Lady kill her.

" Done! "

Leon lifted the piece of paper in front of him, inspecting it.

" Mn, perfect. " he added before turning his head to Carla. " Carla look, I'm done with th-.. eh?? Mom, auntie Pauline, hello. "

He was too focused on his work that he didn't even noticed his mother and Pauline was already standing beside him.

" You... Leon... that drawing... how.. why? " Pauline with a red face asked while pointing at the drawing on Leon's hand. It's clear how embarrassed she was right now seeing that image to the point where she can't even construct her sentence well.

" Hmm? What do you mean, auntie Pauline? I can't understand you. " Leon's wearing a confused expression on his face.

" Pauline is talking about your drawing, Leon. Why did you draw it like that? And look here, isn't it showing.... too much skin? " Christina pointed at the clothes the woman in the drawing was wearing.

The woman in the drawing of course, has similar looks with Pauline. She wears a short, sleeveless black jacket that covers her chest with the zipper only halfway closed from up to down, exposing her midriff and some cleavage, and a checkered purple skirt.

Her hair was tied up with also a purple ribbon which made her look younger but very seductive. The skirt she's wearing can only cover half of her thighs which added more charm into it.

" Oh this? But I'm not the one who chose this clothes, mom. It's Carla. She said that she wanted little Carla's mother to have the same clothes as her. Erm... where did I put that drawing... " Leon started flipping up the papers on the table. " This one! Look, mom. "

Christina and Pauline both looked at the paper Leon was showing them and saw a very cute image of Carla wearing similar clothes and a big rose flower on her hand.

" Yes. Yes! Leon draw many kinds of clothes earlier and I especially chose this for me and mommy. Do you like it, mommy? " Carla cheerfully explained after hearing Leon mentioning her name. She seemed to be really proud about the choice she made. Her bright eyes are asking for praise.

Pauline became speechless after hearing what her daughter said. She didn't know how to respond or what to say.

On one hand, she's really embarrassed seeing how sexy the drawing was especially because it had the same look as her. But on the other hand, this outfit was especially chosen by the most special person in her life, her daughter, Carla. This made her not know what to say at this moment.

Christina on the other hand was trying her best to hold back her laugh after seeing Pauline's expression. Even she herself didn't know how she will react if she's the one in Pauline's situation at this moment.

" Can you tell me and your auntie Pauline what will you use this drawing for, Leon? " asked Christina trying to rescue Pauline from her embarrassment.

Pauline seemed to also wanted to know this because she also turned her attention to Leon waiting for his answer. She heard from her sister Christy earlier that their children was making a book but she can't think of any book that requires her to wear sexy clothes especially if it's made by two 5 years old kids right?

" Hmm.. about that, I will let my friend and assistant here explain it to you, mom. Hehe. " said Leon mysteriously which made the two mothers confused once again.

" Assistant? What assistant? " asked Pauline.

" Me! Me mommy. I'm Leon's assistant. * giggles * Leon said that I'm his assistant but... what's assistant mommy? "

" Hey Carla. I've already told you earlier right? Assistant is the one who help in a particular work. "

" Oh~ I'm sorry Leon. I... * giggles * forgot it. "

* sigh *

" I don't know how you can even forget about that despite your sharp memory but can you show my mom and your mother the pages we just finished, Carla? "

" Yes sir. Right away! " replied Carla as she cutely tried to make a salute like a soldier which made both Christina and Pauline dumbfounded for a moment before they become enchanted by her cuteness.

" * giggles * What are you doing, Carla? Who taught you that? " asked Pauline.

" It's Leon, mommy. He said that his assistant have to reply like that if she received orders. It's like playing games mommy and it's fun. " Carla replied, holding both of her Pauline and Christina hands an said, " Let's go mommy, Auntie. I will show you the drawings me and Leon made. * giggles * "

Carla then pulled the two confused women towards the bed where a pile of papers was neatly arranged. There are around 10 to 12 pages there which Carla picked up and handed it to her mom before saying, " Here mommy, auntie Christy. Take a look. "

Pauline received the papers before looking Christina and saw her nodded so the two of them first sat on the bed and started inspecting the papers.

The front pages had an image of little Carla wearing princess dress and a cute crown. On her hands was a big purple rose flower that still have thorns in it. Above her head was a big text expertly written " Finding Mommy ". The lettering was also nice and very creative. A smile appeared on both Pauline and Christina's faces after reading the title.

There are also some vague shadows on the drawing but anyone can tell that they are toad, beetle, mouse etc. But the biggest one was the shadow of a woman with a seductive body figure.

Just the first page or the cover page alone have already given both Pauline and Christina an impression that this book will be a good one.

Pauline then turned to the next page. Then the next, and next, till she finally finished all 12 pages which made her a bit disappointed as she wanted to see more.

" How is it, mommy? Was it good? " Carla quickly asked after seeing hers and Leon's mother finished looking at the papers.

" It's so good, Carla. You said that you're the one who colored it, right? Very good. " said Pauline.

" That's right Carla. I can't even believe that this was made by you and Leon. This is simply too good. But, what are these circles are for? " added Christina while pointing at one of the circles in the drawing.

Carla looked at the place where her aunt Christy was pointing at before saying, " Leon told me that he will write something there but I don't know what it was. "

" I'll write the dialogues and the narrations there later but not now because I'm still busy here. " Without turning his head around, Leon answered their question. He's currently busy drawing another page of their book.

" Oh, that's right. This book is only for us four to see so you don't have to be worried about your clothes in the drawing, auntie Pauline. Besides, I think auntie Pauline was very beautiful in that clothes. " he added still not turning his head around.

" Huh? When did my son learned how to talk sweet with a woman? How come I never new about this huh? Leon? " said Christina in an amazed and surprised tone.

Hearing this, Leon finally turned his head around before smiling at her mother and said, " I'm only telling the truth, mom. Auntie Pauline is really beautiful. More beautiful than any of the actresses I saw in TV. But don't worry because you're still the best woman for me, mom. "

Leon once again returned his attention on the paper after saying that.

Hearing her son's answer made Christina even more surprised but a genuine smile still appeared on her lips feeling happy about Leon calling her the best for him.

" * giggles *. I didn't expect your son to be this sweet, sister Christy. I'm sure he'll become quite a lady-killer when he grows up. * sigh * Now I'm starting to be worried about my Carla here. " Pauline pulled her daughter into her arms and gently hugging her.

" * sigh * I hope that won't happen. Just see how I will deal with him if he ever let our Carla down. Come on Pauline, we still have to cook our dinner. You still have to teach me some of your recipes too as you promised. " replied Christina.

" Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about it. " Pauline let go of Carla and said. " Me and sister Christy have to cook first so you stay here with Leon for now, okay? Continue what you're doing. "

" Okay mommy. "

" Good. Let's go now, Pauline. " Christina made her way towards the door. Pauline also followed her after taking another glance at Leon. For some reason, she can feel something unknown inside her that makes her quite confused. But she choose to ignored it and followed Christina outside.

After her mother and Christina left, Carla went beside Leon before asking, " What did mommy mean earlier, Leon? What is lady kill her? "

" It's lady-killer, Carla. Not lady kill her. It means a man that was popular with woman. You'll learn about it in the future. For now, you can color this page okay? " explained Leon patiently before handing a paper to her.

" Yes sir! Right away! " Carla made another salute before turning around.

Seeing her like that, Leon can't help but smile. It was indeed an excellent idea teaching Carla about that. She's simply too cute doing that salute.
