Lovable Carla.

Inside the bathroom.

Leon is currently sitting on the floor cross-legged, wearing a helpless expression on his face.

Standing behind him was Carla, putting some shampoo on Leon's head as she helps him wash his hair. She seems to be enjoying what she's doing right now based on the genuine bright smile pasted on her adorable face.

" Carla, are you not done yet? I can do this on my own you know? " said Leon in helpless tone.

" Moah. You should call me mommy. Not Carla. And you are baby Leon right now so I will wash your hair. That's what a mommy should do. " Carla pouted her lips, clearly unsatisfied with Leon's action.

Hearing that, Leon wanted to literally cry but can't produce any tears from his eyes. This is just so embarrassing for him.

After they arrived here, Pauline told Carla to bring Leon with her and take a bath while she and Christina will prepare their lunch. Carla did what her mother told her to do and immediately pulled Leon towards the bathroom.

Everything was fine at first. Although both of them are completely naked, they don't care as they converse with each other while cleaning themselves.

Yet, all of a sudden, Carla's playful behavior strikes. She asked Leon to play with her and pretend to be a baby while she on the other hand would be his 'mommy' and she will help him wash his hair.

Leon of course wanted to disagree but failed miserably after Carla used her ultimate weapon, the puppy teary eyes.

Leon doubted the possibility of anyone out there capable of resisting such attack because even he himself whom a returner failed to do so. He can only helplessly agree to Carla's demand.

" But we still need to eat our lunch, Carla. Our parents might have been waiting for us already. "

" Aah! That's right. I'm also hungry now. Let's continue this next time, Leon. But I'm still the mommy, okay? * giggles * " Carla laughed as she stopped brushing Leon's hair with her small hands, finally letting him go.

Leon just smiled wryly after hearing that.

' As if I'll let this happen again. No way. '

The two of them then used the shower to rinsed off the soap and shampoo on their bodies before finally going out of the bathroom together after wearing their clothes.

Good thing that Christina always tend to bring some spare clothes for Leon because if not, then he can only wear his sweaty clothes once again or worse, borrow some clothes to Carla which he didn't even wanted to imagine because it's too scary for him.

Arriving at the dining room, Leon and Carla saw Christina there preparing the plates and other utensils they will use later.

Christina also noticed their arrival as she looked at them and smiled.

" So you two are done taking your bath? Come here and take a seat. The food will be ready soon. Oh, here it is. "

Christina saw Pauline coming out of the kitchen. She's carrying a pot on her hands as she carefully made her way towards the table.

Carefully putting the pot on the table, Pauline turned to Carla and Leon. She can tell that they already took their bath. " Done already? Good timing. I'll go and get the other food so we can start eating. "

" Let me help you. " Christina followed Pauline to the kitchen to get the other food they cooked earlier.


" Wow. This is so delicious. Is this cat fish? " Leon was amazed by the taste of the fish dish on the table.

Pauline whom was still putting some rice on Carla's plates smiled and answered. " That was indeed a catfish, Leon. I'm glad it suits your taste. Me and your mother prepared that dish together. "

* giggles *

" Don't listen to your auntie Pauline, Leon. I only helped her cut some ingredients while she did all the cooking. She's really good at it, and these dishes can prove that . " said Christina as she also put some catfish on her plate.

" What is catfish mommy? I don't want to eat cats. They are pitiful and cute. " Carla joined their conversation.

* giggles *

The three of them laughed, hearing what she said which made Carla even more confused. Seeing her confusion, Leon answered, " It's not really a cat, Carla. They just called it like that because this kind of fish has a whisker-like thing on their heads. "

" That's right, Carla. You don't have to worry about that and continue eating your food. " added Pauline.

Carla was still confused and wanted to asked more questions but Pauline stopped her and told her to eat first. The four of them then continued eating their lunch together happily just like that. The food Pauline made are all delicious which made the four of them ate quite a lot.

Leon wondered why he didn't saw Carla's grandma here but he didn't ask anything. He simply thought that perhaps she went somewhere or isn't living here.


After they are done eating, Pauline gathered all of the utensils they used and went to the kitchen to wash them. Christina also helped her and the two of them once again busied themselves in the kitchen.

Carla on the other hand, pulled Leon's hand and brought him to her room.

Looking around, Leon saw pink walls around him along with some Hello Kitty stickers. On the bed was a few stuffed toys of different sizes and colors.

" This is your room, Carla? " asked Leon after entering inside the room. " It's beautiful... "

" Really? But I rarely sleep here because I like sleeping with my mommy more. Come here, Leon, I will introduce you to my friends. " Carla continued pulling Leon towards her bed.

" This is Mr. Bunny, he's big right, Leon? But Mr. Bunny is so soft. Grandpa Nad gave Mr. Bunny to me last year. This one here is Mama Bear, but she's smaller than Mr. Bunny. This one... " Carla began introducing the names of the stuffed toys on her bed to Leon. " You gave me a lot already of things, Leon so I also wanted to give you one of my toys. What do you want? "

Leon was a bit surprised hearing that. Looking at Carla's expression at this moment, Leon can tell that she really liked these toys of hers and was reluctant to part with any of them. But despite that, she's still willing to give one of them to him.

Leon wanted to say that she didn't have to give him anything in return but he knwe that Carla won't agree to that.

' This girl is really lovable. ' he thought.

Leon wasn't interested in stuffed toys like this at all but since it's given to him by Carla, then he's more than willing to accept it.

Leon looked at the stuffed toys for awhile before finally choosing the small white dog stuffed toy. He picked it up and with a wave of his hand, it disappeared which made Carla amazed once again and began asking him where it went. Of course, Leon didn't tell her making her pout her lips and ignorered Leon for awhile.

After that, the two of them then began playing with the other stuffed toys on the bed for awhile until...

* Yawn *

They both fell asleep together. Leon and Carla did plenty of things this morning so it's only normal for them to be tired. If it wasn't for the loveable Carla bugging him, Leon should have been long sleep now.


In the kitchen.

Christina and Pauline had just finished washing the dishes and were now happily chatting with each other while making their way towards the dinning room.

" Thank you for inviting us here, Pauline. But I think we have to go now because Leon still need to sleep. That child really love sleeping in the afternoon. " said Christina as she looked around the dinning room but didn't find Leon there. Even Carla wasn't there too.

Hearing her words, Pauline showed a reluctant expression in her face and said. " It's already hot outside, sister Christy. Why don't you just let Leon sleep here and return home later? I also still wanted to asked you something. "

" That... I guess you're right but where's Leon? And, Carla too? "

Pauline also looked around them but didn't find Leon and her daughter there. " Perhaps Carla showed Leon around the house, sister Christy. Let's go an look for them? "

Christina nodded and the two of them then began looking for Leon and Carla around the house.

Pauline first brought Christina to her room because Carla tend to stay there all the time, but Carla and Leon wasn't there. The two of them then went to the sala but still didn't find the two kids there either. They looked around the house for awhile before finally arriving in front of Carla's room.

Pauline opened the door and the two of them went inside. There they saw the two kids sleeping on the bed peacefully in the middle of the stuffed toys lying around them.

A geniune smile appeared on both Pauline and Christina's faces They looked at each other for awhile before nodding their heads and silently went out of the room.


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