Buying goods. (2)

The storage building was quite huge, around two hundred forty square meters or probably more. It is mostly made out of old and sturdy looking lumbers making it more pleasing in the eye (at least for Leon). It's a typical old storage room from old ages.

Inside were small hills of corns, sweet potatoes and other stuffs, but mostly corns and sweet potatoes. These two crops are probably the main products of Berto's farm/company just by looking at their sheer amounts.

Leon can tell that these are indeed freshly harvested products based on its appearance. They looked very tasty and appetizing.

" This is where we store the corns and sweet potatoes while the rice and chili peppers you requested yesterday were on the other building. " explained Berto after entering the storage area.

He looked very pleased and proud of their products here.

" We also have garlics and onions available just in case you also wanted to buy them, just tell me so I can prepare some for you ahead of time. "

Victor was also satisfied on the quality of products here. His friend, Berto not only did not disappoint him but even exceeded his expectations!

" Sorry but I don't have any extra capital with me right now. Let's just settle with the products we had agreed before. " Victor honestly said.

He only have enough money to pay for what products he had requested before so he cannot afford to buy more.

" Perhaps next time. Its not like I won't return here again anyway. "

" Hahahah! I see, of course. Next time then. " Berto didn't insist.

He pointed at the small hills of corns and sweet potatoes on their left side and said, " Those are the corns and sweet potatoes you ordered, you can inspect them. But I doubt it can all fit inside that small truck you brought outside though... let's see... hmm....Alright! I will lend you a hand then. We can use my truck to carry the rest. How was that? "

Leon nodded his head in agreement.

There's indeed no way to fit all of these things inside that small truck they brought outside.

Just no way!

Leon was also surprised on how much money his father have, for him to buy these many. He made sure to ask him later.

" I don't want to trouble you, Berto. If it won't fit in one go, then I simply have to make another trip right? That's my plan all along. " replied Victor. He already prepared himself to make two trips back and forth before he came here.

" Who do you think you are, Victor? You are ten thousand years too early to be capable of troubling this old man! I'll help, it's already decided you understand? Stop being stubborn like my grandmother. "

Leon chuckled. He quite liked the style of this old man.

Victor on the other hand can only agree after seeing the determination on Berto's eyes. They then started weighing the crops before putting them inside the truck Leon and Victor brought here. Berto also called some of his men to help them do the work. After two hours, they are finally done.

Victor made a hand signal to Berto before stepping on the gas and set off with Leon sitting beside him. Berto and his men followed behind them, with his own truck.


It's already passed twelve o'clock now and they have not eaten their lunch yet. Victor stopped to buy some fast food along the way not just for him and Leon but also for Berto and his men.

After driving for two more hours, the group stopped at the small warehouse that Victor had prepared before and started unloading the products.

Berto brought some of his men with him so it only took them less than an hour to unload all of the crops this time, way faster than the time it took them to load the products.

Before leaving, Berto tried to invite both Victor and Leon to come to his house first and have their dinner there. Victor of course, declined this offer and said that he still have a lot of work to do. He promised that he will go there next time though.

After having some more small conversation and exchange of pleasantries, Berto left with his men leaving only Leon and Victor alone.

Leon once again looked at the sacks of corns and potatoes in front of him. No matter how much he look at them, there's just too many.

" Dad, how much did you paid for all of these stuff? It's definitely quite big.. right? " Leon asked, he was inside the truck when his father paid his uncle Berto so he didn't know how much. But it's definitely more than a hundred thousand pesos in his estimate.

" Oh, all of these for only ninety thousand pesos. Not bad isn't it? Your mother agreed to use the money we saved for your studies when I asked her. * sigh * I really love that woman a lot. " Victor said, a bit lost in his fantasies. " I also borrowed some more from other people I know. "

Victor didn't hide anything to Leon as he can't think of any reason to do so. " I also still have some money left I can use to sell all of these. " he added.

Leon was surprised. First was on how did his father managed to convinced her mother to use the money they saved. That's already an admirable feat.

Second was to see how brave his father was to even dare to borrow money from other people, perhaps to their relatives?

Or probably not.

Either way, that's definitely not an easy thing to do, after all, he only got this idea from his son, Leon, a five years old kid!

Also Victor wasn't even a businessman, is he not afraid to mess up and go bankrupt? Well, it's not like that will happen with Leon around but still.. the risk was still there.

" Only ninety thousand? How come? " Leon asked in surprised.

In his estimates, they can easily sell all of these crops for over two hundred thousand pesos! And that's the very least value, they can definitely earn more than that if they do it the right way.

Double the money in one trip, just how insane was that??

" Hehe. Have you not heard what Berto said earlier? He gave me discount for our friendship. " answered Victor. " Besides, it's not like he can easily sell these products here, can he? He also has to pay a lot of taxes and fees if he wanted to export these to the other cities and provinces so it's a no no for him. In short, this price is just and right. "

Victor then bent his knees to level his head to Leon and looked directly to his eyes. " That's why it is very important for you to make sure that no one aside from the two of us will know about that storage ring of yours because it will be very dangerous. You understand what I am saying right, Leon? "

Leon can feel the seriousness on his father's words.

" Mn. I understand, dad. " replied Leon in similar seriousness. He had long understood this point very well, without the need of his father to remind him. And it's not like he's planning to tell it to anyone either in the first place.

" Good. " Victor nodded, satisfied on his son's response. " Now show me how you plan to put all of this inside your storage ring? "

" Oh, that? Hehe, that's super easy dad. " Leon smiled. He went beside the sacks of corns and sweet potatoes. He put his hand on one of the sacks then..

* Poof *

" What the F-.!! " exclaimed Victor after seeing almost half of the sacks of corns and sweet potatoes around Leon disappeared without trace.

Although he already saw it before, Victor still can't help but be amazed as he never thought it would be this overpowered!

Disregarding his father's shocked, Leon walked towards the rest of the sacks and repeated the process, putting all of them inside his storage ring.

" Done! " Leon said as he clapped his hands, removing the dust on it. He looked really pleased to see the shocked expression on his father's face.

( AN: What a bad child. 😏 )

With the system's help, Leon got to know more about his storage ring and how to properly use it.

Ten meters.

That's the furthest distance he can currently cover. Leon can put anything that he can see inside his storage ring without a problem.

There are conditions though.

First, it should be something that won't exceed 10x the weight he can carry. Second, he has to be able to see that item he wanted to take. And third, the items should not be fixed onto something heavier.

For example, trees that has its roots still burried in the ground, poles that are welded or cemented on the floor etc.

The ring also can't forcefully put a person or any living creatures that can reason like humans. Animals are also not exempted. Leon has to knock them out first and touch them before he can put them inside his storage ring, killing them in the process though.

The ring can't contain any living things after all.

Leon did inquired about this to the system before but it only told him that it has something to do with Life Force and didn't explain any further as it knows that Leon won't be able to understand it for now.

At least, not until he learn what Life Force is or how to use it.

But all in all, it's still a very overpowered ring!

What he did just now was already amazing beyond words. Victor's reaction can proved that.

" It's really amazing no matter how many times I had seen it. " said Victor, honestly. Shaking his head, he added, " There still some Chili Peppers inside the truck, put them inside your ring too, Leon. We have to return this truck soon, after all. "



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