Buying goods. (1)

[ Author here ]

Before we start, I wanted to say that from here onwards, you have to expect some differences about the places I will/might mention.

For example, Village names, Cities, and perhaps even Barangays etc. Although I will still mention some real places that exist here in the Philippines, that will be only limited to their province names and Cities. The rest will be named by me based on my imagination so don't be confused.

Universities and schools will also be the same so better stop looking at them in the internet because it will only frustrate you for not finding them.

That was all, let's continue with the story.

( * - * )

Five days passed by.

Inside the public bus, Leon's sitting beside the window side staring at the scenery outside.

Sitting beside him was his father, Victor whom was sleeping soundly without care of his surroundings.

With his left palm supporting his chin, Leon observes the cars and houses they are passing by as the bus he's in, keeps moving forward.

It's now 5:30 am in the morning, so it's understandably still quite dark outside. Leon and Victor were on their way to the first destination of their so called 'business trip', Ilocos Norte.

They were heading there to purchase different kinds of goods they can resell later to another place hoping that they will earn them quite a sizable sum of money.

As for what products they will get there, Leon didn't know yet because he had left it all to his father to take care of.

Leon wanted to give his father a chance to prove himself, to see if he is capable of handling this business on his own or not.

The bus soon stopped temporarily on one of its terminal to allow its passengers to buy their food or go to the bathroom. They still have a long way ahead of them and there will be no more bus stop over after this one so the passengers should treasure this 15 minutes break a lot.

Victor and Leon also did the same and went off the bus. The two of them first visited the bathroom before heading to the market area to buy food for themselves.

They have to be fast as they only have a limited amount of time.

" Here, eat some of this to fill up your stomach. We still have a long journey ahead of us. " said Victor, handling a plastic bag of food to Leon while he comfortably leaned back to his chair. Closing his eyes, Victor planned to sleep for the rest of their journey.

" Thanks dad. " Leon nodded and accepted the food.

He looked inside the plastic bag and grabbed a piece of hamburger along with two pieces of boiled chicken eggs before putting the rest on the side.

It's still hot and the burger smells superb. Pressing it in two sides using his hands, Leon took his first bite.

* Munch *

" Mmm.. this burger is quite good. " Leon commented as he savours the food in his mouth before turning to his father. " Dad, help me peel these two eggs please, thank you. "

Hearing what his son said, Victor sleepily opened one of his eyes. " Oh, my bad. Give it to me. "

Victor received the two boiled eggs from Leon and began peeling it, removing its shells, he asked himself.

' What's wrong with me? '

Victor can't help but laughed, asking how he seemingly had forgotten that his son, Leon is still a five years old boy that he needs to take care of.

Because of how mature Leon acts most of them time, along with the incredible things he had shown him last week, Victor almost forgot Leon's real age and unconsciously began treating him like an adult one.

" Hmm? What happened to your face, Dad? " asked Leon curiously after seeing some light scratches on his father's right cheek.

They are not that noticeable actually but because Leon's incredible eyesight, this kind of things can't escape him.

In response, Victor's face stiffened a bit before before making an awkward laugh and replied, " You noticed? Was it really that obvious? Well, your mom gave these to me last night after I told her that I'll bring you with me today. "

Leon almost burst into laughter when he heard that but luckily managed to stopped himself.

" Mom did that? Why? " He continued asking 'innocently'. " Did you perhaps had an affair, dad? "

That question made Victor unconsciously tightened his grip, crushing the boiled egg on his hand, wasting it.

" Affair my ass! Who's fault do you think it was, huh? If you had not told me not to tell your mother about our plans, do you think she will get angry at me like this? It's already a miracle that your mother still allowed me bring you without making me spill all the beans. Speaking of which, how did you do that? "

Victor was curious about this thing as he didn't know what magic did Leon used to convinced Christina to allow him to bring his son today.

" Haha. Not gonna tell you that, dad as that was mine and mom's s.e.c.r.e.t. " laughed Leon heartily.

" Besides, it's obviously your fault dad, so you can not blame me. Because you left so suddenly and didn't even came back for almost a week.

" Then after returning, you immediately told mom that you wanted to take me with you right off the bat? How did you even expect mom to not get angry? You should have consoled her feelings first, dad. You know, saying some sweet words or something. "

Victor's brows frowned a little.

" What do a brat like you even know about sweet stuff, huh? You're just a little boy. " he retorted begrudgingly. " Besides, it's not like your mother really meant to do this to me. It's an accident. "

Victor then took out another boiled egg from the plastic bag and peeled it before giving it to Leon. " I'll sleep first, just wake me up if you need something. "

" Mn. Thanks dad. " Leon continued eating his food and didn't disturb his father any further. While eating, Leon is also thinking of something inside his mind.

It's about Carla, that bundle of cuteness little girl that always stays beside him all the time. Leon's trying to think on what things he will give her later when he returned.

But even after thinking for almost half an hour, he still can't think of any specific item so Leon decided to leave it for now.

Eating the last piece of food on his hand and drinking a few mouthful of water, Leon closed his eyes, trying to asleep as well.


Three hours later.

Their bus finally arrived at the terminal.

Leon and his father both got off it.

Victor grabbed Leon's hands to make sure he won't get lost before going out of the bus terminal. After having two more rides, they finally arrived at the place they wanted to go to.


In front of them was an open market packed with plenty of people. It's a very lively and noisy market selling various things.

Leon can see a variety of products like rice, corn, garlic, legumes, root crops, tobacco, and other fruits and vegetables. There are also different kinds of fresh water fish like tilapia and other assorted fishes.

" How is it, Leon? It's quite lovely here, isn't it? " asked Victor after seeing the amazed expression on his son's face. " Most of the people here have the same purpose with us, buying things in bulk and reselling it to other places but mostly to the Capital. "

Leon nodded, his eyes continue roaming around the place as he observes the people around him curiously. It was his first time coming here so there's a lot for him to see.

" Do we also need to do the same, dad? Walk around and buying all the things we need? "

" No, of course not. " Victor chuckled. " I already have contacted someone yesterday and he told me that everything have been prepared.

" We can get the products from their storage area anytime after paying it. Let's go, we will rent a truck first before we go there so we can hide the existence of that storage ring of yours. We can't afford to let other people know about that thing, after all.... no matter what! " He seriously said.

Victor then brought Leon with him at the rear area of the market. Leon can't help but nod his head in appreciation to how careful and thorough his father was.

Thirty minutes later, after talking with some people, Victor finally secured a small truck and drove it towards the storage area. Leon sat down in the front seat of the truck without saying anything. He only came here to carry the things with his storage ring, as for the rest, he will leave it all to his father to handle.


" Leon, this is your uncle Berto, say hi to him. " Victor introduced the man in his fifties to Leon. He's a bald guy with an amiable smile on his face just like any good old guy next door in some old movies.

Berto turned his head to Leon, observing him for a moment. " So this is your son huh... He's already big. Hello there little guy, I'm your father's friend. You can call me uncle Bert. "

" Nice to meet you too, uncle Bert. I am Leon. " he introduced himself.

After seeing how friendly this old man in front of him was, Leon felt that they might get along. It seems like this man has a good relationship with his father too considering how he saw them made fun of each other earlier.

" Hahaha. Your son is very polite, Victor. So different from you, a pure jerk. " Berto laughed. " Let's go inside, I'll show you the products I mentioned yesterday. We just harvested them this morning too so they are very fresh. And because you are one of my very few friends, I will of course give you a very friendly discounts. Hahahahaha! "



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