"Mr. Charles, you waking up from coma due to getting unplugged from a life machine is unheard of, in fact, it's just straight up a miracle" spoke the man wearing a doctor attire.
"I don't know whether to be happy that I'm alive or irritated that unplugging a life machine is that easy in this hospital," he stated with an angry undertone.
"Well on the good side, you are alive and free to go, there seems to be no problems with your health, in fact you seem healthier than before, a real miracle," the doctor spurted out, in order to direct the conversation elsewhere.
The man sighed but looked at the young boy sitting on his lap. His son Charlie Charles was playing with a stuffed toy bear and then looked up, revealing a smile. His gorgeous wife's head was sleeping on his shoulder, after wailing for countless hours, like a baby.
Sometimes I wonder who of the two is a child.
But it does feel strange, I feel like I'm not really who I am. I feel fake?
I'd shake my head, lets get rid of those bad thought and concentrate on family. I'm pretty sure I already have enough to retire, if I remember correctly, I had around £12 million in the bank and countless over properties which should have increased in value. Yeah, lets go travel around the world with these buggers and live a joyous life.
It's been 2 darn years of the same perpetual cycle. Eat. Sleep. Excrete. Repeat. Honestly, what has my life become. My parents told me were part of an endangered clan or something and going outside is a big "no no" unless you pass some sort of test, don't know about you, but sounds pretty cliché to me.
I remembered my past life, but I can't seem to remember anything after I reached the ripe old, age of 2. However, I do remember that brown bastard who sent me here - that motherfucker. But I do have to give him credit, living in the forest and herding animals is not a bad experience. Being a farmer's son in my past life, reliving this experience is joyous, makes me remember both the joys of a calf being born and the pain of cleaning sheep shit.
Father can be seen tendering the goats, milking them ever so gently. Mother on the hand…she was beating the absolute daylights out of the poor bull for his inability to breed quicker with the cows. Honestly, it looked like child abuse, thank the lord that I am not the one getting smacked.
My mentality seemed to have shifted seemed to become more childlike; yet it seemed that I have still have the comprehensive ability of an adult. There were some kids that were around my age, whilst others were mostly older. One of them being a nice fellow named Pairo. The guy had medium brown hair and brown eyes, clothed in a maroon tabard. In fact, everyone in my village was wearing tabards. I for one had a devilishly fabulous jade green tabard, pretty fancy, if I say so myself.
"oi! Taiyo, get over here! Were doing some good old training for your muscles!"
"Coming mother." I'd jog towards her.
Mother was huge. Like really huge. She must have reached around the height of 7 foot, and with father's puny height of seeming to be 5'10, it made her seem even bigger. Hell, how did father not die when he did the deed? The guy seems to weigh even less than me.
"Don't you want to become like me son? A beautiful woman, with an even more beautiful, chiseled body?" She'd smile, which somehow made a twinkle of light. Small claps can be heard - it was father applauding mother for her words.
"Of course, mother!" I was genuinely being serious. It seemed the world I transported in, had many monsters, some even larger than my mother. Yet, I saw her easily obliterating them into nothing with just single smack of her fist. And with no form of entertainment, what else am I going to do in my spare time?
"Ok son, that's the spirit!" She runs to our little home and then come running back with bars of metal connected to chains. "Wear this."
"what?" I'd raise a brow. No matter how you think about it, making a child wear weights, especially huge chunks of metal, would be detrimental to one's growth as a kid.
"You hear me, Taiyo! Wear it! Trust me, your grandad did the same for me!" She'd chuckle
"But…no, mother doesn't this seem a bit? Y'know, dangerous?" I give her puppy eyes, a convenient skill I had relearnt as a child.
"Puppy eyes wont work on me this time! Now wear it! NO PAIN,NO GAIN." Her huge hands held on to my back and then attached the weights to my body.
"ARGH! Father help!" I'd plead at him, also giving him puppy eyes. He would turn his head to ignore me and continue to milk the goats. "Your betrayed me!" I'd yell and then a sudden though flashed in my head - how long has he been milking those goats?
I shake my head, ultimately deciding to embrace my destiny. Metal chains wrapped around my body and then the weight crashed in to my skeletal frame. I felt something cracked. No. Something definitely cracked. This is insane. Actual Insanity. But the next words she spoke was even more insane.
"Now run around the forest!"