"Judi... Don't close your eyes please, please. See we are going to reach the hospital right away. Please, Judi, be with me. I am so...sorry that I didn't trust your words my love, My Judi but please don't get angry at your Xian ge. Just a few more minutes and we will reach the hospital."

Tang Xian's eyes were continuously following the same pattern of looking at things. he was constantly looking at the machines which were attached to Song Jun's body and then on the road where they were heading for the hospital to treat severely wounded Song Jun and again back to his face which was almost turned pale because of losing blood from the shot wounds.

"Xi...Xian...ge...Don't worry ge...I am ha...happy...that...That you...said that...you love me..."

As Song Jun removed the oxygen mask from his face, he tried to speak to his Xian ge but before he could finish his talk it was immediately pulled back on his nose by his Xian ge.

"Judi...No...Please don't s...speak. We will reach to hospital in five minutes...Then we will...talk f..for whole life..."

Though the words were not coming out of his mouth easily still, Tang Xian spoke as nothing happened to him but Song Jun knew his condition too. Tang Xian was also injured but still, he was going to be okay as his wounds were nothing in front of Song Jun.

Rivers were flowing through their eyes but still, they tried to show everything was okay but when the beeping sound on the machine increased in the ambulance Tang Xian's breath hitched, he looked back at his Judi's face which was looking back at him smiling so brightly but soon he realised that light of those eyes was sinking.

"You can't do this to me, Judi, you know that? Are you listening to me? Do you remember what you said when you were leaving me, that whenever I will call you, you will come back to regardless of where you are!"

Looking at Song Jun's inanimate face and pale lips Tang Xian remembered the last words which Song Jun said to him while finally going away from him, that day,

"Xian ge, we are not just soulmates but Soulbound! Our souls are bound with each other, till eternity. Even death cannot do apart us.

You will find me everywhere you will go, your heart will let you know I am there.

Your mind will keep you coming to me, now and then.

Your body will feel my presence in every part of you, as every cell of your body has me in it.

Your soul will shout hard, to find itself because it will never be able to distinguish itself from my soul, Xian ge!

I am within you and you are in me, My Soulbound. I'll always have you close to me, for I have met your heart."

"Soulbound is finding a love that never fades or grows dim, but shines bright, leading the way as two people travel life's road together!!!"


SONG JUN: Main character. He is six years younger than Tang Xian. They are best friends just like their mothers were best friends at a young age. He calls Tang Xian, Xian ge. In Chinese culture older brother is called a Gege! It is the way to show respect to the elder brother or a friend who is elder than your age!

TANG XIAN: Main Lead. He is a best friend, big brother to Song Jun. He is everything to Song Jun. He calls Jun, Judi. In Chinese culture, we call didi!

SONG ZITENG: Song Jun's father.

LI CARMAN: Song Jun's mother( In Chinese culture Female don't change their names)

TANG JIANMIN: Tang Xian's father.

ZHANG ZINGTONG: Tang Xian's mother.

LU YANLI: Tang Xian's best friend.

Dr Cao: Love interest of Lu Yanli.

MENG ZIYI: Song Xian's good friend of University and his colleague in XM studios.

MENG CHAO: Song Xian's boss in XM studios and Meng Ziyi's stepbrother.

Song Bai: Song Jun's deceased uncle. Song Ziteng's younger brother died at a very young age under very strange circumstances.

Song Mian: Song Bai's twin sister.

These are the main characters of the book. I will add other characters as they come into the book and show any importance in the story of the book.