Tomb of The Dark Djinn Part 4

A Deafening howl echoed out across the Maze. A large sized tier 4 hyena beast about the same size of a box truck was leading a pack of smaller hyenas around tier 1-2. They was all feasting on a large size boar about the size of an elephant. The leader hyena stop eating as she slowly looks backwards with a low growl as the rest of the beast turned towards what their leader was looking at.

The large hyena yelps as a powerful golden explosion erase her and the whole pack from Existence. A crater was left behind as Zero figure was shown a few feet away with his powerful bow in hand.

"Even though hyenas are assholes and they probably deserved that. I still think that was overkill " Silent Monkey spoke up from behind Zero.

"Efficient and simple." Phantom says looking around for more threats.

"Yeah! But at the cost of our CP((AN: Short for contribution points)).Only zero is getting all the benefits here. Which by the way I'm not exactly complaining here and try to annoy you oh great one Shotter! Im just expressing my American rights or is it Euphorian rights? since we are in a whole other world... hmm." Silent Monkey says with curiosity on his face as his mind was now occupied with something else.

Zero looks at the Thief as if something was wrong with him. Zero just shook his head as a Large hand pats his shoulder. Zero look to see their party's tank Divine.

"Don't let that little rascal get to you Zero. I'm honestly grateful. As a tank it's usually my job to be on edge but with Phantom's [Scan] Skill that can tell us the weaknesses and strengths of the enemy and your cool as unique skills I can relax a bit." Divine says with his usual charming Smile along with Misty who put her little two sentence of gratitude in as well.

Zero just nodded at them as the group continued on through the Maze.

("Even though they saying it's okay for now. But eventually their gamers Greed will take over. I myself agree with Silent on his viewpoint if It was the other way around. Especially since the other raid groups possibly done made alot more CP by now since they entered the Maze floor a few hours ago. Maybe I should calm down a little and let them take over the next few fights without interference and only jump in when its too much for them to handle.") Zero thought to himself as the group came to a stop hearing a battle going on not to far from their location.

They all looked at one another and nodded as they picked up the pace towards the action.

Arriving to the battle the scouting group notice right away the tier 4 Harpy creatures from the sky a flock of them was fighting another group of travelers and the monsters out numbered them. Zero looked and recognized a few of the players.

Leading the charge was the player Bloodbath. With NK Shane and Zander Noteslayer by his side supporting him along with six other random players that Zero did not recognize at all. The battle was Fierce with spells and all kinds of skills being thrown out even with Shane pet's the group was getting overwhelmed.

"How the hell did those guys attracted the harps!? Let's go and try to help out before- welp never mind! Looks like those bastards just flew off with one of ours damn that gotta suck to die like that! Hey! We coming to back you guys up!!!" Silent Monkey yells out as he dashed off along with the rest of the scouting group activating their movement skills.

Zero stayed back watching the chaos unfold. Kon stands beside him watching it with him.

"I think its my turn this time Ranger Captain Zero. Allow me to handle this instead of you." Kon says towards a confused Zero who was about to speak up in till he saw a bright white light in the flock of harpies that turn into a deafening supernova as white Flames explode and turn all the harpies into ash.

Zero eyes widen along with the whole area going quite only the crackling of small white Flames can be heard.

Everyone attention was on them.

"That was unexpected." Zero says towards Kon who smirked.

"Heh. Thats nothing compared to you Captain and plus it takes alot out of me when I do that. So don't always rely on me for doing something like this again." Kon says with a light chuckle as both him and Zero walk towards the group as they all waited on the two of them to arrive.

"Bloody fucking hell Kon!!! You could always do that mate!?" Silent Monkey yells out in pure surprise.

"Having both you and Zero is like easy mode right now." Misty says towards both kon and Zero as everyone nodded except the ones they saved.

"Oh great. It's the fucking hacker! Just our luck first we all got separated from our groups by the damn traps in this Accursed Maze teleporting us." Bloodbath says with irritation in his tone.

Divine looked like he wanted to say something back at the Dark knight. But look towards Zero as Zero shakes his head in a no towards the Lancer.

"No shit? there's traps in this damn Maze as well!? Ughhhh I hate mazes." Silent Monkey says as if he ate something really sour.

"I one hundred percent agree with you Monkey boy! Why couldn't they just make this floor a puzzle one instead. I think I'm pretty good with puzzles isn't that right viewers!" Zander says as he was facing towards an invisible camera and posing.

"Hey!! Who you calling Mon-" Before Silent could finish he was cut off by phantom.

"Seems like we are stuck together now. Silent you should contact Beyond and get him to group these guys with us. That way the support players can easily do their job." Phantom says as Silent looked at him with a childish look as he puff up his face with annoyance crossing his arms than sighs seeing phantom not showing any reaction towards him.

"Okay, okay fine. Give me a second damn robocop." Silent Monkey says as he messaged Beyond and a few moments later they was all group up and continued through the Maze the small scouting group of 5 was now 10 making the fights alot more easier.

Even more so with Zero destroying every group of monsters that tried to Ambush them. After a few more hours the group arrived at a dead end.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Just fucking great a bloody dead end this is why I hate mazes." Silent Monkey says fuming from frustration.

"Guess we have to back track. Too bad the other group haven't gotten any luck finding the entrance to the boss room." Misty says as Zero noticed kon in deep thought looking at the floor harder than usual than his eyes widen.

"Do not. Come any closer!!" Kon yells out towards the last player that arrived at the dead end and the whole floor just vanished under their feet as if it was made up of illusion magic.

They all was falling into the abyss. Zero was confused wondering why his [Sixth Sense] skill didn't go off like the other traps they encountered. Zero felt in his soul that he wasn't going to respawn from this so he just enjoyed the fall unlike most.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I take it back I love mazes just don't let me respawn I do not want to go through this bs again you hear me project Yggdrasil!!! I take it all back Ahhhhhhh!!" Silent Monkey yells as you can see literal tears coming from the thief.

"Misty!!! Can't you turn into some big ass eagle and fly us back up! Or shane what about that big ass bird of yours I know it can fit a few of us!" Zander yells as his eyes was closed

"Impossible it doesn't work like that. My flying form isn't big enough to even fit a gnome on my back." Misty says as they kept falling

"Unfortunately I can only possibly save three of us and fly back up. But with misty not helping our odds are not looking to good." Shane says until eventually they landed in a spacey room that looked like a secret place where evil scientists would experiment on the innocence.

Zero and the group got a notification.

[You Have Discovered The hidden Trap room solve the puzzle before the timer runs out.]

They only had an hour and 30 minutes.

The room started to shake violently. As some of the floor started to crumble and only platforms that can only fit two people was seen around the room as a system message pops up.

[The Trap Room has been activated all stats are decreased and skills are disabled. Escape the room before the platforms crumbles into the abyss.]

Zero looked around to find the exit and he saw it at the other side of the room. He saw the rest of the group heading towards it.

After about a good 5 seconds the platforms crumbles once you jump. But than he notice if more than one person jumps on the same platform it crumbles alot quicker and with how the condition of this trap room is it will take alot of effort and teamwork to get to the exit.

Zero see a ping from the group chat.

[Silent Monkey: "Bloody hell! a fucking jump puzzle! alright folks it seem like we going have to watch the platforms we are jumping on. and make sure the ones behind us will have a path to follow. try your best to coordinate with the people around you."

Zero was slightly surprised at the message seeing that beyond was right about Silent being useful and a decent leader.

("but...this situation") Zero thought to himself as he sighs seeing that him and kon was the furthest from the exit than the rest. he has no problems trusting Kon but other players is a different story.


Zero just had to trust his luck. Him and kon coordinate through the trap room jumping between the platforms. as they caught up to the half way point. where a few players were in front of them and zero notice it was Shane and bloodbath. they both looked at each other and nodded. that's when zero felt his stomach dropped.

The two players both converge on zero and kon's path towards the exit.

("fucking snake bastards!!! using this moment to get at me what the fuck!") zero yells in his mind as he hurried and type in the group chat.

[Zero]: "Hey! what the hell you guys trying to pull here!"

[NK Shane]: "Sorry zero but we didn't see no other path forward but this way."

[Zero]: Bull shit!! you guys are purposely doing this."

[Bloodbath]: "are you trying to accuse us of something hacker?? as the rules say finders keepers!! find your own platforms we spotted these first and saw that it was our best bet at getting to the exit"

[Zero]: "what type of childish bull shit logic is that asshole. you guys really going to sacrifice an innocent NPC because of your selfish motives trying to kill me!?"

Zero started to feel his anger boil over. as the rest of the group started to notice what was going on and their eyes were wide looking at the situation as some made it to the exit while the rest was almost there.

[Misty Shura]: "Shane wtf!"

[Silent Monkey]: "Awe cmon mates. you really have to do this now?"

"[Divine]: "Not cool at all...we supposed to be working together! you guys hit a new low for this."

[Zander Noteslayer]: "Kon you totally did not deserve this! Dick move SHANE!"

Zero tried to look for other ways forward but all the paths forward was taken or was gone into the abyss. Zero looked towards Kon.

"I'm sorry man. I kno-" zero was about to say something but was cut off by Kon.

"do not be ranger captain Zero we can not control what is not in our power to. but it has been a pleasure working beside you." Kon says as he bows respectfully towards zero as zero was lost for words. Kon platform crumbles first and he fell into the abyss as his icon greyed out.

Zero looked towards both Bloodbath and Shane with a glare that could kill them as the made it to the exit as they both look back at zero with a smirk.

[Zero]: "I swear when I see you two again nothing in this world will stop me from killing you both."

Zero says in the group chat as his platform also crumble from under him as he fell into the abyss. with misty yelling for his name.

"ZEEEEEEEEERRRRRRROOOOOOOO!!!!" Misty yells out as she see his name greyed out from the group. than she looks towards the two players responsible for two of their group members being killed off.

"listen misty. before you get all riled up just listen to our story of what happen." shane says at an upset misty as he started explaining what happen out there.

Bloodbath started walking towards the exit but was stop by silent monkey grabbing his arm and divine blocking his way.

"I know you got this whole bad ass dark knight pirate shit going on mate. but that shit back there was a new low even for you. im not feeling sorry for zero cause he can respawn but that NPC cant. how we going to explain this to beyond?" Silent says this all in a more serious tone than his usual self. 

Bloodbath looked at the thief class player and just smiled with a wide grin. leaning down close to silent's ear.

"Cmon now Monkey we both know that as a rouge like yourself dont really care as long as you get your rewards right? well with that hacking piece of shit taking care of you can possibly now easily get more CP and get the rewards you deserve. and as for beyond just let me handle that." Bloodbath whispered into Silent monkey's ear.



Silent monkey frowned but than let go of bloodbath's arm as the minotaur looked at divine who than looked at silent who nodded as he let the dark knight walk by heading through the exit of the trap room.

Feeling something trying to wake him up Zero slowly opens his eyes and see Kon trying to wake him as he slowly got himself together.

"Kon your still alive?' Zero says with a surprise tone in his voice.

"Guess you cant get rid of me that easy just yet Captain." Kon says with a smile as he help zero up to his feet. as zero notice that they was in some large room full of all kind of treasure and artifacts.

"uhhh... where are we?" zero questioned 

"I think its some kind of vault." kon says also looking around curiously as they both moved forward and a system message appears.


[You have discovered the hidden boss room Vault of The Dark Djinn

Defeat the hidden boss to gain a bonus reward once clearing the raid.]

Zero read the message.

"Hidden boss?" zero question but soon as he did his [Sixith Sense] skill activated and the room shook as under the sea of treasure and artifacts a gigantic cobra about 50 feet long with its scales blending in with the treasure poking its ugly head out looking directly at zero and kon with its rainbow swirling hypnotized eyes.

"its been sss-so long sss-since i had a decent meal please dont sss-struggle much it will only take a sss-second." The giant cobra says towards them

"oh, great it can even talk." zero says as he analyzed the creature.

[Name: Lord Basil "Guardian of The Vault"]

[ Level : 💀 ]

[ Health : 1.3M/1.3M]

[Stamina: 750K/750K ]

[Mana: 500K/500K]

[ Race: Giant Serpent]

[ Bio: Known through out the ages for being the Dark djinn's pet guarding his most valuable treasures. those that was stupid enough to break in the vault was never seen again.