
" That..... what are you doing, Carla?! Here, put it down here immediately. "

" Hee-hee. It melted.. "

" Sigh, Use this to wipe your hands clean then. You should have put it down on the table. "

He saw that the ice candy he gave her before had began to melting and some of the liquid was all over her hands now.

Leon immediately took the ice candy away from her hands and gave Carla the hand towel instead.

Carla accepted the towel and use it to wipe her hands before saying, " But, it will get dirty, Leon if I will put it down so I didn't. " the little girl tried to explain.

" What took you so long, Leon? "

" Me? It's because of our mothers. "

" Our mommies? "

Leon nods his head and took out another ice candy from his storage ring. He put it carefully inside the bowl before giving it to Carla, together with the spoon.

" Yes. They are still cleaning inside. It will take long so you can eat this first. After that, I will continue teaching you how to count and read. "

" Mn. Thank you Leon. " she answered happily as she began eating her ice candy.

Carla has made Leon as her goal. She's very determined to catch to him so she's always more than willing to study.

It can be said that aside from playing with her bubbles, which was her favorite thing to do, studying woukd be the thing she wanted to do the most.

Leon patiently taught her almost everyday when they have free time. He enjoyed seeing that adorable and genuine smile on Carla's face everytime she's learning something new. For him, that smile of her worth a lot.

Just like what he said, Leon did taught Carla again how to count and read after she finished eating. The two of them continue doing it until Pauline and Christina finally went out of the kitchen, indicating that they have to leave now.

Locking the door of the eatery, both of them said their goodbyes with each other before departing.


" Here Leon, keep it. " said Christina as she grabbed his right hand and put her palm on top of it.

Leon felt something between their palm and immediately realize what is it. " But I still have plenty left with me, mom. I haven't even finish spending the money that dad gave me before. Aren't you giving me a lot? What if you ended up spoiling me, mom? Hehe. "

" It's fine. You are my only child after all and I can't even take care of you because of my work so... consider it as me compensating you okay? " in response, Christina only smiled at Leon while caressing his hair. " You can use that money to buy the food and toys you want, leon. Just don't overdo it. "

Hearing that, Leon didn't insist anymore and accepted the money because he knows it won't work anyway considering how serious his mom's tone was.

" You shouldn't say that, mom. You and dad are both working hard for my sake. You really don't have to compensate me with anything as you already have given me enough. And I'm very grateful. "

Christina felt his eyes getting sour, a surge of comfortable warmth was filling her up.

Christina launched her arms forward and captured Leon in her embraced. She felt really blessed to have a son like him who can understand a lot already despite his young age. Only after awhile did she finally let go of Leon.

" Okay. You go to your room first and do your stuff. I'll just call you once I'm done cooking our dinner. "

" Mn. Take your time mom. "

Leon did went inside his room after he said that. Closing the door, he looked at his palm and saw three hundred peso bills on it.

For his current age, this money is a lot and he didn't even know what to do with it so he just put it inside his storage ring for now, along with the money his father gave him before.

After awhile, Christino came and told Leon that the dinner was ready so he went outside to eat with his mother.


The next day, around 4 am in the morning.

Leon was lying on his bed, sleeping peacefully. He looks very comfortable and was smiling as if having a great dream, when all of a sudden.... Leon started sweating heavily. His brows are frowning deep and just a single glance of him is enough to know that he's suffering.

Inside an empty place where only darkness can be seen, Leon's figure was standing there alone cluelessly looking around him. He has no idea about the current state of his body outside.

[ Beginning process..... Analyzing body conditions.... weak..... .......Beginning enhancement.... ]

Leon heard a mechanical voice. But looking around, he found nothing. There's no there aside from him.

" Who are you? What are you saying? Where am I? "

[ Estimated time.... four days.... prepare for the possible pain in 3... 2...1... ]


Leon screamed right after the countdown ended.

Out of nowhere, he suddenly felt an extreme amount of pain. It's coming from the center of his chest and was slowly spreading upwards till it reached his brain. He felt like his head was about to explode.

The pain was so unbearable and it made him lose his footing as he pitifully collapsed on the floor. His eyes soon became blank and almost lifeless, his consciousness fading..

[ Protecting Host's mind.... Initiating mandatory shutdown.... st- ]

That's the last words Leon heard before everything went black for him. He didn't know what happened after that as he lost all of his senses. It's like, his very existence stopped or paused for unknown reason.

Everything happened so fast from him to even understand what's going on.


6 am in the morning.

Christina came to remind Leon that it's time for him to prepare to go to school. She's a bit confused because this didn't happen for a long time now.

Leon tend to wake up on time everday after his reincarnation and his mother, Christina didn't need to wake him up anymore.

But.... today was an exception.

* Knock * * knock *

" Leon, what are you doing? Wake up already and eat your breakfast. " said Christina in a louder voice. " I'm coming in. "

Christina then entered his room after saying that. There, she saw Leon still lying on his bed with his clothes still soaked in his own sweat.

" Leon! " she exclaimed before hurriedly going beside him and checked him up. " This.... Leon, what's wrong with you.... wake up. Leon! "

Christina became more and more worried as time passed by. She first put the back of her palm on Leon's forehead and neck to check his temperature but found nothing unusual.

Although he's sweating heavily just now, his body temperature was normal. And his facial expression also became relaxed now. His breathing is also stable. This made Christina's worries lessened a little.

But just a little!

" Leon, Leon... wake up. " she continued trying to wake him up but to no avail. Leon continue to lie down there without responding.

" Doctor, I should call for a doctor. "

Christina then went outside after that and soon came back with a man in his thirties.

" Joseph, please check Leon. I don't know what's wrong but he won't wake up no matter how much I tried to. Please.... Help him. "

" I'll do what I can. " Joseph replied before going beside Leon's bed. H then began checking his condition.

His facial expression keeps on changing as he continue looking at Leon's condition. Confused, amazed, etc.

After awhile, Joseph stood up and looked at Christina. " I can't see any problem with your son, Christina. All of his vitals are normal. "

" Really?? Then... Then why is my son still not waking up? What is wrong with Leon, Joseph? When will he wake up? "

" This is a very bizarre case. I don't know what's stopping him yet from waking up because I don't have enough equipments with me here. But I can assure you that his life is not in danger. "

" Really?? " Christina felt better after hearing that Leon isn't in any danger but she's still worried continued asking. " Then.. then what should I do? Should I bring him to the hospital? "

" That's for the best, Christina. But let's wait for a bit more time in case he wakes up on his own later. If not, then let's bring him to the hospital. " replied Joseph as he took out a card from his pocket and said, " This is my contact number. If Leon still didn't wake up in the afternoon, just call me and I'll send an ambulance to get you two. I have to go now. "

Christina received the card and thank him again and again before sending Joseph out of the house.


" Leon, please wake up already. "

She takes another glances at Leon before going out of his room and then... the house.

She plan to go and tell Pauline what happened. And also, to tell her that she won't be able to help her today or perhaps, for a few days if Leon will continue being unconscious like this.

Christina already decided that she won't come back to work until she saw Leon woke up and fine.


" That..... what did the doctor said then, sister Christy? Is Leon fine? " asked Pauline worriedly after hearing what Christina told her just now.

" Mn. Joseph told me that Leon is fine but he can't tell what's wrong with him and why he won't wake up. I'm really worried right now, Pauline.

" Let's bring him to the hospital, sister Christy. I'll go with you. "

" Thank you, Pauline. But Joseph said that Leon's life was not in any danger. He also said that we have to wait till the afternoon before bringing Leon to the hospital. Besides, you still have to open this canteen today. "

" How can that be? I won't open the canteen today so let's go and see Leon. Also, who's this Joseph? "

" Joseph is the doctor that my husband knew for a long time now. But, are you sure? I don't want to trouble you now. Let me handle this on my own. "

" What trouble? Leon is also important to me and Carla, sister Christy.I want to make sure that he's fine. Let's go now, sister Christy. " insisted Pauline.

" Fine then. Thank you. " Christina felt very greatfully.

The two of them then left after that.

Christina immediately went home to see Leon, while Pauline on the other hand went to market to buy food, fruits and drinks that Leon can eat in case he woke up.

After that, she went to school and talked to Leon's teacher and told her about his condition. After giving Carla an orange fruit, and talked to her for awhile, she left and head to Christina's house.




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