I missed Leon a lot.

" See you later, auntie Stella. " Leon said his goodbye to Mark's mother as he also went inside their classroom and took his seat. He decided to not think about that birthday party for now.

Stella nodded her head. " Mn, see you later, Leon. " she replied before turning around and left.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall in front, there are only five minutes left before the class will start.

However, Carla isn't here yet which made him a bit worried.

' What's taking her so long? ' he asked himself inside.

Soon, their teacher Jennifer arrived and started checking their attendance.

" Abalos, Rachelle. " Jennifer called out.

The student who heard her name being called raised her hand and replied, " Present! "

" Atienza, Joey. "

" Present! "

" Augustine, Luke. "

" Present! "


" De Guzman, Carla. "

Then it finally came.

Their teacher Jennifer called out the little girl's name but no one responded.

As if confused, Jennifer raised her head and looked at the empty seat in front of her before turning her head to Leon.

" Do you know why Carla is not here yet, Leon? Will she, still come? "

" I am not sure, teacher Jennifer. " Leon shakes his head in response.

" But Carla caught a cold yesterday. That's probably the reason why she wasn't able to come to school today. " He added.

" I see. So that's why. " teacher Jennifer nodded. " I will excuse her for today then. "

Teacher Jennifer then continue checking their attendance before finally starting the class.

Leon's mind was preoccupied by his worries for Carla the whole time so he wasn't able participate much in their discussions.

Jennifer also noticed this but she didn't say anything as she knew that Leon had just came out of the hospital. He probably hadn't completely recovered yet.

Time slowly passed by and soon, the class was over.

Parents started to comeback and picked their children up.

Leon sat down on the wooden bench outside their classroom as usual, waiting for his mother to picked him up.

Since Carla seemed to still be sick today, Leon expected that his mother and Pauline won't open the canteen and will take care of Carla instead.

A few minutes later, Leon saw an old woman approaching him. He recognized her as Carla's grandmother, May.

" Granny? " He called out confusedly.

May stopped in front of Leon and smiled. " Let's go, Leon. I'll take you back home. "

Leon nodded and stood up. " Where's my mom, granny? I thought she will be the one to pick me up today. "

" Silly child, your mother is working, so how can she come here? " answered May with a gentle smile. " Let's go now, Carla is already waiting for you. "

May has a wry smile on her face as she said that.

" Carla? That's right granny, why didn't she come to school today? Is she still sick? "

" Not really. But her mother, Pauline didn't allow Carla to come to school today just to make sure.

" That child probably is still sulking at home right now, so we have to hurry. "

Leon sighed in relief after hearing that Carla is fine. He didn't ask anymore questions and just followed the old woman in front of him.


A Jeepney stopped on the roadside in front of Pauline's canteen and Leon came out of it alone.

May told him that she still has to go somewhere else so she didn't get off the jeepney with Leon.

After entering the canteen, Leon saw quite a lot of customers eating inside. As usual, this canteen is still as popular and as lively as ever.

The staffs are busy serving the customers while the others are cleaning the tables and collecting the used dishes.

Leon didn't disturb them and continue walking towards the table reserved for both him and Carla.

Arriving there, he quickly spotted the little girl sitting on the table with her back facing him.

One of her hand was supporting her chin while using the other one to flip the pages of the story book in front of her. She looked really lazy and bored at this moment.

A smile unknowingly appeared on his face after seeing that.

Leon silently walk towards her and stopped just a foot behind Carla. He covered her eyes with his hands and asked, " Guess who? "

" Ahh! " Carla exclaimed in surprised. " Leon! You're Leon, right? "

" I'm not. " Leon replied as he continue covering her eyes.

" Eh? No way. I'm sure you are Leon. " Carla insisted. ' It is definitely Leon's voice. '

Leon laughed before removing his hand and went beside her.

Seeing that it is really him, Carla stood up before jumping into his small arms. " Leon! "

Good thing that Leon is a lot stronger than his age now or the two of them might have fell on the floor as he didn't expect Carla to do that.

Leon hugged her gently as he caressed the back of her head.

" Are you okay now, Carla? I'm really worried when I didn't see you in school this morning. "

" Me? Mn! " Carla smiled. She didn't let go of Leon. " I'm okay now. I'm not sick anymore. But mommy didn't let me go to school so I didn't. You said that I should always do what mommy told me right? "

" That's right. Carla is a good girl. "

" Hehe.. I missed Leon a lot. "

" Me too. "

Leon separated himself to Carla before giving her a kiss on her forehead which earned him a few cute giggles from her.

" I'm hungry now. Sit here first, Carla. I'll go and get our food. "

" Ohh... I will wait here, then. "

Carla obediently returned to her seat aftert as she watched Leon make his way towards the kitchen. It didn't take long before he returned carrying some plates on his hands.

Pauline and Christina also followed behind Leon, carrying trays of food for the two of them. The two mothers still need to do something inside the kitchen so they left Carla and Leon there after giving them their food.

Leon and Carla didn't mind it.

They started eating their food enjoyably while also having a small conversations from time to time.

Carla kept on asking him what happened to school today and Leon told her everything aside from the invitation from Marlo's birthday party as he didn't want to think about that for the time being.


In Clarissa's side.

The pair of cousins had just arrived home, tired and starving. Jennifer quickly took a bath first while Clarissa on the other hand started preparing the food they bought on their way here.

It's a ready-made food so she only need to re-heat them and then *boom* it's ready. A perfect food for the pair of lazy cousins!

( AN: Just kidding. 😉 )

Jennifer and Clarissa both knew how to cook food but, the two of them tend to arrived home at around 12:30 to 1:00 pm in the afternoon most of the time, leaving them no time to cook anymore.

After preparing the food on the table, Clarissa covered them with lid as she sat down and waited for her cousin to arrived.

While waiting, Clarissa reached out for her bag and took out the things that Leon had given to her this morning.

Looking at the orange fruit and the white folder on her hands, she smiled sweetly.

Clarissa put down the orange fruit on the table as she opened the white folder and stare at the drawing inside.

It's an image of her wearing a small tight T-shirt, a fitted jeans and a rubber shoes.

A very refreshing look!

Clarissa can't help but wonder how Leon was capable of thinking about clothes designs like this that are not even available in the market yet.

Like the last time for example.

She and Jennifer tried looking for the dress similar to the one that Leon draw before, but didn't find any despite looking for a long time.

This is already the second time.

There's also a ' Thank You Big Sister ' note on the left side that was written beautifully by Leon, of course.

" Big sister huh, * giggles *. " Clarissa giggled playfully after reading the note again.

Jennifer soon arrived in the dining room and saw her cousin sitting there while staring at the white folder she's holding on her hands.

" What are you looking at, Clarissa? " She asked her curiously.

Clarissa lifted her head and smiled. " It's something that Leon gave me this morning. Look! "

Clarissa then showed the drawing to Jeniffer. " What do you think, sister Jennifer? It is pretty l, isn't it? "

" Well, yes, it's pretty. " Jennifer nodded her head in agreement. She then sat down on the chair and started removing the lid that covers the food on the table. " I'm starving, let's eat already. "

" Mn. Me too. " Clarissa then put the drawing back to her bag before she also started eating.



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