Tomb of The Dark Djinn Part 6

After the defeat of the Harpy queen. Silver Viper felt confident, who would have ever thought Beyond and the leader for [Earth's Mightiest] guild Bane had such brilliant ideas to take on the boss she reminded herself never to underestimate them again.

She knew about paragon's Strategist the Archer Tesla. And only thought it was going to be up to both her and Tesla to come up with a plan but fortunately not all the players here was useless. Especially with epic class monsters like Draco and Bane the fight against The Harpy queen went way smoother than she thought it would go.

With the death toll being less than the last boss fight as well. Possibly cause of the bard class player Zander who she considered the mvp of the battle with his buffs. Viper looked around the courtyard of bones and the dead bodies of Tier 4 harpies and players. Looking at the large tree Bane summoned using his Ultimate Skill. She shook her head at how ridiculous that skill was it drew in all the aggro including the tier 5 mini boss that Divine was Tanking. making the monsters rush towards it like moths to a flame.

Being Impaled by branches of the tree and taking Damage over time like the tree was alive. That skill made the fight so much easier, and the players was able to release all their powerful skills on the boss killing it with Tesla being the one to deliver the last attack using her ultimate skill.

Silver Viper couldn't help but chuckle at Draco. Who was having a tantrum like a three year old about the kill. Taking a few players to hold him back from jumping on the Archer.

Beyond calls for the raid to continue moving forward as they walk towards the next area. They walked through a large double door leading them inside the castle under the mountain which she started to call it instead of a tomb.

Silver Viper immediately noticed how well decorated this place was even kings of wealthy kingdoms would be jealous. Then she felt it a pressure of such raw killing intent that made her froze in place. She looked around and saw all the players around her was affected by it except both Bane and Draco who looked forward as she did as well think it was another boss fight. But no, it was Zero and Kon whose attire looked like they were in a house fire than the Ranger vanished from sight.

Viper looked surprised seeing the Ranger reappears in the middle of their group. She saw blood as it sprayed everywhere as the player Bloodbath head flew off his body like it was made of butter. She didn't even see when zero unsheathe his sword.

Zero target Shane next. Her eyes widen in alarm trying to protect her comrade she tried using a spell. But was under the fear debuff.

("Damn it! What the hell is Zero doing!? Did he lose his mind??") Silver Viper thinks to herself as she felt a powerful ancient aura burst from Shane as he turned into a hybrid of his two pets. Silver Viper was shocked to see the skill Shane used as he was able to move and put up a defense against the Ranger well trying to at least.

The fight was one sided even with the burst of Shane's ultimate skill form. That comes from his hidden class Beast Master. Only her and the rest of the war council of generals in the guild knows this as Viper prays that no player figures this out as the tamer class is popular and that skill Shane used isn't one a tamer should have.

She felt another pressure this time it was even more heavy she was forced to her knees even Draco and Bane were unable to stand normal.

("Just what did you do to piss this guy off Shane!?") Silver Viper thinks to herself as she could tell the powerful killing intent wasn't towards anyone else in the raid but Shane's as she could feel it like a degree from a royal parchment of an Emperor or better yet a God of death knowing it was impossible to stop what was going to happen.

Like she thought and felt Silver Viper saw Shane's character being blasted into nothingness as a crater was formed where he was just at. The pressure dyed down slowly as if some turn on the oxygen for the players to breathe easy again.

("Is this the power of the skill killing intent at max level?") Silver Viper question in her mind as she was able to move again along with everyone else as Beyond and Zero talked and got the raid back on track as the fools cheered at going to face the final boss Viper shakes her head as she says "Monster..." under her breath.

Continuing on forward the large double doors opens for the raid team as they walked inside and immediately noticed they arrived in the throne room where The Dark Djinn awaits sitting on his throne like an Emperor of limitless power.

"Ah my dear guess, have your little squabble ended? Hear I thought you all will kill yourselves before presenting me the opportunity of doing it myself." The Dark Djinn says with a smile.

"Unlike you we wouldn't dare bring ourselves towards extinction!" Beyond yells out as the Djinn stared at him than laughs like a mad man than looked serious.

"If only you Travelers knew of the past. truly known why my race had to Sacrifice it all to make me into the being I am....but what's the point in dabbling with Lessers like you all. I will instead show the Heavens why my Resurrection is best thing that could benefit this world! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Mufasa says laughing like a mad man as he floats into the air waving his powerful looking staff.

Zero looked at the staff the Djinn was using. it was color gold the tip of it was twirling around a purple bright whisp like it was caged. A powerful pressure of mana was released from the Djinn as purple-colored runes glowed all across the throne room.

Zero vision went dark. Almost as if they were teleported Zero saw like a galaxy nebula in the background as if they were in another dimension now. larger than life itself the dark Djinn was huge as if he could swallow the world only his face was visible.

"Oh, great a giant boss fight." Zero says nonchalantly as he looked for a [Weak Spot].

Surprised Zero couldn't find any on the large face of the Djinn.

("Shit just my luck.") Zero thought to himself.

Zero notices a third eye appears on the Djinn's forehead. The eye opens the color was devoid of light just darkness glowing with that same purple colored mana as the scorpion princess had used in the fight at the arena.

An orb of this purple Arcane energy was forming in front of the eye. Zero Sixth Sense skill was buzzing like crazy warning him of the danger that thing was about to unleash.

"TO ME TRAVELERS!!!" Kon yells out as he steps out in front slamming his staff down as a white aura was leaking out from Kon. The Djinn eyes widen with surprise looking at the staff than it changes into anger. Zero rushed towards Kon along with the raid at seeing the reaction of the Djinn.

"H-how did you come by that weapon human!? those white flames! you are a descendent of asuka! yet you still try to mess with my plans thousands of years later with your seed!" Mufasa yells out with anger unleashing the power of the orb forming into a beam of pure destruction.

Kon formed a white bubble-like shield that protected the raid. the beam crashed into the shield holding strong against the attack. as it died down Kon used another spell waving his new staff. white flames coated the raid team weapons.

"This blessing will help with the fight! those who use soul attacks will need it for this fight!" Kon yells out as zero checked out the blessing he received from Kon.

[Blessing of The Prophet King: The prophet king has blessed you with Soul fire for your weapons and increase 25% damage using soul magic or Ki attacks.]

"well holy shit Kon!? when did you get an upgrade?" Silent monkey question as a few other players were interested as well.

"Master Silent as much as I would love to entertain you on the matter of my new tier of power. I think we have more pressing concerns to intend to." Kon says with a light chuckle and smile.

"He's right monkey we got a big fat face to fight!" beyond says in a heroic like voice with a serious face which made a lot of players laugh under their breathe and a few spamming "lmao" in the raid chat even zero couldn't help but laugh at the comment.

"Same plan like with the Harpy queen?" Spice spoke up.

"Impossible melee combat will be useless in this fight. we have no choice but to use a different plan of action here." Silver Viper says as a few players agree with a nod.

" Enough of your foolish lollygagging Lessers. I will end your lives here and turn my wrath towards Asuka next DIE!!!!" The Dark Djinn yells out with a menacing look as another beam shoots towards them as Kon protected the raid once again.

"Whatever you guys got plan. need to hurry I can't keep doing this forever!" Kon yells out as he struggle with the dark djinn's attack

the group kept arguing about how to defeat the dark djinn for the next few seconds than beyond looks toward zero who in return notice the stare and knew he wanted his opinion on the situation. 

"Zero is there a way you can help with this fight? or have an idea on defeating the boss?" Beyond ask the range as zero felt all eyes on him yet again.

"there is only one idea I can think of....burn away at the boss with our strongest attacks in till we trigger something. Zero says nonchalantly as they all looked at him like he was the dumbest guy in the room.

"Wait mate! how come you're not using your op skill to one shot the fat face fucker there?" Silent monkey ask as all was quiet and wondering the same thing.

"Unfortunately, my [Weak Spot] skill does not work on him. that's why I think he's the type of boss we have to fight through phases and this phase I think it's all about doing a lot of damage before he wipes us all with an instant kill attack like that beam, he uses." Zero says towards the raid.

"Ha! I guess you really was just some, one trick pony! I guess Shane was right about you, rich boy!" Dax says teasing zero as he ignore the goblin swashbuckler class player.

"I think we should go with zero plan." Silver viper says as zero looked surprise at that.

"I also agree with the plan." Tesla says along with spice and the paragon guild than also the research guild agreed too than it wasn't too long that the rest of the raid team was on board with the idea.

"if we wipe don't say I didn't warn you all about trusting that fucking hacker." Dax says walking past zero spitting towards his feet with disgust on his face.

("Maybe I should have killed him too...nah I got away with bloodbath and Shane because they realize how fucked up the two was and didn't interfere with our quarrel. He wants me to kill him just to show them I'm just some brat with a bad temper but I'm not going to fall for it...the quicker we defeat this djinn the better.") zero thinks to himself.

The beam died down again. Kon shield held strong as he took it down the raid begin attacking the Djinn. raining down spells, bullets, arrows. at the giant face of the dark Djinn for a full 10 minutes.

than the Djinn's third eye begin to open again as he cast another spell this time the orb drops down onto the platform the raid team was on turning into slime like black ooze.

Figures around 7-foot-tall merge out of the black ooze. Their Skin was grey with athletic looking bodies long black claws with long elf ears bald heads with black tribal like tattoos covering their chest all the way up to the head with a third eye the same color as the dark djinns.

"Go my children! kill them all!" The dark djinn yells out as the creatures Vanish in dark purple smoke and re appears. behind the players zero reacted to his enemy with inhuman reflexes and unsheathe his sword slashing out towards its neck as the head flew off from its shoulders turning back into the dark purple like smoke again going back into the dark djinns eye.

Zero looked around seeing that most players did not react to the creatures too well as they were either killed or injured pretty bad. 

Zero eyes widen when he saw one of the creatures shoots a beam out of their third eye at a player, he was able to block it with his shield. the player seems out of breath as it took all his stamina to hold up the shield. Zero pulled out his bow and released a Ki arrow as it penetrates through its skull making the little djinn minion turn into smoke. 

The player looked towards zero with a thankful look than nods towards the ranger as zero returns the gesture back.

"Melee deal with the adds!! range keep attacking the boss. tanks and supports help melee!" Beyond yells out over the battlefield.

The battle was fierce as the players was trying their best at giving their all even Kon was dealing damage to the boss and minions with terrifying display of his soul fire attacks. 

"ENOUGH!!!" Mufasa yells out as all his minions turn back into that dark purple smoke going back into his third eye. 

"It's time I end this foolishness. BE GONE LESSERS AS I SHOW YOU THE TRUE POWER OF A GOD!!!" The Dark Djinn yells out as Zero Sixth Sense skill buzz way more intense than it ever had.

A heavenly pressure was called down on the raid. Zero notice it but wasn't affected by it as everyone around him kneels or was lying flat on the floor face first struggling to move. zero only saw two other players that was standing but barely. it was both Bane and Draco as they were walking slowly with a few players in tow towards Kon who was yelling towards zero.

"Zero try to save as many of the travelers you can bring them towards me, we make our final stand here!" Kon yells out as zero already notices a few players around the prophet king. focuses on the players around him zero saw only two he considers worth the trouble before he could dash away a low voice like a whisper spoke towards zero.

Zero saw it was Dax pleading for his life for zero to help zero just laughs at the swashbuckler and continue his dash towards the twins from beyond party picking them up as they thank him and arriving in Kon's shield at the nick of time as the Dark djinn unleashed a devastating attack that destroyed everything around them. zero hears the scream of the players who wasn't able to make it to Kon as they were erased from existence zero vision went white.

Zero vision return to normal as he checks his surroundings, they were back in the throne room. Kon collapse to one knee holding his staff as he breathes hard. beyond was by his side along with a few support class players like Misty, and cupid who started to heal him.

"It seems I underestimated you travelers. to survive my attack just now you truly are the descended of Asuka." Mufasa says towards the raid floating high in the air like he was bored and could do this all day if he has to.

The Dark Djinn starts to float down landing not too far from the raid. Zero notice all the long-range players were all dead except him. and the twins Noah and Naomi.

"Give up now Lessers! and I will award you handsomely for helping my return or die here like the roaches you are." The Dark Djinn says in a cold Authority like voice.

"Like hell we will! no type of reward will ever change our mines Djinn! we are going to stop you here and now!" Beyond yells out as he readies his weapon along with the rest of the raid who was determined to finish this to the end. 

Zero felt something from beyond that he never felt before from anyone a surge of energy that made him think they was going to win this fight even with the building pressure of killing intent coming from the dark Djinn zero determination never wavier under the pressure.

"So that is your choice, fine than die like the insects you are!" Mufasa yells out his third eye opens as if he lifts the flood gates on his mana as it pours out with a wave of dark purple mana.

Zero used his skill Weak Spots on the dark djinn he saw it the highlighted red spot glowing on the dark djinn's forehead. Zero felt that it wasn't going to be easy getting an attack off to defeat the djinn once and for all he's going to need all the help he can get for this next part.

"Guess it's time to use that skill." Zero says with determination his eyes glowing red with anticipation.