Tomb of The Dark Djinn Part 3

Dirt,Sand,dust,Minerals or rocks it was all the same. under the Domain of The element Earth as a Tornado of sand was shown in the middle of the Arena. Seth was looking at the enemy of his Emperor, His Lord, His Savior, and The Slayer of his Beloved Children.

This intruder/outsider known as Zero. Only the two of them stand alone in the eye of the sandstorm he created to keep out the annoying pest of cockroaches known as Travelers. that will try to interfere with his vengeance and a fight that will give him the excitement he haven't had in years.

Seth looks into those cold piercing Red eyes of Zero. He respect the intruder not for killing his children but for the power those eyes hold. It even made him shiver putting him in the mind of his lord in all right is a God. No mortal should be able to rival such power but yet something tells him this Traveler in front of him is in the same league or at least almost he don't know how but he can just tell.

"Do not disappoint me Traveler." Seth says towards Zero as a Golden and Black colored Glaive appeared in his hand it looked majestic like a mythical creature of legend.

"I will try not to." Zero says as he unsheathe his sword and dashed to meet the Boss head on in a Solo fight that will decide this Raid to continue or not.

The Moment Before Zero Killed the Royal Triplets...

Seth had a bored look and pose sitting on the throne. Watching his children dominate the intruders. He saw a few promising powerhouses among his lord enemies but they wasn't strong enough to keep his attention well except one who was fighting against Zahra.

That was wielding the ancient Magic of [Soul Flames]. Which only Seer's could use.

"Interesting A Soul flame Magic user but not a female but a male seer? Is it because of that old prophecy finally came true? Hahaha!! Rare indeed. But powerful enough to beat Zahra not even close. That Curse Arcane Magic she wields is just too strong. if she was on my tier of power even I wouldn't stand a chance." Seth says outloud as he watch the battle rage on with his army on the winning side in till he noticed something.

Seth eyes widen seeing majority of his strongest children was being killed so fast. That it was too late to stop what happened next. Amunet was first than both Zahra and Zuberi at the same time. Seth saw it all happening he look towards the one responsible.

A Lone Traveler who was on the opposite side of him on top of a mountain of corpses of his strongest children. He wore a Dark Green hooded cloak, Dark brown leather chest, Leggings and Gauntlets equipment.

Seth looked seriously at the bow the intruder had in his hand it was made from the Materials of those Accursed Golem's. His killing intent leaks out as he clutch the throne and shattering it as he walks off the balcony landing in the arena with a deafening crash as he stood tall over the intruders.

Beyond didn't know what to make of the situation that is happening. This Raid was way to difficult for them. It seem every type of Strategy wasn't working against these Bots even with the help of Kon who was doing really great.

("If only Apollo or Ryu could've joined maybe this Raid wouldn't be too bad with two legendary class players.") Beyond thought to himself in till he saw a golden explosion that just erased Zahra from Existence his eyes went wide and jaws dropped to the floor.

("Oh..okay than. Just earse all my problems for me oh great and almighty gamer gods!") Beyond says to himself in thought as he realizes that it was a far cry from a God who just helped out but Zero a demigod in his own right as Beyond smiles and chuckles at the raid messages he was seeing.

He was about settle everything to calm everyone down. But a powerful killing intent aura pulse through the arena and a deafening crash was echoed out for all to hear and look The boss of the floor has entered the fight as Beyond prepared himself for the fight of his life.

"I didn't think there was someone as strong as you amongst these lessers. Tell me what is your Name Traveler?" Seth says outloud all to hear as everyone who was tensed up looking at the boss ends up turning around seeing who Seth was looking at and it was Zero who looked back at Seth.

"Zero." Zero says outloud towards the boss.

"Zero...I will remember that name for the person responsible for slaying my strongest children. I will have my Vengeance intruders!!!"Seth yells out with a powerful burst of yellowish aura like he was going super. An army of hundred Giant Sand Golems rise from the sand all was Tier 4 elites.

"Kill them all!!" Seth Roars out as the army of golems charges at the players as they yell out battle crys to meet the golems head on.

"Your mine big guy!!" Draco yells out charging at the boss who stood there like there was no worry at all. Draco goes for an attack before the attack could land Draco was sent flying back from a heavy impact crashing into one of the arena walls with a deafening crash.

A giant fist made of sand was hovering not to far from Seth. A barrage of magical and range attacks started raining down on Seth. A chaotic show of colorful lights and dust was shown. As it clears Seth was in one piece. Close Range warriors like Bloodbath, Spice, Markov was charging the front. While Phantom, Silent Monkey and few Rouge class players charge his flank.

They was all blown back by a sandstorm. That covered the boss up as Beyond couldn't see nothing inside except for two shadows something told him to look back and see if Zero was still at the same spot. The ranger was no where to be seen as he chuckles a bit while dodging an attack from one of the sand golems.

"We will try our best to deal with the ads Zero. you are our only hope for this Raid!" Beyond yells out Right as he launched an attack at the golem he was facing.

Zero Dodges a powerful attack from the giant Scorpion man. As they exchange attacks with sword against Glaive but every time they clash Zero was on the losing side as The boss strength was just too much for him. So he just decided on dodging and going for openings. But that was a little difficult as well The boss was a good fighter He had no opening near impossible for a Parry counter.

Zero Knew he could eventually but he wasn't counting on the boss to get tired before he does. So he activated his Racial Skill [Swift Movements].

Zero vanished from Seth's sight. Going faster than the speed of sound. Appearing instantly behind the boss attacking the back of Seth's left leg. Seth Conjured up a Lance of sand shooting it at Zero but was too late as Zero manage to land the hit and dodge the Lance.

The same sequence of attacks from zero and reaction from Seth kept on going for the next 30 seconds as the swift movements skill ended and Zero re-appears in front of seth a few feet away as they stared at one another.

If anyone outside of the battle saw the scene they would be amazed how fast that interaction went about. Zero stared at Seth's body looking at the different spots he attacked as it only left scratches on the boss skin.

("Tough Skin bastard! I even used my strongest One-Handed sword skill and it still only left just a few marks...I got to get better swords after this Raid I wonder if Tony could make me a sword as well like he been doing for himself lately. Well I guess fun time is over.") Zero thought to himself as he pulled out his Guardian bow as it hums to life glowing with power.

"I see you starting to take our fight more serious. I will gladly return the favor by getting serious as well now show me the power that slayed my children!!!" Seth Roars out with a burst of yellow aura that shook the whole arena.

Seth body looked different it was twice as small than before four more arms sprouting out of his body along with his scorpion tail bigger than he was wrapped around his body like a shield with the stinger looking exactly like the Glaive he was wielding.

Seth crouched low ready to pounce. Before he could Zero release an arrow as it Exploded right in front of Seth's face dust cloud was shown as Zero shot another just as Seth figure appears out of the smoke.

Seth eyes widen as this shot was alot more powerful as he was flung backwards through the sandstorm as it dispersed. Seth slammed into the gate Where his children had came from at the beginning of the battle hard leaving a dent. More golden arrows arrived pinning each limb even the scorpion tail to the gate.

The Scorpion king only knew fear one time in his long life. And now he felt it a second time in this life staring at those cold red eyes of Zero like looking directly at Death.

"You said earlier you was returning the favor by getting serious. I will also do the same by granting your Final Death Wish with my strongest attack." Zero says as he activated his Ultimate Skill: Charged Shot.

The bow hums with power greater than before or any time he used it. Forming an arrow 3 times bigger than the usual size.

Zero Release The arrow it blasted off like a Cannon. The arrow looked like a powerful beam from an orbital strike. Seth looked at the attack and chuckles as it hits the Scorpion king Erasing the powerful boss from Existence along with the sand golems crumble back into the sands as only destruction was left the large gate was gone.

"If that was your strongest attack. Than I have no worries about my defeat. because you will need more than that to Defeat my Lord Good Luck Zero you will need it....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" King Seth lord of the desert final words echoed out as Zero paid it no mind but looked at the Notifications he was seeing glowing.

[ Charged Shot hits a Weak Spot for {-802,750} critical Damage!!]

[Area Announcement The player Zero has Defeated The Arena Floor Boss King Seth Lord of The Desert.]

[Unlocking The way forward! This area can now be used as a respawn point for players Congratulations!]

Contribution points will be handed out as the system see fit from the battle. The Contribution Leaderboard is now available to look at!]

Zero looked at the contribution Leaderboard and he couldn't help but chuckle with the feeling of pride as he saw his name in the first spot with more points than the rest of the players in the raid alot more at that. he can already feel the burning eyes of Envy burrowing in his back.

Zero saw that he had over 15k contribution points the only one that was even close to him in points was one of the twins from beyond party Noah in second place with over 10,000 points 3rd was Ambrose from the research club with over 8,000. Zero was surprised to see the next three in the top were all support class players like Cupid and Zander having over 5k points.

"Good job Ranger Captain Zero. I knew my master made the right choice asking you to help out with this raid." A familiar voice spoken up from behind Zero it was Kon walking up towards him with a friendly smile.

"Not all agree on that." Zero says nonchalant looking at kon as kon notice a few eyes was still on zero teeming with hate or jealously.

Than he saw a few with Determination and amazement in their eyes.

"I think some might say otherwise." Kon says with a chuckle as Zero notices beyond and his party along with Zander with a few of G.O.D members, Silent monkey, Phantom and even the council members of the research club was all coming towards him.

"Yet again our mysterious guide Zero is the center of attention. That was a spectacular display of power Zero I'm starting to believe you really are a hidden class player." Zander says with a teasing smile on his face.

Zero rolled his eyes at the bard and just ignored him as Silent Monkey was examining him up and down with curiosity as Zero looks at him wondering what the thief was doing.

"You sure this guy isn't some NPC. There's no way a player can move like he does or one shots four bosses. Can anyone care to Explain that!?" Silent Monkey question as everyone around them also started to look curious as well.

"That's because he's a damn cheat! A fucking hacker! There's no way for a player to have such skills!!! We should all report this clown and get his character banned!" Yells out a familiar angry voice.

It was Bloodbath along with a few of his goons like Markov and the goblin that fought Romeo Dax.

"Yeah! I never seen or heard of anyone doing something like this. He gotta be a hacker!!" Dax yells out pointing at Zero.

Zero sighs in annoyance at the two dummies in front of him than looks at Markov who was to scared to even speak up with them as he instantly looked away.

"W-wait just a minute folks we can't just assume some one is a cheater. Plus we all know you can't hack an Ai program game. It's impossible the Ai would detect any type of cheating." Beyond says looking back towards Zero.

"You saying it's impossible. But what if it is a way with the way how technology is now. There can be An Ai program that could trick other Ai's."Silver Viper says as everyone went quite than they all looked at Zero.

"Or he was lucky enough to get a unique skill." Noah spoke up.

"We came to the same solution as well." Ambrose says as the other council members nodded in agreement.

"Oh my God enough of this bullshit! So what if he can one shot. He just got lucky and killed the boss before I could get to him. I'm ready for the next phase I need my contribution points up why are we just sitting here talking like a bunch of critics!" Draco yells out as everyone looked at him like he interrupted the most important discovery of all time.

"I agree with Draco. No matter how much we try to solve Zero let's not forget we are here for a raid." Wolf spoke up and everyone nodded along.

Zero was surprised at the brute Draco for speaking up for him and was even more thankful for Wolf getting the attention off him.

"Wolf got a point. Let's get back to the raid. Just like last time Silent you and your scouting party get to work." Beyond says as Silent nods with acknowledgement.

"Okay peeps let's get to it. On me!" Silent Monkey yells out towards Zero and the rest of the gathered scouting party as they dash off towards the tunnel where the gate use to be.

A hand grabs zero before he could dash off with the others. Zero looked at who it was Draco looking at him with a determined look.

"Don't think for a second I'm on your side Ranger. Just know I will beat you to that legendary reward." Draco says with a confident smile while Gripping his wrist even harder.

"Whatever you say. Actions speak louder than words." Zero says as he snatched back his wrist and dashed after the rest of the scouting party.

Zero caught up to the scouting party. The tunnel they was in was huge. This time Zero didn't have to activate his night vision skill. Torches was on the walls flickering while they past by.

"Sorry about that back there. I know it wasn't easy to be put under the microscope." Misty says with a apologetic look as Zero looked her.

"It's nothing. Ain't like I never delt with something like that being ridiculed and accused of things Im not worry at all." Zero say nonchalantly as Misty looked at him flabbergasted and than giggles.

"Haha...that's so like you Zero why did i except anything more. I remember when you saved us back than you had the same attitude like now when we ask similar questions. And do you remember what you told us?" Misty asked looking at Zero with a childish grin.

"That it was between me and the system." Zero says

"Yup! That was it. But Zero how come..." Misty was about ask a question but held it when all their attention was snatched away by the end of the tunnel and they was on a cliff looking at a vast cavern and below them was a maze.

"Whoa... this place is huge." Misty says in awe in till a large flying creature zoomed by scaring the druid she yelps with an echo.

Zero looked at the maze and saw creatures all over the place both on the ground and air.

"Oh god why a maze ugh...I hate mazes." Silent Monkey says with a disappointing look.

Than a system message appears in front of their vision.

[You Have arrived at the maze floor. Find the escape route and defeat the harpy queen to proceed to the next floor. Good luck Travelers !]