
" There sister Christy, look! Those crabs, they are huge... aren't they? Do you think Leon will like them? " Pauline pointed at the stall a few meters in front of them, selling mud crabs. She has been like this since they'd arrived in the market, pointing here and there. Eager to buy something for Leon.

Christina has an idea on why she's acting like this. She can only smile wryly as she allowed herself to be pulled everywhere by this sister of hers.

The crabs are still alive. Their pincers were carefully tied up, preventing it from harming anyone who will buy them.

" These crabs do looks good.. "

" Right? Should we buy some of them, sister Christy? "

Not only that these crabs are very fresh but fat too. Their pincers alone can easily weigh up-to half a pound, in each crab. But Christina still shakes her head in the end.

" We better not. "

" Eh? Why? Does Leon don't like eating crabs, sister Christy? "

" It's not like that. Leon wasn't a picky eater. But I think crabs are simply a no no no for him. "

Confusion is clearly written on Pauline's face. " Why? "

" Well..... Because for Leon, crabs are........ very troublesome to eat. "


Christina remembered that one time when she cooked a crab dish for Leon but he didn't eat them. And when she asked him why, Leon only answered, " Crabs are delicious but, they are very troublesome to eat mom. "


Pauline fell silent. She never expected this kind of answer from her sister Christy.

" Troublesome to eat? * giggles * So Leon also has this side of him, sister Christy. But is there any food Leon like in particular? "

" Hmm.... Let's see... ohh, that's right. That child likes eggplants, Pauline. Let's buy that for him. "

" Eggplants? A vegetable? That..... are you sure, sister Christy? "

" I'm sure. If there's a dish that Leon will surely love to eat the most, then that will undoubtedly be fried eggplants. He even asked me to buy them earlier before we left. "

" I... I see. But wasn't that a bit too simple, sister Christy? How about chicken, pork, beef, etc.."

" Well, he liked them too I guess.."

" Great! Let's go buy a kilo for each of those meat then, sister Christy. "

" Hey, wait a minute Pauline, we cannot finish all of that. Let's just buy a kilo chicken."

" Oh, * giggles * I'm sorry sister Christy. I almost forgot about that. " said Pauline in an embarrass tone.

" It's fine, let's hurry so we can go back early. "

" You're right. We can't let our kids wait for long after all. "

The two of them then resumed on buying all of the ingredients they needed for tonight's dinner. Chicken, eggplants, salt and other condiments. Only when they bought everything did Christina and Pauline finally headed back home.


Two hours later, in the dining room.

" Mnnn. This is delicious, mommy. " Carla happily pour the chicken soup on her bowl of rice as she smiled at here mother.

" Glad you like it, Carla. You better eat plenty then, okay? "

Carla nodded her head. " Yes mommy. Thank you. "

" You too Leon, eat plenty so you'll grow up fast. Here's the fried eggplants you asked for earlier. " Christina put some food on Leon's plate before also doing the same to hers.

" Thank you mom. " Leon thankfully received the food and began eating.


" Sister Christy, about the thing I told you yesterday..... how about it? "

" Yesterday? " Christina tried to recall what Pauline meant. " Oh, that thing? I am sorry, Pauline but.... I still don't know. I don't have any experience on that area so I am not sure if I can help you at all. Also, I still need to take care of Leon so... "

" That... but sister Christy, I really need your help there. Instead of hiring strangers, I'd rather have you there because I know that I can trust you. "


" As for Leon, you can still bring him to school and I will have aunt May to picked him and Carla up at launch. So there should be no more problem right? Please agree now.. sister Christy. " Insisted Pauline.

Their conversation entered Carla's small ears making her to look at them. " Mommy is right, auntie Christy. Please agree to mommy please.. "

" You know what we are talking about, Carla? " asked Christina confusedly as her eyes laid at Carla whom was also looking at her with puppy eyes.

Hearing her auntie Christy's question, Carla shake her head before saying, " No auntie Christy but, I want to help mommy so please agree okay? Please... "




* sigh *

" What do you think, Leon? " Christina turned to Leon.

Leon has a wry smile on his face. Just like Carla, he also doesn't have any idea what his mother and Pauline were talking about.

' Like come on, at least least filled me with information first, can you? ' He thought.

" Can you first tell me what you and auntie Pauline are talking about first, mom? "

" Oh, sorry about that. * giggles * It's your auntie Pauline here, Leon. She wants me to help her in their canteen. She's also generous enough to offer me a quiete high salary. " Christina teasingly said while looking at Pauline who shyly turned her face on the side. " But the problem is, I won't have any time to take care of you anymore if ever I choose to do that. "

" Ohhh.. " Leon nodded in understanding. " In short, auntie Pauline wanted to hire you to work there, mom? "

" Mn. That's right. What do you think, leon? "

" Hmm... It's fine with me. I don't have any problem about it because it's auntie Pauline. But working there might tire you, mom. Can you do it? Also, how about dad? Have you told him about this already? "

" Of course I can do it. You should not underestimate your mother. As for your father, * giggles * I'll keep this secret to him for now because I'm not sure if that man will agree or not. But I'm sure there will be no problem. "

" * giggles * You're so bad, sister Christy. But, I can take that as yes, right? " Pauline tried to confirm Christina's answer.

" Well... I guess I will be in your care tomorrow then, Pauline. "

" Yes! " Pauline cheered. " Sure. And don't worry sister Christy because I'll make sure you won't get tired there tomorrow. We are sisters after all. "

" Thank you, but that won't do Pauline. I'll be one of your employees tomorrow so you don't have to hold back. "

" That.... o.. okay then. Thank you sister Christy. "

" Mommy, did auntie Christy agreed? "

" Yes Carla. It's because of you. You successfully convinced her. "

" Yehey! " Carla cheered raising both her hands in the air.

" You know what that means, Carla? "

" Eh? What do you mean, Leon? "

" It means, we can still continue making our book tomorrow after school because it seems like I'll be staying at your house from now on every afternoon. "

" Really Leon?! "

" Mn. I think... that's the case. " said Leon before turning his head to Pauline and asked, " Right, auntie Pauline? "

" Yes. I was about to say the same. You're really sharp, Leon. " answered Pauline in confirmation.

" Yehey! Thank you mommy. I love mommy the most! "

" Mn. I love my Carla the most too. " Pauline laughed as she gently pats her daughter's head.

" * sigh * Look at how sweet your daughter was to you, Pauline. Now I'm jealous. My Leon here always act like an old man and won't even hug his mother anymore. "

" * giggles * Is that true, Leon? " asked Pauline while looking at Leon curiously.

" That's right Leon. Why are you not giving auntie a hug? " added Carla.

* sigh *

" It's not like that mom. You know you're the most important woman in my life right? That will never change whether I hug you or not so please don't say that. "

" Really? Is that true? "

" Mn. No doubt about that. Do you even need to asked that mom? "

" Hmmp! I just want to make sure. " said Christina. She of course believed Leon but hearing those words from him personally is still different right? With a smile on her face, see asked, " If I'm the first, then who's after me? "

" Hmm... it's Carla of course then, it's auntie Pauline. Oh, dad too. But, he's not a woman though. hehe. "

" Oh. * giggles * How sweet of you Leon. " Pauline smiled at him.

" Mommy, me to. Me too. I love mommy the most too! Then Leon and aunty Christy and grandma and grandpa and many many more! "

The four of them then continue eating their food happily after that.


In the bathroom.

" Mooh. Leon, release me. I want to make bubbles, bubbles. " Carla complained, wriggling her small body, trying to escape from Leon's grasp.

But Leon didn't let her go. " No. That won't do, Carla. We still have to sleep so stay here and finished your bath already. "

Carla pouted her rose colored lips, clearly wasn't satisfied with Leon's answer. But she still did what he told her and started to rinsing that soap off her body. After that, Carla once again used Leon's towel to dry herself before wearing her clothes and went out of the bathroom together with Leon.


Inside Leon's room.

Leon is currently fixing his bed and arranging his pillows, preparing to sleep. Carla on the other hand, just stayed on the side watching him do that.

" Bad Leon. Baddie Leon. I still want to make bubbles. " murmured Carla in a low voice.

But Leon can still clearly hear what she's saying which made him smile. He turned his head to Carla and said, " Come Carla. Let's continue drawing later. For now, let's sleep first. "

Without saying anything, Carla went on the other side of the bed and laid down there, completely ignoring Leon.

Seeing that, Leon also laid down beside here, wrapping his hands on her waist hugging her and whispered to her ear, " Why are you ignoring me, Carla? Are you angry? "

Carla still ignored him and didn't say anything which made Leon smile wryly. Thinking for a moment, a cunning smile appeared on his face.

He then scanned the things inside his storage ring before taking out a small transparent plastic bottle containing a blue liquid inside. This is one of the toys his mother, Christina bought for him before but didn't used them yet. He found them when he's cleaning his room a few days ago and decided to put them all inside his storage ring. Who would have thought that it will be useful today?

" Look here Carla, do you want this? " Leon showed the small bottle of liquid to Carla.

Carla looked at the bottle for a moment before a brilliant smile appeared on her face. " This... bubbles? This is bubbles right, Leon? "

" Mn. If you like it, then it's yours. Here. "

Carla happily received the bottle before turning her body around facing Leon. " Really? Thank you Leon. Can I use it now? "

" No. You can use it later okay? Let's sleep first. "

" Hmm... Okay then. Thank you again Leon. Muaah! " said Carla giving leon a kiss on his left cheek before she cuddled closer to him.

" You're very welcome Carla. But this thing is so cheap you know? It's only 3 pesos per bottle. Why don't you ask auntie Pauline to buy you some? "

" That... but mommy rarely comes to school and I'm... I.. "

" You what, Carla? "

" I...I always forget to ask mommy to buy me some. * giggles * "




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