
The same day.

Inside a room that looks like an office.

Two person, a middle age man and a young woman can be seen sitting inside. Their facial expressions screams the seriousness of whatever things they are discussing about.

" But attorney, can't we really do anything to prevent that man from seeing my daughter? Me and Carla have been living peacefully now, I don't want him to ruin it by showing up. " Pauline seriously said, looking at the middle age man in front of her.

The middle age man whom Pauline referred to as 'Attorney' shook his head and answered, " You have to understand it, Pauline. We can't do anything to stop Gerald from seeing your daughter because he's Carla's father. He has the right to see his daughter. Agreeing to give you time to slowly introduce him to Carla is already a good thing for you, wasn't it? Also, please call me uncle. "

Pauline can't help but feel disappointed and helpless after hearing that. She came here this morning, hoping that she will receive a good news but it seems like that wasn't the case.

" A good thing? How can that be considered as a good thing, Attorney? From the beginning, I always told Carla that her father was long dead! How can it be easy to introduce him now? Besides, after he left us before, he lost all the rights to be my daughter's father. " said Pauline stubbornly. She's willing to do everything to prevent that man from disturbing hers and Carla's life.

The middle aged man facepalmed himself with both hands, taking a deep breath. " Aren't you the one who told him to leave and stay away? Besides, Gerald told me and your aunt that he didn't know you're pregnant at that time when he left you, Pauline. He's also still unmarried even now and has a stable financial status. Can't you give him another chance? After all, Carla needs a father. And also, I told you to call me uncle. "

" Huh? Yes I did told him to leave but that's because I caught him having sex with his secretary, inside our house! How can I stomach that? So what if he's still unmarried? So what if he's rich? I don't give a damn! I can raise my daughter alone. I alone is more than enough for her. I know he's your nephew Attorney but can't you not side him that much? Uncle Fred is still a lot better than you. "

* Bam! *

" Pauline! Call me Attorney one more time and you can forget about seeing me again to asked for my help about this! Do you really think I'm siding with him simply because he's my nephew? Have you forgotten how I beat the shit out of that bastard after I learned what he did to you? "


" You should know how much I and your aunt Laura dotes on you, right? I'm not forcing you to get together with him again if you don't want to. I just think that it's good for Carla to have a father figure as she grows up. If you don't want my bastard nephew, then find a new father for her or better, stop denying your aunt Laura's help and accept the money. I know you are a strong woman, Pauline but I also know that it's hard for you to manage that canteen of yours. "

Complained the middle age man to Pauline.

* Giggles *

Pauline let out a very charming laugh after seeing the angry look on her uncle's face in front of her. The middle age man was actually not her real uncle but that 'bastard's' uncle. But this man, along with his wife dotes on Pauline more than their own nephew.

Pauline knew all of this, that's why she came here to asked for his help. But there's no way she will let that out.

In front of Carla, Pauline always acts like a perfect mother figure. Kind, gentle, mature and a very loving mother. But in front of this uncle of hers, Pauline was just like any other young woman around her age. She's stubborn and also, quite mischievous.

" Hmmp! If you don't want to help me the you can also forget about seeing my Carla, u. n. c. l. e.. " said Pauline teasingly.

" Hey! That's unfair Pauline. I can accept you not accepting our financial help but don't you dare take my very lovable Carla away from me. Or else, I will go all out with you! " shouted Pauline's uncle while having a serious expression on his face like as if he really meant what he said.

Pauline simply shrugged her shoulders as she stood up and turned around. " As if I'll believe you, uncle Nad. Thank you for your offer but I can still managed. Money isn't a problem for me yet, I can still provide for all of my daughter's needs. Also, all I need is Carla in my life, as for a man, I don't need any of them. I still have to picked my daughter up from school so I have to go now. Please tell aunt Laura that I will visit her soon if I have time. "

And with that, Pauline started walking towards the door.

The middle age man or should I say, Pauline's uncle just stared at her for awhile before saying, " You're so stubborn Pauline. Make sure to bring my granddaughter with you when you visit. "

Pauline nodded before finally closing the door and left to picked up Carla.


11:36 am.

At the front gate of the school Leon and Carla are attending.

The classes had just ended so plenty of students from different levels can be seen in front of the school gate. Some of them are buying things like toys and food from the small shops outside the school while others are waiting for the right jeepney they can ride on to go home.

At this time, a blue jeepney stopped at the side of the road and Pauline got off from it. She was about to go inside when she noticed a woman walking a few meters away from her making her stopped. Pauline recognized that woman as Leon's mother, Christina and the one she had a conversation with just a few days ago.

" Sister Christy! " Pauline called out as she wave her hand towards Christina.


As usual, Christina once again came to school to picked up Leon. When she's about a few meters from the gate, Christina heard someone called her.

Christina looked in front of her and saw Pauline standing a few meters away from her waving her hand towards her direction. Christina smiled as she made her way towards Pauline.

" Didn't expect to see you here, Pauline. Seems like your canteen isn't busy today? "

" No sister Christy, I have to do something this morning so I didn't open the canteen. That's why I have a time to come here and get Carla myself. "

" I see. Well, let's go inside then? I'm sure that our children are already waiting for us now. " said Christina and the two of them then went inside the school together.


When they are only around 7 to 8 meters away from their children's classroom, Christina and Pauline stopped. It's because they saw both Carla and Leon sitting side by side on the wooden bench outside their classroom.

Carla is leaning her head on Leon's left chest while Leon's left hand wrapped on Carla's left shoulder, hugging her. Looking a bit closer, both Christina and Pauline noticed that Leon and Carla seems to be..... sleeping?

This made them confused, not sure what to do. They can't bring themselves to wake the two children up at this moment simply because of how cute they are, sleeping like that.

Pauline immediately opened her bag and she seems to be looking for something inside. Finally taking out a camera, Pauline went closer to Leon and Carla as she started taking pictures of them.

Pauline inspected the photo she just took and nodded. " Look, sister Christy, these photos are priceless. * giggles * I'll give you a copy of them tomorrow. "

" Mn. Thank you, Pauline. " replied Christina with a smile. " But what should we do now, Pauline? Should we wake them up and go home? "

" That... I also don't know sister Christy but.. I think we should wake them up. If they want to sleep, then it would be better if they'll do it at home, right? "

" Well, you're right. Let's wake them up then. "

" Okay. "

The two of them went beside Leon and Carla to wake them up.


* Yawn *

Carla slowly opened her eyes. Seeing the familiar face in front of her, she smiled.

" Mommy? "

" Yep. Mommy came to picked you up today. "

" Mommy! "

Carla immediately stood up and gave her mother a hug.

Leon also opened his eyes and saw his mother so he also got up and hugged her saying, " You came, mom. "

" Yes. But what happened, Leon? Why are you and Carla sleeping here outside? " asked Christina. Pauline was also curious why so she looked at Leon waiting for his answer.

" That.. it's.. because... "

" It's because Leon and I had an adventure mommy. * giggles * " replied Carla as she laughed interrupting Leon's words.

Christina and Pauline looked at each other confusedly before once again looking at Carla and asked, " Adventure? What do you mean Carla? "

" Can I tell you that later, mommy? I'm still sleepy. Let's go home first?" replied Carla weakly. She looks really tired at this moment.

Leon is also feeling the same. This body he has right now is simply too weak and easy to get exhausted.

Seeing the both of them like that, Pauline thought for a moment before looking at Christina. " How about you and Leon come to our house with us, sister Christy? They don't have anymore class this afternoon so let's just eat lunch together in our place? "

" At your house? Are you sure? " Christina didn't mind it but she didn't want to trouble Pauline.

" It's okay. We can also continue talking about the things we discussed before right, sister Christy? " said Pauline as she smiled meaningfully to Christina.

Christina seemed to understand what Pauline was talking about so she nodded her head. " That's a good idea. Let's go then. "

And with that, Pauline and Christina pulled their still sleepy children along with them and left.


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