Little adventure.

The next day.

Around 8:30 am in the morning, at GGDP elementary school compound.

" Leon, over there. Let's go over there. Aah! Look Leon, there's a blue bird there. There's a blue bird! "

Carla today, is similar to a kid who had taken the most potent energy drink in the world. Holding Leon's hand, she's trying to pull him towards the mango tree a few meters away from them.

" Okay okay. We will go there. But can you please relax a little, Carla? Look, you're sweating all over your body now. Come here first. "

Leon took out a face towel from his storage ring and used it to wipe away the sweat on Carla's face and neck.

Leon never expected her to be insanely energetic like this. Just what kind of breakfast did she had today? She's hyperactive and Leon was afraid that Carla might fall on the ground and hurt herself.

* giggles *

" Thank you, Leon. " Carla went in front of Leon and let him wiped the sweat on her face away. After that, she looked at him with an amazed expression on her face and said, " I saw that Leon! The towel suddenly just appeared in your hands. How did you do that?? "

" You are just seeing things, Carla. I didn't do anything. "

" Eh? No way! Leon was baddie. Lying is bad. You promised no lying between us.. right? " Carla pouted her lips and turned her head away.

" Okay, okay. I'm sorry, okay? It's magic. I used magic. "

" Really?? Then teach me magic too, Leon. I want to do magic too. " Carla was looking at Leon with a hopeful expression on her face.

Leon isn't sure how to respond to this so he just answered, " Sure. In the future. "

It's not like he didn't want to teach, Carla. But the question is, how can he teach her magic?

Leon didn't even know a single magic trick without using his storage ring. He can only hope that he can divert this girl's attention into something else so she will stop asking him about magic for now. " Let's go Carla, we will see the bird you are talking about earlier. "

" Oh. That's right. Let's go Leon. Let's go. The big bird is over there and not moving. "

Carla quickly forgot the thing about magic and allowed herself to be pulled by Leon. It seems like that bird has its nest there on top of the mango tree as Leon can see piled up dried weeds and twigs on one of the tree's branches. It's a bit far though so he's not sure.


The reason why both Carla and Leon were still outside their classroom at this time was because their teacher asked them to do so. Not only Leon and Carla but also their other classmates are outside roaming around the place

Teacher Jennifer wanted to teach them about sounds today and going outside their classroom was the best way to do that. She asked them to seek for different kind of sounds around them and also to figure out the source of that sound.

Jennifer made them pair up with each other so they can look for different sounds together. She also asked them to always stay near her so she can watch over them.

Carla immediately grabbed Leon's hand after she heard their teacher Jennifer talked about pairing up and finding a partner. As if she's afraid that Leon will be taken away by others.


" Look Leon, over there. The bird was saying something but..... it's... I can't hear it clearly. Can you hear it, Leon? " Carla asked while the two of them was staring at the bird the tree above them.

" Hmm.. it's not clear to me either but I think it's 'tweet' and 'chirp'? What do you want me to write here, Carla? " Leon held a pencil and a pad of paper on his hand waiting for Carla's reply.

Unlike their other classmates who can only try to remember the sound they will hear, Leon and Carla can list down the sounds they will hear, along with it's source because Leon knew how to write.

" Write the 'tweet' then, Leon. Because it sounds better for me. " answered Carla after thinking for awhile.

" Alright, 'tweet' then. Blue bird --> tweet. " Leon wrote it on the paper he was holding. After that, he once again looked at Carla. " Where should we go next? "

" Hmm.. Over there. Let's go over there. " Carla pointed at the place where the construction was ongoing which made Leon not know whether to laugh or cry.

' This girl really is daring. ' he thought to himself.

" No, Carla. We can't go there. It's very dangerous. " answered Leon sternly.

" Dangerous? But I can here a lot of sounds coming from that place, Leon. We can finish faster if we go there right? "

" That's true, but it's very dangerous there, Carla. There must be plenty of sharp objects that can hurt you. It will cut your skin and blood will start to come out from it. It's supper red and scary you know? It will al-. "

" Stop stop stop! Please stop it, Leon. Don't scare me. Moah. I don't want to go there anymore. Let's go to other place okay? " Carla waived her hands in front of her, with a teary eyes. It seems like she was really scared by Leon's words.

" Good. Let's go to other place then. How about over there, in the canteen? " Leon pointed towards the direction of the canteen.

" Mn. Let's go there, there are no scary things there right, Leon? "

" Mn. There's none. Let's go. "

The two of them then went to the canteen together. Leon led Carla inside and saw plenty of people there eating their food.

They are mostly the parents of the other students, having their breakfast here. Leon was confused why they will only have their breakfast now as it will be 9 am soon. Perhaps it's early lunch or something?

" There Leon. That auntie over there is making sounds. " said Carla as she pointed her small finger to the woman that is washing the dishes.

" Alright. Let's go near her then. " Leon grabbed her hand and pulled Carla with him.

* Ting *

* Shhhh *

* Clang *


Both Leon and Carla listened carefully to different kinds of sounds they can hear coming from the dishes on the sink.

" What should we choose, Leon? There are plenty of sounds here. " Carla asked confusedly.

" That's easy, Carla. Let's write 'shhh' for the water faucet. And 'ting' , 'clang' or something to the dishes and 'Tap Tap' for auntie's footsteps. How was that? " answered Leon, listing a fee examples for Carla.

Carla crossed her small arms on her nonexistent chest for a few moments before she nodded her head cutely saying, " Alright Leon. Let's write that. "

Leon then began writing once again while Carla on the other hand just stared at the paper on Leon's hand. She still can't help but be amazed on how Leon learned how to write already. They are of the same age but the gap between them was huge. Carla decided that she will learn how to write as soon as possible so she can catch up to him.

The two of them then looked for more sounds inside the canteen before finally went out to go see their teacher. They have listed plenty of sounds already and that's probably enough. No. More than enough.


Teacher Jennifer who's busy watching over her other students saw Leon and Carla approaching. " You two are back, Leon, Carla? How's your journey? "

" It's great, teacher Jennifer. Me and Leon heard plenty of sounds and also found out their sources. " Carla proudly answered as she patted her still nonexistent chest.

" Ohhh.. That's very good. Can you give me an example of a sound you and Leon heard then, Carla? "

" Mn. Sure teacher Jennifer. We saw a blue bird over there on top of that mango tree and it's making a sounds like ' tweet ' and ' chirp ' but I told Leon to write ' tweet ' because it sounds cute. And ..and... many more. Here teacher Jennifer. " Carla handed the paper to their teacher so she can read it herself.

" What's this? " Jennifer received the paper Carla handed her. She looked at it and saw a small list about different things and their sounds. Jennifer can't help but laugh a bit when she read the words, [ ' Singing Uncle ' --> Thunder(kaboom) ] written on it.

' These two kids are quite funny. ' she thought.

After reading the paper, teacher Jennifer nodded to both Leon and Carla. " Very good Leon, Carla. You two have listed quite a lot here. Hmm... wait, who helped you to write all of this? "

" Helped us? No one helped us, teacher Jennifer. It was Leon who wrote everything on that paper. "

" Leon? You mean... what?! " Jennifer exclaimed before looking at Leon. " Is that true Leon? Are you really... the one who made this list? You... you know how to write already? And... and in English at that?! "

Seeing her reaction, Leon scratched the back of his head before he slowly nodded. " Yes. I made that list teacher Jennifer. And yes, I know how to write. Was it really that surprising?"

Teacher Jennifer was speechless.

' Surprising? No. It's unbelievable! ' she shouted inside her mind.

If it's just an ordinary writing, then she might not react like this but that's definitely not the case!

Leon's penmanship was neat and there's no misspelled words in it. How old was he? He was only 5 years old! So how can that be?

Teacher Jennifer stared at Leon for awhile before handing the paper back to him. " Write your full name here, Leon. " Jennifer pointed at the blank area on the paper.

She wanted to make sure if Leon really knows how to write.

Leon of course understood what their teacher is trying to do but he didn't care. Receiving the paper, he used the pencil on his hand to write his name on it.

Leon P. Reyes.

Leon neatly wrote his name on the paper which made teacher Jennifer surprised once again.

So it's true. Leon really knew how to write?

But she wasn't satisfied yet.

" Write my name and Carla's."

" Okay. " Leon replied before writing...

Jennifer Cruz.

Carla De Guzman.

" Introduce yourself like what we did before but this time, write it on this paper. "

" Okay. " Leon responded once again as he started writing on the paper.

[ My name is Leon. Leon Reyes. I lived in Bonuan Boquig, Dagupan City Philippines. I'm 5 years old this year and I want to be the best magician in the future. ]

After writing all of that, Leon handed the paper over to the still stunned teacher Jennifer.

" Leon... you.. I want to meet your parents tomorrow. I need to talk to them. " said teacher Jennifer after she recovered a little.

" My parents? But my father isn't living with us, teacher Jennifer. My mom told me that he's working in a far place so he might not be able to meet you tomorrow. But my mom will come here later to picked me up so teacher Jennifer can talk to her. "

" I see. So that's the case. But I can't meet your mother today because I don't have time. Teacher has a meeting with the principal this afternoon. Can you tell your mother when you go home later that I want to talk to her tomorrow, Leon? "

" Hmm... Alright. I'll tell mom later then, teacher Jennifer.

After that, teacher Jennifer made Leon write more sentences before finally letting him go.
