Physique improvements. (2)

One second.... two seconds..... five...

It's not until the seventh second did the two mothers had finally noticed something wrong in front of them.

" What are you doing, Leon!? "

It was Pauline who reacted first in panic.

" Put down Carla immediately, you might get yourself injured. "

A five years old boy carrying another five years old girl that is almost as tall as him on his shoulders.

Just how unbelievable was that?!

But Pauline and Christina were now seeing it unfold right in front of them!

Christina was about to say something but stopped when she saw Leon smiling at her and shake his head.

He didn't look like he is suffering at all, with the adorable Carla sitting on his shoulders.

' How can that be? '

" I am completely fine, auntie Pauline. Carla isn't heavy at all. It is still easy for me to carry her like this. " Leon said casually.

He even did a three hundred sixty degree turned after that, just to prove his point.

With his current strength as an infant High Human, carrying Carla like this for a few more hours should not be a problem either.

" That's right mommy. Leon is so strong! He can even jump and run after the dragonflies while he's carrying me like this! " Carla added cheerfully.

" Really? " Pauline was unconvinced. She went in front of Leon and stared at him. Their face was only half a foot away from each other.

She's carefully examining leon looking for any sign of falsehood in his words.

" Then why is your face red then? "

Her two beautiful eyebrows narrowed a bit as she stared seriously at Leon.

' It's because you're staring at me like that! ' Leon felt like crying inside.

' How can I not react like this if someone as beautiful as you stares at me like this?! '

But he knows that it's better not to say that thought out loud, especially with his mother around.

" Really?! " Leon pretended to be shocked. " That's probably because of the hot weather, auntie Pauline. Right Carla? "

" Mn! Hot weather, hot weather. " Carla nodded in support to Leon. " What is weather, Leon? "


Leon was speechless.

" Carla is really adorable. " said Christina, breaking the silence. She smiled and held Pauline's hand. " Let's just let them be, Pauline. I also think they are fine. "

" But sister Christy... "

" It's okay. Come on, let's sit over there. "

Christina then pulled Pauline towards the bamboo bed under the mango tree.

She isn't sure why, but she seems to trust Leon's words most of the times. She knows that her son is mature enough to not do anything that he cannot do, much more overexert himself.

" Bye bye mommy! " Carla wave her small hand to her mother that is being pulled away by Christina. " Let's go, Leon. "

" Aye aye, Captain! " replied Leon exaggeratedly as he started running towards the direction Carla pointed.

Carla giggled as she held onto his head.

" They look very happy, aren't they? Our children seemed to really liked each other a lot. " said Christina as the two of them are watching Leon and Carla playing around in the distance.

" Mn. They are both adorable. Just watching them like this makes me happy. " replied Pauline. " But I am still worried for Leon. After all, he just came out of the hospital yesterday. What if... "

" Mn. I know you are right. I am also worried but, I believe in Leon. Since he said that he is fine, then he should be fine. "


" You believe in him a lot, sister Christy. " Pauline sighed.

Christina just smiled at her and didn't say anything. Seeing that, Pauline continued.

" I am really grateful to Leon. He never failed to make my Carla happy everytime she's with him. "


" Carla also had become more lively and sociable after meeting Leon. At night before sleeping, she never failed to tell me about what she and Leon did in school everyday. I'm really happy seeing her like that. I am always busy working in the canteen so knowing that there's someone like Leon taking care of my daughter is very reassuring. "

Pauline smiled and continued. " You know what, sister Christy? Carla once asked me to find her a new father before when she learned that she didn't have a father anymore. It made me speechless at that time and didn't know how to answer her. "

Christina is patiently listened to what Pauline was saying before bursting into laughter. Good thing she managed to cover her mouth on time.

" Moo. Don't laugh at me sister Christy! " complained Pauline.

Christina tried her best to stop. " I'm sorry Pauline. * giggles * I can't help it. But why did you not do so? "

" Do what sister Christy? " asked Pauline, confused for a moment. " Eh?! No way, I am not thinking about that anymore. As long as I have Carla, I am satisfied. I think I don't need a man anymore. "

" Really? But isn't Carla's father still courting you again? Is there really no chance at all? " teased Christina.

" That guy? Hmmp! In his dreams. If not for Carla, I should have long called a police to arrest him for bothering me. " Pauline said resolutely. " I will never get together with that guy again no matter what he do or happened! Besides, I am already satisfied with the kind of life I have right now. "

" I see. " said Christina. She can feel the determination on Pauline's words, it seems like she's really serious about this. " But you also deserve to be happy right, Pauline? Look at you, I think you are so beautiful to be single. "

Pauline's face turned red. " I... moah, stop teasing me, sister Christy. "

" * giggles * I am not teasing you Pauline, I really mean it. We are both woman so I can understand you. I am sure you still have a lot of pursuers right? No one is able to get your attention? "

" That... I don't know. " Pauline replied, not denying Christina's words. " It actually didn't come into my mind anymore, sister Christy. After all, I already have Carla. Also, I'm always busy at work so I don't have any time for that anymore. "

This was Pauline's sincere answer.

She didn't know whether it is because of the betrayal Carla's father did to her before or something else but, Pauline can't find herself being attracted to any man anymore.

She can't even imagine herself being in relationship again.

Don't get her wrong, Pauline didn't become lesbian or anything. Perhaps it is really because she is already satisfied with the kind of life she has right now.

" I see. It seems like I am wrong then. " said Christina. " You already had found your happiness, Pauline. "

" Mn. I also think the same, sister Christy. Besides, I also have you and Leon, right? That's more than enough for me. * giggles * . "

" Of course, the feeling is mutual. " replied Christina.

They then continue conversing with each other like that, talking about different things that they had experienced before.

Time passed by and soon, it's already time to cook lunch so the two of them went inside the house along with the already sweaty Carla and Leon.

" Leon, take Carla into the bathroom and have your bath first while me and your aunt Pauline will prepare our lunch. " said Christina as she helped Leon wipe away the sweat on his face.

Pauline is also doing the same to her daughter.

Carla gave her mother a kiss on her left cheek and said, " See you later mommy! " then she grabbed Leon's hand and pulled him towards the bathroom to take a bath.

Inside the bathroom.

Carla is pouting her small lips as she applies soap on her body. She became like this after Leon rejected doing it for her.

" Leon baddie, Leon baddie, Leon baddie just like Big Blue... " she murmured.

Leon can only smile wryly as he rinse off the soap on his body. After he's done, Leon stood up and went in front of Carla.

" Okay I'll help you wash your hair, don't be angry anymore okay? " he said, but the little girl was still unsatisfied.

" Hmmp! " Carla ignored Leon. Still pouting her small lips. " Baddie Leon. "

Leon didn't mind it. He took a step forward and wrapped his arms to Carla, gently hugging her.

" I already told you before didn't I? That you have to do these kind of things on your own in the future. Look at your mommy Pauline, did you see anyone washing her body for her? No right? "

Carla nodded her head. " Mn. "

" See? Carla is already a big girl now so you have to take care of yourself. Washing yourself on your own is the first step you should take. "

Leon then let go of Carla and kissed her forehead.

" Want me to help you wash your hair now? "

" Mn. " Carla nodded again before sitting on the small plastic chair inside.

Carla's silence made Leon confused but didn't say anything as he went beside Carla and began cleaning her hair.

* sniff *

Leon stopped. " Are you crying, Carla? "

" Eh? * sniff * No, Leon. I am not crying. "

" Really? " Leon then turned Carla around. Looking at her, he saw Carla smiling at him. She didn't seems to be crying at all but her small nose is a bit red.

" Aaachoo! " Carla sneezed right into Leon's face. " I... I'm sorry Leon....I .. "

Carla apologized, but Leon stopped her. " It's fine, we need to hurry. I'll asked auntie Pauline to buy you medicine later. "

Leon then fasten his movements and continue cleaning Carla's hair.

He didn't know what caused Carla to catch a cold but he's more concerned about giving her a medicine as soon as possible. He can't afford to get this adorable girl become sick after all.



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