Physique improvements. (1)

It was already eight, by the time these two family had finished eating their breakfast.

It's weekends so Leon and Carla didn't have to go to school today. There's no need for them to rush and can enjoy their food to the fullest.

Carla, this adorable bundle of cuteness little girl has oils and some fish crumbles all over the side of her small mouth and hands.

She became like this after copying Leon whom was eating with his barehand as the food today were mostly fried.

Carla's obviously isn't use to this but she stubbornly insisted.

Pauline, Christina and Leon didn't find anything wrong with it so they just let her be. Once they were all done, Pauline brought a bucket of water and a small towel and used it to clean Carla.

" Mom, can me and Carla go outside? "

" Outside? Where are you going? What will you do outside? "

Christina's footsteps stopped after hearing her son's sudden inquiry.

" We won't go far, mom. Just under the mango tree in front of our house to get some fresh air. " Leon explained. " We will also use the bamboo bed outside. "

Christina looked at Pauline asking her opinion. She saw her nodded.

" Okay then, but don't go anywhere, you understand? Just stay there and wait for us. "

" Mn. I understand. Thank you mom. " Leon turned his head to Carla and grabbed her little hand. " Let's go and get some pillows. "

" O.. okay. " replied Carla confused, but she still followed Leon.


Outside the house, Carla is hugging two pillows in her arms.

She's looking at Leon who's still busy pulling the bamboo bed towards the mango tree with one hand, while holding the quilts on the other hand.

Seeing that he's done, Carla went beside him and put down the pillows on the bamboo bed.

" Wow Leon, you're very strong! But what are we doing here? "

" We will play, of course. " he replied.

Leon also put down the quilts he is holding.

" You said you wanted to catch some dragonflies before, didn't you? I will catch some of them for you today. Look, there are plenty of them around us. "

As he said that, a blue dragonfly landed on a plant just a meter away from Carla.

It's small, only around two inches in length from its head to tail.

Its body and wings are deep blue as well with a black dot on each of its wing. It looks very beautiful and eye-catching.

" No no no, Leon. I said watch only. I only want to watch the dragonflies, not catch them. "

" Hmm? Is that so? "

" Mn. " Carla nodded seriously.

" Mommy told me that we shouldn't catch dragonflies because it is bad. I don't want to be a bad girl. "

Leon was just about to catch that dragonfly, but after hearing what Carla said, he stopped.

" How about this then, Carla. We will capture some of the dragonflies first and then put them inside this glass container. We will release them later after we are done looking at them. "

" Is that okay? Will I not become a bad girl? I don't want to be a bad girl, Leon. " Carla asked worriedly.

Leon patted her head and replied, " It's fine. Carla will not become a bad girl at all. "

With that said, Leon slowly made his way to his first target. Just two steps and he's already in range.


With a swift swipe of his right hand, Leon caught the unlucky dragonfly. He carefully folded both of its wings together then put it inside the glass container and covered it with a clean cloth.

He also put some small holes on it to allow air circulation inside. Leon then used a rubber band to seal it before looking for his next victim.

Ten minutes later.

Leon and Carla were now sitting on top of the bamboo bed, both staring at the glass container in front of them.

" Leon look, Big Blue is bullying Little Green and Little Red! It is... biting them! " Carla said worriedly. " Let's help them, Leon. Can we release them now? Big Blue is a big baddie. "

" Are you sure? But we just captured them. You don't want to look at them anymore? "

Leon can't help but smile upon hearing the names Carla had given to the three dragonflies he caught for her.

" Mn. Let's release them. Little Red and Little Green is in danger. " replied Carla determined tone.

She seemed to be really serious this time and it made her look cuter than she usually was.

" Okay then.. "

Leon removed the cover of the glass container, releasing all three dragonflies.

Though he really don't mind seeing them eat each other inside that glass container. After all, it's quite normal for insects to eat their kins.

Girls and boys were very different in this aspect.

Leon remembered how he and some of his classmates in his past life also used to capture dragonflies before and used them to feed their spider pets.

He wonder what Carla's reaction will be if ever she get to know that.

Carla is still too pure and kind, as expected. She's wearing a smile on her small face as she watched the dragonflies flew away and vanished.

" They are gone.. " she whispered. She turned her head to Leon and said, " Let's play chase, Leon. "

" Eh? But didn't we just finished eating? "

Leon didn't want to become sweaty this early in the morning if possible.

He really don't!

However, as Carla shows him that 'sad expression', while staring at him with her puppy eyes.... Leon know he's doomed.

Damn it..

That weapon is very lethal to him.

After hesitating for a moment, Leon can only sigh and admit defeat.

He knows exactly how hyperactive Carla is, everytime she's playing and Leon didn't want to see her get hurt so he is trying to think of other things they can do instead.

A moment later, Leon got off the bamboo bed and kneeled down in one knee with his back facing Carla.

" Climb up, Carla. I'll carry you around. "

Carla's eyes visibly lit up after hearing that.

She immediately got up and was about to do what Leon said but she stopped.

" Is.. is it okay Leon? You will get tired. "

Carla remembered that Leon was still in the hospital just yesterday so she can't help but be worried.

" It is fine, come on. "

Leon simply shrugged his shoulders, showing that he is fine. He then helped Carla climed up to his shoulders, holding her legs to support her.

" Hold onto my head so you won't fall, Carla. "

" Leon... I.. I'm scared. "

She thought that Leon will piggy back her but not this. She is holding onto Leon's hair tightly because she's nervous.

" Don't be afraid, Carla. Just trust me okay? I will not let you get hurt no matter what. "

Leon felt Carla's grip on his hair weakened a bit after he said that. She followed what he said and hold onto his head.

" Mn. I.. I trust you, Leon. "

" Good. I'll go get up now. " Without waiting for her response, Leon stood up.

" Aah! " Carla exclaimed in both shocked and surprised.

She closed her eyes afraid that she will fall at any moment but found out that she's still fine so she opened her eyes slowly.

" Wow! "

" Better than playing chase right? "

" Mn! Much better! "

" Hehe. Let's walk around the place first then. "

" Okay! Let's go over there, Leon. "

" Roger that! "


Inside the kitchen, Pauline and Christina had just finished washing the dishes.

" Is that true, sister Christy? You will really help me again tomorrow?! " Pauline asked in surprised.

Christina just told her that Victor already allowed her to work again despite his objections before.

" That's right. I am not fired yet, right? "

" Of course not! You are always welcome there, sister Christy. " answered Pauline. " But how did you convinced your husband to agree? "

" It is not me. I think it is Leon who did. "

" Leon? "

" Yes. Victor didn't really want to allow me to work again last night, but he suddenly changed his mind after talking with Leon. He didn't told me what they had talked about though. But at least he agreed right? That's what matters. "

" Mn. That's right. I guess I owe Leon another favor again this time. * sigh * But that boy still didn't asked me for anything though. "


" Do you know anything leon wanted in particular, sister Christy? "

" Just forget it, Pauline. I think you are over thinking this too much. Leon probably won't ask you for anything because he didn't think that you owe him in the first place. He is more reasonable than what you think he is. "

" I know that, sister Christy. But I still want to give him something or I won't feel better at all. " insisted Pauline. " And I am still feeling guilty for using him before. "

* sigh *

" You are so stubborn, Pauline. Let's go and checked them first shall we? You can just ask him again later right? " said Christina after seeing how determined Pauline was.

Pauline nodded her head and followed Christina outside to look for Leon and Carla...

" Mommy! Auntie Christy. " Carla called out after seeing her mother and Christina come out of the house. " Let's go there Leon. I want to see if I am taller than mommy now! "


' No way right? '

Leon instantly declined that possibility but he still did what Carla told him.

Pauline can easily become a top model if she wanted to with just her height and looks alone. She's a perfect beauty, and Leon was confident that many will agree with him if they will saw her.

For Leon, Pauline is the perfect wife material he dream to be with. If only he's not a five years old right now, he will definitely go after her.

Pauline was around 168 to 170 cm tall, it's definitely not bad considering that she's a pure Filipina.

And although Leon is a bit taller than his age, the two of them still won't be able to match that up.

And as he expected, with Carla on his shoulders, they barely reached Pauline's shoulders.

" Wow, mommy is so tall! Auntie Christy too! " Carla said in amazement after she's done comparing her ' height ' to her mother and Christina.

Pauline and Christina can't help but laugh a bit after hearing what she said as Carla looks so adorable no matter what she do. They even forgot the fact that Leon is currently carrying Carla on his shoulder effortlessly.



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