Clumsy little girl.

Around 6 am in the morning.

Leon woke up a lot earlier today than usual because of the cold temperature. He immediately got up and washed his face before going to the dining room.

* Whsssss Whoooosh *

Sounds of heavy rainfall being slammed by the wind can be heard inside their house.

" Good morning mom. " Leon greeted after seeing his mother sitting there while drinking a cup of coffee.

" Oh, you woke up early today, Leon. Good morning. Come and take your seat. I'll prepare some hot chocolate for you. "

Leon did what his mother said and sat down while Christina on the other hand, stood up and went to the kitchen. She came back carrying a cup and a thermos with her.

Christina then put the cup on the table before carefully pouring a hot water in it and said, " Here Leon, be careful because it's hot. "

" Mn. Thank you, mom. " Leon received the cup of chocolate and used a teaspoon to stir it. Taking a sip, the rich taste and fragrant smell of chocolate instantly filled up his mouth. " It taste great. "

" Just be careful while drinking it. "

" I know, mom. "


" Mom, do you think Carla and auntie Pauline will still come today? I mean, it's raining heavily outside. "

" Hmm.... I think they will come, don't worry. " replied Christina while reading her pocket book.

" How can you be so sure, mom? "

" Because Carla will surely make her mother, Pauline to bring her here. "

" Really? I'm actually hoping they won't come today mom, because the rain is still heavy. "

" There's no news about storm or even LPA ( Low Pressure Area ) today so this rain will surely stop soon anyway, it's already been raining for more than an hour now, I think it's about to end soon. "

" That might be right mom but the roads will become slippery for sure after the rain and the earth will become muddy. Auntie Pauline will be fine for sure but Carla is just so clumsy. What if.... *sigh* If only I'm a bit older, I will be the one to go to their place instead. " said Leon before taking another sip on his hot chocolate.

Christina can't help but to feel proud on how reasonable her son was after hearing what he said.

" I'm sure they will be fine, Leon. You don't have to worry about that. You stay here and finish drinking your chocolate while I will prepare our breakfast. Carla and Pauline might be here soon. " Christina then stood up and went to the kitchen.

Being left alone there, Leon took out the Brick Game from his storage ring and started playing with it.

The good thing about this device is that, there are plenty of types of games you can play with it. Although the graphics was on its basic form, it's still quite enjoyable.

( AN: Yes, if you don't have any other choice. )

After playing for around 30 minutes, Leon stopped and put the device away. He can't help but to find it boring. After all, he had experienced the fun of modern games.

Having no other things to do, Leon took out the bond papers and pencil from his storage ring and started drawing again.


Time passed by just like that and it's already 8:30 am now. The rain also stopped at 7am but Pauline and Carla haven't arrive yet. The breakfast is also ready and Christina asked Leon if he wanted to eat but he declined so she just let him be.

Leon had finished drawing 3 pages and while looking at the door, he said in a low voice, " Perhaps they won't come today. "

But right after he finished saying that..

* knock *

* knock *

A knocking suddenly came from the door.

Leon first put back everything inside his storage ring before he stood up and walked towards the door. Opening it, Leon saw Pauline, she's smiling at him which made him daze for a moment. He has to admit that his resistance towards that smile was too low.This woman is very dangerous for him.

" Good morning, auntie Pauline. You became even more beautiful today. Please come in. " greeted Leon before looking at Carla that's hiding behind her mother. " What are you doing there, Carla? Are you afraid of me? "

" Thank you Leon. " said Pauline feeling happy to hear what he said before turning around to face her daughter. " Leon is right, Carla. Why are you hiding there? "

Carla poked out her head a little from her mother's back and looked at Leon.

" No. I'm not afraid of Leon. Leon is not scary at all. But... but... I.. *sniff* I.. "

Leon became confused so he took a few steps forward and by doing so, he saw Carla with her clothes being stained with mud. He already understand what happened just by seeing that.

Leon reached out his hands and pulled Carla in his embrace before asking, " Are you okay, Carla? Did you get hurt or anything? "

" Mn. I'm... *sniff* I'm fine but I'm dirty now. Aah! Leon, let go of me. You will get dirty too. "

" No. Your dress is dirty, not you. Carla still smells very good and soft. "

" Really? "

" Of course. Let's go inside so you can change your clothes? " Leon didn't even wait for Carla to respond. He grabbed her hand before pulling Carla with him inside the house.

Pauline witnessed all of that and she can't help but smile before also going inside.


" Where are you going, Leon? " Carla asked after removing her clothes and was about to take a quick bath.

" I'll go and get some clothes for you. Wait for me here, okay? "

" Okay. But you return fast too, okay? "

" Fine. " Leon went out of the bathroom and head towards to his room to get some of his clothes. Carla and him currently have similar height so he knows that his clothes will fit her too. Although his clothes wasn't made for girls, it will do for now.

After that, he returned to the bathroom.


" You're back! "

" Mn. I brought some clothes. The water is cold so you have to be quick. Let me help you."

Leon picked up the dipper and helped Carla rinse off the shampoo and the soap on her body.

After that, he lend her his towel so she can dry herself before giving her his clothes. Looking at them, Carla giggled a bit but she still wore it before going outside to look for her mother.


In the kitchen, Pauline and Christina were chatting with each other while waiting for both Leon and Carla to comeback. The plates have already been prepared too.

Thinking that it was about time, Pauline stood up. " I will give this clothes to Carla first, sister Christy. I think she's probably done taking her bath now. "

" Mn. I think so too. " replied Christina.

" Mommy! "

But before Pauline can even take a step, Carla was already running towards her.

Her sudden appearance surprised the two. They looked at Carla and became stunned for a moment.

" Look, mommy. Leon lent me some of his clothes. * giggles * " said Carla after arriving in front of her mother Pauline.

" He did? But I was about to give you your clothes here, Carla. "

" I think it's fine, Pauline. Just look at your daughter, she looked so cute with that clothes, wasn't she? With this, you don't have to go home to take another clothes for her later. " said Christina. She even thought that it was Leon when she first saw Carla running towards them.

" Mom is right, auntie Pauline. Just let it be. " Leon also added as he sat down in front of the table.

" Fine then. Thank you for taking care of my Carla, Leon. " she finally said.

" Leon will take care of me forever, mommy. Right, Leon? "

" Sure. I will take care of Carla forever. "

" Yehey! I will also take care of Leon forever. Let's pinky promise, Leon. " said Carla before reaching out her hand to Leon.

" Okay. Let's pinky promise. "

The two of them then once again made a promised with each other after that.

Christina and Pauline just watched the two of them do that. They both have a smile on their faces seeing how close their children are. They looked so innocent and cute.

" Look at how close you two are. The food is ready so let's eat now. " said Christina after seeing that the two was done.

The four of them began eating their breakfast together. Pauline then started telling them what happened and how did Carla fell.

It turns out that Carla wanted to quickly arrive on Leon's house so she let go of Pauline's hands and hasten her steps which made her slipped and fell on the ground. But she's still quite lucky because she didn't hurt herself.

Leon then seriously reprimanded Carla not to do that again after hearing that. He knows that this girl was a bit clumsy and tend to be careless sometimes because of her age. That's exactly why he need to remind her to be careful.


" Leon, let's go now. Let's continue making our book now. We have a class tomorrow so we can't do it anymore. " said Carla after they finished eating their breakfast. She is currently holding his hand as she tried to pull him towards their ' Head Quarters ' ( Leon's room. ).

Leon knows that they will not be able to finish that book today even if they went all out but he didn't say anything and just let himself be pulled away by Carla.


Inside the room.

After closing the door, Leon asked Carla to sit down on the chair while he also took a seat in front of her.

" Where are the papers and crayons we used last time, Leon? " She asked after not seeing anything on the table.

Leon shook his head saying, " We can continue making our book later, Carla but I want to talk to you first about something. You have to listen to me first. "

" Talk to me? What do you want to tell me, Leon? "

" It's about... your father.




Here's another chapter for today.

The release of the chapters of this book will probably be 12 am and 12 pm. But it wasn't fixed yet so it might still change according to my schedules.

Anyways, I made a PayPal account for this book.

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That's all. Hope you enjoy this chapter.