The overpowered Basics.

Leon and Carla said their goodbyes to their still working mothers after they finished eating their food. The two chatted with each other happily as they headed towards the house next door.

Carla held onto his hand, jumping and skipping along the way; she's starting to get very energetic again. Good thing that the distance between the house from the canteen was only over a dozen meters so the two of them quickly arrived there.

Leon and Carla took a quick bath before heading to Carla's room to sleep.

" System, are you there? "

[ Yes, Leon. ]

" Activate the Basic Martial Arts Techniques after I fell asleep. Talk to you later. "

Leon then closed his eyes, preparing to sleep. Lying beside him, Carla is already sleeping peacefully as she cuddled to Leon comfortably.

[ Affirmative. Have a good nap, Leon. ] the system replied.

It was the system itself who'd adviced Leon to used this method for better comprehension of the techniques. After making sure that Leon was already sleeping, the system activated the item.

[ What a carefree master I got this time... ]


It's already past three o'clock in the afternoon by the time Leon woke up.

Amazement and excitement can be seen clearly on his eyes right after he opened his eyes.

" Ha-ha-ha! This is amazing! It's like I've known these techniques for a long time now! "

He's simply amazed by new informations that was now deeply imprinted in his mind. It's as if he's been mastering those techniques for years already despite only learning it for the first time today.

" System, how many points do I need for me to buy the next level? "

Leon believes that just this basic Martial Arts Techniques alone would allow him to walk on the streets full of gangsters, sideways!

That's how powerful he felt right now.

So how OP would the following levels be?

[ Next level? What do you mean by that, Leon? ]

" Next level! Like INTERMEDIATE, MASTER, GRANDMASTER, etc. What I got right now was only the most basic isn't it? " Leon explained. " How much points do I need to buy them? "

[ Erm.. I'm sorry to say this Leon but..... there seems to be a misunderstanding here. ] the system said in an awkward tone.


[ Unfortunately, there's no such thing as 'next level' or anything like that that is available in the shop. ]


[ I will not sell you anything like that through points as this will be the first and last item of this kind that you can get from me. Whether it's Intermediate, Master or even Grandmaster; if you want to reach those level then; you have to do it on your own. ]


" That... I see. " Leon stayed silent for a few moments before releasing a sigh of who knows what.

Leon knew it will be a lie to day he's not disappointed at all with the system's reply. Like who would refused such convenient method, right? To simply buy everything to his shop, that will save him a lot of trouble.

But he also found it reasonable.

Leon remembered what the system told him last time that it was only here to guide him and give him some suggestions on what to do and he still have to work hard if he wanted to achieve something big throughout his life.

" So, how can I level up these techniques I got then? Does training them everyday will be enough? "

[ That's right. Training is indeed one of the methods you can use to level up your techniques. However.. ] the system paused.

" However what? "

[ Thehe best and the fastest way to do it is through.... fighting. Battling against stronger opponents will allow you to grow quickly. ]

Leon become silent for awhile after hearing that.

" Fighting huh... but with my current fighting skills right now, I doubt I can find someone that can match me. It will definitely turn into a one sided bullying and I will be the Big bully. "

It's true.

Although the Basic Martial Arts Techniques he got from the system has a word ' Basic ' on it, that's absolutely not the case at all.

For Leon, this technique was so overpowered to the point where he believed that he can face off fifty grown up man by himself; barehanded without a problem!

He's not sure if he can still do it if they have weapons though, but that's already enough to prove how powerful those basic techniques are.

[ You don't have to worry about that, Leon. ] the system mechanically laughed. [ I'm sure that you'll be able to find someone like that. It might take awhile before you'll be able to encounter them, however, once you did; with your current strength right now, there's a high possibility that Leon will die. ]

" What do you mean? " Leon asked seriously. If what the system said is true, then just how powerful... no, what kind of person or creature it is referring too?! "

[ You'll know it at the right time, Leon. ]

[ For now, just start training those techniques you learned just now so you'll become more familiar with them. ]

[ You can also start your body training already, since I'm done transferring the manual inside your storage ring, you can look at it anytime. As for the other things, just tell me if you want to use them. ]

Leon wasn't satisfied with that answer, but knowing that there's no way for him to make the system talk if it doesn't want to, he can only give up for now.

" Fine then. But there's another Basic Martial Arts Techniques in the shop right? It cost a thousand points if I remember it correctly. Will I be able to give it to other people if I buy them? "

[ Yes there is. However, if you are planning to give it to this little girl beside you then... it's not possible. ]


[ Both the Basic Martial Arts and the Body Training methods were made exclusively for High Humans. I am sure you already know this now that you had learned how powerful those techniques are. Do you think that a normal person's body will be able to bear that burden? ]

Leon wasn't able to deny that.

Even he himself knew and was expecting this answer from the system. Leon only asked that question just to make sure.

" How about making something that an ordinary person can use then? " Leon proved.

He really wanted to give something similar to Carla if he can so she will be able to protect herself on her own if ever something unexpected will happen.

Consider it as him being paranoid but Leon was serious about this.

[ That would be possible for 1000 points. ] the system answered nonchalantly.

Leon almost puke blood upon hearing that. " Why is it so expensive!? "

It is even more expensive than the Basic Martial Arts Techniques he got which only cost 700 points in the shop.

[ That is because it is custom made, and it's not even for your own use. You have to know that all of the items inside the shop had been greatly discounted so you can afford them. It's one of your privilege as a Host, but it will be different if it is for other person. ]

' Greatly discounted? Who are you fooling? ' Leon thought.

If those items that cost millions of points has already been discounted, then how insane their original price will be?!

[ I'm telling the truth, Leon. ] the system answered, it obviously heard what he is thinking inside his mind. [ Since you cannot afford it, then why don't you just teach that little girl on your own instead of buying it from me right? ]

" Well, it's not like I don't want to.. " Leon nodded slightly. " But it's a bit troublesome so I prefer buying it from you if possible. It seems like that option was not possible though. "

After saying that, Leon turned her head to Carla whom was still sleeping beside him using his left arm as a pillow.

Leon smiled as he reached out his hand and caressed her left cheek. " Wake up now, baby girl. We have to do something. "

Carla sleepily opened her eyes and saw that it was Leon who woke her up.

" Moah, I am not baby, I am a big girl now, Leon. " She once again closed her eyes after she said that.

" Ha-ha. Then I will now carry this Big Girl to the bathroom so she can wash her face with me. "

Leon didn't wait for her reply and just lifted Carla as he princess carry her towards the bathroom.

" Ahh! " Carla exclaimed in surprised. But it only lasted for a moment before she started giggling and enjoy being carried by Leon like that. " Let's buy ice candy again, Leon. "

" No. "

" Eh? Why? "

" You just caught a cold yesterday, didn't you? So it's not a good thing for you to eat something like that for now. "

" Oh, soft drinks then? "

" No. "

" Ice cream? "


Leon was speechless.

Good thing that they are already in front of the bathroom so he put down before opening the door.

" Go and wash your face first, I will show you something later. I'm sure you will like it. "



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