
Carla's pair of innocent gentle eyes stares at Leon confusedly. Tilting her head slightly, she asked him. " My father? What is a father, Leon? "

" A father is your mommy's husband, Carla. "

" Ah! You mean my daddy? "

" Yes. That's him. "

Carla lowered her head hearing his confirmation. " Mn. But.. but Leon, mommy told me before that I don't have a daddy anymore. "

The sad expression on her face and voice stopped Leon from continuing what he was about to say. He realized that Carla, although she never spoke anything about it before, still genuinely wanted to see his father or to have one at the very least.

Leon believes that if Pauline had not told Carla that her father was long dead, she will surely asked her mother to let her see him or at the very least, ask for his whereabouts.

" Carla, what if your father was alive? Do you want to see him? " asked Leon after thinking about it for awhile. If Carla's father was a good man, then Leon will definitely encourage Carla to look for him. But that doesn't seemed to be the case here. At least according to Pauline, he wasn't.

Leon knew that he's being very biased here. After all, he never met Carla's dad yet. Not even once but... he didn't care.

Leon chose to trust his feelings. He can feel that Pauline is not only a kind woman but also an excellent mother. He's saying this not because Leon was attracted by her beautiful appearance or anything but simply a pure instinct.

" Of course I want to see my daddy. All of our classmates have their own daddy. Even you Leon has a daddy too right? Only... only I don't have one. But mommy said that my daddy had died long ago so... so...."

" But what if your dad is alive, Carla? What will you do? "

" Eh? What do you mean, Leon? Mommy told me that my daddy is no more. Are you... are you trying to say that mommy lied to me? "

" Mn, that's right. What if your mom did lied to you, Carla? "

" No. That is not possible, Leon. Mommy will never lie to me. Mommy loves me, right? "

" I know. I know that your mother loves you very much but... what if auntie Pauline did lied to you Carla? "

" That.... I... I don't know. Mommy will never lie to me, Leon. Why... * sniff * why are you asking me that? " tears began forming from Carla's eyes as she said that.

Leon can't help but feel guilty knowing my that it was him who made her like that. Carla is still too young to face this kind of adult things. Leon knew this very well, probably even Carla's mother, Pauline did. But the fact that she still asked for his help to do this only means that Pauline had already made a lot of thinking about this and believes that it will be much better to let Carla know about all of these now.

( AN: Too much this. )

And since Leon had already chosen to trust Pauline, then he will do it till the end. As for how it will turn out, he didn't know. The only thing Leon's certain at this moment was that, whatever happened after this, he will always be on Carla's side.

Leon then reached out his hands and held both of Carla's hands firmly. This action of his actions surprised Carla a bit making her looked at him in confusion but she didn't say anything. She is waiting for Leon to continue speaking.

" Carla, what if someday you will find out that I lied to you too? Will you hate me? Will you get very angry at me and leave me? Will you not trust me anymore? " Leon asked. He decided to used himself as an example this time after seeing that Carla seemed to be avoiding his questions if it's about her mother.

" Eh? No! I will never leave you, Leon. We pinky promised right? And.. and I know that Leon will not lie to me because... because we are friends. " answered Carla sincerely.

" Just answer my question, Carla. What will you do if in the future, you found out that I lied to you? "

" That... then.... then... I'll be angry. But.. but I won't leave you, Leon. "

" Really? Can you tell me why, Carla? "

" Because... because I like Leon the most after my mommy. I.. I don't want to lose you,Leon. " answered Carla honestly.

A smile appeared on Leon's face without him noticing when he heard Carla's answer.

" You said that you'll be angry? But what will you do, Carla? "

" I... I will.... erm..... What should I do when I'm angry, Leon? "


" Hahaha. You're so funny, Carla. "

" Moah, don't laugh at me. How about you Leon? What will you do when you are angry? I never saw anyone that was angry yet. Mommy never get angry too. "

" Me? Hmm... I will do this. " Leon stood up, went beside Carla and without further ado, he embraced her tightly.

" Eh? What are you doing Leon? Why are you hugging me? Are you feeling cold? "

" Nope, I'm just showing you what I'll do when I'm angry. "

" You will do this when you are angry, Leon? Why? "

" Because Carla is so soft and smell really good. Hugging you like this can make me not angry anymore."

" Really? "

" Of course. If you don't believe me, then you can ask auntie Pauline later. " answered Leon before letting her go and returned to his seat.

" * giggles * Mn. I will ask mommy later. Can we continue making our book now, Leon? "

" Not yet. I still need to tell you something."

" There's more? What is it, Leon? I want to continue making our book now. "

" It's about your father. He..... is alive. " said Leon finally dropping the bomb.


Carla was visibly surprised hearing that but she quickly recovered and said, " * giggles * Leon is not listening, not listening. Mommy said that my daddy is no more. I already told you that, right? "

" Yes, but Carla. Your father is really alive. Auntie Pauline told me about this last night. "

" That... really? Mommy said that? "

" Mn. She did. " nodded Leon as he observed her reaction.

" That.... then... then why did mommy not tell me about my daddy? Where is my daddy? Why did *sniff* why did mommy lied to me Leon? Are... *sniff* are you telling the truth? " Carla started crying.

" There there... " said Leon patting Carla's head gently to comfort her. " It's like this Carla.. "

Leon then began telling Carla everything that Pauline told him yesterday. He also didn't forget to deliberately add some words to make sure that Carla won't blame her mother.

Yes. Leon had gone all out now. He's literally making Carla's father as the main antagonist here. The most hateful villain!

Carla patiently listened to what he was saying from beginning to the end. Her expression also kept on changing from confused, shocked, doubts, angry... etc.

" You.. you mean... my daddy is bad, Leon? Daddy... daddy left me and mommy before? " Carla finally asked after seeing that Leon was done speaking.

" Mn. That's what auntie Pauline told me. Are you angry? "

" I... I don't know, Leon. Why is my daddy, bad? "

" I don't know too. Why don't you ask auntie Pauline later? I'm sure she can tell you more than me. "

" Mommy? But... but mommy already lied to me, Leon. What if mommy will lie to me again? I.. I love mommy. I don't want to get angry to mommy. " Carla was confused and didn't know what to do.

" Do you love your mother? "

" Mn. I love mommy the most. "

" Then, do you think your mother want to hurt you? "

" Hurt me? " Carla repeated. " No. Mommy will not do that, Leon. Mommy will never hurt me. "

" Right? So why don't you want to talk to her? Auntie Pauline will definitely become very sad if you will not talk to her, Carla. "

" But...but... O...okay. I will ask mommy. "

" Good. You made the right choice, Carla. " said Leon as he once again started to gently pat her head. " Remember this, Carla. No matter what happened, I will always be on your side, you understand? "

" Mn. * giggles * Thank you Leon. "

" Okay. Wait here then, Carla. I'll go and tell auntie Pauline to come here so you two can talk. "

" Mn. " she nodded in agreement. " But... Leon... I... "

" Hmm? What is it Carla? "

" I... want you to promise me Leon that... that you will never lie to me, okay? I... I don't want to be angry with you. "

" Okay, I will never lie to Carla. I promised. " said Leon before turning around and went out of the door.

Carla has a smile on her face as she watched him leave but she didn't say anything.


Back to the dining room, Leon saw both Pauline and her mother talking with each other happily. ' They really get along well. ' he thought as he continue walking towards them.

Pauline and Christina also noticed his arrival as the two of them looked towards his direction before giving him a gentle smile.

" Do you need anything, Leon? Are you and Carla hungry? " asked Christina as she was about to stand up to get some food in the kitchen.

" No mom. I'm not hungry. " he replied before turning his head towards Pauline and continued, " I already talked to Carla about the things you told me yesterday, auntie Pauline. She's waiting for you in my room now. Good luck. "



Leon's words surprised both Pauline and Christina. They were both caught off guard. Especially Pauline, she instantly became nervous.

" That... that fast, Leon? I.... Carla... did.. did she get angry? "

Leon can't understand why she's being like this. Why she's so afraid that Carla will get mad at her?

" Auntie Pauline, why are you being like this? Are you perhaps afraid that Carla will leave you and will choose to go with her father instead? " asked Leon asked without a thought. He's obviously just guessing but seeing Pauline's reaction after hearing what he said, Leon became sure that was indeed the case.

" Don't worry, auntie Pauline because I'm sure that will not happen. Please trust Carla's love for you. After all, she's always saying [ I love mommy the most ] everytime she talks about you. "

" Really? Carla really did said that, Leon? "

" Of course it's true. So go and talk to her now auntie Pauline, I'm sure she's already wai-... ahh! Mom, what are you doing? "

" * giggles * Nothing. I just want to confirm if you are still my son because you talk like an old man just now. " replied Christina as she let go of Leon's cheek.


Leon became speechless hearing what his mother said. But after thinking about it, he found her words true. He really went out of character again. He's supposed to be a 5 years old kid now so it's really weird for him to say all of those words to Pauline.

' I need to be more careful in the future . ' he thought to himself.

* giggles *

Pauline can't help but let out a charming laugh after seeing what her sister Christy did to Leon. She also found the way Leon talked to her a bit weird but she didn't think about it that much since her mind was preoccupied by different things.

She then stood up. Taking a step forward, Pauline put both of her hands on Leon's shoulders before bending her knees and.....


" Thank you, Leon. I owe you a favor. " Pauline said before standing up and left to meet her daughter.


" Are you okay, Leon? asked Christina after seeing her son having a foolish expression on his face.

" Uh... eerm... Y-yes mom. It's..... soft. "

