The Update

General Kaiden didn't know how to feel when the travelers returned Victorious. It wasn't jealously because they are now Known as Heroes of Asuka.

He was a Hero himself after all. But what he was feeling was both anger and shocked full of surprise.

The anger was the strongest of the emotions he felt right now. because these travelers ruined his plans that him and the council cooked up for years.

The shock of the matter was how did they kill a God. Even if My Lord was a lesser God, he was still a God, nonetheless. A being so powerful that he believes none of The Shadow Council could even compare to the might of The Dark Djinn.

General Kaiden Arrived at his Manor. He walked in as his servant's bow greeting the master of the house. He paid the Lesser's no mind and continued to walk towards his quarters.

Walking in another Servant was waiting on him as She bows The servant was of the vampire race wearing a maid outfit that fitted well with her lustful curves and huge breast with white colored ponytail hairstyle and seductive red eyes as she eyes the general with those eyes.

"The Council waits for you, my Lord." The maid says as Kaiden took off an all-black hooded cloak covering his entire body. If anyone from the kingdom of Asuka saw the General now, they would hardly recognize the man as his skin is red no longer tan. Black runic tattoos cover his arms as he still wear his famous golden armor. A Third eye can be seen on his forehead.

Seeing her master ready the maid opens a portal as they both step through. Arriving in a dark room with a round table only the moon's light illuminates the room from the ceiling opening. 13 chairs could be seen with 12 of the most powerful figures in the world sitting and waiting for him to take his own as he did so.

" apologies for keeping you all waiting. There were matters I had to handle before coming here." Kaiden says towards the council.

"I'm guessing these matters are pertaining to how our plans that involve a certain Dark Djinn is now ruined." A Voice full of irritation spoken up.

Kaiden looked at The troll known as Zu 'Buba The cultists leader of Malice The God of corruption. zu'buba was a hulking troll standing over 14ft purple skin tone with Black Tribal tattoos. Wearing a purple and red colored robe. With a wooden staff with a T-rex skull that had two Horns on it looking like a mythical staff of Ancient Magic.

"Not Ruined. Just a change of plans we can still work with what we got. Yeah, it would have been faster with a lesser God. But now we don't have to share, and I think we all agree here it was a wild card trusting... no hard feelings General, but a "Djinn" who Greed Sacrifice his whole race for his own path to godhood." A female voice spoke up

It was The Enchantress known as "the Queen of witches" who is the leader of all the covenants for warlock and witches she wore the usual folklore for witches' attire big black hat and a black dress that matches well with her green hair and pink colored eyes. And a nymph like body that makes model of the real-world envy especially considering how old the woman is.

"None taken." Kaiden says towards the Enchantress. As a clap echoed out getting all their attention.

"Now that all is here. Let's get started, shall we?" A deep cold voice spoken up.

This voice came from an entity known as The Shadow. A creature that is entirely made up of darkness that has a humanoid shape with white pure solid eyes.

"Let's start with the most important discussion. Please General explain in detail of the events that transpired over the last few days." The Shadow says towards Kaiden who look like some just pissed in his cereal this morning as he sighs and went into details about the Dark Djinn event.

The room went quite for a few moments as each individual were all in thought in till one troublesome one grabbed everyone's attention.

"So you are saying that a small raid group of travelers none of them with a powerful legendary class. Was able to stop a God's Resurrection Haha!..what's the point of becoming a God if you just going to die by mortals what a waste of power." The deep smooth voice that spoke was none other than their newest member "Akujin".

Kaiden looked at The Demon Lord of Sin with a hateful glare along with his slutty vampire whore princess who started giggling like a schoolgirl on his lap teasing him and rubbing his chest.

("Ignorance at the fullest!!!! Don't know why the council agreed to accept this Traveler as a part of our organization. So, what if he's a Damn Demon Lord with a little bit of power. I could crush him anytime! Just you wait traveler one of these days I will show you why my people Sacrifice so much!!!") Kaiden thought to himself as he still looked at Akujin like he wanted to pounce on him.

"Oh sorry! If I disrespected, you General. But if you keep looking at me that way Lilith here might get a little jealous." Akujin says with a wink teasing Kaiden as his anger was push to the limits as he shatters the chair, he was sitting in with raw mana pressure and a little bit of web cracks form on the table.

"Enough! Of the childish display boys shall we please continue this discussion." An icy serious female voice spoken up.

This person is known to the world as the "Ice Queen and goddess of the Snow Elves, Freya."

"Thank you, queen Freya, on to the next topic of discussion. There seems to be chatter about the Empress making her move soon. How should we address the issue council?" The Shadow question. As the aura of Freya cools down the two hot heads as Kaiden's maid pulls out another chair for him to sit.

"You all know my opinion on the situation. We should've taken care of her before she conquers the third kingdom!! Now look she basically rule all of the central Continent with an iron grip. Only allowing who she favor the most to the Old Trade Routes...I say let's get rid of her once and for all!" A high pitch male voice spoken out with anger. The world of Euphoria knows him as" Goblin King, Enzo"

Wearing a black colored top hat, A sloppy looking bloody red colored suit with yellow trim as he was fat buttons missing from his shirt, his lower half was all mechanical spider legs. Enzo rant on about the Empress of the central Continent.

"And this big oaf over here doing business with her like it's normal she killed your nephew your flesh and blood!? Which side are you on Don? Huh!? You call yourself a prime Evil! Hah!?" Enzo says ending his rant with a taunt towards the giant race male known as "The Don" to the world of Euphoria.

"Coming from a talking Vegetable hah! Business is business mate, You Crack me you even know what a family is? Oh, right your mommy left your half-baked ass in a dumpster." The Don says with a smirk wearing an outfit that looked like it belongs in a mobster movie. Enzo face turned red as he was about say something in till he was cut off by another voice this one more seductive and enticing if you listen too deep

"I believe we can still persuade her to join the cause. I can easily be the one to do it all it takes is a few seconds of conversation." This voice belongs to "The Fae Queen" a powerful individual that uses hive mind and illusion abilities. She is the true definition of a "Nymph" with her perfect beauty and fairy like body.

"Sure, entice a woman who only dreams are conquering the world. I would personally pay to see that." Akujin says with a laugh as the fae queen look at him with disgust on her face. As Lilith face turns into a hateful glare at the fairy queen for even daring to look at her lord that way.

"We should keep an eye on her and continue to get her to our side, I believe we will win her over eventually keeping things neutral should suffice enough." This female voice spoke with a calm and soothing tone.

Not too many know this woman but every person with knowledge and power should as one of the oldest beings in Euphoria "The Sorceress" Been around since the beginning of the 1st Era when demons and angels waged war on Euphoria.

Wearing an all-white hooded robe that looked old and worn for years but it fit her well showing her figure. Pure darkness of the hood covers her face to where even the best perception couldn't see under the hood.

When the sorceress spoke all agreed to her decision.

"Now on to the next topic we must discuss about all the latest legendary class discovery the sag-" Before the shadow could finish, he was interrupted by a prompt from the system.

["A worldwide system announcement! Congratulations to the player Silent Monkey for Unlocking the Legendary Class Trickster!"]

As a Golden light etched a symbol of the jester into the moon smiling deviously.

"Now what you were saying about Legendary classes again Sir Shadow?" Akujin says with joyful laughter that carried on throughout the nights sky as the shadow sighs.

Two Months later After the Defeat of the Dark Djinn in the city of evangelion at the HQ of God's of Dominance...

"Report!" A stern strict calmed female voice yells out in a large throne room sitting on her throne desire looked at the solider who came with a message as he kneels and took out a letter.

"Yes Empress! This is a letter from King Solomon it arrived just today your highness." The NPC Soldier says with his head down still. Desire nods towards one of her royal guards as they approach the soldier and grab the letter as the Royal guard brings the letter to desire. She opens and her eyes scanned the contents of the letter.

"Hmm...I see good work soldier, you are dismissed." Desire says towards the kneeling Soldier who gets up from kneeling than bows and rushed out of the throne room.

"So, what seem to be problem?" Silver Viper question desire.

"It looks like "The Lich King" has made his move. Tom! Contact everyone we will have a meeting today." Desire says towards the robot assistant who complied as she left out of the throne room with silver Viper and a few of her royal guards with her in tow.

"SOOO the big bad Litch King finally decided to come out and play. Well now here I thought things was going to get boring around here after the raid a few months ago." Zander Noteslayer spoken up with his usual charming Smile and jolly attitude.

As Desire and all her war council was sitting in the large war room with a holographic world map of Euphoria Zooming in on a peculiar kingdom on the northern continent that's not too far from one of the central Continent islands.

"So, what's the plan? Did the northern continent finally unlock for us to explore?" Azure Wolf question

"It's possible. We get this letter from a king who has been keeping the lich king forces back with a powerful barrier sealing all undead from leaving the northern Continent and calls for reinforcement from all three continents major kingdoms. I believe we are about to receive an update with a new main Scenario and a whole continent to explore I think that's enough to fill all our curiosity." Silver Viper says in her calculating like tone.

"Long as I get to kill and grow stronger that's fine by me undead or whatever all I want is stronger opponents to fight!" Draco yells out with his booming deep voice

"Of course, a battle junkie like you would say that." Zander says with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm looking at Apollo stream now it seems like he's going to take up King Solomons offer. And take on the undead and go fight the lich king." A male voice spoken up wearing goggles on his head messy black hair his attire looks like he's been working on cars all day long this guy was known as the player Toaster the lead machinists class player who fixes, upgrades and makes new and powerful robots for the faction.

"With everyone else attention on this new update that's coming soon we will use this as a chance to follow through our plan. But first unknown! Have you subordinates been keeping track on him lately?" Desire question towards the figure in darkness who appeared instantly when his name was called.

"Yes, your grace! The last report on the player Zero has been spotted towards The Peaks training with the monks in their temple." Unknown says as the room has surprise looks on their faces.

"Isn't one of the Seven heroes located there!?"Wolf yells out with shock.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken it's the hero Master Jax" A shy timid voice spoken up This player is known as Pyper the lead Alchemist/Strategist. Wearing a green dress, pale skin, orange color pigtail hairstyle, freckles and big bug-eyed glasses.

The whole war council started to mumble in awe and shock even a few asked about recruiting the Ranger class player. As all the talking kept praising Zero all but one. NK Shane who was Gripping the table with pure rage on his face shaking as Silver Viper watch him with worry.

("This is not good Shane still isn't recovered mentally from the raid. When him and Zero fought and he missed out on a lot of good loot. Hope he doesn't ruin this over some petty mess but knowing Shane I doubt any of this would make him best buds forever with zero.") Silver Viper sighs at the situation.

"This would be our best chance to get him on our side having him as an enemy will be unwise. Who is willing to recruit him into our cause?" Desire asked out towards the war council as Azure Wolf immediately raised his hands.

"Please Empress!! Allow me to persuade Zero that joining us will be the best choice he could ever make!" Wolf yells out with a bow getting everyone attention.


"Very well General. if there isn't any objection we shall continue with the plan and make a side mission on recruiting this Zero." Desire says with a strict authority as no one objected.

On The Western Continent in a Vast Moutain Range called The Peaks in the courtyard of one of three temples on each peak....  

A red dragon can be seen flying towards the courtyard as a powerful wave of force can be seen coming towards the dragon and the rider on top who was wearing Red and black colored dragon armor with a large two-handed sword on his back that was the same color as the attire, he was wearing this player was known as Ryu The Dragon Knight.

Ryu lands his dragon by the group of people he was all too familiar with. Another powerful wave of force hit him again as his black long spiky hair was blowing.

"Yo!! what's up guys! how long have they match been going on?" Ryu asked towards the group. 

"Hmm..I say about a good 15 minutes it should be ending soon you got here right on time ryu." A smooth deep male voice spoke up as this was the player known as Legendary Swordsman.

Ryu looks towards legend and notices something different about the Samurai class player. than it hit him.

"You change your hair color." Ryu says as Legend smiles and nods.

"Thought the white would be pretty cool you know." Legend says as katsumi blows blueberries and laugh.

"Don't believe that cool little line of his Ryu. he ended up being curse by a witch. and now his character is aging faster every time he uses too much Ki." Katsumi says as the rest of the group overheard and was curious to learn more but legend never spoken more about it as he looked embarrassed.

"What's going on though? I'm highly surprised that Fist lasted this long against Zero." Ryu says now fully looking at the fight Martial King with his usual Black shades and large black colored afro was wearing a purple and black colored Martial Gi outfit that fitted well with his muscular build and zero with his usual black cloth face mask covering his mouth and nose and his White colored hair but this time it's in a ponytail was wearing A White and gold colored martial art Gi outfit. Martial king the monk class player was throwing out extremely fast punches as each hit was bouncing off Zero's bubble-like Shield of Ki energy with strong powerful waves of force.

"Zero is practicing his new character skill called "Ki Barrier" and wanted to test it out. He has already used it against physical and mana attacks and now ki." Iniko says as Ryu looked towards the newly member of their crew of friends. if Ryu haven't meet Iniko before his big transformation. he would think the Iniko from the grotto dungeon and now was two different people.

Iniko appearance was still the same Frankenstein looking body with the patches of different color skin but more muscular. His mismatched eyes one blood red and the other sky blue was more determine than the last time. and his white long hair was now in a ponytail with shave sides. his attire was that of an adventurer who wears a mixture of light and medium armor. no weapons because Ryu know all too well that Iniko body itself is a weapon Known as "The Monster King" a hidden class unique to only Iniko.

"Okay I think that will do it fist." Zero says towards the monk who stopped attacking as two figures appears beside them. both Zero and Martial king bows to their masters. The figure in front of Martial King was his master One of the seven heroes of euphoria "Master Jax, of The Destructive Fists" A tall over 8-foot bulging veins Muscular dark skin Oni race male. in a purple and black colored martial artist Gi short grey colored hair and beard. with blazing purple pupils. stood with his arms crossed and a prideful face.

The figure in front of Zero was known as the "Grandmaster of the peaks, Oran" A bald head male Gnome wearing white and gold color monk robes. with a white like snow color beard that is touching the ground. he looks at zero with that of a proud grandfather.

"You have learned everything that I can teach you about Ki zero. now go forth young one and use your gifts for the good of this world." Master Oran says towards zero with a smile as zero bows again before leaving his master and walking towards his friends that was waiting on him along with martial king who yawns.

"woooo! oh man! I truly hope this quest Gamebreaker got us going to is worth it. cause I stop a special type of training with my master just to help out." Martial king says towards zero with another yawn with one eye open looking towards the dark elf who shrugs.

"I Hope so as well. hopefully he will fill us in once we arrive at his ship." Zero says as both him and martial king arrive where their group of friends was chatting away as they all got on Ryu's dragon and headed towards the coast.

On the Rare type Pirate ship Silver Bullet in the Captain's cabin....

"So, you're saying we are going to a place called "Moon Island" to protect a fishing village of werewolves. that is going to war with a clan of Naga's who wants the Island as a new home for their evil goddess, am I saying that right?" A male voice spoke out this voice came from the player Grim Lee who was wearing his usual lab coat alchemist attire. with a skeptical look on his face.

"I agree with Grim here for once...this sounds like a quest for a gold rank with an army of players not some silver rank with a rare type of pirate ship and a small group friends. not trying to be rude here GB.. but I'm just stating the obvious here." This deep cold voice came from the Night blade class player Tsuyoshi. He was wearing his usual Night Blade attire with his usual skull face mask.

they were all in a circle looking at the moon shape island on a map that was laid out on Mykenai's desk as he look up and looked at his group of friends with seriousness.

"If I didn't believe we could do this I would have not bother in contacting you all. but I have faith in my homies. look at each of you right now in this room. We have a Dragon Knight who is a legendary class player that can be consider one of the strongest simply because he has a legendary class. The number 1 assassin and samurai who can pretty much beat up half the fucking player population, The strongest edgiest Night blade in the world, A loony Alchemist who can probably make a nuke if he wanted too, A wannabe blue mage with a unique class that can use monster skills, a sneaky kitty, A busted unique skill user like Zero, and the best for last me the handsome extraordinary vampire pirate captain. I believe we have more qualifications than any Gold rank Adventurer." Myke says this as they all commented on what he said with embarrassed chuckles and open thoughts on how he thought about them.

"Well since we all in a good mood now and it's obvious we are going through with this quest. I also have another suggestion I want to run by you all." Myke says but before he could say it a notification appears in everybody vision.

[ A World-Wide System Announcement!!! Your Fantasy First Update will be release in two weeks. to celebrate this update The new PVP Game mode "Battle Royale" from the upcoming update Will be hosting a tournament event called "World Strongest" to know more about this upcoming Event Please visit the Official Website, Thanks For Playing "Your Fantasy"! we at Project Yggdrasil Hope you are enjoying every minute of it.] .......