
Inside an unknown Restobar.

Plenty of round tables can be seen inside, each of them are occupied by different kind of customers.

The lighting here was moderate with a band of musicians singing at the small stage in front.

At the left corner of the room.

" Hahahaha. Take the hint bro, Pauline is obviously avoiding you, so just give up. It will save you plenty energy. "

" That's right, Gerald. You should just focus on thinking how to support your daughter instead or on how to convinced Pauline to let you support your daughter financially. "

" I agree. " another man nodded. " After you left, Bernard, Ryan and I tried everything we can do to help you shoo away all of Pauline's pursuers in case you'll comeback. There are plenty of them you know? But it turns out that we didn't need to do that at all. Pauline seemed to not care about anyone aside from her daughter anymore. She didn't even date anyone since then. At least that is what we know. "

" Ronald is right, Gerald. It's also really dangerous you know? Pauline became more and more beautiful as time passes by, which somehow made us want to pursue her too. But we didn't because of you. "

" Haha. That's right, Gerald. So you better thank us. How was it? Did you regret leaving her before? I'm really confused why you even left Pauline for that woman. Tsk Tsk Tsk. It's so not worth it. "

" What are you saying, Bernard? Of course our little Gerald here regretted it very much. But what can he do? Who would have thought that the previous shy and cute Pauline that we used to tease before would transform into a very beautiful goddess now? If I knew that before, then I definitely won't let this idiot friend of ours here to have her at that time. I'll definitely fight for her no matter what! Hahahah! "

" Mn. And there's even a bonus. Have you seen Carla now? Damn. She's so cute you know that? It almost melt me when she called me uncle the first time I saw her! * sigh * How good would it be if I was her real father? I think I'll ask my wife later and tell her that I want to have a baby now? Hmm.. That will be great for sure.. "

" You? A father? Bah! Don't make us laugh, Bernard. "

" That's right. Stop daydreaming you fool. What wife? You should find a woman first before you even think of having a daughter, you old virgin. "

" Hehe. Never mind the small details. But if I can have a daughter similar to Carla, my life will be complete and can die happily. Just imagining her calling me daddy while I'm carrying her in my arms.. Hmm... how good would that be~?"

" Get lost you lolicon! " his other friends exclaimed.

Hearing their discussions, the frown on Gerald's face became deeper and deeper. He is thinking of something and after awhile he said, " Say whatever you want. I don't care. But no one can take away what's mine. It's always been like that and it will also be the same with Pauline. I'll do anything to take her back even if I have to use my daughter in the process. "

His words also made his friends frown. They don't know what happened that made him like this. He's so... different now.

" What are you planning to do, Gerald? I'm warning you. Just like you, Pauline is our friend as well so don't even think of doing something that will hurt her or we'll become your enemies too. "

" That's right. Don't you dare. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Get your mind straight if I were you. "

" I'm willing to go all out with you once I see a single drop of tear on Carla's eyes, so be careful. We are more than willing to help you if you want to properly pursue Pauline once again but don't you ever think on pulling tricks because we are watching you. "

" Heh! Just watch how I'll conquer that woman once again. I already did it before so I can do it again. Pauline is mine and will always be mine. " said Gerald in a serious tone.

Hearing that, his friends can only shake their heads in disappointment before they resumed eating their food.


In Leon's room.

Around 3:37 pm in the afternoon, Carla slowly opened her eyes before looking around her confusedly. She soon realized where she was and a smile appeared on her face. She saw Leon's hands wrapping around her waist as he hugs her from the back, leaving no room for her to escape.

Tapping his hand gently, Carla said, " Leon, wakey-wakey. Let's continue drawing. "

But she didn't received any reply from Leon so she can only repeat what she did just now and continuously tried to wake him up.

" Leon, wakey-wakey. Moo, mommy will come here soon. "

" Later Carla. I'm still sleepy. "

" Eh? But... we still have to make our book, Leon. "

" We can do that tomorrow. "

" But... but I want to do it now, Leon. Come on, wakey-wakey. "

" Hmm... but I also want to continue sleeping right now, Carla. It's so comfortable hugging you like this so I don't want to get up yet. Mn mn. I don't want to get up. "

" That... moah, you always say that. But is that true, leon? "

" Mn. It's true. Carla is so soft and smell very good. I hope I can always hug you like this forever. "

" * giggles * F... fine then. You.. you're also soft and warm, Leon. Just like mommy. " said Carla after thinking for awhile. Leon's words made her happy so she agreed.

The two of them then stayed silent for awhile after that.

" I'm really grateful that I met you, Carla. Thank you. " said Leon, breaking the silence between them inside the room.

" Eh? Why are you thanking me, Leon? "

" Because you agreed to become my friend, Carla. I'm very grateful. I want you to know that your existence alone is enough to make me happy and satisfied. I'm willing to do everything just to protect you. "

" * giggles * I don't understand what you are saying Leon but I will also protect you. And mommy too and auntie Christy. "

Carla felt Leon's hug become tighter after she said that. But she didn't mind and remained silent as it still isn't enough to hurt her because Leon make sure that won't happen.


" Leon, do you think my daddy love me too? " asked Carla after staying silent for awhile.

Her question made Leon's eyebrows twitch a bit but he still answered immediately, " I don't know. "

" That... you know what Leon? I always wanted to have a daddy. I thought it was very goodto have one. "

" Really? "

" Mn. But mommy told me that I don't have a daddy so I didn't ask again. And then you told me that I still have a daddy.... but .....if.... if daddy loves me, then.. he.. * sniff * why did he left me and mommy before? Why.... why did he not visit me even once? Why... why is my daddy have to be bad, Leon? "

Tears then started to flow from her eyes as she said that. Carla is a smart girl so she already understand some of the things despite her young age.

Leon can feel her body trembled a bit which made him sure that Carla is really crying right now even though he can't see her face.

After thinking for awhile, Leon let go of Carla as he slowly got up. He sat down on the bed. Leon then helped her do the same and let her sit down in front of him, face to face.

Holding both her hands and looking at her eyes directly, he said, " Carla, I don't know the answer to that question because I never met your father yet. But I'm sure your mommy loves you. Also, my mom loves you a lot too. Your grandma too. I'm sure there's plenty of people who loves you, Carla so you don't have to be sad okay? "

Carla just stared at him and listened to what he's saying. She continue staring at Leon like that for awhile even after he's done speaking and after some time, she asked, " How... how about you Leon? Do... do.... "

" Do what, Carla? "

Do... do you also love me, Leon? "

Leon just smiled after hearing that. He of course understand what she meant by that. Carla is still so young to know about relationships between man and woman yet so when she said 'love' she meant it in a friendly way or perhaps as brothers and sisters.

Leon put his right hand on her head and gave it a few pats before saying, " Of course. I love Carla a lot and I want you to stay with me forever. I will never let you leave me, you understand? "

" Re.... really? "

" Mn. So Carla better not leave me, okay? Because I'll find you wherever you go and bring you back. " He said jokingly.


" * giggles * I will never leave you, Leon. I will always stay with you and mommy. And auntie Christy too. For.....eveer! " She said before jumping on Leon's arms, hugging him.

" Good. " replied Leon as he also hugged her back. What he said just now are his real feelings. He already treats Carla as one of his family. As for wether it is in a romantic way, of course its..................... not yet.

Leon is currently inside a five years old body which made him unable to feel anything related to romance. But if his twenty years old soul will be ask, then he will answer YES without hesitation. Yes he likes her...... mother, Pauline.

But Leon also knew that he can't let go of Carla. That he cares for Carla a lot and that she already became one of the most important person in his life. That's what he felt despite only knowing her for a week. How can he not? This girl is simply too adorable!

Carla had unknowingly drilled herself inside Leon's heart and occupied a very huge part of it.


" Let's go and wash our face then, Carla. Look here, you still have some dried saliva. "

" Eh? That, don't touch it then Leon. It's dirty. "

" Dirty? No, Carla is never dirty for me. " said Leon before giving her a kiss on her left cheek and said, " Let's go? "

" * giggles * Mn. Thank you, Leon. Let's go let's go... "

And with that, the two of them went out of the room and made their way towards the bathroom together to wash their faces.



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