Bizarre case.


I'm sorry about the last chapter. But that 'quote' thing was totally webnovel's fault. I don't have any of those in my draft, it only appeared when I published it.

Well, I'm partly at fault too since I didn't really double check it anymore before sleeping. Anyways, I've taken down that chapter already since webnovel won't allow me to edit it. (Yes that's true. )

Here's the second try. Please do tell me if that 'quote' thing will appear again.

thank you.


Pauline gently open the door and went inside. Holding a tray of food on her hand, she walks towards the table beside Christina.

" Here, sister Christy. Eat your lunch first so you will have energy later. I'm sure Leon will be fine. "

Pauline can the worries in Christina's eyes but she didn't know how to help her. She can only do what she can.

" I will go and get Carla first. "

It's already 11 am now, but Leon still remained unconscious lying on his bed motionless.

Both Pauline and Christina kept trying to wake him up but nothing happened. This helplessness is slowly eating them.

" Thank you, Pauline. Go and get Carla now, I'llama be fine here. " replied Christina greatfully.

" Mn. See you later, sister Christy. "

Pauline left after saying that and headed towards Carla's school.

On her way there, she's thinking about how to explain this situation to her daughter later.

Pauline knew very well how close Leon and Carla was with each other. They are almost inseparable.

This made Pauline worried about the impact this information will bring to Carla, how she will react.


In Carla's side.

The class was over and Carla, along with some of her classmates are sitting on the wooden bench outside their classroom. All of them are waiting for their parents to pick them up.

" Carla, what happened to Leon? Why didn't he come to school today? " asked Marlo. " I have something to tell him today."

Carla was playing with the Brick game device that Leon gave her.

" I don't know too. I asked mommy earlier but she didn't told me anything. But I will tell Leon later that you're looking for him, Marlo. "

" Really? Great! Please tell him. I'll go and talk to Mark first then. See you tomorrow Carla! "

Marlo left after saying that and Carla also resumed playing with her brick game. Although Carl's also confused why Leon didn't come to school today, it wasn't much because she knew that she can see him later.

Not long later, Pauline arrived and approached Carla.

" Mommy, you will be the one to bring me home today? "

" Mn. Mommy didn't open our eatery today so I can pick up my little angel myself. "

Pauline caught her daughter to n her arms before kissing both her cheeks.

" We will go to Leon's house. "

" Really, mommy?! Yehey! " The little girl's eyes lit up.

" Let's go now mommy, let's go. I want to see Leon already because I have to tell him something. "

Seeing her excitement, Pauline hesitated again. This should be the best way to tell Carla what happened to Leon but she didn't know how.

She simply... didn't know what to do.

" Okay. Let's go then, Carla."

That's the only words she was able to say before pulling Carla with her and left.


In Jennifer's side.

What are you doing, sister Jennifer? What are you looking for? Let's go home now. "

" You can go home first, Clarissa. I still have to go somewhere else after this. "

Clarissa was inside her cousin's classroom, asking her to go home with her. She saw her looking around the pile of papers on the table and seemed to be looking for something.

" Why? Where are you going? " she asked her. Then with a knowing smile, she continued. " Could it be.... I want to go to. You'll go and meet your boyfriend right? I want to see him too. He should pass my test first before he can ge-... ouch. Why did you hit me? "

" Stop speaking nonsense. " Jennifer flicked her cousin's forehead before returning on what she's doing.

Clarissa can only pout her lips, gently massaging the part where Jennifer hit her.

" First, I don't have a boyfriend. Second, I don't plan on having one yet and third, I'll go visit one of my students so I'm looking for his papers because I don't know his address. " said Jennifer as she continue flipping up the papers on the table. " Oh, here it is. "

Jennifer then hurriedly returned all the other papers inside a carton box and put them all back inside the cabinet. She then picked up her bag and was about to leave but Clarissa stopped her.

" I'll go too, sister Jennifer. It's boring at home alone. What's the name of this student you'll going to visit, by the way? "

" Are you sure? "

" Mn. "

" Fine. You can come too. And it's Leon that I'm gonna visit. "

" What?! Leon? What happened to that boy, sister Jennifer? "

" I don't know yet. One of the parents came here this morning and excused Leon. But she only told me that he's sick and might not be able to come to school for couple of days. Nothing more. "

" That doesn't sounds good at all. Let's go, sisterJennifer. I want to see him too. Oh, by the way, let's grabbed our lunch first because I'm already starving. "

Jennifer thought for a moment before finally agreeing. It's still early anyway so they might as well go fill their stomachs first.


After entering the house, Carla immediately bolted inside Leon's room. He'd always telling her not to do this but this little girl tend to always forget it due to her excitement.

" Leon, Leon, I have to tell you something! " she said after arriving beside the bed.

" Eh? Why are you sleeping already, Leon? It's too early. We didn't even take our bath yet. "

Carla climbed up on the bed and sat down beside him. " Come on, wakey-wakey. Moah. Leon, very lazy. " she tried pushing him.

But Leon didn't respond at all.

Christina, whom was sitting on the side of the room witnessed all of this. Even she herself don't know what to do or even say to Carla right now. She can only watch the little girl with her moist eyes

" Leon, Leon. " she called again and again.

Carla continue trying to wake him up but to no avail. Feeling hopeless, she looked at Christina on the side and asked, " Aunty, what's wrong with Leon. Why is he not waking up? "


Christina can only stare at Carla without saying a single word. Tears also started to flow from her eyes once again.

" Eh? Why are you crying auntie Christy? Are you okay, auntie Christy? "

At this time, Pauline also entered the room and went beside Christina. She tried to calm her down.

Seeing that no one is answering her, Carla pouted her lips and continue waking Leon up. But even after a lot of time had passed, Leon still didn't wake up.

* sniff *

" Leon, * sniff * Why are you ignoring me? Are you....* sniff * are you angry with Carla? I..... I..... "

Carla is already crying right now. Her two bright eyes are filled with tears as she looked at Leon below her. She even started to think that perhaps she did something wrong that's why Leon, was ignoring her.

Pauline can't take it anymore.

She stood up and went beside her daughter and hugged her. " Carla, Leon is not angry with you okay? He's just, he can't hear you because... because..... because Leon is sick. "

" Sick? " Carla lift her head a little. " What is sick, mommy? Why Leon, became sick? I don't want him to be sick, mommy. I want Leon to wake up now. "

" Mommy don't know too. But I'm sure Leon will be fine so, let him rest for now okay? It's already lunch, do you want to eat first? "

Even she herself don't know what she's even saying anymore. It is simply too difficult to explain this thing to Carla without her getting hurt. Pauline can only try to divert the topic hoping that Carla won't pursue it anymore for now.

" But... I want to eat together with Leon, mommy. When will he wake up? I... I also have to tell him something. "

" Mommy don't know yet, Carla. Let's just wait, okay? Let's go, I'll prepare your food first. "

Carla thought for a moment before nodding her head and agreed. Pauline sighed in relief after seeing that and the two of them went out of the room.


Time flew by.

One hour, two hours... but Leon still didn't wake up.

At around 3 pm, Jennifer and Clarissa arrived and was shocked when they learned about Leon's condition.

At 4 pm, after seeing that Leon still didn't wake up, Christina finally decided to call Joseph. And just around thirty minutes later, the ambulance arrived and brought Leon to the hospital.

Christina, Jennifer and Clarissa came with Leon to the hospital. Although Pauline also wanted to go, she can't because of Carla.

Hospital is a very risky place for her as she might be exposed to different kinds of illness there. Christina is also against it.

" Let's go home, Carla. " said Pauline after the ambulance left.

" But... mommy, I want ..... to go too. "

" It's not possible, Carla. They are going to the hospital and you can't go there. "

" Why? Why can't I go there mommy? I want to see Leon. I want to sleep with Leon too and... and play more games. I want... "

" Because you might get sick too. What if Leon woke up and he will find out that you became sick too? What do you think he will feel? "

" That.... " as young as she was, Carla can still understand what her mother mean by that.

" But mommy, when can I see Leon, again?

This is the question she wanted to asked the most.

Pauline was out of words of again. Carla's innocent eyes prevented her from lying to her. She didn't want to lie to her

Gritting her teeth, Pauline made the decision.

" I will bring you with me tomorrow to visit Leon. Is that okay? "

" Really mommy? But you said I can't go there right? "

" Mn. But you wanted to see Leon, aren't you? "

" Yes, mommy. I want to be with Leon when he wakes up. "

" Okay then. Leave it to me. "

" Yehey! Thank you mommy. " said Carla happily as she gave her mother a hug.

The two of them then went back to their home after that.


In the hospital.

Joseph, along with other doctors in the hospital are currently inspecting Leon. But even after a lot of time had passed, they still can't figure out what is wrong with him.

" This is really bizarre. This child is completely healthy. No. His body is even stronger than the other children around his age so.... why? This is... so confusing. "

" I'm confused too. This is the first time I'd encountered this case. This is interesting. Joseph, you had talked with the parent already, didn't you? What did she told you? "

" Yes. But just like us, Christina also don't know what happened. She only told me that this child was still fine at night then, this suddenly happened the next morning. "

" Is that so? Why is it then? " asked one of the doctors around but no one knows how to answer his question.

" Nurse Lea, how about the results of his blood test? Anything unusual? "

" I've checked it a lot of times but... there's nothing unusual about it either, Dr. Cruz. Everything is normal. " replied the nurse.

Dr. Cruz and the others fell silent after hearing that. They began thinking for many other possibilities for awhile before they once again continued examining Leon's condition.




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