was felt through out the whole arena. Not as strong as The Dark Djinn but even stronger than the boss of the arena.

Dark Purple powerful energy burst through the rubble where Zahra was under as she returns to the arena floating covered in bleeding wounds. Face mask removed showing her scorpion mouth features. That Dark purple energy was glowing off her like the sun as she looked like the goddess of Destruction ready to smite her foes.

Zero looked at the raid chat and couldn't help but laugh out loud as he saw The player Stitches message.

[Stitches]: "Welp! We're Fucked..."

Spice Rolls away from the attack of the Scorpion prince who he thought was just too damn fast for being that big. Than he counters with an attack of his own against one of his legs. Even though he was doing that much damage. But even a little bit counts.

Boom! Another blow being blocked by Bane. If Spice was in that position he knew for a fact he wouldn't last even a second from blows like that head on. A war cry can be heard from the other side of the Behemoth scorpion As Draco was slashing and tearing into the beast with no effort. Almost as if the berserker has some sort of legendary weapon that can just ignore all armor and physical Resistance.

He knew it wasn't that though but probably a skill from his Class that allows him to have such an effect. Spice felt more vigor all of sudden and than he notice it was the bard Zander. who he didn't really care for but suddenly have new opinions on the man Since the battle began the bard has showed how important epic support class was and with the buffs he was 10 times stronger than usual.

Spice was about to go for another attack but than froze as he felt something similar to what happened earlier and than saw a Raid message from his long time friend Stitches and knew that this Raid difficulty done went up.

A giant Boulder of molten rock was coming down on a group of Tier 2-3 Giant Scorpions leaving nothing but ashen corpses and small lava puddles every where.

A bus size Tortoise with black obsidian color shell that looked like a volcano with lava pouring out along with steam from the pure heat. This creature was a Volcanic Tortoise.

The Tortoise hides in it shell as Green and black colored magical Daggers pegged the shell. The Daggers breaks like glass on its shell but was leaving nasty looking green & black marks on the shell.

The assault stops as a molten eagle appeared unleashing Flames down upon Amunet. Who looks annoyed and dodges away from the attack as she sends Daggers towards the large flaming Eagle.

A figure dashed from behind the turtle and clashed against Amunet. It was the player NK Shane who unleash a barrage of spear skills at the Scorpion princess.

Amunet easily dodges the attacks and counters back with even faster attacks making Shane peddle back with haste to retreat. He felt something was wrong as he saw the [Paralysis] debuff pops up on his screen.

"Damn it!" Shane yells as he couldn't move fast enough to dodge the next few attacks as Amunet jumps at the opening. A blue force field shield protects shane as Amunet hiss in annoyance. Bloodbath came in like a bull rush with his two great swords and a few Dark magic attacks from the dark knight class but was all dodged as amunet attacked back with lightning fast attacks cutting up the giant minotaur as he howled in pain.

Amunet was about to finish off the Dark knight but was interrupted by range attacks from range players like Amythest. Amunet mange to blocked them all with the magical daggers she can conjure up. as she unleashed them all like artillery back at the range players who cried out form getting hit being injured and out of the fight with the paralysis debuff or was instantly killed.

Phantom appears on Amunet flank along with Silent monkey as they combo their attacks together against the scorpion princess. almost like she got multiple arms she was easily able take them both on. dodging their attacks and countering back gaining the upper hand on the fight.

Shane saw the two rouge like players giving they all to land a solid blow on the tier 5 NPC. Shane also saw both Von who was using his machine gun like arms to pelt the scorpion princess from afar and Silver viper using ice spells to freeze and slow her down but the strategy she planned was coming undone.

("This is only a tier 5 NPC...not even A boss tier and yet stronger than any regular dungeon boss and world boss. how can we even beat something like this if the first floor is already this difficult should i use my ultimate here but I can't, players will start asking questions and my secrets will be expose to the world especially since we got players streaming the raid. I better see if a healer can take this debuff off.")

Shane sent out a message in the raid chat for a healer but as soon as he did. he saw von go down by a barrage of daggers that was able to break his shields and cover him up like a porcupine. he was dead. next was both phantom and silent monkey but both was able to get away as they used some kind of retreat skill that allowed them to get out of the barrage of attacks but barely they both went down injured with the paralysis debuff.

Silver was alone now fighting the princess she kept it up for a while. longer than shane thought she could. using her ice spells to conjure different weapons and freezing like spells to stop certain attacks from Amunet. but it was all for nothing as the assassin was easily overpowering her.

Shane saw silver getting kick through her guard Sliding on the ground and covered in wounds from head to toe. Silver viper slowly tried to get up but that paralysis debuff kicked in. she yells in pain as the scorpion princess smiles enjoying this moment as she was going for the kill. Amunet stops and looks up with annoyance as her daggers form a shield above her but it didn't stand a chance as they was all shattered by a golden explosion. Amunet eyes widen with shock.

She yells out in a loud screech as another golden explosion hit her and Amunet whole upper body was gone only her lower half was still standing in the crater as she fell over dead. along with multiple golden explosion going off. The arena went eerie quiet as the fighting stop and all the tier 5 's Enemies dead.

Shane looks toward a certain player as his fox like eyes widen and his mouth was slightly open looking at the piles of giant tier 3 and 4 scorpions corpses as the player Zero was standing on top of the mountain of corpses with his powerful golden bow looking down right at Shane with his piercing cold red eyes.

~ {Ki Arrow} Hits a {Weak spot} for 157,500 Critical Damage!!~

{You Have Defeated Princess Amunet +150,000 EXP!}

~ {Ki Arrow} Hits a {Weak spot} for 87,500 Critical Damage!!~

{You Have Defeated Princess Zahra +150,000 EXP!}

~ {Ki Arrow} Hits a {Weak spot} for 227,500 Critical Damage!!~

{You Have Defeated Prince Zuberi+150,000 EXP!}

Before Zero could finish looking at the notification from the kills he saw the Raid chat blows up with shouts and confusion.

[Amethyst]: "What the Fuck!?"

[Stitches]: "You took the words right out my mouth sister!"

[Draco]: "Who took my KILL!!!!?"

[Zander]: "If you look at the kill feed it seems our mysterious guide has showed us his worth times 3."

[Tesla]: "But to kill all three at once is.."

[Silent Monkey]: "Broken asf!!"

Zero couldn't help but chuckle under his breath as he felt every eyeball in the arena looking at him with envy and amazement and a few with hatred from stealing the kills as they yell out in the raid chat about unfair and only coming in the action to poached kills.

Especially one person whose killing intent aura soaked the whole arena as he stood up and dropped from the balcony where the throne was at. Landing with a deafening crash Looking at Zero with anger that could possibly kill him The boss of the floor has join the battle King Seth Lord of the desert.