Tomb of The Dark Djinn Finale

"Show them the power of The Djinn's Ultimate weapon my child." Mufasa says out loud as his golden-colored staff moved forward towards ground in front of the raid as it starts to form into a humanoid shape.

"Oh, fuck even the damn weapon has a final form well fuck me!" Silent Monkey yells out.

Zero Analyze the weapon.

[Item Name: Living Weapon]


[Item Rating: Divine]


[Mana: 500K/500K]

[Race: Bioweapon]

[Bio: Created by the Djinn race to become the ultimate weapon of the djinn the living weapon was made of the strongest metals and Powerful monster & humanoids bones.

Along with the most powerful magic known as Arcane Corruption. This Weapon has been the Dark Djinn most accomplished creation and a powerful legacy left by The Djinn Race.

Zero eyes almost bulged out of his eye sockets seeing the item Rating.

("D-Divine!?.... what the fuck! Never even heard of that Rating is it higher than legendary??") Zero thought to himself as the battle begins as the living weapon form finalized and showed that it was some kind of golden metal like man standing over 9 ft tall no face just a blank golden shape oval at the center of its stomach was a purple orb of Flames same color as the Djinn's magic.

Zero sees the red highlighted brightly for the orb. As The Dark Djinn rains powerful corrupted Arcane bolts at the raid. Azure Wolf block a few with his shield to protect a few players along with Von who also covered a few with his bubble-like force field.

The living weapon dashed forward like a Rocket as its hands form into long metal claws that came down on Kon Who was defenseless. Bane Intervene with his shield with a loud booming impact echoed out as Bane grunts from being pushed back a bit from the attack.

Draco yells out in a battle cry as he rushed the living weapon. It kicks off Bane shield and meets Draco head on with its claws as they both clash claw against Axes. Rapid exchange of attacks too fast for the eye to see as it got through Draco sending him flying with a powerful punch in his gut the berserker sliding a few feet away as it pursued after Draco.

A Root burst out of the ground grabbing the weapon by its legs. stopping it in place. It instantly turns its head at the culprit like a killing machine. Misty yells in fright at the reaction.

Its legs turned into chainsaws cutting up the roots as two holes opens up on its face a purple-colored laser beam shoots out of the eyes straight at Misty as she froze in place as the attack hit with an explosion.

The dust clears as Misty blinks rapidly and checked to see if she was alive with relief. Zero was standing in front of her as she saw the small crater right by Zero as she knew it was him that saved her. Before she could say thank you the Ranger was already gone.

Zero looked over towards the fight with the Djinn it seems like Beyond and his party along with silver Viper, Wolf, Von and Ambrose was taking on the Djinn with coordinating attacks.

Zero was impressed they was doing better than he thought. Then he saw why. Naomi the epic Witch class player was putting out debuffs on the Dark Djinn that made it to where he wasn't doing enough damage to instantly kill a few of them. and along with the bard Zander with his buffs making the raid more beefy Tanking attacks and faster at dodging but with no healing support that will all stop once the Djinn target them both which he actually starting to do now as Wolf and Von try their best to tank the attacks from the powerful Djinn.

Zero than looked back at the living weapon. It was a Menace changing forms as it now has eight limbs each turn into weapons with a few purple flames and lighting coating them. Silent Monkey, Phantom and Spice was helping Draco and Bane take on the weapon. Zero was surprised seeing Markov as well in the fight, having him there was helping a little with his Void Knight Debuff.

But with how it was going with no buffs for them from any support the enemy will possibly overwhelm them even with Misty and cupid healing them the fight isn't going their way at all.

Zero looks over towards Kon even without using Analyze Zero can tell Kon was out of juice. It was now up to him to finish this, he never used this Skill in a battle.

"As they say there is a first time for everything." Zero says with a smirk under his mask and Activated His Class ultimate Skill Time Control.

Before the Raid Started when Lucas entered the tomb.....

Mufasa was Thrilled when he finally awoke from his long slumber. The Accursed Heavens allowed him to have a second chance at conquering the world again and have his Vengeance against the ones that sealed him inside his own home or rather a tomb now.

All because of a Lesser sought him out to gain power. Power that this lesser could never understand. The Sacrifice all his people made to make him into the God he is now. Well, a Lesser God but all in all a God, nonetheless.

No longer having a body but just his soul which was the manifestation of his third eye. Mufasa was still able to see all his loyal followers that stuck with him in till the end as they all were kneeling. With the Lesser known as Lucas, kowtow in front of his throne babbling about the reason why he was here and offered his body to become my vessel.

What the Lesser doesn't know. he will be more than just some vessel to hold my power. He will be my Resurrection. After taking over the Lesser body and absorbing his soul I was able to see all of his memories.

"Such a pathetic Life of a wonder you sought me out." Mufasa says out loud as he felt a small army of intruders entering his domain.

"Surprised they acted so quickly. I'm quite interested in these so-called immortal beings from another world." Mufasa says with an evil laugh as the rune he placed activated teleporting the intruders to the arena to test their might.

Mufasa looked over the small army of travelers he wasn't impressed at all they auras felt weak nothing about them stood out. Mufasa decided to let the Lesser's know of his presence as they did, he felt them use the Analyze skill on him and then he notice a familiar figure among the crowd.

Mufasa himself didn't know the guy but the Lesser he took the memories from did. It was the Ranger that tried to take Lucas in. Mufasa smiled at the Ranger for making the Lesser rush even faster to the tomb and awaken him he considers awarding the Ranger for a job well done on his part.

Before he could one of the travelers walked forward speaking for the small army. Mufasa realized the guy was the leader and he decided to have a little fun as he used Telekinesis on the so-called leader. And found it amusing that these travelers took up arms as Mufasa Scoffs at the pathetic display of might. he showed the Lessers why it was foolish to threaten a god.

Mufasa released his God-like aura on the weak little travelers as they all were forced on their knees. All except three Mufasa was actually caught by surprise. Even more so by The Ranger. The Warden and Berserker was only saving face he could tell if he applied more, they would yield. But The Ranger seems unbothered as if there were no worries that a God that can smite you with a single attack wasn't a threat.

Mufasa couldn't help but laugh inwardly as he threw the leader back at the small army and gave Seth his orders. He couldn't wait to see how far they could make it through his home.

After a while later sitting on his throne they arrived. Half of them was left but nonetheless they survived, and fate was on their side. He watched them go through his home killing his loyal and strongest followers. He was especially surprised they found his hidden vault.

Mufasa was especially watching the Ranger his skills stood out way more than the rest of the raid. he defeated his strongest followers basically all on his own. Mufasa himself never seen anything like it how a mere lesser could have such power. Or is he really mortal Mufasa started to question. But it matters not he will show this Ranger and his small army of immortal Lessers the power of The Dark Djinn.

Back to the present time.....

Mufasa was furious beyond measures. The Accursed Heavens had to bring a descendant of Asuka and nonetheless a pure one at that.

("its like I'm fighting Asuka all over again. I am not being sealed again for another 10,000 years!!!!") Mufasa yells inwardly as he unleashed his most powerful attack in his inner world. They somehow survived as he was forced to bring them out of his inner world, he managed to weaken the descendant of Asuka and kill more than half of the raid group.

With the Descendant weakened. Only a few of the travelers left he had no choice but to use his most powerful creation to help him finish off these Lessers and leave this Accursed tomb and exact his vengeance and rule Euphoria with an iron grip to restore The Djinn Dynasty.

Mufasa was Ecstatic and cannot wait to finally be unleashed upon the world of Euphoria as him and His beloved Creation finish off the travelers as the tide of battle was turning towards his favor but then he felt it rather that he saw it.

A powerful magic concept as old as the universe itself. He felt it only a few times throughout his long life himself a concept even most gods fear.

("Time...but how!?") The Dark Djinn says inwardly looking directly at the source as everything was paused nothing could move not even the soul. Mufasa looked at the Ranger as his Aura was void of color as if The Djinn was colored blind seeing only shades of dense Dark Grey flare from the Ranger's body.

("How can a mere mortal control time!? That's impossible!!!") Mufasa yells out in his mind as two Golden arrows was formed from the Rangers bow. Then the Ranger unleash the arrows Mufasa looked at the attack coming at him and his creation like a shooting star across the night sky as it glowed brightly heading directly towards his Third eye.

("How did he know to target both me and my weapon...Noooooooo!!!!!!") The Dark Djinn yells out inwardly as he felt fear for the first time since becoming a God and also the last time as Darkness Embraced him for Eternity.

The Dark Djinn's body came flying down from the air with a loud Thud! as the head was no longer apart of the body. Along with the living weapon purple flaming mana core Shatters everywhere along with its body parts of the golden metal man like creature.

Everything was Silent until the multiple system messages popped up in front of their visions Zero sighs with relief and couldn't help but smile as the rest of the raid start cheering.

[ Area Announcement the Player Zero Has defeated The Raid Boss Emperor Mufasa "The Dark Djinn".]

[Congratulations Travelers!!!! the Raid Has been completed You have stopped a calamity before it began and is now rewarded a unique title Hero of Asuka along with your contribution points rewards!!"]

{You Have Defeated Emperor Mufasa "The Dark Djinn" +3.2 Million EXP ~Error~ You have Reach the maximum of experience points to store inside your character and class for future Level gain. ~ERROR~ EXP is null.} 

{You Have Defeated The Living Weapon +500,000 EXP ~Error~ You have Reach the maximum of experience points to store inside your character and class for future Level gain ~ERROR~ EXP is null.} 


[Congratulations! You have unlocked The Unique title Hero of Asuka.]

[Conditions Have been met You Have Unlock A hidden Title God-Slayer]

[Congratulations Player Zero!!! For obtaining First place on The Contribution points list You have been awarded 1 Legendary item, 1 Epic item. For defeating the hidden boss, you have been awarded a bonus. 1 Legendary item.

Zero was in awe seeing the awards he gotten from the raid one of the legendary items he received was The Living Weapon. Zero checked it out, it seems to have gotten a nerf. its rating no longer Divine but Legendary. it was cool seeing the description of the weapon able to grow with the user, you literally have to level up this thing from 1 to the max level which is 50 at the moment. it can also morph into anything the user desire which is even more cool. but leveling it up like some pet will be a grind fest.

Next item Zero looked at was the Epic item Glaive of The Scorpion King. it was the same weapon The arena floor boss used zero smiled at seeing it the thing was huge and heavy Zero saw how much Strength stat you need to even use it he was nowhere near close to that, and he honestly didn't care about using it in battle.

"Off to the weapon rack with you, big guy!" Zero says with pride at his new piece of weapon collection.

Zero now look at the next item the one he got from killing that hidden boss. it wasn't nothing spectacular as a weapon or armor but instead a document called Deed of The Djinn's Palace.

("Having A magical Palace under a mountain sounds cool and all but nah. I would rather pass on that I already have a home that I'm well used to now and it has everything I want in it, maybe selling it would be the right choice") Zero thinks to himself with a nod of approval.

Zero now looked at the titles and pulled up their descriptions. 

{Hero of Asuka: "You did it!! and saved the kingdom from a calamity." Your Charisma will be increased by 15% when title is active. Your reputation with the kingdom of Asuka is now Trusted. all vendors will sale their product to you 50% off.}

{God-Slayer: "You did the impossible and Slayed a God yeah you are reading that correctly." This unique title Increase all the user stats by 100% When fighting a boss tier or higher opponent only when title is Active.}

Zero re read the god slayer title once again and twice over. He couldn't believe a title can give out that much stat points to bad is only when he fights against bosses. which is fair he guesses with a shrug.


Just as he was finishing looking over his awards and notifications. Zero heard his name being called as he looked over to see it was Beyond making his way towards him along with the rest of what was left of the raid. 

"Zero!! you did it little bro!! I thought your skill wasn't working?" Beyond ask with a big goofy smile on his face

"Once we got out of that dimension, he had us in I was able to see his Weak Spots." Zero says nonchalantly.

"And you didn't think that information wouldn't be helpful during the fight at the end?" Silver Viper question as zero shrugs.

"eh, wasn't that important. worked out fine as you can tell." Zero says as everyone looked at him with a blank face.

than everyone went silent and looked at him weirdly. just as he was about to say something Zander spoke up first.



"Come now Zero, don't keep us all in suspense what was the legendary reward? we are all dying to know especially my chat they are like a horde of ravenous beast for loot reveal." Zander says as zero looked at the group around him as they face shown nothing but curiosity and greed oddly enough even draco was quiet.

Zero sighs as he showed them both of the legendary items, he received.

"Not one but two!? holy shit mate" Silent monkey yells out and the rest of the group gawked at the items with awe of being star struck.

"So what are your plans for those items Zero do you plan to use them or sell them?" Ambrose questioned.

"I'm thinking of selling the deed and giving Beyond The Living Weapon." Zero says this with no hesitation. everyone jaws dropped and some might have fell to the floor as they were too stun by Zero response. 

"B-but why give it to me Zero? it's a legendary item bro a weapon at that!?" Beyond yells out looking flabbergasted at zero. the rest of the group looked at him like he was crazy, but Ambrose looked at zero like he was his salvation.

"Before you say is it because of you being a popular streamer it's not and especially no to wanting to join your guild and I know you already know the reason around that." Zero says all this as beyond rubs the back of his neck with nervousness at the last part with a light chuckle.

"I'm giving you this weapon because you are the "Jack of All Trades" Right? this weapon was literally design for a player like you." Zero says this as he opens up a trade with Beyond putting the weapon up in the trade menu. 

Zero saw all of the shock and awe from beyond expression and almost saw a tear of joy shining in the corner of his eyes. Beyond accepted the trade and instantly hugged zero.

"Thank you Zero, I will make sure to make this weapon useful for The "Jack of all Trades" your Invesment in me will not go in vain." Beyond says with a determine look as zero nodded than looks towards Kon who was off alone looking towards the exit.

"By the way I'm putting the deed online for sale in the forums. the highest bidder wins." Zero says as he walks towards Kon who slightly turns his head towards the ranger.

"You know captain. it's funny how all this started for me. I was just some orphan street rat. in till my so-called aunt came and took me under her wing. I wasn't sure all this was real the prophecy; the Dark Djinn all of it. I thought the seer was just some loony old woman who took me in, and I was playing along, just happy to have a full stomach and a bed to sleep in if it means putting up with fairytales. I thought this was all some sick dream I couldn't wake from as I got older not knowing if my life really did have purpose or not. but then you appear and ever since then my life has been going full speed ahead and it seem I can't find the brakes for it." Kon says as he paused and zero waited for him to continue.

"Now I have purpose Zero. I Have the power to control my life now and it's because of you Zero. I thank you for this I know my purpose and will now go and fulfill it." Kon says as zero knew the man was serious as he never uses my first name only.

"Thanks again Captain for helping me this far but now we must part ways as our paths must separate for now, but I believe we will cross paths again one day in till than take care my friend." Kon says with a smile sticking his hand out as I nod and grip his hand.

"In till we meet again Kon may your travels be safe my friend." Zero says as they let go of the firm handshake and Kon proceeded to leave heading towards the exit as a notification popped up in zero vision.

[Kon stop following you.]

Zero looks back towards the group who also started to leave towards the exit as zero looked back at the throne of The Dark Djinn one final time and took a screenshot.

"I guess it was a hell of a raid." Zero says as he begins to walk towards the exit.

after a few minutes of walking arriving outside of Mt. evergreen cave entrance. Zero saw a bright golden beam piercing the sky as it took shape of a hooded old man.

A Notification appears in zero vision.

[World Wide System Announcement! Congratulations to the player Old Man. for unlocking The Legendary class Sage!]

"Wow really! it looks like everyone is getting a legendary something today but me! and is that guy name is really OLD MAN!? you got to be fucking kidding me mate! when will I get my turn sheesh." Silent monkey says as he kicks a rock towards a guard head and instantly regret it as the guard looks over at him with anger, but he only got a warning zero thought it must was luck that the thief class player got that unique title from the raid.

("I bet he wish a calamity could happen in every kingdom he steals from now but sage huh? I wonder what kind of abilities that class have it does sounds cool.") Zero thought to himself as he Summon Kali.

"Hey Bud miss me? I wasn't gone for too long, was I?" Zero ask the Shadow flame Wolf who just blew out a snort of hot air from his nose that blew in zero's face.

"I know you did boy! I miss you to maybe you should come with me next time. I'm pretty sure just you and me can kick whatever asshole tries to come back to life again and try to destroy a kingdom for vengeance of a lost race." Zero says as Kali looks at him like he was some loony elf boy zero chuckles at Kali reaction as he patted Kali and mounts up and they rode off back towards The Ranger's HQ without a calamity to worry about.