Teacher's Day. (1)

In the dining room.

Sitting across each other with the table separates them, Pauline and Christina both have a smile on their faces as they converse happily.

" Look at this one too, Pauline. What do you think? "

" Hmm... let me see.... * giggles * This is Leon too? He looked so different back then, sister Christy. "

" Right? I also think the same. If I didn't know him well, I might seriously suspect that my son was changed by someone while I'm not looking. "

" * giggles * You're so bad, sister Christy. " Pauline continue flipping the pages of the photo album on her hand.

Plenty of photo albums are scattered on top of the table as Christina shows them all to Pauline. Those albums contains all of Leon's photos taken by his mother from his birth, post reincarnation.

" Mn. I will also show you Carla's photos next time, sister Christy. I'm sure you will like them too. "

" Oh, that will be great. I will be looking forward to that then. "

Pauline nods her head before putting down the photo album on her hands and picked up another one.

At the same time, two approaching pair of small footsteps came from the entrance.

" Mommy! Aunty! Wha-. " Carla was about to rush onto Pauline and Christina but before she can do so, Leon stopped her by wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

" What are you doing Leon? Why are you stopping me? Moah.. "

" I told you already, didn't I? That you should avoid running inside the house, Carla. "

" Ahh! That's right. *giggles* I'm sorry, Leon. "

" You always say that but you still keep on doing it. " Leon gave her a few pats on her head before making their way towards their parents.

" What are you doing, mom? These are..... " As his eyes landed onto the albums, his brows contorted slightly. " Sigh, why are you showing these to auntie Pauline, mom? Thatis very embarrassing.

Just one look at it was enough for him to know that all of those photos are his.

On the other hand, Christina cannot relate to him at all. In a matter of fact tone she replied, " What's embarrassing about that? These are just pictures. "

Pauline also agreed to Christina and added. " That's right Leon. What's embarrassing about that? "

" Oh, then will auntie Pauline also show me her pictures when she's still very young then? It should not be embarrassing, wasn't it? "

" That..... no. I don't know where did I put them anymore."

" Oh, really auntie Pauline? You really don't know? "

" I... that.... " Pressured by Leon's gaze, Pauline didn't know how to respond anymore. Of course she can easily lie here but she didn't want to do that. In the end, Pauline can only helplessly sigh and take a step back. " Fine the, I will stop looking at these pictures now. Is that okay? "

Of course it's not okay. Leon quickly shakes his head.

" No auntie Pauline. Since you've seen these pictures already then there will be no point on stopping now. I'm just joking earlier, I really don't mind it at all. "

" Are you sure? You really don't mind? " Pauline can't believe the sudden changes on Leon. She can't help but be suspicious of what's about to come, and it did.

" Mn. What's there to be embarrassed about? I'll just draw more of auntie Pauline's images later in our book. " after saying that, Leon turned to Carla and asked, " Right, Carla? "

" Yes! Yes! I want to see more mommy in our book, Leon. "

" Hey, Leon... that drawings.... "

" It's fine auntie. Nothing to be em- ow.... " Leon wasn't able to finish what he was about to say when he felt Christina's hands stretching both his cheeks. " Why did you do that, mom? That hurts. "

" Stop being rude to your auntie. Mind your words. " said Christina in a stern voice.

Leon was taken aback. Thinking about it, he realized how wrong he acted just now. No wonder his mother became upset.

' Damn it. Why can't you get used to this Leon? You are now a 5 years old kid so you have to act like one! Stop messing up anymore! ' he thought to himself.

Lowering his head in front of Pauline, he said. " I'm sorry, auntie Pauline. I won't do it again. "

Pauline was a bit surprised by his sudden changed of attitude. ' It seems like Leon can easily admit his mistakes. ' she thought as she smiled at him before gently caressing his hair.

" It's fine, Leon. Auntie understands you. How's yours and Carla's sleep, by the way? "

" It's very good, auntie Pauline. Right Carla? "

" Yes mommy. Me and Leon sleep veeerrrrrrrrrry well. "

" Oh, that's good to know then. Are you two hungry? Pauline and I made some sweets just an hour ago. Wanna try it? " asked Christina. She felt satisfied to see her son, Leon admitting his mistakes and knows how to apologize without her telling him.

" What sweets, auntie Christy? Is it cookies? "

" Ermm. No Carla, it's 'pastillias'. Wait here and I'll go get it for you two. "

With that, Christina stood up and went to the kitchen.

Pauline on the other hand opened her bag and took out a few hair pins from it before looking at her daughter and said, " Come here Carla and let mommy help you fixed you hair.

" Okay mommy. " Carla obediently went beside her mother.

" Your hair is already very long, Carla. Do you want me to cut it for you later? "

" My hair? " Carla thought for a moment but can't decide on what to do. She can only look at Leon. " What do you think, Leon? "

" Hmm.. Up to you, Carla if you want to cut it. But I think you look very beautiful with long hair. "

" Really? Just like mommy? "

" Mn. Just like your mommy. "

" Hmm.. Then I won't cut it. " said Carla as she turned back to her mother. " Won't cut it, mommy. "

" Oh. Are you sure? " She noticed how deep Leon's influenced to her daughter was but thingking about it, Pauline saw nothing wrong with that and chose to ignore it for now.

Christina soon returned to the dinning room, carrying two small bowls of pastillas on both of her hands and put them on the table.

After reminding both Leon and Carla not forget to brush their teeth after eating, she gave it to them which they happily received and began eating it.

" So Leon, it's fine for you and Carla to make your book and get busy with it but don't forget to study too okay? I might also become very busy starting tomorrow. I won't be able to teach you like before. " said Christina after thinking for awhile.

Pauline also nodded her head. " That's right. You too Carla. You have to study too, okay? "

" Sure thing, mom, I know what to do. I promised I will teach Carla how to write, read and count from time to time too. "

" Mn. Thank you Leon. I really appreciate that. I'll leave Carla to you then. "

" Good. So that's it then. Bring your food in your room and continue eating there. Me and Pauline still have go to the market again to buy ingredients for our dinner. "

" Eh? But mom, you just bought plenty of them this morning didn't you? There's still plenty of food in the kitchen right? "

" We need to buy some other things. So just stay here with Carla okay? Don't go out of the house. "

Leon still wanted to asked but seeing his mother's expression, he stopped. He knows that she won't tell it to him no matter what.

" Okay mom... you and auntie Pauline. Take care. "

" Mn. Thank you ,Leon. " said Pauline with a very charming smile on her face. " You behave yourself here, okay? Carla? "

" Mn. Take care mommy. Take care auntie Christy. "

Leon then grabbed Carla's hand and went back to their room while Pauline and Christina on the other hand, went out of the house and left. O.-.0

Four months passed by.

October 5, 2004.

Teacher's Day.

Students are coming to their school carrying flowers, gifts, message cards etc. Anything they want to give their teachers in appreciation for their service.

There are also plenty of flowers being sold outside the school in huge variety of colors. Although giving gifts and flowers to their teachers wasn't really required, the students still continue doing it voluntarily.

Two small figures are sitting at the bench outside their classroom. Carla has this small white hat on her head and the black cat back bag that Pauline bought for her two weeks ago.

" Leon, Leon. What will you give to teacher Jennifer later? "

" Give? Ohh... This one. " Leon took out a white folder from his bag and handed it to Carla. " How about you? "

" Me? I don't know yet, Leon. Mommy just handed this box to me and said that I should give it to teacher Jennifer later. "

Carla received the folder and opened it. " Wow, this is beautiful, Leon. "

" Really? I also made one for you, Carla. I'll give it to you later. "

" Really? Let me see. Let me see. "

" I said later. I'll give it to you later, okay? Turn around. " Leon gestured to Carla to turn around so he can help her put a small towel on her back.

" Mn. Okay. Thank you Leon. " she replied, turning her back to Leon.

" Who brought you here today, Carla? Was it your mom or you know... your father? " asked Leon after he's done putting the towel on her back.

There are a lot of things that happened during these four months.

Leon finally saw his father two months ago when he came back. But it only lasted for two days and left again.

It's also the same a week ago. His father's name was Victor and he's an stubborn looking man. He was a bit angry when he found out about Christina working with Pauline and keep on saying that she didn't have to do that.

But Christina didn't back down and successfully managed to convince him to let her work in the end. All for their son Leon, she said to him.

Leon can't help but smile remembering that event. His father's anger only lasted for a night and was fine after that.

Carla's father also started to introduced himself to Carla. It first happened three months ago during weekends.

Gerald, like a mushroom, he suddenly popped out of nowhere and introduced himself to Carla. From then onwards, he started to regularly visits them twice a week. He also didn't forget to bring toys and food for Carla.

But most of the times, it's flowers for Pauline. He continued doing that nonstop despite the cold shoulder Pauline was giving him. What a persistent man..

" Grandma sent me here because mommy is busy working. And daddy, I.. I'm.. I don't like him. I think daddy doesn't love me because he only always talk to mommy everytime he comes to the canteen. "

" He did that? "

" Mn. But mommy also ignored daddy most of the times. I don't know why. Are they fighting, Leon? "

" I think... no Carla. Let's not talk about them okay? You are still too young to worry about that and also, too cute to be sad. So please always smile, okay? "

" Moah. You're always saying that, Leon. "

" Of course. Because it's true. "



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