Working hard.

Around 3:30 in the afternoon.

Still inside Leon's room, the two kids are now awake and once again sitting on their chairs doing their own self-assigned jobs.

" That's right, Carla, do it like that.

" No, use this cotton buds to spread the color evenly, Carla. "

" Carla, I said red-orange not red and orange.

No, not that part, Carla. This one. "


Leon continue to patiently guide Carla from time to time while he also continue drawing at the same time. After a lot of trial and error, they finally managed to complete four pages of their book plus the front and back cover, a total of six pages.

Yes. Only six pages!

If Leon will be the one to do it alone, he might have already drawn and colored around fifteen to twenty pages by now. But he didn't want that.

Creating a book like this wasn't really important to Leon. He won't even waste a single second just to create something so stupid like this.

But it will be a completely different case if he and Carla will make it together. It's like transforming a shit into gold!

This might just be an ordinary book for others but for Leon, it's a treasure. No. One of the most precious treasure because it will contain memories. Memories of this moment!

" Leon, am I stupid? I keep on making mistakes over and over. Look, I have wasted so much of your drawings already, Leon. I think it's better if you'll be the one to color them instead. " said Carla after seeing the pile of crumpled papers on the side. Those are the drawings that have been wasted because of her mistakes.

* sigh *

Hearing what she said, Leon put down the pencil on his hand before holding both of Carla's hands and said, " Look at me, Carla. You're not stupid okay? You're just a beginner. You never did this before so it's normal for you to make mistakes, you understand? Besides, look here. You're becoming better and better as you continue, aren't you? "

" But... but what about you, Leon? Why are you not making mistakes? Why is it easy for you to do all of this? I think... you should do it instead Leon. "

" No way. If Carla won't be the one to color it then let's just stop making this book and throw it outside. "

" Eh? Nooo! Bad Leon! Why will you do that? "

" Hmph! What's the point of doing this book if Carla won't help me? Imagine this Carla, if we showed this book to auntie Pauline later and you'll say that I made this book, do you think she will be happy? "

" Hmm.. Yes. I'm sure mommy will be happy, Leon. "

" Really? Then what if you will tell her that we made this book together, Carla? That you'd colored it yourself. What do you think she will feel? "

" Hmm... aaaah! Mommy will be very happy! "

" That's right, Carla. That's why you should continue coloring this book, okay? I told you already, don't worry about making mistakes because I can always draw them again. "

" Mn. I know, Leon. Thank you. * giggles * Leon is really the best! "

" Alright, let's continue then. " said Leon as he continue drawing several more copies of the pages so in case Carla made another mistakes, there will be extra pages she can color again.

The two of them then once again continue doing their own things. Carla is now more relaxed so her success rate also increased by a lot. And even though she's still making mistakes, it obviously lessened making her very happy.

Time passed by just like that.

It's already 5 pm now.

In the dining room, Christina was sitting on one of the chairs available there as she reads the pocket book on her hands.

* knock *

* knock *

A sudden knocking sounds came from the door interrupting Christina's reading moment giving her no choice but to put it down on the table.

" Coming. " she stood up and walked towards the door to open it.

" Oh, so it's you Pauline! Come in come in. "

" Thank you, sister Christy. It's a bit busy in the canteen so I can only come now. How's Carla? What is she doing? Is she still playing with Leon? "

" * Sigh *. Those two children have stayed inside Leon's room the whole day. They seemed to be doing something very serious and when I looked at them earlier, they completely ignored me. Can you believe that? "

" They did that? * giggles *. I'm sorry about that, sister Christy. But, what could they possibly be doing for them to be that busy? "

" Hmm.. let me see... Carla told me earlier that they are making a book. "

Hearing what her sister Christy said, Pauline became even more confused and curious at the same time so she asked, " A book? What do you mean, sister Christy? What kind of book? "

" I don't know. We can just asked them about that later, right? But for now, you first take your seat here because you looked very tired, Pauline. You should learn how to take care of yourself you know? Wait here, I'll go get you something to drink. "

" * giggles * Thank you sister Christy. " said Pauline as she sat down in one of the chairs there.


Christina returned a few minutes later carrying a juice and cookies with her and put it on the table.

" Eat this for now, Pauline. Later, you'll help me cook our dinner. "

" Eh? But it's already late, sister Christy. It will be dark soon. "

" Exactly. It will be dark soon so you and Carla can have your dinner here. Besides, I can see that you have a problem, Pauline. Can you tell me what happened? " Christina put her hand on top of Pauline's hand.

Pauline can't help but smile wryly. " You are really sharp, sister Christy. * sigh * It's him. That man, he went to see me again. "

" Him? " Did he do something to you? " said Christina. She of course know who Pauline was referring to because she already heard about it from Pauline before.

" No, sister Christy. He just came to our canteen this afternoon. Good thing Carla wasn't there because I don't know what that man will tell her if ever he will see my daughter. Sister Christy, what should I do now? "

" * sigh * Pauline, why don't you just tell Carla about her dad? "

" That.. sister Christy, that's difficult. Like what I've told you before, Carla believes that her father was already dead. That's what I've told her since the beginning. I've always told her that it's bad to lie but now, I'm the one doing it. I'm afraid she will... Carla will.. "

" Will be disappointed on you because you lied to her about her father? Is that what you're thinking, Pauline? "

" Yes... sister Christy. " Pauline answered in an embarrass tone.

Christina fell silent for awhile as if she was thinking for something before saying, " I think, I know someone that can help you with that problem. "

" What.. what did you just say, sister Christy? " Pauline was trying to make sure if she heard it right.

" I said, I know someone who can help you with that problem of yours. "

" Really?! Who? Please tell me, sister Christy. "

" Look at how excited you are? I'm talking about my son, Leon. I'm sure he can help you explain this thing to your daughter Carla. "

" Leon? Are you... serious, sister Christy? He's.. too young right? "

" Too young? So what if he's too young? I'm telling you, Pauline. My son is smart. So smart. I have a feeling that he's hiding too much from me and was still holding himself back. Besides, aside from you, Pauline, who do you think Carla believe the most? Who do you think your daughter trust the most after you? "

" That.... * sigh *. You're right sister Christy. Leon is definitely the one Carla trusted the most after me. But... isn't it unfair for Leon? He's still too young so if possible, I don't want to use him for my selfishness. "

" Mn. You have a point there, Pauline but I can't stand seeing you so down like this can I? So let's give it a try okay? Let's asked for my son's opinion and if he will agree to it, then there's no problem right? Besides, I'm sure that Leon will definitely be willing to help you. "

" How can you be so sure that Leon will agree, sister Christy? "

" Because he's my son. Just trust me okay? Let's go and see them first before we started cooking our dinner. I'm sure Carla will be very happy to see you. "

" O.. okay. I also missed my daughter a lot already. "

After saying that, the two of them made their way towards Leon's room.


Arriving in front of the door, Christina and Pauline heard nothing but pure silence coming from Leon's room. It made the two of them confused because it's not supposed to be like this if you leave two kids around Leon's age inside a room. Unless they are sleeping, they will surely make sounds wouldn't they?

Christina then grabbed the door knob to open the door but found out that it's locked so she has no choice but to knock.

* knock *

* knock *

" Carla, Leon, please open the door. " said Christina after knocking the door.

Pauline was confused why her sister Christy didn't tell the kids that she was here but soon she seems to realized something making her smile but didn't say anything.

" Aah! Coming auntie. " said the voice from inside. It's definitely Carla's voice.

The door soon opened and they saw the small and cute head of Carla poking out, looking at the two people. And when she saw that one of them is her mother, a happy expression immediately appeared on Carla's face before jumping into her mother's embrace.

" Mommy you came! I miss mommy so much! *giggles* "

" Mn. I miss my little angel too. Mommy was always thinking of Carla the whole day! " said Pauline as she also hugged her daughter back to show her affection.

Christina on the other hand didn't say anything. Instead, she looked at her son and saw him not paying attention to them as he continue drawing on the table while his back was facing them.

" This child...."

* sigh *

Christina can only sigh as she made her way towards Leon's side to see what's making him busy.

" Mommy, mommy, come here. I will show you what me and Leon is making. * giggles * " Carla began pulling her mother towards the table.

Arriving there, Carla picked up one of the papers she colored and showed it to her mother before saying, " Here mommy. What do you think? "

Pauline received the paper her daughter gave her and looked at it.

" Wow, Carla, did Leon draw this? It's... it's really good. And look at this dress, it really suits you very well, Carla. Mn. I'll definitely buy you a dress like this if ever I saw one. " said Pauline in an amazed after seeing the drawing.

" Yes mommy. Leon draw that but I colored it, mommy. Leon taught me how to color drawings. *giggles* "

" Really? You're the one who colored this? Wow. This is very good, Carla. You had worked hard. "

" Thank you, mommy. "

While she was talking with her daughter, Pauline suddenly noticed her sister Christy staring at the paper Leon is currently drawing something. Christina had a unidentified expression on her face which made Pauline confused so she stood up to also took a peek.

By doing so, Pauline became stunned before her face turned so red in embarrassment.
