
Inside an insignificant looking vehicle.

" Ha-ha-ha! We finally brush-off those annoying cops, we are completely free now! " laughed the man in his thirties as he leaned back to his seat.

His name's Simion, one of the criminals that had successfully escaped from the prison yesterday along with seven more individuals.

" Yeah right? hehe. Now I can finally get wild again! Nothing beats the outside! " Troy agreed, licking his lips lustfully. " Woman! I'll definitely find and capture a few of them later to play with. "

" Yaaaahoooo! Count me into that too, it's already been a long time since I last tasted one! "

" Me too! Damn, I'm already getting a boner just by thinking about it. "

" Count me in too! "

Four more men agreed.

" You... you guys... " Arnold, the timid looking man who's only in his twenties that was a bit skinny in built.

He is looking at Simion and the others in surprised as if he can't believe what they just said.

" This... this isn't what we agreed for.. we.... Didn't we promised that we will not commit any crimes anymore once we got out! "

" Huh? Are you crazy? " asked Simion with a smug face. " That's only before when we are still inside that hell-like place. But now that we are already outside, why do we need to hold back? "

" Ha-ha-ha! Simion's right. I can't believe you even believe that, Arnold. Are you nuts? "

" Perhaps living inside that place for too long had made him crazy. "

" Or maybe that hypocrite priest there had successfully brainwashed him and he now wanted to become a monk? "

"""""" GAHAHAHA! """"""

The six of them laughed in unison as they make fun of Arnold.

" I... I see.. so.. so you guys really don't plan to change huh.. " Arnold stuttered softly. A mixed of relief and disappointed can be found in his tone. " I.. I am glad to hear that. "

" Huh? What are you talking about? "

" I'm saying that... I can finally send you all to hell without feeling any guilt. "

" What did you say you fu- "

" !!!! "

A sliver of dangerous red light crept onto Arnold's eyes after he said that. And the next moment, his hand, no his claws are already piercing in Simion's throat instantly killing him.

Yes, claws!

No one knows when did he do it but Arnold was now wearing an iron-like gauntlet that have five long and sharp claws on his right hand.

The other five men wasn't able to react on time before everything in front of them went black and died one after another.

Arnorld's movements were fast and precised as it only took him eleven seconds to slaughter Simion and the others like a pig.

" May the God forgive your unrepentant souls. " he muttered as Arnold used the piece of cloth to clean the gauntlet before putting it away.

" Tsk! So ugly. "

At this time, the only man inside the vehicle aside from Arnold that is still alive finally spoke. Blood splattered all over the inside of the car but not a single drop of that fell into this man, surprisingly.

" Your method of killing is still as ugly as you are, Arnold. "

" Eh? You're so mean, Lucas. Are you not afraid that this ugly me will also be the one that will take your life someday? " Arnold laughingly replied.

The timid character he had before was gone. He is now giving an aura of a very ferocious predator that will pounce onto his prey at any moment.

" Try it, but I don't know if I'll still be able to spare you life again if you do that. " replied Lucas nonchalantly, not minding Arnold and the dead bodies around him at all.

" Tsk, you are no fun as always, Lucas. By the way, what are we gonna do now? We can not use this vehicle anymore, can we? "

" We will find a place to settle down first. I still have some money here so we can commute. I'm sure there will be a bus or van that will pass here soon but if there's none, then we can only walk. "

" Walk!? That's too tiring! Why don't we just carnap or something? We will return it somed-.." Arnold stopped what he is saying after feeling the murderous aura coming from Lucas. " Just kidding just kidding, okay? Walking is a good form of exercise after all. Mn. That's right, a good form of exercise! I'll get rid of this body first before we set off. "

Then the two finally went out of the vehicle.


" One hundred sixty seven.... one hundred sixty eight.... one hundred sixty.... nine...urrgh- "

Leon collapsed on the ground, his body was now drenched with his own sweat and he's breathing heavily.

One hundred sixty nine.

That's the highest number of push ups he can do right now with his current strength. Which is definitely not bad considering how young he was. It can even be considered as amazing!

But it wasn't enough.

In the body training method that he got from the system, being able to do a two hundred push ups in one go was only one of the minimum requirements before Leon can proceed to the next step.

That's simply insane.

It's already been an hour since Leon started but he still can't reach that number no matter how hard he try.

" Here Leon, water. Drink first, drink first. "

Seeing him stopped, Carla quickly jump in as she handed a glass of water to Leon.

She's on the side this whole time watching him do things she cannot understand or comprehend.

Leon slowly got up and received the glass of water.

" Thank you, Carla. "

" Mn. Welcome. "

After drinking the water, Leon rested for a few more minutes and chatted with Carla before he once again continue doing push-ups. He wanted to know his limits today.

Carla on the other hand is still trying her best to learn how to do split. This is what Leon told her to do earlier and she's working hard to do it.

Thirty minutes later..

" One hundred fifty eight huh. This won't do, my results keep on decreasing as I goes on. " He muttered.

Leon then noticed Carla from the corner of his eyes and can't help but smile.

' She's almost there. '

[ You are already doing good, Leon. It was your first try after all, and you are only doing it for more than an hour so it's not a surprising result. ] the system nonchalant voice once again echoed inside his mind.

[ That little girl over there is also working hard. ]

" Mn. Just watching her like this is quite fulfilling... Hmm.. By the way system, is there really no other way for Carla to.... you know, learn faster? "

[ It's simply too early for her to learn martial arts. You already tried, didn't you? Unlike you, her body is still too weak due to her age. Wait for a few more years before you start to really teach her martial arts. For now, just make her improving her flexibility is enough. ] the system replied. [ I only told you that you can teach her yourself but I never said that you have to do it immediately. ]

" Well, guess you're right. " he nodded.

An hour ago, Leon tried teaching Carla a few stances and moves but realized that Carla's body can't keep up. Her body might even get injured if they will continue so he stopped and just told her to learn how to do split on the side instead.

There really are things that can not be done no matter what. Besides, Carla is only five years old now so what's the rush?

" I just wanted to make sure. I saw something similar in the anime that I had watched before so I thought it's also possible for Carla to do so. " said Leon. He is talking about the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji.

[ I'm sorry but I can not understand why you are even comparing anime in real life, Leon. ]

" Eh, can't I? " asked Leon confusedly. " But isn't this whole thing about me being able to reincarnate along with the items you gave me had long gone beyond imagination? "

[ Well...you have a point there...]

" Hehe. " Leon chuckled as he stood up and started walking towards Carla...


" See you tomorrow, boss! "

" See you tomorrow, miss Pauline. "

" See you tomorrow. "

" Take care, everyone! "

Pauline bid her farewells to her employees.

" We are finally done, sister Christy. "

" Mn. We got a lot more customers today than the past days. It seems like they missed your food a lot, Pauline. "

" Moah, you are making fun of me again, sister Christy. " Pauline complained. " I wonder what our kids are doing now... though.. I missed my little angel already. "

" Ha-ha. We better hurry then. Let's go. " Nodded Christina and the two of them made their way towards where Leon and Carla was.

Entering the house, the two mothers didn't find Leon and Carla there.

" Leon, Carla, where are you? " Pauline called out.

" Mommy? " Carla soon poked her head out of her room and saw it was indeed her mother. " Mommy! "

Carla immediately rush towards her mother and embraced her. Leon also followed behind her. " Welcome back, mom. "

" Mn. Thank you. " Christina nodded. " Did anything happened before we arrived? "

" Nothing mom. We just played..." Leon then started talking with his mom.

" Why is your hair still wet? Did you take a bath again, Carla? "

" Yes, mommy. " Carla replied. " Me and Leon become sweaty while playing so we took a bath. Mommy, I'm hungry. "

" Oh, wait for a moment okay? Mommy will prepare food for you later. There's still some cookies in the kitchen right? Do you want that? "

" Mn. Want it want it. Mwah! " Carla kissed Pauline on her cheek. " Thank you mommy! "

Pauline just smiled and head towards the kitchen to get the cookies for Carla. " Here Carla, you and Leon go and watch TV in the living room first while me and sister Christy will prepare our dinner. "

After that, she and Christina rested a bit before they went inside the kitchen to cook their dinner.



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